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Statements on Management Accounting



Tools and Techniques for

Implementing ABC/ABM


This statement was approved for issuance as a Special thanks go to Randolf Holst, CMA, Knowledge
Statement on Management Accounting by the Manager at Arthur Andersen, for his continuing over-
Management Accounting Committee (MAC) of the sight during the development of the Statement. IMA
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA®). IMA thanks the Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing-
appreciates the collaborative efforts of the Cost International (CAM-I) for their support in the develop-
Management Competency Center at Arthur Andersen ment of this SMA. IMA is also grateful to the members
LLP and the work of Dr. C.J. McNair, CMA, of Babson of the Management Accounting Committee for their
College, who drafted the manuscript. contributions to this effort.

Published by
Copyright © 2000 in the United States
Institute of Management Accountants
of America by Institute of Management
10 Paragon Drive
Accountants and Arthur Andersen LLP
Montvale, NJ 07645 All rights reserved
IMA Publication Number 98334 ISBN 0-86641-271-9
Statements on Management Accounting


Tools and Techniques for

Implementing ABC/ABM


I. Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Exhibits
II. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Exhibit 1: ABCM Project Implementation
III. Role of Management Accounting . . . . . . .1 Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
IV. Project Implementation Steps . . . . . . . . .2 Exhibit 2: The Business Imperative and Design
V. Implementation Tools and Techniques . . .3 Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Conceptual Design Exhibit 3: Top-Down ABCM Project Structure .6
Planning the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Exhibit 4: Labor Resource Template . . . . . .10
Determining Financial and Operational Exhibit 5: ABC Classification of Resource
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Defining Activities and Processes . . . .11
Exhibit 6: Universal Classification Scheme .12
Developing a Cost Model Conceptual
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Exhibit 7: Deliver Product Subprocess . . . .13
Implementation Exhibit 8: Activity Dictionary for Product
Implementing and Validating the Cost Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Exhibit 9: Activity Effort Worksheet . . . . . . .15
Interpreting the New Information . . . . .27 Exhibit 10: Value-added Content Scoring
Ensuring Ongoing System Requirements31 Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
VI. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Exhibit 11: Cost of Quality Using Activity
Appendix: Activity Dictionary Development— Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
General Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Exhibit 12: Current “As-Is” Process Map . . . .18
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Exhibit 13: Process Overview Form . . . . . . . .19
Exhibit 14: Cost Flow Diagram—Building a
Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Exhibit 15: ABCM Model Structure . . . . . . . .24
Exhibit 16: Pareto Analysis of Billing
Department Data . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Exhibit 17: Cost/Benefit Matrix . . . . . . . . . . .26
Exhibit 18: Fishbone Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Exhibit 19: Cost Improvement Plan . . . . . . . .29
Exhibit 20: Process Cost Opportunity
Improvement Tracking Form . . . . .30

I . R AT I O N A L E ● Implementing Activity-Based Management:

Activity-based costing and activity-based manage- Avoiding the Pitfalls, published in 1998, which
ment have received accolades in the 1990s and describes key pitfalls in each stage of ABM
will continue to grow at a rapid pace as we move implementation and how to avoid them.
into the 21st century. In the private sector, thou-
sands of companies have adopted activity-based The focus of this SMA publication is on core
costing and management approaches to control tools and techniques needed for successful
cost and grow revenue. These efforts are taking ABCM implementations. While other tools and
place in companies that span a range in size, techniques exist, this document will emphasize
focus, and diversity, such as Hallmark, Tampa those that are essential for the majority of ABCM
Electric Company, John Deere, American Express initiatives.
Inc., and the U. S. Postal Service. Local and
national public sector organizations are also The discussion presented in this SMA assumes
beginning to apply activity-based cost manage- that the reader is already familiar with basic
ment (ABCM) for purposes of reinventing ABCM concepts. It is intended for organizations
government. that have already decided to implement ABCM
and have developed a reasonable understanding
Gaining the full benefits of ABCM lies in assess- of the costs, benefits, and challenges of this
ing, designing, and implementing the underlying effort. The tools and techniques presented here
data collection and analysis system. An effective will apply to:
ABCM system focuses on providing information ● all levels of an enterprise whether large or
on the strategic business issues facing the small;
organization as well as on meeting the operating ● all functions in an enterprise; and
data requirements of the organization’s decision ● enterprises in all business sectors.
This guideline will be useful to those who may
Achieving a robust, effective ABCM design begins lead or participate in efforts to implement
with the initial planning phase of the implementa- ABCM. It will help them to:
tion and continues through the development of ● develop a framework for planning and manag-
ongoing improvements and adjustments to the ing the implementation of ABCM;
system as an organization’s needs change. ● learn to use core tools and techniques to
improve the effectiveness of ABCM projects;
This Statement on Management Accounting ● understand the roles and responsibilities of
(SMA) is addressed to financial professionals financial professionals in ABCM implementa-
and others who may lead or participate in efforts tion projects.
to implement ABCM in their organizations. It sup-
plements two of the Institute of Management III. ROLE OF MANAGEMENT
Accountants’ SMA publications, specifically: ACCOUNTING
● Implementing Activity-Based Costing, published The financial professional plays a crucial role in
in 2006, which describes ABC terms and the assessing, planning, designing, implementing,
basic ABC implementation process; and and maintaining an ABCM system. Serving as the


financial expert on the implementation team, this Management accounting drives the ABCM initia-
individual brings to this effort a unique perspec- tives in many organizations, but it is critical that
tive and ability to bridge the gap between tradi- a nonfinancial champion be part of the project
tional financial information and the requirements from the outset if the initiative is to be seen as
of the new approach. Identifying what information more than “just another finance project.” An
(financial, operational, etc.) is needed, finding ABCM’s value is defined by its users; under-
data that already exists to support these require- standing the needs of organizational decision
ments, and structuring new data collection and makers and gaining their acceptance and sup-
reporting practices are just a few of the activities port for the system is essential if the system is
the financial professional supports. to be institutionalized and benefits gained.

The role of management accounting in ABCM I V. P R O J E C T I M P L E M E N TAT I O N

implementation efforts typically includes the fol- STEPS
lowing activities: Any activity-based initiative has seven key steps.
● identifying key information requirements for These seven steps, along with the pre-project
the ABCM system; preparation, represent a standard work plan, a
● assessing existing data sources and their framework for training, and a basic structure for
applicability to the new structure; the implementation of ABCM.
● developing data collection methods for new
data sources; While each ABCM project is unique, an organiza-
● designing and creating the ABCM system data- tion’s actual implementation plan will likely
base/module; include most of or all seven steps outlined in
● analyzing and designing report formats and Exhibit 1, although not necessarily in the exact
structures; order presented. For example, sometimes activi-
● integrating ABCM data with existing financial ty analysis is completed before resource analy-
and nonfinancial systems; sis, sometimes resource analysis is completed
● assessing and monitoring data integrity within first, and sometimes they are done simultane-
the ABCM system; ously. Keeping this in mind, the seven basic
● creating and delivering educational programs steps to ABCM implementation are:
to train individuals in all parts of the organiza- ● planning the project;
tion on how best to access, use, and interpret ● determining financial and operational
activity-based information; resources;
● supporting the design and implementation ● defining activities and processes;
team in the development of the ABCM system ● developing the cost model conceptual design;
and the desktop decision support tools that ● implementing and validating the cost model;
will be made available to line managers; and ● interpreting new information; and
● tracking the results, costs, and benefits provid- ● ensuring ongoing system requirements.
ed by the ABCM system both during and after
implementation. While organizations can modify the sequence
and emphasis placed on these steps to meet
the needs of a particular situation, these



activities are recommended as a guide for imple- ABCM information is, it will have little or no value
menting activity-based initiatives. to the organization if it is not accepted and used
AND TECHNIQUES During the planning phase, core tools and tech-
niques utilized to improve the effectiveness of
Planning the Project the overall implementation include:
While the planning phase of an ABCM implemen- ● agreed-upon project objectives and scope;
tation represents only a small part of the total ● a project team; and
time and effort of an ABCM initiative, it has a ● ABCM implementation, education, and
major impact on the overall success of the imple- training.
mentation. Key objectives in the planning
phase are: Agreed-Upon Project Objectives and Scope
● identifying the business imperative; Before ABCM is implemented, management
● confirming objectives and scope of the project; must plan how it will be used, or its effective-
● identifying and educating key stakeholders and ness will be lost. The ultimate success of the
sponsors; ABCM implementation requires consensus and
● organizing and educating project teams; and clarity of the overall objectives to align efforts
● developing implementation work plans and and resources efficiently and effectively.
schedules. Objectives frame the design and implementation
of the ABCM cost and reporting structures.
Communication, top management and sponsor
support, as well as the education of project When the objectives of the proposed system are
teams regarding the objectives and benefits of well defined (i.e., to improve the accuracy of cost
the ABCM system lay the foundation for down- estimates for customized product offerings, or
stream acceptance and use of the activity-based the cost of serving customers, whether geo-
information. No matter how good the underlying graphically or by class), ABCM designers and



Source: Angela Norkiewicz, April 1994: 29.

users should develop targeted, precise defini- Business imperative. Since the primary purpose
tions of required data and how the resulting of an ABCM system is to add value to the organi-
information will be used. Without this clear spec- zation, it should be justified on the strength of
ification of objectives and scope, the ABCM sys- the benefits it will provide. For the ABCM system
tem becomes difficult to design, implement, or to be effective, it must provide new or useful
use. The specification of project objectives and information for managing the organization. That
scope should include the following items: is, it must be able to generate information that
● the business imperative; will be useful in the pursuit of improved produc-
● planned use of the information; tivity in terms of costs and profitability. The
● users of the information; ABCM model needs to be designed with this spe-
● product and service information; cific information and these analysis require-
● units of focus; and ments in mind.
● implementation approach.


For example, when Pennsylvania Blue quantify the potential impacts and communicate
Cross/Blue Shield embarked on its ABCM effort, the benefits of alternative supply chain programs
the types of issues and related priorities driving to vendors, resulting in significant sales and
the change ranged from customer to product profit growth for both channel partners.
profitability. This analysis was accomplished by
focusing efforts on high-value-creating activities, Product and service information. Understanding
as illustrated in Exhibit 2. Based on the level of what product and service information is avail-
information identified, the framework for an able, how the products or services will be organ-
ABCM model emerged. ized for analysis, what types of product/service
decisions are likely to be made on an ongoing
Planned use of the information. Downstream basis, and where in the organization these deci-
uses of the ABCM information drive the design of sions will be made, provides the basic structure
the system and reports. Questions that need to for the data collection process and the frame-
be asked include: work to perform analysis. Typical product- or
● What specific information will be provided? service-based structures include:
● How will the information be used? ● product lines;
● What format, level of precision, and frequency ● service offerings;
do users require? (i.e., fully-loaded costs, core ● sales channels (direct sales, value-added dis-
versus support costs, etc.) tributor (VAD) or value-added reseller (VAR);
● customer types; and
Users of the information. It is important to identi- ● geographical market segments.
fy the primary and secondary users of the ABCM
system in order to define their specific needs For example, National Car Rental System Inc.
and ensure that all necessary decision support elected to take a customer-focused design
information is built into the model and reporting approach to structuring its ABCM model and
structures. For example, National Paper & management reporting. This gave the organiza-
Packaging made a conscious decision to adopt tion a better understanding of its service costs
an ABCM system using a relatively simple model and related customer group profitability. Refining
that provides a moderate level of detail. This the costs of various buying characteristics allows
choice was based on the way National Paper National to generate cost estimates useful in
would use the information and who would be evaluating past and future profitability of market-
applying it. Because the majority of the users ing campaigns to a given customer group.
were in nonfinancial positions, the model would
have to be meaningful to those in operations. One or all of these dimensions can be built into
the ABCM system through the use of targeted,
This foresight delivered visible benefits to well-defined data attributes that become tags for
National Paper and its people. The benefits the data in downstream reporting and analysis.
included: (1) easy use and high-level buy-in to
the process and information by the sales force, Units of focus. Another important dimension of
as evidenced by their active involvement in devel- the planning and design of an ABCM system is
oping and implementing customer profit improve- the identification of functional and/or process
ment plans, and (2) the use of the model to areas that will be included within its scope. An



entire business unit, one or more sites within Identifying the structure to be costed in this way
that unit, or a particular product/service line can allowed Meridia to obtain critical data for the
be the basic unit of focus for an ABCM project. development of health care proposals, as well as
the ability to calculate break-even analysis in
Identifying the structure at Meridia Home Care aggregate for the agency as well as by service
Services, a Cleveland-based health care system, discipline or provider group.
revolved around identifying the portion of the
system that should be costed and how that por- Implementation approach. Most organizations
tion should be classified. To that end, the project choose from one of the following implementation
team identified Meridia’s key functions, shown approaches:
below, as the focus of its ABCM project. ● Prototype: a demonstration of concepts and
Standard Home Care principles of ABCM based on examples;
Special Services: Pulmonary ● Pilot: a program usually done at a unit-of-focus
Special Services: Mental Health level using actual or budgeted costs to devel-
Special Services: Maternity op ABC rates and product costs;
Special Services: Infusion Therapy ● Staged: a program usually done for a group of
Special Services: Wound Care focus units. It involves extending the pilot
Special Services: Diabetes Education approach into the ongoing operations of the
business. In its advanced stages, it may
include using ABCM for pricing, performance


measurement, process value analysis, activity Steering committee. The primary role of the
budgeting, or variance analysis; and steering committee is to establish high-level
● Full-scale: a program done for the entire organi- direction, to provide project oversight, to review
zation. The advantage of a full-scale implemen- project status for adherence to strategic objec-
tation is that everyone from the start begins to tives, and to resolve cross-organizational or
use the new system at the same time, an cross-functional policy issues. It would be appro-
option that takes a great commitment of time priate for either the chief executive officer or the
and resources. project sponsor to appoint the steering team.

A Project Team At Pennsylvania Blue Shield, the steering com-

Developing a cross-functional perspective and mittee comprised senior managers from all
application of ABCM begins with the project areas of the organization. They met frequently in
team. It is imperative that the team include key the early stages of the project to set the direc-
individuals from various functional and manage- tion and make decisions regarding the use of the
ment levels if the ABCM project is to be seen as ABCM information. They then appointed individu-
more than just another finance initiative. als from their staff to serve on the core team.

While team structures can and do vary by organi- Project manager. The primary role of the project
zation and implementation, several basic roles manager is to coordinate the entire project,
need to be assigned if the ABCM project is to ensuring that the activities are carried out so as
proceed smoothly, as suggested by Exhibit 3. to meet project objectives, timelines, and budg-
The advantage of this structure is that it assigns ets. Some of the core responsibilities of the proj-
accountability and responsibility for the ABCM ect manager are maintaining open communica-
results to all levels of management. This project tion with the project sponsor and the organiza-
team structure can be a major factor in removing tion while providing cost management expertise
existing barriers and communicating the strate- or ensuring that this expertise is readily available
gic goals of the ABCM system. Finally, it provides as input to the project team.
top-down communication of individual accounta-
bility for the project results and emphasizes sen- According to successful ABCM implementers,
ior management involvement. the project manager is the single most important
project team member. They state that this indi-
Project sponsor. The project sponsor serves a vidual accounts for more than 70 percent of the
critical role in the ABCM implementation, com- success or failure of a organization’s ABCM
municating with senior management and secur- implementation initiative.
ing their commitment to the effort. The sponsor’s
primary role is to provide overall direction to the Project analyst. A project analyst usually is
project team. Project sponsors are typically sen- assigned to work full time on the project as a
ior executives who strongly believe that improved team member. The role of the project analyst is
financial information could enhance the strategic to document team proceedings and to build the
and operational decision-making process and ABCM model.
provide better measures to quantify project and
organizational performance.


Core team. The core team is charged with per- team members. Each of these groups, and their
forming the day-to-day tasks designated in the unique educational needs, should be specifically
project implementation approach and plan. The addressed if the ABCM project is to be a suc-
core team also serves as a liaison to the organi- cess. The extent of training will vary depending
zation, communicating project achievements, on the existing skills and knowledge of various
benefits, and progress to other managers and participants as well as their degree of interaction
affected parties. Two factors drive the success with or dependence on the system, as suggest-
or failure of a core team: (1) the team makeup ed by the following discussion.
and commitment and (2) the team’s “communi-
cation efforts.” Senior management. Much of the focus on sen-
● Make up and commitment. It is critical that this ior management training will be on the definition
team be crossfunctional. A finance-only team and uses of ABCM information as it applies to
is bound to fail due to lack of ownership by the the organization at large. The primary objective
end users, lack of full understanding by the of this education is to ensure the active support
financial professionals, and lack of interest in and buy-in of management to the project and its
“just another finance project.” It is also impor- objectives.
tant that the core team be fully committed for
the duration of the project. It is important that senior management has a
● Communication efforts. The team must publi- clear understanding of what the ABCM project
cize its implementation efforts throughout the will or will not accomplish. Misunderstandings
organization because ABCM will change the about the capabilities of the system and the
entire way that the organization looks at cost types of information it will provide can be
management and at its product/service cost. addressed during the training phase, preventing
many downstream problems. Conversely, the
Business experts. The role of the business expert ABCM educational process can be used to point
on an ABCM project team is to provide opera- to areas that need improvement.
tional or technical expertise to the project core
team. A business expert should be involved in Users of the information. The eventual users of
the project only on an “as needed” basis. As spe- the ABCM system need a more in-depth knowl-
cific implementation challenges emerge, the busi- edge of the model, including data reporting for-
ness expert can help the core team identify solu- mats and capabilities of the system, than does
tions that will reflect organizational realities and senior management. The type of information that
meet with acceptance from affected individuals. should be conveyed is usually available in two
formats: hardcopy reports and executive infor-
ABCM Implementation, Education, mation systems (EIS). User training includes
and Training some or all of the following items:
Training is an important tool of implementation ● what information is available from activity-
because much of the analysis is quite different based costing;
from the analysis used in traditional cost ● how activity-based information should be used
accounting. Three levels of education and train- in decision making;
ing must be considered early in any ABCM proj- ● the limits and underlying cost behaviors of
ect: senior management, users, and project activity cost data;


● how to perform sensitivity analysis with and any other items used in the performance of
activity data; a specific activity. The objectives of the resource
● what reporting structures are built into the analysis phase of the ABCM initiative are:
ABCM system and what types of ad hoc ● understanding the organization’s financial and
reports are supported; operational resources; and
● reliability and accuracy of various estimates; ● identifying the resource drivers.
● assumptions used to create the estimates
wherever these assumptions impact the result- For this effort, it is useful to obtain an up-to-date
ing decisions; and and reconciled organization headcount, floor lay-
● how to interpret the ABCM information under out plans, and an inventory of machines and
varying conditions. computer systems applications. These items are
necessary to ensure that all aspects of the orga-
Understanding ABCM information, how it differs nization’s resources have been appropriately
from existing cost data, and how the resulting captured. Several core tools and techniques
information should be used in decision making used at this stage of the project include:
are the core elements of user education. ● general ledger and payroll information;
● labor and non-labor resource templates; and
Core team members. Members of the core team ● resource hierarchy.
should be trained to perform their role on the
team. The training does not need to occur in any
particular sequence, nor does everyone on the General Ledger and Payroll Information
team need to be trained in software use or other The general ledger is the primary source of cost
details of the underlying system. For example, information for the ABC model. Most ledgers are
many software tools are available to do ABCM, structured in a hierarchy of accounts and subac-
and each requires specific training for those who counts. Typical accounts might include Labor,
will actually use the software. Depreciation, Occupancy, and Material.
Subaccounts contain more detailed account
Keeping team member training focused on information; for instance, labor subaccounts
required skills will maximize the use of time and might be contract labor, benefits, overtime, and
ensure that the project does not place unneces- vacation. In most cases the ledger subaccounts
sary demands on team-member time or are mapped to resource cost elements in the
resources. ABCM model, using what are known as resource
Determining Financial and Operational
Resources Payroll information is needed when it becomes
Activity costs are calculated by determining the necessary to identify unique labor classifications
cost of the resources consumed by the perfor- for a given cost center. For example, if tool and
mance of the activity. An important step in ABCM die repair machinists and machine operators
implementation, therefore, is to understand and were in the same cost center, then the payroll
define the operational and financial resources system would be used to differentiate the
consumed by an activity, such as equipment, resources, so that their cost would be assigned
technology, facilities, materials, labor, supplies, to their respective activities. In any case, a map-



Operations: Lineman CSA (Dave Wilson & Bill Stewart)

ping must be done so that period costs, whether In a related way, non-labor templates can be
budget or actual, are captured. developed that identify the placement, cost,
capacity, and current use of material, equipment,
Labor and Non-Labor Resource Templates occupancy, supplies, and related support costs.
The key data elements of operation resources To the extent possible, non-labor costs should be
are departmental labor and non-labor costs. directly assigned to activities that consume
Data templates can be developed for assigning them. Creating data tables will improve the effi-
these resources. ciency and usefulness of the ABCM database,
serving as a support for both implementation
A typical labor template might include the labor and maintenance of the ABCM system.
classification, compensation level, skill level,
department, hours worked, or percent of time by Resource Hierarchy
activity. This template does not need to include Classifying resources by assigning attributes and
individual names but should instead focus on organizing them into a hierarchy provides a use-
general types of labor used, where it is deployed, ful way of viewing information and making deci-
and the activities and outcomes it supports. A sions. This is depicted in Exhibit 5. The exhibit
typical labor resource template is illustrated in illustrates how resources are classified and con-
Exhibit 4. sumed by different levels of the service parts
operations of General Motors (GM). Identifying
the outputs at each level of the organization as



well as the type and number of resources con- How detailed should the ultimate activity list and
sumed, is a key technique of ABCM system definition be? The trade-off faced in each situa-
design. tion is the benefit of the added detail versus the
added cost to collect and maintain more data. A
Defining Activities and Processes good rule of thumb is to define an activity as the
In the cost model conceptual design step, activ- work that would typically make up 5 percent or
ities and activity drivers must be identified. more of someone’s effort and to define tasks as
Regardless of an organization’s size or number those elements of work needed to do an activity.
of employees, an almost unlimited set of activi- A process is then defined as a collection of relat-
ties might be selected. ed activities. The objectives served by activity
and process analysis include the following:
Driven by defined goals and required informa- ● identifying activities and business processes;
tion, the choice and number of activities will vary ● defining outputs and output measures;
based on the use of the information. For ● defining activity attributes; and
instance, detailed definitions of activities are ● identifying activity cost drivers.
often not necessary to improve product cost
accuracy or decision making. More detailed Several core tools and techniques are typically
activity cost data is necessary for operation man- used in this effort including:
agers who want to use this information to man- ● universal classification scheme;
age their workload. ● activity dictionary;
● activity effort analysis worksheet;
● activity attribute analysis;



Source: Arthur Andersen and International Benchmarking Clearinghouse.

● process mapping; and Beyond these 13 high-level business processes

● process overview form. is a hierarchy of subprocesses that further
define the activities of each category. An exam-
Universal Classification Scheme ple of the subprocess associated with “deliver
The Universal Classification Scheme can be product” is depicted in Exhibit 7.
used to assist in classifying the activities within
an organization into the correct business Organizations use the process classification
processes. The scheme, illustrated in Exhibit 6, scheme for different purposes such as determin-
contains 13 business processes that apply to ing the scope of their ABCM analysis or for
almost any organization in any market. benchmarking purposes. The scope will be dic-
tated by the objectives the organization wants to
The first seven processes are operating process- achieve through ABCM and the questions that it
es that companies follow to develop and move wants to be able to answer based on the ABCM
products to market. These processes include information.
understanding markets and customers, design-
ing products and services, and marketing and For example, the principal focus of the ABCM ini-
selling. The last six processes are management tiative at Furst-McNess, a leading distributor of
and support processes that make it possible for agricultural feed and household products, was to
the organization to perform its operating identify and relate major activities, costs, and
processes effectively. These processes include cost drivers associated with how it “goes to mar-
human resources management, information sys- ket.” The organization included in the scope of
tems management, and finance and accounting.



Source: adapted from Steve Player and James W. Gibson, Jr., 1997:152.

its ABCM project only those processes associat- the core team. The interviews establish how
ed with its “go-to-market” strategy. employees spend their time in terms of the top
10 to 15 activities they perform. The rule of
Activity Dictionary thumb for assigning time percentages is to
An activity dictionary is an absolutely critical tool equate an activity with no less than 5 percent of
in any ABCM project. It is a comprehensive list- the day. The team develops a comprehensive list
ing of all definitive activities including their of these detailed activities and then enters each
descriptions, attribute tags (if any), cost drivers, one in the “Activity” column of the sheet.
suppliers, customers, and any input and output Generally, activities are described using verb-
measures. The dictionary also serves as an nouns. Then the team lists the tasks associated
effective communication tool when activity analy- with each activity in the “Description” column,
sis worksheets are distributed to employees. giving a deeper sense of the activity.

The sample activity dictionary illustrated in The next element of the activity dictionary is the
Exhibit 8 begins with employee interviews led by “Driver” column. The driver is a unit of measure



that reflects the frequency and intensity of the Activity Effort Analysis Worksheet
demand placed on the activity by a cost object. Once the activity dictionary is completed, the
This enables the organization to measure next step is to gather information from the orga-
resource consumption by activity. For example, to nization’s employees regarding how much time
measure the activity “processing invoices,” many they spend on each major activity. This step is
companies would use the activity driver, “the usually performed using activity effort work-
number of invoices processed.” sheets. An example of a worksheet is depicted
in Exhibit 9.
To illustrate the linkage of an activity dictionary
with the process classification scheme, two addi- Activity data can be derived from a variety of dif-
tional columns have been added to the activity ferent sources including operational records,
dictionary in Exhibit 8. These columns relate to brainstorming, procedures manuals, quality stud-
the activities performed by warehouse and deliv- ies, job descriptions, labor reports, process
ery employees of the sample organization. charts, interviews, and workshops. The method
chosen depends on the amount of time available
to complete the work as well as the resources



(people and software) dedicated to activity identi- the model should be reconciled to the general
fication and analysis at the individual level. ledger as a validity check.

Activity effort analysis worksheets are generally Activity Attribute Analysis

compiled in some form of PC-based application Organizations interested in using ABCM for per-
(worksheet or model). These can be loaded in formance improvement can use grading methods
and then linked with payroll and/or general ledger to evaluate the activities that contribute to the
information at the appropriate level to compute output of goods and services. These grading
activity costs by employee/group/department methods assess whether the activities are nec-
and in total for the organization. Total costs per essary, if they support critical strategic success



factors, or if they are performed efficiently. Using dimensional criteria to score and rank activities.
activity attribute analysis creates an orderly The most popular differentiating categories of
approach for reporting purposes. Attributes activity attributes include:
quantify different aspects of business process- ● Impact. Each activity can be graded based on
es, providing multiple views with which to focus, its near-term and long-term impact on the
prioritize, analyze, and measure organizational organization and its effectiveness, ranging
efforts and outcomes. from high, medium, low to no apparent impact.
● Value-added content. This scoring scheme
Activity attribute analysis uses various coding assesses the degree of value-added effort
methods for scoring and evaluation. The very within an activity from the customer’s point of
simple value-added/nonvalue-added approach view (e.g., high, medium, low, or none). It can
emphasizes the need to reassess nonvalue- also be used to rank the value-enabling capa-
adding activities and optimize the time and bility of an activity from a product or process
resources dedicated to value-adding efforts. The perspective as well as to determine whether
more complex differentiating methods use multi- an activity is nonvalue-adding (NVA) from all



Source: adapted from Gary Cokins, 1996: 108.

three of these viewpoints. Value-added content the reason for applying this attribute. The attrib-
can also include an assessment of the degree ute highlights effectiveness of time, quality,
of value-added effort within an activity (e.g., 50 cost, and overall reliability of performance.
percent value-added, 50 percent nonvalue- ● Importance in supporting management’s strate-
added). Exhibit 10 provides an illustration of gic plans. Matching activities to management’s
this attribute in use. Notice the nonvalue- strategic goals (i.e., critical, essential, neces-
added activities such as inspection, rework, sary, or postponable) is the focus of this activi-
and returning vendor materials. ty attribute. A test question that can be used to
● Effectiveness in performing the activity. This assess this aspect of an activity might be, “If
activity attribute emphasizes how well the we eliminated this activity completely, what
organization performs against customer or would be the consequences?” An activity that
process expectations when completing a spe- would potentially have a major negative impact
cific activity or process step. Emphasizing on attaining management’s strategic goals if
doing the right activities at the right time, rather not done, or not done effectively and efficiently,
than doing the activity correctly (efficiency), is



Source: V. Daniel Hunt, 1996: 9.

should receive special attention in the design another is the reason for using cost-influencing
and implementation of the ABCM system. attributes. It is better to understand the total
● Quality content. Activity attributes that empha- system’s impact of nonconformance within a
size quality charactistics classify each activity process from the viewpoint of the customer. In
based on accepted total quality management many cases, it has been found that an error in
categories (TQM), as suggested by Exhibit 11. the beginning of a process can lead to a 100-
The purpose of quality cost attributes is to help fold increase in the total cost of producing a
an organization produce a product or service product or service. The defects ripple through
with the highest possible quality at the lowest the process and an increased amount of effort
possible cost. These apparently conflicting is incurred, resulting in excess cost.
objectives are mainly achieved by measuring
the current and estimated costs of nonconfor- Process Mapping
mance (failure to meet quality standards), such Process mapping involves documenting the
as rework, returns, and lost sales. sequence of steps that different functional units
● Cost influencing content. Assessment of the undertake to convert inputs to outputs for a spe-
relationship between a specific upstream activ- cific process or subprocess. A process map
ity with a certain downstream activity is the shows the units involved in the process, the
focus of this activity attribute. Emphasizing the steps performed, and the key decisions that are
cause-and-effect relationship an activity has on made, as illustrated in Exhibit 12. Synonymous




with value chain analysis, process mapping ✓ Goal: What are the benchmarks or targets
helps organize activity and process information, for this process?
ensuring that it is complete, understandable, ✓ Current: What is the current status of the
and easy to analyze. process in terms of performance?
● Perceived concerns: Listing of issues that
Process maps should be kept at the activity team members or management anticipate
level. This is the same level that serves as the from the process.
focus for collection, measurement, and reporting
of activity-based cost information. In fact, ABCM Developing a Cost Model Conceptual Design
process maps are used to define the sequence The conceptual design phase is probably the most
of activities in an organization and the associat- critical stage, because the model design deter-
ed cost per activity. This alignment of activity- mines what data is to be included and how the
based data with the process flows provides results will be used. The ABCM system must be
organizations with important information about designed to meet the needs and requirements of
improvement opportunities. the organization. The purpose and use of the sys-
tem will drive both the amount of information that
Process Overview Form must be collected and the detail in which it must
To help analyze and organize process mapping be obtained.
efforts, organizations can use a process
overview form. The process overview form illus- In general, ABCM applications that are process
trated in Exhibit 13 lists the process and its and performance related such as process
associated vital information such as the mis- improvement, reengineering, project management,
sion, inputs, outputs, departments, and perfor- activity performance, and benchmarking require
mance measures. more detail and frequency of reporting than those
● Process: Name of the process decision-related applications like product costing,
● Process mission: Purpose of the process/ capital justification, and target costing. High
function importance must be placed on identifying the sys-
● Inputs: Listing of all forms, documents, tem’s purpose and use during the conceptual
reports, and files that feed the process design stage, which includes the following steps:
● Outputs: Listing of all forms, documents, ● developing cost object, activity, and resource
reports, and files that are a result of the hierarchies;
process ● determining resource-to-activity relationships;
● Departments involved: Listing of all depart- ● determining activity-to-cost-object
ments or divisions involved in the process relationships;
● Performance measures: ● defining cost model data requirements;
✓ Measure: What are the measures by which ● establishing data collection methods;
process performance is judged? ● developing measures, calculations, and proto-
✓ Purpose: By pursuing this measure, what type reports;
results and behavior is management ● establishing attributes and units of measure for
attempting to achieve for this process? the model; and
✓ Unit: What is the unit of measure? ● building the cost model and verifying its opera-
tional flow.


Core tools and techniques used to improve the Frequency of update. The frequency update is
effectiveness of this step include: largely a function of the ABCM’s purpose and
● system design considerations; use. Some organizations view ABCM only as a
● converting the general ledger and payroll detail strategic tool. Activity-based information is
to resource cost elements; and updated and used annually to set goals, to align
● cost flow diagrams. resources for capital appropriation, and for prod-
uct/service-related decisions of mix, pricing, and
System Design Considerations capacity. Other organizations see the strategic
In a product or service cost application, the min- value of ABCM information and supplement this
imum base information that must be collected use with quarterly updates as a way to monitor
on a forward-looking basis for a specified period activity performance and product/service cost.
of time (i.e., month, quarter, year) includes the
following: Relevance. For an ABCM system to be useful, its
● actual resources expended; focus must be on the important aspects of the
● how people spend their time on activities; organization, at a level relevant to the improve-
● how machine time is spent on activities; ment efforts and for decision making. ABCM sys-
● how facilities were used on activities; tems should be designed so that users can com-
● how other costs were traced to activities; pare relevant internal costs and performance
● counts of activity outputs; and measures of activities with externally driven tar-
● how activity outputs were consumed by the gets. This allows a comparison of internal costs
cost objects identified. and measurements with external standards and
requirements. Management can then set stan-
In addition to this minimum base information dards or highlight performance gaps for a partic-
requirement for product/service costing, counts ular activity or business process.
and measures of activity performance, cost driv-
ers, and benchmarks are often required for Converting the General Ledger and Payroll
process improvement-related applications. Other Detail to Resource Cost Elements
issues to be considered in developing a cost The next step in developing an ABCM system is
model conceptual design include: to determine the organization’s current labor-
● accuracy; based activities and costs, as well as the
● frequency of update; and resources they consume. This begins with an in-
● relevance. depth review of the general ledger and payroll
system for labor-based costs. These two sys-
Accuracy. The level of accuracy required by the tems provide the cost data for the ABCM model.
ABCM system is dependent on the accuracy of The payroll system comes into play when labor
the data entering the system. High levels of within a cost center needs to be uniquely
accuracy require fact-based, reliable data. That defined, something the ledger usually does not
is why in some organizations, where high levels provide. Often the cost data must be translated
of accuracy are required, people provide regular in order to organize it into a useable format,
updates on how they spend their time by activity. because:
● general ledgers are typically organized around
expenditures rather than activities;


● general ledgers are extremely detailed, typical- Cost Flow Diagrams

ly beyond the level required by ABCM; The cost flow diagram is a graphical depiction of
● certain ledger accounts may be aggregated the way resources, activities, and processes flow
and may need to be broken down (i.e., salaries within an organization to produce outputs. The
at a division level, occupancy, and deprecia- cost flow model depicts the operational relation-
tion); and ships as they exist at a specific point in time and
● general ledger costs are designed to address as such should be updated as conditions
financial requirements as opposed to the true dictate.
economic usefulness and consumption of a
resource. A cost flow diagram defines the software model
architecture and data requirements of an ABCM
Translating the general ledger costs for ABCM system. It also defines the level of complexity
has some basic guidelines. and amount of detail that will need to be man-
aged in the model.
Combine accounts. Combine those accounts that
serve a common purpose and are assigned to It is easier to make sense of the cost model flow
activities in a similar manner. For example, on paper; it then can be used as the basis to
salaries and fringes, including benefits, would create input data files for the ABCM system soft-
typically be combined into an account called per- ware. Approximately 75 percent of all data ele-
sonnel or labor costs. This quickly defines the ments identified by the cost flow diagram are
number of accounts that will flow into the model, nonfinancial, including driver and output volume
simplifying design, maintenance, and input by activity.
For example, Exhibit 14 illustrates the cost flow
Adjust accounts to address economics. An ABCM model developed at AT&T Paradyne Corporation,
system is not designed for financial reporting an organization specializing in data communica-
requirements. Thus, it makes sense to translate tions equipment and services. The model con-
general ledger items that are designed for report- sisted of four major cost elements (material,
ing considerations versus economic consump- material acquisition, production, and support),
tion. Two typical examples would be depreciation 44 activity centers, and 10 activity drivers.
costs and product design costs.
Implementing and Validating the Cost Model
Decompose costs to the department level. Cost The next major step in the ABCM project is to
items maintained at a level higher than the focus implement then validate the cost model. After
unit or functional area being examined need to the data has been gathered and organized and
be decomposed to unit and departmental levels. the conceptual design completed, the organiza-
This can be accomplished only by understanding tion is ready to input the data into a software
the nature of the cost item. Decomposition model. The objectives pursued during this stage
stops at the level at which activities are defined. reflect its executable nature and the need to
Quite typically this is at the department level reaffirm the conceptual design through applica-
where the activity data has been obtained. tion and validation. The objectives of this imple-
mentation stage include:



Source: Steve Player & David Keys, 1995: 158.

● importing data into the cost model; and Importing Data into the Cost Model
● validating cost model data. Once the structure of the cost model has been
created, the data can be loaded. A practical
Achieving these objectives requires the use of a issue that emerges at this point concerns the
set of core tools and techniques that emphasize most efficient way to enter new data into the
the reliability of the cost data, specifically: selected ABCM software. There is always a cost
● structuring data in the cost model; associated with entering the data, but this cost
● importing data techniques; and varies with the design of the system and the
● using cost model data validation techniques. data sources. Given this fact, the two basic ways
to load data into the system are through auto-
Structuring Data in the Cost Model mated downloads and manual entry.
Loading the ABCM software model generally
involves creating definitions and structures within Automated downloads. In most instances, com-
the software for resources, activities, and cost mercially available ABCM software permits oper-
objects. The links for these structures are created ational and financial data to be imported from
by defining the driver relationships and their quan- other information systems. The electronic trans-
tities consumed. Similarly, the relationship of fer of data is ideal when data already exists in an
activities to other activities, as well as activities to electronic format that is compatible with, or eas-
cost objects, must be defined within the software. ily converted to, the ABCM model format. Initial
definition of the data link may require up-front
This task is accomplished by entering the informa- programming, but the downstream use and main-
tion into the software application to define the tenance of the system will be much easier once
relationships and the mathematical values under- these linkages are developed.
lying the relationships (e.g., driver quantities). A
typical example of an ABCM model structure is General ledger interfaces are common to most
presented in Exhibit 15. implementation efforts. Other sources of infor-



mation can be less practical to achieve through data manipulations are required to get existing
direct linkage but should still be investigated information into a format usable by the system.
since the long-term benefits of this approach This may make manual entry the most desirable
normally exceed the costs to establish the link- alternative. As a general rule, however, an auto-
age. For example, a cost driver may be sales vol- mated interface should be employed whenever
ume, measured in terms of the number of units possible. When manual entry is required initially,
of “product sold.” This information would typical- it is important to find ways to automate ongoing
ly be maintained in a sales reporting system. If data entry and maintenance to improve the
this is the only piece of data required from the reliability and decrease the effort required to
sales system, it would not be worth the effort to keep the system current.
build an interface. Instead, some form of manu-
al data entry would be more logical. Validating Cost Model Data
Once the ABCM software model is built and the
Manual entry. The most time consuming, yet data loaded, it is necessary to verify all elements
most flexible, alternative to inputting data into of the system to ensure that the model is accu-
the ABCM database is manually keying the infor- rate and the underlying database contains the
mation directly into the system. The more com- defined data elements in the correct format and
plex the system, the more cumbersome this structure required for ongoing use.
effort can be. Yet there are many cases where Reconciliation of the totals in the ABCM model to



Source: Judith J. Baker, 1998: 143.

the general ledger totals is a vital step, ensuring ● resource cost by department;
data capture integrity. ● resource Pareto: fixed/variable;
● resource Pareto: department;
The core team must be very sensitive to any sys- ● resource Pareto: cost category (labor, non-
tem results that do not make intuitive sense. labor, etc.); and
The team must rigorously test the validity of any ● resource Pareto: drivers (list resources that
counter-intuitive results, or in other words, per- use each driver and total cost of resources
form a “sanity check.” Are these results reason- using each driver).
able? If not, why not? Reconciliation of the model
includes validation of resource, activity, and cost Typical resource data reconciliation problems
object data. occur, such as the following:
● direct labor headcounts are incorrect, but the
Resource data validation. Validations should be general ledger is fully accounted for; or
performed to assess the accuracy and reliability ● electricity consumption appears to be fully
of the following resource data elements: accounted for, but the calculated cost by kilo-
● Are total costs entered into the model correctly? watt hours is extremely high.
● Have resources been accurately assigned to
activities and/or cost objects? Activity data validation. The key concerns faced
● Are department costs correctly reflected? when assessing the validity of activity data
A variety of reports can be used to perform ● Have all activities been identified?
resource data validation. They include the ● Are activity time percentages reasonable?
following: ● Are activity costs reasonable?
● Are activity attributes correct?



Many different reports can be used to provide Cost object data. In a related way, the cost object
assurance of the validity of the activity cost data data embedded in the ABCM design and data-
including: base needs to be validated prior to end-user
● activity costs by process (include unit costs); reporting. The questions that need to be
● activity Pareto: process attribute; addressed at this stage include:
● activity Pareto: value attribute (value- ● Have activities been correctly associated with
added/nonvalue-added), cost of quality; cost objects?
● activity Pareto: primary/secondary indication; ● Are cost object costs reasonable?
and ● Are cost object costs significantly different
● resource contribution reports (with and without from what was expected?
Reports that can be used to address these spe-
The usual way to display the results of an activity cific questions include the following:
analysis is through the construction of a Pareto ● cost object cost summaries (were all costs
diagram. A Pareto diagram displays the important assigned?);
causes of variation from highest to lowest or ● cost object attribute costs;
most significant to least significant. Exhibit 16 ● activity contribution report (with and without
presents an example of a Pareto diagram con- attributes, including value-added, nonvalue-
structed to verify the activities involved in resub- added, process, and related factors); and
mitting denied bills at a major U. S. hospital. ● costs for the period and unit costs.


Having validated the results, the attention of the ● cost improvement plan; and
ABCM project team now turns to learning how to ● process cost opportunity improvement track-
report and use this new source of cost informa- ing form.
tion and insight.
Cost/Benefit Matrix
Interpreting the New Information A cost/benefit matrix helps management focus
Once ABCM results are released, no one is likely attention on the activities that fall under various
to remain neutral about them. Given that ABCM headings, units, and responsibilities. Flexible in
provides a very different view of costs, the results nature, this technique involves obtaining consen-
should be analyzed with an emphasis on using sus on the value to be placed on each activity in
them for improvement opportunities, rather than relation to the strategic goals of the organization.
having to defend them. Several core tools and Activities are then ranked in relation to each
techniques can be used to facilitate the interpre- other, resulting in a report similar to that por-
tation of the new information, including: trayed in Exhibit 17 for an insurance organization.
● cost/benefit matrix;
● root cause analysis;



Source: adapted from Mays and Sweeney, 1997: 25.

Management should focus initially on those Root Cause Analysis

high-cost, low-benefit activities that could be Root cause analysis involves the identification of
eliminated, reduced, improved, or automated to cost drivers and their relationships in determin-
reduce the cost while increasing the value ing what factors cause work and costs to occur.
placed on the activity. High-cost, high-benefit These relationships are also used as the basis
activities should also be reviewed to identify for product and customer profitability analysis,
ways in which costs can be reduced or improve- activity-based budgeting, product and service
ments made in the efficiency and effectiveness line costing, and “what if” scenario planning.
of the activities.
Root cause analysis is a popular brainstorming
Management should consider the low-cost, high- technique that the project team can use to ana-
benefit activities that could be promoted, lyze and understand what and where changes
increased, or enhanced to increase their benefit need to be made to existing processes to
to the organization. Finally, management may improve performance. Root cause analysis
review the low-cost, low-benefit activities to deter- enables comparison of current processes
mine whether improvements can be made. against customer expectations. For example, at
First Tennessee National Corporation, a regional
The process of reviewing the activities identified bank-holding organization, cost management per-
on the cost/benefit matrix and finding opportuni- sonnel who previously had applied ABCM to one
ties for reducing costs and improving efficiency operation at location “A” studied the same func-
is one of the most important steps in an ABCM tion at location “B,” interviewing the appropriate
cost improvement initiative. personnel to gain insight into the operation. This
process highlighted the unit costs of product
components and the applicable cost drivers list-


ed below. Their analysis determined that ABCM data reveals more effect than cause;
processing efficiency in location “B” was lower costs are really symptoms of more deep-seated
than in location “A.” process issues.

The resulting fishbone diagram illustrated in Cost Improvement Plan

Exhibit 18 mapped out a list of root causes that Having more accurate process costs enables
were responsible for the differences in opera- organizations to prioritize and set realistic cost
tions at locations “A” and “B.” The branches goals for process reengineering efforts. Equally
titled “technology,” “people,” “methods,” and important is the ability to simulate and later
“environment” represented the main categories track actual performance following process
of causes for the lower processing efficiency at reengineering efforts. An example of a cost
location “B.” improvement plan developed at Delco
Electronics is illustrated in Exhibit 19.
In this exhibit, causes reflect the reasons an
activity occurs, whereas effects describe the
activity that is the result of the cause. This




Source: Steve Player and James W. Gibson, Jr., 1997: 125.

Process Cost Opportunity Improvement unit costs, other important aspects of the
Tracking Form change plan also need to be detailed. These
A key function is to document and monitor include:
progress against the cost improvement plan. The ● Quantification of expected benefit. Based on
process cost opportunity improvement tracking activity analysis, it identifies the current
form is a tool that can be used in this effort. process unit cost, activity unit cost, and the
Generally used by department and process total estimated net cost savings targeted by
heads to document specific actions, a tracking implementing the action plan;
form records progress in reducing specific ● Responsibility for implementation. A specific
process unit costs. An example of this tool is individual should have primary responsibility
shown in Exhibit 20. for overseeing implementation. While this per-
son may not control all aspects of implementa-
In addition to documenting the action plan tion, he or she should be accountable for
designed to improve overall business process


ensuring that the implementation plan is car- is to remain relevant, reliable, and accurate. The
ried out; and key objectives for the maintenance phase of
● Impact on other areas. Implementing a change ABCM implementation include the following:
brings the risk of having a positive impact on ● identifying areas for improvement to enhance
an activity or process in one area while at the the model and integrating them;
same time creating unforeseen and negative ● establishing responsibility for ongoing model
consequences in another. For example, imple- updates and maintenance; and
menting a fixed order cut-off time of 2 p.m. ● establishing feedback on usage behavior.
could potentially improve warehouse productiv-
ity, but it could also have a negative impact on To reach these objectives, a number of core tools
customer satisfaction levels if customers can- and techniques can be deployed, including the
not send their orders until the next day. following:
Therefore, it is important in developing action ● periodic systems assessments;
plans to consider the impact (positive or nega- ● update interviews and measurements checks;
tive) of the planned change on customer satis- and
faction, quality, cost, revenue, time to market, ● permanent ABCM team.
and/or employee satisfaction.
Periodic Systems Assessments
Ensuring Ongoing System Requirements Database systems are constantly being
The final step of a successful implementation is improved as computer technology and the soft-
to determine how the ABCM system is to be ware that drives it are changed to incorporate
maintained. Most ABCM implementations fail to innovations. The result of these macro trends is
place sufficient emphasis on installing the sys- that installed ABCM systems need to be
tems, procedures, and methods necessary to reassessed annually to determine if they are still
collect and report activity-based information on the best fit for the organization.
an ongoing basis. As a result, procedures and
methods that are installed are often unrespon- Periodic assessments consider a number of fac-
sive to the needs of the users, difficult to update tors, including:
and maintain, and unreliable in the long term. ● level of satisfaction of users with current sys-
tem capabilities;
Like any information system, the ABCM informa- ● degree of utilization of existing system;
tion system must be updated and validated on ● likelihood that the new system will give
an ongoing basis. Activities change over time. nonusers more incentive to incorporate ABCM
New activities are added. Drivers shift or the information into their decision processes;
measurements needed to capture them are mod- ● effectiveness and efficiency of new systems
ified over time. Improvement initiatives will likely compared to the existing one; and
lead to the elimination of nonvalue-added activi- ● cost to install the new system versus updating
ties. Activity performance measures will improve the existing system.
and change over time. New products and servic-
es will be added; others will be discontinued. New activities and a modified implementation
These are just a few of the potential changes plan will be generated by a decision to shift sys-
that need to be incorporated into the ABCM if it tems. The decision made at the end of the sys-


tems assessment will be based on the trade-offs quality of the information provided to support key
between the cost to shift to an improved ABCM decisions made by management.
system versus the benefits (i.e., improved
speed, efficiency, capabilities, reduced update Update interviews and data from activity effort
costs) that will ensue. analysis need not be as exhaustive as the initial
implementation interviews. In fact, the activities
Update Interviews and Measurement detailed in the first round of information gather-
Checks ing can be used as a template to create the peri-
Depending on the frequency of reporting, individ- odic updating surveys. The advantage of this tar-
ual interviews and measurement checks should geted approach is that it increases the compara-
be updated. Some organizations have decided to bility of the data collected, reduces the time
let a year pass between reviews and updates, needed to validate the information, and can
coupling the revision of the ABCM data to the serve to identify new activities or activities that
budget process that is already part of the corpo- are no longer performed in an efficient manner.
rate activities. Others have created monthly or
quarterly data collection efforts, such as employ- As the updates are completed, particular atten-
ee time reports, to update the ABCM database tion should be paid to such issues as any or all
constantly. While no one way is optimal in every changes in drivers for the activities, any change
setting, there are rules of thumb to apply in mak- in the type or nature of activities performed (e.g.,
ing the decision about the length of time their occurrence, frequency, task content, or
between updates, specifically: time/resource consumption), shifts in key activi-
● Is the ABCM data an intricate part of ongoing ty centers (i.e., the implementation of shared
decision analysis? service centers or the outsourcing of support
● Is the organization undergoing significant processes), and the development of new prod-
restructuring? ucts or abandonment of existing ones.
● Are aggressive improvement targets being set
and met? Permanent ABCM Team
● Does the organization face short life cycles for Once a satisfactory ABCM system is implement-
the majority of its product/service offerings? ed and is being used on a regular basis by man-
● Is the customer base shifting rapidly? agers across the organization, the project team
● Are customer demands changing significantly must continue to meet and be available to pro-
over short periods of time? vide training for new employees, assess soft-
● Can new time and activity reporting be used to ware or systems changes, and execute update
improve performance and keep the organiza- initiatives. Maintaining the reliability and accura-
tion and its management informed about mar- cy of the system requires ongoing review, analy-
ket and customer service demand shifts? sis, and modification as organizational needs
● Would the culture respond favorably to new and realities change.
time and activity reporting?
To ensure continuity in these core areas, at least
If the answer to one or more of these questions two of the original ABCM core team members
is yes, it is likely that more frequent updates will should remain actively involved on the perma-
benefit the organization due to the improved nent ABCM team. They should be joined by other


staff members to provide a cross-functional mix APPENDIX: ACTIVITY

of perspectives, insights, and skills. Having rotat- D I C T I O N A RY D E V E L O P M E N T —
ing members on the team has proved to be a GENERAL GUIDELINES
successful approach for many companies
because it results in increased awareness and I. Principles
interest in the system required to obtain and Verbs. Activities represent action; they are what
retain needed resources. people and machines do. They consume
resources. Verbs are the only word forms that
A number of companies are assigning full-time represent action. If it does not start with a verb,
ABCM job responsibilities to individuals to drive then it is not an activity.
activity cost awareness deeper into the organiza-
tion. Permanent employees can also be expect- Activities cut across organizational boundaries.
ed to provide more ongoing support and atten- Activities are not limited by arbitrary organiza-
tion to system integrity than a revolving or ad hoc tional boundaries. Activities frequently cut
review team. across these boundaries.

Regardless of the final nature, structure, or par- Hierarchy of activities. Most activity dictionaries
ticipation in the permanent ABCM team, its are hierarchical. They take all or part of a busi-
responsibilities should include the following: ness and define a series of level 1 super
● keeping ABCM information current; processes. Under each super process, a series
● defining or updating the cost drivers; of level 2 processes may be defined. Under each
● estimating future products and their such level 2 process, a series of level 3 activities
activity/resource demands; may be identified, and so forth until the diction-
● developing cost improvement plans; ary is complete. A visual depiction of an activity
● providing ongoing user training and support; dictionary should look like the roots of a tree.
● executing update routines;
● assessing the system software to ensure that Completeness. Everything performed by part or
it continues to be the optimal choice for the all of a business should be represented in the
organization; activity dictionary. The dictionary should be com-
● meeting cost improvement targets; and plete. At the end, the answer to the question, “Is
● supporting or spearheading efforts to achieve this everything we do?” should be “Yes!”
full ABCM integration.
Level of detail. A natural tendency is to develop
VI. CONCLUSION dictionaries in too much detail. There is no con-
While this SMA provides a good summary of the crete rule on how to determine what constitutes
core tools and techniques typically used to too much detail, but excessive detail should be
improve the ABCM implementation process, it avoided. Few people (or small organizations)
should not be considered all inclusive. Every really do more than 10 things. Also, consider the
ABCM implementation is different, and the cost of collecting detailed activity information
emphasis and elements to be covered are spe- with respect to the benefits provided by the
cific to the application and organization. detailed information. An appropriate level of


detail can be achieved, in part, by identifying the Iteration. Activity dictionaries are not developed
key business issues that need to be addressed. in a day. Although it may be appropriate to set a
goal of completing a dictionary in one day or in
II. Key Issues one meeting, this is rarely achieved in practice.
Which business issues need to be addressed? Activity dictionary development is one of the
“Begin with the end in mind.” Developing an most crucial steps of ABCM implementation. Let
activity dictionary should involve identifying the process owners and others review the dictionary,
key business issue(s) that management wants contemplate it, and refine it to make sure that it
to address. Without identifying these key issues, meets everyone’s needs. Once the activities are
ABCM implementation will be suboptimized, and “frozen” for surveying and activity cost determi-
the issues will go unresolved. nation, it is difficult to add, change, or delete
activities. Make sure the activities in the diction-
How do we handle support activities? The ques- ary will meet the overall objectives of ABCM
tion of where in the dictionary to put support implementation.
activities (e.g., human resource, finance,
accounting, etc.) needs to be addressed early in BIBLIOGRAPHY
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