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Cassie Greco

Algebra 2 & Trig Review AFTER THEY CLEAR YOUR CALCULATOR YOU MUST PERFORM THESE STEPS!!!!!! *****THEY WILL NOT TELL YOU HOW TO DO THIS***** MODE A+BI MODE DEGREE ND 2 CATALOG (SCROLL DOWN TO) DIAGNOSTIC ON Undefined Fractions A fraction is undefined when its denominator equals zero. Here you set the bottom equal to zero, then solve for x. Simplifying Fractions To simplify a fraction containing variable expressions factor first. Adding and Subtracting Expressions We can only add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. If the denominators are different you must find the least common denominator. Dividing Fractions Multiply dividend by reciprocal of divisor. ** KEEP-CHANGE-FLIP RULE!!!! KEEP the first fraction CHANGE to multiplication FLIP the second fraction*** Complex Rational Expressions Fractions whose numerator, denominator, or both contain fractions. To simplify a complex fraction first find the LCD of all the little fractions. Second multiply every term by the LCD. Third factor and reduce. Solving Rational Expressions This contains one or more fractions. To solve: first find the LCD of all the fractions. Second, multiply every term by the LCD to remove fractions. Third, solve. Fourth, check. Fifth, reject any extraneous roots (any solution for which the equation is undefined is called an extraneous root.) Absolute Value Equations When solving an equation containing absolute value you must first isolate the absolute value then set up the cases. EX: original l2x-4l =8 two cases are 2x-4=8 and 2x-4=-8. Absolute Value Inequalities To solve an inequality containing absolute vale the inequality must first be converted to either a conjunction or a disjunction. EX: -any number<x<any number or any number>x>any number. < and mean and. Therefore you shade in on number line. > and mean or. Therefore you shade out on number line. When making the second case negative change the sign. When dividing by a negative change the sign.

Roots and Radicals Every positive real number has two square roots positive and opposite. You will never have a negative inside the radical. Inside of the radical must always be greater than or equal to zero. Simplifying Radicals A radical is in simplest form if the radicand does not contain any perfect square factors. The radicand does not contain a fraction. The radical does not appear I a denominator of a fraction. When there is an exponent you can simplify those too by dividing exponent by the index number. Adding and Subtracting Radicals Radicals that have the same index and same radicand are called like radicals. Like radicals can be added or subtracted. You can subtract/add the outside and keep the inside as long as they are the same. Multiplying Radicals Radicals can be multiplied when the indexes are the same. First you multiply coefficients and multiply radicands. Then simplify. Dividing Radicals Radicals can be divided when the indexes are the same. Divide coefficients, divide radicands. Then simplify. Rationalizing a Denominator This means to write the fraction as equivalent fraction with a denominator that is a rational number. (Just multiply top and bottom by the denominator) Binomial Denominators To rationalize a fraction whose denominator is a binomial, multiply numerator and denominator by conjugate of denominator. ********** CONGUGATE JUST CHANGE THE SIGN********** a+bi is a-bi. Solving Radical Equations Contain one radical term with a variable in the radicand. Isolate radical on one side, square both, solve, then check. Introduction to Complex Numbers i imaginary unit not real. i = radical -1. Always remove the negative inside a square root and put i in the front before doing any calculations. Powers of i Put in calculator. Calculator Steps: MathNUM #3 (iPart) 2nd period (i) raise it to whatever power you are looking for. Additive Inverse Change both signs. a+bi is a-bi

Adding Complex Numbers Combine like terms. (3+4i) + (5+6i)= 8+10i Subtracting Complex Numbers Distribute and combine like terms. (4+3i) (5+2i)= 4+3i-5-2i= -1+i Multiplying Complex Numbers Use foil. Division of Complex Numbers To rationalize a fraction whose denominator is in the form a+bi we must multiply the denominator and numerator by its conjugate. Solving Quadratic Equations Write in standard form (set = to 0). Factor. Set each to 0. Solve both. Check in equation. Quadratic Inequalities Contains a polynomial of degree 2. EX: ax2+bx+c <0. To solve a quadratic inequality: change to a quadratic equation. Solve to find roots. Place roots on a number line. < and shade in on number line. > and shade out on number line. If it is equal to you fill in the circle. Then write the appropriate solution. Completing the Square Coefficient of the highest power =1. Move constant term to the right. Prepare to add needed value to create a trinomial. To find value, take half the coefficient of middle term, square it, and add value to both sides. Factor. Take square roots. solve. Quadratic Formula Equation in the song to the beat of pop goes the weasel: X equals negative b plus or minus the square root. B squared minus four ac all over two a. Discriminant This is the name given to the expression that appears under the square root (radical) sign in the quadratic formula. The discriminant of the quadratic equation is: the discriminant tells you about the nature of the roots. Value of the Discriminant POSITIVE b^2-4ac > 0 ZERO b^2-4ac=0 NEGATIVE b^2-4ac<0 Nature of the Roots Positive and Perfect Square: Real Rational, Unequal. Positive, and Not a Perfect Square: Real. Irrational, Unequal Real, Rational, Equal Imaginary

Sum and Product of the Roots of a Quadratic Sum=

Product= If you begin with a negative in front of the quadratic equation you do not want that. Therefore you multiply the whole thing by -1. This changes the signs of everything. Graphing Quadratic-Linear Systems With Calculator: First, put both equations in standard form. (y=mx+b and y=ax^2+bx+c=0). Next graph the linear function. Then graph the quadratic function. Then locate and state the point(s) of intersection. Algebraically: Set equations equal to each other. Make it so that it equals 0. Factor. Set equal to 0 and you have your x values. Take your x values and plug into either of the original equations. Solve those equations and get your y values. Pair up your (x,y) and (x,y) and that is your solution. Relations and Functions Relation is a set of ordered pairs. Domain is a set of all the first elements of each ordered pair. The values of x. Range is the set of all the second elements of each ordered pair. The values of y. Function is a relation in which no two ordered pairs have the same first element. Each x value is only used once. Use the vertical line test to see if it is a function. For a function to be one-to-one there must be no repeating x or y values. Perform the horizontal line test. Function notation f (x) = x+1. Verbally it says f of x equals x+1. Composition (f)(g) or f following g. we evaluate composition of function from right to left. Inverse Function Swap the x and y. rewrite the function. Interchange the numbers of each ordered pair. The new function is called the inverse of f and symbolized by f^-1. EX: f(x)=3x+7 y=3x+7 x=3y+7 x-7=3y y= x-7 over 3.

Algebra of Functions (f+g)(x)= f(x) + g(x) (f-g)(x)= f(x) g(x) (fg)(x)= f(x) g(x) (f/g) (x)= f(x)/ g(x) Restricted Domain 3 cases. Fraction. Radical. Or both. Fraction set denominator equal to 0. Radical set inside of the radical to greater or equal to 0. Radical and fraction set denominator to >0. Equation of a Circle

(h,k) is the center and r is the radius. Steps to Find Center and Radius of an Equation First, move the constant to the other side. Second, group x and y terms together. Third complete the square for each set. Fourth , factor out each set of the parenthesis. Now the equation is in center radius form. Solving higher degree polynomials A polynomial function of degree two has one turning point and at most two real roots or zeros. A polynomial function of degree three has at most two turning point. It can have one or three real roots, or zeros. A polynomial function of degree n has at most n distinct roots. to find the degree look at highest exponent. All you do is factor. Inverse variation Two things being compared will change in opposite directions. As one increases the other decreases. X and y vary inversely or are inversely proportional when xy=xy. When the ration of two variables is a constant, the variables are directly proportional. Set up a proportion.

Laws of Exponents

Zero exponent Anything to the 0 power equals 1. Negative Exponent Anything that has a negative exponent put 1 over that number raised to that number. X^-n = 1/x^n Solving Equations Involving Exponents Get variable with exponent alone. Raise both sides to reciprocal of given exponent. Simplify and check. Solving Exponential Exponents Express each side as a power of the same base. Set exponents equal to each other. Solve. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs Function of form y=b^x. b= a positive number not equal to 1. b>1=function increases. 0<b<1 = function decreases. Put into calculator and graph. E is a natural base and an exponential function with e as a base is natural exponential function. Put into calculator and graph. **Properties** it never touches the x-axis (asymptote) crosses the y axis at (0,1) lies in quadrant one and two. Applications of Exponential Functions

Logarithmic Function Log exponential form.

Exponential log form

Logarithmic Relationships Laws of Logs.

(Multiplication Addition) (Division Subtraction) Exponent comes to front.

Common Logs Find the common log by hitting log on your calculator then type in the number. Find the natural log by hitting ln and typing in the number. Find the antilog by hitting 2nd ln/log in calculator. Inverse Log Switch x and y. resolve for y. EX: y=2^x x=2^y y=log2x to graph put original y=2^x into calculator bring up table. For inverse just switch the x and y values. Logarithmic Equations undo log operations and replace given equation with equivalent algebraic format. Combine logs using properties. Change to exponential form. solve for x.

SOHCAHTOA Sin= o/h Cos= a/h Tan= o/a Angles, Arcs, and Rotations Standard Position- angles that can be drawn on the coordinate plane.

Initial side- the beginning ray of the angle. It is fixed on the positive x axis.

Terminal side- rotates about the origin. The standard angle, theta, is measured between the initial and terminal side. Unit Circle Circle whose center is in the origin and radius unit is 1. A unit circle forms a right triangle where the radius is the hypotenuse and the angle theta always comes from the origin. Cosine ratio is represented by the x value. Sine ration is represented by the y value. In trig (x,y) converts to (cos, sin).

Reciprocal Trig Functions and Quadrants

CAST All Students Try Cheating this represents where trig functions are positive in the quadrants. Reciprocals of the trig functions: Sin= o/h csc=h/o Cos= a/h sec=h/a Tan=o/a cot=a/o Radian Measure Degree to Radian Conversions= multiply by pie over 180. Radians to Degree conversions= substitute 180 for pie. Or if you dont see pie multiply by 180/pie. Finding arc length S=(theta)(r) S= arc length R= radius Theta= central angle measured in radians. Reference Angle Quadrant Formula Quadrant 1= theta Quadrant 2= 180-theta Quadrant 3= theta-180 Quadrant 4= 360-theta To reduce and Angle First, draw the angle. Second, determine sign of function (CAST Chart) Third, apply formula. Fourth, write out answer. EX: sin 140 (sin is positive where sin is 140) 180-140=40. +sin40

Sin, Cos, Tan Chart ***MUST KNOW***

Cofuntion Any trig function of an acute angle is equal to the cofunction of its complement. EX: sin10=cosX 10+x=90 x=80 Basic Sine Graph

Basic Cosine Graph

Basic Tangent Graph

Undefined=dotted lines. Tangent always increasing never decreasing. Amplitude Absolute value of the difference between max and min y values. lal Frequency Number of cycles in a given interval. b Period Length of interval needed to produce 1 curve. 2pie/b Phase Shift Graph of f (x+c) is the graph of f(x). move c units to the right if c is negative. Move c units to the left if c is positive. Reciprocal and inverse trig Functions Cosecant= cscx Secant= secx Cotangent=cotx 1 divided by sin, cos, tangent of x to see these graphs. ********CALCULATOR MUST BE IN RADIANS!!!!!!!********* Trig Identities *****MUST BE MEMORIZED***** Reciprocals Quotients Pythagorean Sin x= 1/cscx Csc x= 1/sinx Cos x= 1/secx Sec x= 1/cosx Tan x = 1/cotx Cot x = 1/tanx Tanx= sinx/cosx Sinx+cosx=1 1- cosx= Sinx 1- Sinx= cosx

Cotx= cosx/sinx

tanx+1=secx tanx= secx-1 secx- tanx=1

1+ cotx=cscx cscx-+ cotx=1 cscx-1= cotx


Simplifying Look for common factors. If none exist look for related functions from the identities that will assist in the simplification. Proving/Verifying Simplify to sin or cos!! More difficult side first. At the end both sides should match. Cos A-B, Cos A+B, Sin A-B, Sin A+B, Tan A-B, Tan A+B ON REFERENCE TABLE Functions of the Double Angle & Half Angle ON REFERENCE TABLE. Use which ever formula fits the problem. First Degree Trig Equations Substitute x in for trig, solve for x. put trig back into the problem. Find angle using calculator. Determine quadrants. Find angle and measurement in each quadrant. EX: 4sin + 3=5 4x+3=5 x=1/2 sinx=1/2 2nd sin= x=30 (sin is positive in q1 and q2) Q1=30 Q2=180-30= 150 Using factoring to solve trig equations EX: tan-3tan-4=0 x-3x-4=0

(x-4)(x+1) tanx=4
2nd tan= 76 Q1=76 Q3=360-76=256

2nd tan=45 Q2 (WHERE TAN IS NEGATIVE)=135 Q3=315

Solving trig equations using identities More than 1 trig function=identities needed to reduce. Identities are:

Area of a Triangle ON REFERENCE TABLE. k=1/2absinC. 2 sides and the sin of the angle included. Area of a Parallelogram 2(1/2absinC) Law of Cosines ON REFERENCE TABLE. c=a+b-2abcosC (notice cs are opposite)

3 sides 1 angle
Law of Sines ON REFERENCE TABLE. a/sinA= b/sin B= c/sinC. 2 sides 2 angles. Ambiguous Case How many triangles can exist? Sum of interior=180. No 2 obtuse angles. Sine is positive in Q1 and Q2. Use law of sines!! EX: 20/sin30=16sinC 20sinC=16sin30 sinC=.4 2nd sin= 24 Q1=24+30=54 Q2=156+30=186 ONE POSSIBLE TRIANGLE. (if it is over 180 there cannot be a triangle) Solving Triangles 2 Triangles. Find side in common first. Fill in all degree measures. Find side triangles share. Answer final question. Vectors Properties of applied forces pushing/pulling an object. Case #1= 2 forces push/pull in the same direction. Case#2= 2 forces push/pull in opposite directions. Case #3= pull in directions to form an angle. The new force is the resultant. Calculator Signs Mean Sum of Data x Sample Standard Deviation Sx Standard Deviation x Median Med (Q2) Third Quartile Q3

Find Range and Interquartile Range Interquartile is the difference between Q1 and Q3 Range= difference between largest and smallest. Statistics Calculator: statenter#in L1 and L2 enterstatcalc#1enterL1,L2 Normal Distribution ON REFERENCE TABLE. The 1 before the 0 represents 1 standard deviation below the mean. The 1 after the 0 represents 1 standard deviation above the mean. 0 is the mean. Smaller=more consistency. Larger=more spread out. Grouped Data Interval Midpoint Frequency MUST FIND MIDPOINT! 100-92=8 8/2=4 92+4=96 91-83=8 8/2=4 83+4=87 78

100-92 91-83 82-74

3 2 7

Regression Positive-both increase. Negative-one increases, another decreases. None-not related.

Models of Scatter Plots Linear regression, exponential regression, cubic, quadratic, power and log. Calc Steps- stat calc choose regression L1,L2 enter Write equation!

Expansion EX: 3C0 (x^3) (2^0)= x^3 3C1 (x^2) (2^1)= 6x^2 3C2 (x^1)(2^2)=12x 3C3 (x^0)(2^3)=8 x^3+ 6x^2 +12x+8 Permutation Arrangement of objects in a specific order. ORDER MATTERS nPr n= total number of objects Counting Principle A ways for an activity to occur and b ways for a second activity to occur. Indistinguishable objects Letters represented in the original set. EX: APPLE 5!/2! Combination Set of objects where order is NOT important. nCr Probability P(e)=n(e)/n(s) Probability= number of elements over number of elements in sample space Binomial Probability 2 possible outcomes one success and one failure. Fixed number of trials. Trials are independent. nCr (p)^r (q)^n-r n=number of trials p= probability it will occur q=probability it wont Arithmetic Sequence Add or subtract in the list of numbers a1= first term an=last term r=common ratio n=number of terms d=difference use an=a1+ (n-1)d Geometric Sequence Multiply or divide in the list of numbers use An=a1 (r)^n-1 Sum of Arithmetic and Geometric ON REFERENCE TABLE

Recursion EX: write 1at 4 terms of a=-4 and an+5 A1=-4 A2= -4+5=1 A3= 1+5=6 Sigma Notation


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