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Money is what most people want to have. What would i buy if I had a million dollars?

Hardly will have that kind of money right now, maybe one day. But if I'd buy a house in another country, the United States for example. Living in the USA would be interesting. If I had a lot of money, certainly would help my family because they helped me and help to this day. And also donate a part to a charitable institution serious. Help is always important.

Represa Hoover
A Barragem Hoover ou Represa Hoover (em ingls: Hoover Dam) uma represa localizada entre os estados de Nevada e Arizona, nos Estados Unidos, no rio Colorado. A represa foi nomeada em homenagem a Herbert Hoover, o 31. Presidente dos Estados Unidos, que foi muito importante no processo de construo da represa.

The Hoover Dam or Hoover Dam (English: Hoover Dam) is a dam located between the states of Nevada and Arizona in the United States, on the Colorado River. The dam was named after Herbert Hoover, the 31st. President of the United States, which was very important in the process of building the dam. O Lago Tahoe (em ingls: Lake Tahoe) um grande lago de gua doce situado nas montanhas da Serra Nevada dos Estados Unidos. Localiza-se na fronteira entre os estados de Califrnia e Nevada, a oeste de Carson City. O lago Tahoe o maior lago alpino da Amrica do Norte,1 e sua profundidade de 501 m. O lago foi formado h cerca de dois milhes de anos. O lago uma das principais atraes tursticas dos estados da Califrnia e Nevada. Nele se encontram inmeros estaes de esqui, atraes tursticas e locais para recreao ao ar livre

durante o vero. A neve e o esqui so dois dos principais atrativos para a economia e a reputao local. Lake Tahoe is a large freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevad of the United States. It's located on the border between the states of California and Nevada. Lake Tahoe is the largest alpine lake in North America and its depth is 501 m. The lake was formed about two million years. The lake is one of the main tourist attractions of the states of California and Nevada. It is home to a number of ski resorts, summer outdoor recreation, and tourist attractions. Snow and skiing are two of the main attractions for the economy and reputation local.

A Las Vegas Strip de aproximadamente 4,2 milhas (6,8 km) trecho de Las Vegas Boulevard South, em Clark County, Nevada. Desconhecido para muitos viajantes fora do Nevada, a banda no est localizado dentro da cidade de Las Vegas, mas passa pelas cidades no registadas do Paraso e Winchester, que so sul da cidade de Las Vegas. Muitos dos maiores hotis, casino e resort propriedades em todo o mundo esto localizados na Las Vegas Strip. Quinze dos 25 maiores hotis do mundo pela contagem de quarto esto na Strip, com um total de mais de 62 mil quartos. A modernizao de hotis, cassinos, restaurantes e residenciais arranha-cus na Faixa estabeleceu a cidade como um dos destinos mais populares para os turistas.

The Las Vegas Strip is an approximately 4.2-mile (6.8 km) stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard South in Clark County, Nevada. Unknown to many travelers outside of Nevada, The Strip is not located within the City of Las Vegas but it passes through the unincorporated towns of Paradise and Winchester, which are south of the Las Vegas city. Many of the largest hotel, casino, and resort properties in the world are located on the Las Vegas Strip. Fifteen of the world's 25 largest hotels by room count are on the Strip, with a total of over 62,000 rooms.

The modernization of hotels, casinos, restaurants, and residential high-rises on the Strip has established the city as one of the most popular destinations for tourists.

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