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interview MBBS UIA Assalamualaikum w.b.t panel 1: are you Nur Aimi Liyana Binti Hambali?

aku: yes i am. (bagi fail sijil kat interviewer. ingat! bawak sijil dan buat resume! walaupun tak diminta, tetapi ini penting sebagai good first impression, membuktikan kita bersedia untuk interview) panel 1 dan panel 2 perkenalkan diri dorang... panel bukak fail sijil. dan tengok resume aku... panel 2: introduce about youurself..your family background..and your interest.. aku: my name is..............i come from ampang, former school..........i come from middle-class father works as............while my mother works as................i have 5 siblings and i am the third one. i love to do social works and .............. panel 1: (sambil belek-belek fail sijil aku) have been involved in many society..why do u like to be involved in society? (sebenarnya takdelah byk sgt society yg aku join. kalau join, jadi orang-orang bawahan je) aku: i love to do social works becoz i believe that in this life, we cannot always give, but we have to give-n-take. it has to be two-sided, n not one-sided (credit to musfirah yang bagi idea ni). saidina ali also stated that "how much you can give is more important compared to how much u have" panel 2: so you hav been a prefect in school. tell me about ur bad memory while you are being a prefect in school.. aku: ouh, i still remember when i was on duty of taking care of staircase which is only for female students but not male students, there is one day when a few male students pushed the gate of staircase and at the same time pushed me. that was really bad and unforgetable memory for me. (okeyyyy, english aku memang broken kan? jgn tiru saya ya. susun ayat elok2. huhu) panel 1 dan panel 2 angguk2 dan senyum. panel 1: were u a vice-president of prefect? aku: no...(tak layak pun)

panel 2: ok...em, r u the first doctor in ur family? aku: no, insyaAllah my brother will be the first one, while i am the second one. panel 1: where is ur brother studying? aku: he's studying at karnataka, india. panel 2: em, what so special about UIA that u chose UIA over the other universities? aku: UIA has islamisation in the studies. even in our lab report we have to include islamic aspects and quranic verse. furthertmore, in class, lecture also put islamic view in lesson. for example, last time, when we are studying locomotion topic, my lecturer told me dat owl can rotate its head up to 360 degree. this is because owl has eyes in the front, while the other birds have eyes in these sides (smbl tunjukkan kat tepi). the significance of dis rotation is to widen the view of the owl. subhanallah., learning biology is really strengthening our faith. panel 1: don't u think it is bothersome that you have to include islamic view in lab report? aku: yes, it is undeniable dat it sometimes can be bothersome. however, without this, the lesson become meaningless. panel 1: (angguk2) em, why u chose medic over the other courses? aku: because of Allah n ummah. dis profession really requires muslim doctors, since there are many sensitive islamic issues dat need to be taken care of. for example, usage of clexane, which to dilute blood and prevent blood clot. clexane contains pig protein. so, why would we use clexane, while there is heparin? so, we need muslim doctors to prevent from giving clexane to muslim patients. panel 1: but, that is only protein, not zahiriah. is it okay? aku: but, if we hav confirmed halal one, why not we use the halal one? panel 1 dan 2 angguk2. panel 2: what do u know about life after finished 5 years of studying? aku: aftrer graduating, there will be 2 years of housemanship, and thene becoming medical officer. i have read many blogs and books about medic

and doctor's life. and most of them said that housemanship years is like a hell. however, i believe that if we think positive, then our life will be positive, for example, if i as a houseman get scolded by medical officer, i will take it as a lesson. panel 2: ok, em, do you have any questions or any last words? aku: em, how many medical students do you want to take? panel 1: em, it depends on ministry and university. aku: em, i have last words to say. I REALLY WANT TO BE A DOCTOR, SO PLEASE GIVE ME CHANCE. (senyum) panel 1: ok, insyaAllah. aku: thank you. -the end. alhamdulillahconclusion: -bawak fail sijil, jangan lupe! -buat resume. -pakai baju warna cerah tapi tak meriah sangat. -susun ayat elok2 ye. jangan jadi macam aku =.= -banyakkan senyum, and be humble:) -bercakap lah dari hati, penuh keikhlasan, not scripted one. -ikhlaskan kaki melangkah ke tmpat interview semata-mata kerana Allah. moga ia dihitung Allah sebagai ibadah. soalan lain dari kawan-kawan: -if you dont get dis offer, what will you do? -did you get any other offer before this? -why don't u follow your father to be engineer? -if you are treating a patient, and you get news that one of ur family members is sick, which one would you choose? -do you want to get married? (soalan tak boleh blah) -how would this profession contribute to the ummah? -what do you know about hospital system? -do you like medicine-based or sugery-based? -which specialist do you prefer? -do you prefer to work at hospital or clinic? -what subjects will you learn in degree? -who inspire you? dan banyak lagi..............sekian terima kasih...:))

interview for kuliyyah medicine,UIA KUANTAN alhamdulillah.. selesai sudah..tersangatlah mengelabah sebab tak prepare sangat interview ni gara-gara biology 2 yang belajar macam bullet train pastu tiba-tiba kena kuiz.. so,saya buat tak tau je pasal interview medicine. tapi status-status kat fb and jiran sebelah bilik yang asyik berlatih untuk interview ni membuatkan saya jadi CUUUUAKKK!!!! saya dapat panel 2 daripada 9 panel.. they are nice!!!!! alhamdulillah..Allah permudahkan. adik-adik depan bilik ni asyik takutkan orang je.. "AKAK,AKAK KENA SEARCH INTERNET KAK..KENA TAU SEMUA JENIS PENYAKIT..KENA TAU SEMUALAH..HA,AKAK KENA TAU PASAL ANAESTHETIC SEBAB AKAK NAK BENDA TU" fine,lepas tu terus tak fokus nak study biology..jadi saya pon pergilah forum "dari mata turun ke hati" best tau sebab ust hasrizal abdul jamil datang!bukannya senang..dekat UIA ni memang best sebab penceramahpenceramah daripada rancangan tanyalah ustaz: (ustaz imran,dr.danial),saifulislam, al-kuliyyah:(ustaz nizam) semuanya pernah datang UIA bagi talk.. so,sama ada kita grab peluang ni or let it go je.. ustaz muhadir kata pergi majlis ilmu adalah lebih baik daripada orang yang solat sunat 1000 rakaat..kita kena pergi jugak majlis ilmu nak-nak tentang islam walaupon sebusy mana pun..kadang-kadang bila kita pergi majli ilmu mesti kita akan rasa,ohh aku tak tau pon..jadi baguslah kita pergi sebab dari situ apa yang kita tak tau jadi tau...terima kasih kat segala committee and segala persatuan yang menjayakan segala program sebegini.TAHNIAH!! saya tengok jodoh pertemuan orang alim-alim ni semuanya sama cara dia.. nak tau macam mana????tungguu.. ustaz hasrizal cakap waktu dia dah bertunang pon,dia tak tau muka bakal isteri dia, sebab orang tengah yang carikan seorang isteri buat dia. orang tengah tu adalah ustaz kepada ustaz. lepas 2bulan ustaz pon dipanggil untuk tengok siapa calon isteri dia..

ada 2 calon.rasa dalam saiful islam ustaz ade cerita.jadi saya direct cerita pasal calon yang ustaz pilih. ustaz just tengok 1 gambar isteri dia yang ada 40 orang..jadi muka punyalah secoet.mana nak nampak.. lepas tunang,family ustaz pon tanya "pernah tengok ke bakal isteri kamu?". bila ustaz jawab tak, abang ustaz ternganga bagai nak rak... jadi hari tu mak ustaz suruhlah bakal isteri ustaz menunjukkan diri..isteri ustaz pon CCUUUAKKK.... dia pon keluar la.... bila ustaz tengok je..ustaz rasa tenang and pleasure sebab dapat jumpa bakal isteri pertama kali dalam rumah dia dibesarkan dan dilahirkan..begitulah gamaknya... kalau nak dengar lagi best kena dengar ustaz cerita sendiri...heheh maafla ye kalau kurang memahami story line saya. tajuk dah lari,haha back to the point.. masuk-masuk interview je. 1)decribe yourself about your name...and anything =my name parents are...(name), my father is...(job),my mother is a housewife.i am the youngest among my siblings.i have 2 brothers.they have been married(takde kena mengena..saja je nak bagi banyak sikit,tak tau nak cakap apa). my 2 sisters still studying previous school was science seri puteri,kl. 2)oh, you live in KL? no,i ive in rawang and i was born in KL..HBKL... 3)oh your father work under MAS??? =no, he works in Airod subang... 3)any of your family work as a doctor? no(asyik jawab "No" je) 4 4)so,you want to be a doctor?why don't you be an aircraft technician like your father?don't you afraid that you are the only one in your family taking this course. Ok..i have my own i want to be a doctor. why i must follow my father's career. i choose my own path.( panjang lagi la melalut tak ingat dah ape dia haha) 5)Why you choose medicine? (Soalan common)= because i want to be a doctor lah..

(jawapan yang tak memuaskan,sebenarnya saya buat cerita sedih sikit part ni..haha malas nak cerita..nak tau?tak yah taulah haha)then..i feel inspired by the doctors who treat me and i am really commited in whatever i,when i start it,i should finish it. 6)wah that is very good when i have start it,i should finish it. other that that?any other reason you want to be a doctor? besides that i am the only one in my family that they hope to become a doctor. they give a lot of support. when i got my spm result,they know that i can do it. so,i have strong support from my family to take this course. my mother also bless me.and ALLAH's blessing is from mother's blessing. 7)so what do you think as a doctor we just give drugs??? for me,as a doctor, we (mcm dah jadi doctor je,hehe )not only just give the drugs and then let patients go..first,if the patients are muslims we must remind him that we just give the best treatment but Allah is the only one that cure us.Then, we must make sure that after we treat them the patients will feel.."WAH THIS DOCTOR MAKE ME FEEL RELIEVE" it is because we actually make them to be more stronger so their immune system can what...(BLUR SIKIT NAK TRANSLATE PERKATAAN "lawan") their disease. then,we must make sure that we explain more about their sickness.explain and EXPALAIN why they get the the patients know WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN TO THEM (mcm tulah lebih kurang) 8)yes i agree with you.EXPALAINATION IS IMPORTANT. ok,you choose any disease that you know deeply. (lama jugak fikir,kena pilih yang senang2 ni huhu) HYPERTENSION. 9)GIVE DEFINITION OF HYPERTENSION. hypertension is because the patients get a lot of pressure like me.. haha xdelah.. 10)I WANT SCIENTIFIC DEFINITION.. hypertension is a disease when a patient (bla bla...mengarut gila and last word)because of high blood pressure.. 11)yes !!!!that ARE the words that i want to hear.because of high blood pressure (tula melalut lagi jawapan pendek je pon).What are the consequences or symptoms of hypertension.?

the patients can faint or may be death occur. 12)not may be..but can suddenly DIE.why death can happen.. because the blood vessel is clot by cholesterol and the blood cannot flow.and oxygenated blood cannot reach the brain... 13)last i give to dr.saiful. then dr saiful bagi situasi.i am the doctor who examine you.then i found that both of your ears cannot have problems with your ear.and i said you cannot further in medical what you want to say to me. OK,as i have this opportunity to take medicine. you cannot stop there any rules for me to enter medical school for ear problem?(kurang pasti soalan berbalas soalan) yes,as a doctor you need to check the heartbeat,wearing stethoscope( tak terfikir pulak) ok,when i have ear problems,i ry to find a way to solve it.i will seekany doctors who can check my ear's problem.mybe it is small problem.and it is worst, i can do, as whatever we plan if Allah want it, i can proceed it. 14)although the operation takes for three still want it?and your friends has already done for three years.. yes, because i want to be a why should i take other courses.what ever it is, i must take medicine in order to be a doctor.

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