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for freind

im anarchist burner killer i killw

kill child anarcist

i am angry trouble troubled child killer i kill i am anarchist killer

i kill homeless murderer im in night time im in outside i am your hands killer

idoits im sad i even cant sleep you idoit you loser kill

im sad world friend it is sad am i dead anarchist am i killer anarchist in me terror sad world friend

tonight is the night interesting world stay silent alone resilent alone

punk your dead this isnt the game i am your head kill kill

i am sinful sabotage coworker in sex i am old seenile child killer

im nude terror rapist i have my way with words anarchist murder the press killer

president murderer i want to be nuisance i want to be nasty troublesum world i am dead

chaos constant sin i am deathful sin murder the child sin

im a mad person no fun killer no friends killer alone all the time person

manifesto killer i am cry 1 i am killer and pride in myself 2 i found out but keep quiet to myself 3

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