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University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences Belgrade, Serbia, 2 High Business Technical School, Uice, Serbia, 3University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Serbia

Key words: strategic development, E-education, company, knowledge management

Prof.Ph.D. eng Gordana MILOSAVLJEVI Abstract

M.Sc. eng. Zorica TANASKOVI

Assoc.Prof.Ph.D. eng Zagorka ACIMOVI PAVLOVI

Characteristics of todays civilization are globalization and internationalization of the world, followed by immense quantity of information and, of course, exceptional possibilities for their application. In order for people to stay and be able to adapt to new trends, new ways of accepting and refining information are being developed, especially in the domain of transfer or placement of knowledge. Corporate education, with all its possibilities for knowledge interconnecting (e-libraries, distance learning, internet, intrarnet etc.), is moving toward e-education.

All previous experience and scientific knowledge competitiveness of companies associated with the technology resources and economising on raising quality. If we enter into a deeper analysis of competition and competitiveness we come to know that the essence of competition as the market relations in the knowledge and skills competition of market players in their ability to the knowledge and ability to timely and systematically applied. Competitiveness as a property (system properties) and properties of the subjects of competition, that comes down to the implementation of adequate capacity in the practice of market relations. This means that due to the substantive provisions of competition and competitiveness of the knowledge, skills and abilities. Namely, we can not meet a skills acquired through education and training because, the factors of market relations, demand and supply is very dynamic and complex phenomena. The world has long understood the importance of knowledge and people often say knowledge workers and knowledge management. If should be emphasized that under these terms does not mean the maximum development and perfection of some skills and their organizations, but it is a fundamental starting point that knowledge and information, the main force, the comparative advantage of the company. Some of the definitions of knowledge management are determined to develop a system to organize knowledge, while others deal with problems of how to preserve the intellectual capital. Companies are invited to use the more hidden wealth in the minds of its employees.


Characteristics of modern civilization as increasing globalization and internationalization of the world, accompanied by massive amounts of information and of course, exceptional opportunities for their application, and in some way for the abuse. In the maelstrom of change is often permanent acceptance of human abilities and information processing are not adequate situation. To other people, were able to adapt to new trends are developing new ways of receiving and processing information, and particularly in relation to the transfer or placement of knowledge. Corporate education with all the possibilities offered by modern information and communication technologies to connect knowledge, move toward distance education (e-libraries, internet, extranet and more important intranet). Increasingly, large companies that responded to the changes established corporate universities, and complete training of employees through e-organizing networks. Simply put, supply and demand is relatively constant and rapid change, which set requirements for amendments to the knowledge and skills to implement new technologies and changes in the overall behavior. In this context we should look for the answer to the question of relations company in terms of knowledge. The company are concentrated in two types of knowledge: first, scientific research and creative knowledge that can be (and usually is) an expert character - and therefore other available competitive, creative and internally generated knowledge and skills within the development centers of various types, constructors and research units, second, to the concentration of professional and business knowledge and skills acquired in




education outside the company. Professional knowledge acquired in the ordinary course of school system have fundamental importance and are largely based on continuous work capacity of each individual. They must necessarily have some degree of generality and the level of the appropriate ranges of time in which they are acquired. Change is a key determinant of development, which is the aspect of the individual can be understood as a total growth of knowledge, experience and skills in the development of complete personality, as a process of progress towards its maximum potential.

of direct relations between teachers and students, replacing the distance education. The total consideration of the implementation of distance education are concentrated around the two poles, but they are not rare or compromises. First, that the information and communication technologies are treated as a powerful educational tool of the modern world and that the existing level of technological development must be incorporated into education, as it has occurred with all areas of life and work. Employees in the education sector will have to learn new technology, and others who care about their survival. Second, it is a great technological evil. So David Noble, a Canadian, 1998, wrote in his book: Digital Diploma Mills, that distance education is not a technological transformation, but bad Commercialization of Higher Education, which seems to make money on the stock market developed technology, to techno-fanatics to see all the computers, not only saw a man . Of course, the expectations are different. It is therefore important before implementation of informationtechnology project comunication whole process and explore the expectations and needs. All participants in education, the technologically new way, to provide the necessary skills, linking pedagogical, andragogical, psychological and knowledge of information technology, science of communication and organization. Successful distance education programs are not created spontaneously, but team work of experts from various fields.

2.1. Strategic directions for the development of education

Education in terms of public policy is a set of activities in shaping the future of society through the construction of the system of values, knowledge and skills of generations who will take the lead social development and life in general. Hence derive the strategic development of education. As basic can be identified: overcoming technological and other skills necessary for active participation in life, there are mainly: communication and multimedia technologies, access to knowledge and information; forming abilities and needs for continuing education and selfeducation; forming mental and physical properties of personality independently action, and teamwork; Training of educational institutions for integration into the global mainstream, through intensive cooperation on programs, exchange of lecturers and students of all levels and profiles, standardization of education and diplomas and to connect all schools in the wider information networks; defining and fostering the values and language, writing, culture and understanding of other cultures; overcoming the traditional attitude to knowledge, not only favoring formal education as an element of social status, but the formation of the continuing need for complete information and quality education.


3.1. Why is e-learning world trend?

All the advanced technologies provide exceptional opportunities for a variety of combinations in the presentation of information and knowledge and checking learning. It has provided opportunities for knowledge transfer of various degrees of complexity, from elementary, to expert information. This is a world trend, and because training is too expensive, it would take for a small group of employees engaged team. Employees are increasingly pointing to the possibilities offered by Internet and intranet, and also provide them with materials on a CD to learn independently, and the checks carried out over the network or are being organized in other ways. An intranet is one of a myriad of communications tools within the organization, which has its own peculiarities. The most certain, that the intranet on-line, which means that there is minimum delay needed information to reach the goal and communications can be carried over great distances. Compared to the off-line media such as paper documents, the contents can be updated in one place and instantly available to all users. So the company intranet via secure communication mechanism for employees. These are possibilities, and what is actually used depends on the company. The network appears as a basic source of data, information, guidelines, criteria and standards for education. The difference is not in the content of learning but in the depersonalization teacher and changes in the performance of the process - business speakers.

2.2. A fundamental change of attitudes towards learning company

In a world of change, development of information communication and technology changes and develops the attitude towards learning. Learning is more oriented to how people obtain information, how to analyze, synthesize, apply and spread in the environment, as affirmation of their capacity. The extent to which people will be able to develop their capacity to learn and to continuously be a major factor in the successful survival of the human planteti. Knowledge, and transfer knowledge and information, an organization recognized as a critical component of success. All over the classical methods of adult education, which are characteristic




3.2. E-Education Market

Before the presentation of any data, it should be recalled that vary from source to source, because it can not collect all the same criteria. No, no matter who the source gain insight all the data is impressive. It is estimated that in 1996, 38 million individuals were connected to the Internet. In 1998, their number growing to 82 million within two years an increase of 116%. It is expected that in 2003 internet population increase to 158 million. Annual growth of 23% of users since 1996. to 2003 is significant. Although it is believed that there will be stagnation in growth in the number of Internet users, predictions are that it will increase the time each individual spends on the Internet. Increasing the number of users and the time that individuals spend on-line helps the development of areas such as electronic education market. The role of internet in globalization can not be stopped. The number of daily activities that depend on the Internet will continue to grow. With the number of individuals who connect to the internet and are used to the benefits provided by the Internet, the existence of the Internet will be a regular occurrence. Thus the experience of electronic education to become second nature to a growing number of internet population. Opportunities for education and learning are impressive. It is estimated that the U.S. spends more on education by $ 700 billion. If we look at a technology product and service providers who deal with education and knowledge markets, this industry can be divided into four sectors based on the target user group. These sectors are: primary and secondary twelve education, post-secondary education, training in work organizations and lifelong education. The options in each of these sectors are remarkable. Recent phenomenon in the education industry is a lifelong education. The market of lifelong learning is much harder to quantify than the previous segments. It also includes individuals who buy books for self-education, participation in seminars (in person or online), as well as people looking to acquire new information and knowledge. It is expected that the professional education because of its dynamism in the market of e-learning will have an increasingly important area, because the employees due to continued insecurity invest more and more. Providers of products and services for e-learning technology high-dollar capital. Illustration, more than $ 1.2 billion was given to companies involved in electronic education. In 2000 there were already more than 100 companies in the market of education and knowledge.

electronic companies corsets various internet and web technology in the design, implementation, transfer and / or facilitate lifelong learning. - Robert Peterson, Piper Jeffrey. In essence, the Internet has created a space for electronic education. Includes educational content / meanings in various formats, including management experience in education and networked community of people who are educated, professionals and experts working on the development of educational content. E-education is a complex category of technology - based education, while he - identical education online education based on the web so that it can be said that he - online education is only part of electronic education. The term e-education covers a wide range of applications and processes, including education based on using a computerbased training using web-based, virtual classrooms and digital collaboration. E-education can be defined as a send content via electronic media, including internet, intranet, estranet, satellite broadcasting, audio / video tapes, interactive TV and CD - ROM. However, e-education is defined more narrowly than distance learning, which includes education in which the used print materials and courses that take place through written correspondence. The concept of electronic education is used here in terms of education based on technology. Terms like e-education, education-based technology, and education based on the web in different ways to define and use by various organizations and groups of users. In addition, there is a permanent change in the use of these terms with new developments in the field of electronic development. We see a lot on the term online education. On -online education is only one part of education based on technology and describes education via the Internet, intranets and extranets. Levels of complexity on - online education are different. The main program on - online education includes text and graphics of the course, exercises, tests and records. On more complex program - online education includes animations, simulations, audio and video clips, expert discussion groups and discussion groups with participants of the same level of knowledge, on - line teaching, links to material on the Internet or web of a corporation, and communicating with defined corporate sectors. The concept of on - line education is used here in the same sense as the education based on use web or internet.

3.4. Advantages of electronic education in companies

Technology has revolutionized business, and management has to make a revolution in electronic education. The need for changing the mode of education in companies suggests a modern, efficient and flexible alternative: e-education. The task of education in companies that provide employees up to date and effective program that will ensure competent employees of the primary advantages are: Everywhere, always, everyone Estimated that approximately 80% of the professional workforce already uses computers at work. Technical barriers, such as access, standards, infrastructure and bandwidth will soon be a problem. Expanding web - a world-wide, high-capacity corporate networks, and highspeed desktop computers will make education available to people over 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the globe. This will allow the business to train and deliver

3.3. Similarities and differences between the E - education and online education
There are many definitions of e-education, because it is interested in many subjects and everyone is trying to give them a specific meaning. Most frequently mentioned are: E-education is education based on technology; E-education is a convergence of education and the Internet. E-education is the use of network technology in the design, transfer, selection, administration and dissemination of education. We define firms that deal with education as




critical information to multiple locations easily and appropriately. Employees may have access to training at the time that suits them, at home or office. -Significant cost savings due to the lack of travel costsThe biggest advantage of electronic education is that it eliminates the costs incurred in case of need to be taught and trained people who are in the same place. According to some data, saving the company between 50 and 70% when, instead of instructor-led training using electronic training. When opting for electronic training sessions can also be cut to divide for several days or weeks and thus the worker spends only part-time training, and rest of the time devoted to their normal work duties. -Timely access to informationWeb - allows instructors to update lessons and materials currently on the entire network. In this way, content is always fresh and consistent and gives users instant access to the most current data. -A panel able to adapt content according to personal choice of e-educationUsers can customize their own training material needs, and have more control over their learning process and can better understand the material. The transfer of content in smaller units that contribute to learning effects are permanent. - Improved cooperation between users and teachingTechniques of communication that creates active on - line environment include practical examples, demonstrations, role playing, simulations, video, on - line references, discussion groups, project teams, rooms for pet, e - mail , message boards, councils, etc. .. Distance learning can be much more stimulating and encourage more critical thinking than traditional lecture held by the instructor. -On - line teaching is less scary than the courses with instructorParticipants on - line courses included in the middle without any risk that can not make any mistakes and to learn that the other course participants. A good educational program shows where and what they were wrong. After the error, they can go back and try again. This type of learning eliminates the inconvenience of making mistakes in front of the whole group of participants.

These are the reasons that led to the formation of a (relatively) new area: the interaction between people and computers (HCI - Human Computer Interaction), which deals with understanding, designing, implementing and evaluating interactive computer sistma intended for mans use. Research in the field of intelligent tutoring systems in this area have gone very far. However, much remains unknown. Man is a social being, and just all the educational content may not be broadcast over the network. Experiential knowledge is always gained through direct activities. Computers will help us continue in education is ever more sophisticated means of living but never comes off.

It is believed that in the near future be the most profitable business education. In the process of permanent innovation of vocational education are increasingly being employed voluntarily include. Them according to their aspirations and interests to invest in education, because the market act only with their knowledge and skills. It can be said that the job is more complex, creative and what is done independently, it is his knowledge on innovation and the wider higher education autonomy in choice of content, tools and methods. Information and communication technology and e-learning is a powerful tool in this process.

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3.5. Is electronic education leads to dehumanization?

And this is one of the strategic issues. Increasingly complex computer systems impose the need for end users to be as simpler. Hence make enormous efforts to develop the user interface, which is the main task is to facilitate the communication of man and computer. Unlike the written word, the interface is not intended for continuous reading, but a framework for a continuous complex movements ... the user interface opens the door to power a computer system (Marcus and Van Dam, 1991).




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Correspondence to: Gordana MILOSAVLJEVI, University of Belgrade, Faculty of

Organizational Sciences Belgrade, Serbia

Zorica TANASKOVI, High Business Technical School, Sv. Save 45, Uice, Serbia Zagorka AIMOVI-PAVLOVI, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Karnegijeva 4, Belgrade, Serbia

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