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Another Fundamental for American Christians

orderlie Conversacon. maie wynn and in-
cite the Natives of the Country to the
Does America ~ have a Chri&- Knowledg and Obedience of the onIie true
tian heri~? The so<!aIled "politi- God and Savior of Mankinde, and the
~ correct" say "No!" Here are Christian Fayth, which in our Royall
a fewof the facts Ofhisloty. Yoube Intencon. and the Adventurers free pr0-
the judge. fession. is the principall Ende of this Plan-
April 10, 1606 tacion ..."
King James I, charter for the settlement January 1L 1638
of Virginia: "to the glory of His divine Towns of Hartford, Weathersfield and
Majesty, in propagating of the Chris- Windsor adopt the FundamenfJll Orders ti
tian religion to such people as yet live Connecticut and "... enter into Combina-
in ignorance of the true knowledge tion and Confederation togather to
and worship of God ...." mayntayne and presearve the liberty and
May 23,1609 the purity of the Gospell of our Lord Jesus,
Second charter granted Virginia: " ... which we now professe ..."
because the principal effect which we August L 1639
can expect or desire of this action is the Inhabitants of Exeter, New Hampshire:
conversion and reauctionof the people "... considering with ourselves the holy
in those parts unto the true worship of will of God and our own necessity, that we
God and the Christian religion." should not live without wholesome laws
November 3, 1620 and civil government among us, of which
King James I grants the Charter of the we are altogether destitute, do, in the name
Plymouth Council: "in the hope there- of Christ and in the sight of God, combine
by to advance the enlargement of the ourselves together to erect and set up
Christian religiOn. to the glory of God among us such government as shall be, to
Almighty." our best discerning, agreeable to the will of
November 11, 1620 God ..."
The Mayflower Compact: Pilgrims 1641
aboard the Mayflower in Plymouth Massachusetts BodyQ/liberties: "The free
Harbor covenant"In ye name of God, fruition of such liberties, Immunities and
Amen We whose names are under- priveledges as humanities, CiviIitie and
writen. the loyall subjects of our dread Christianitie call for as due to every man in
soveraigne Lord, King James, by ye his place and proportion withoutimpeach-
grace of God, of Great Britaine, Franc. ment and Infringement hath ever bene
&:Ireland king, defender of ye faith, and ever will be the tranqualities and Sta-
&., haveing undertaken for ye glorie of bilities of Churches and Commonwealths.
God and ye advancement of ye Chris- And the deniall or deprivall thereof, the
tian faith ..." do by these presents sol- disturbance if not the ruine of both. H

emnly&: mutually in ye· presence of September 26, 1642

God, and one of another, covenant and "Rules, and Precepts that are observed in
combine our selves togeather into a the College at Cambridge in Massachu-
civill body politick ..." setts Bay" (now known as Harvard): "•..
MarchL1629 Let every Student be plainly instructed,
The First Charter of Massachusetts: and earnestly pressed to consider well, the
"... and for the directing, ruling, and maine end of his life and studies is, to
disposeing of all other Matters and know God and Jesus Christ which is
Thinges, whereby our said People ... eternalilife, John 17:3 and therefore to lay
may be soe religiously, peaceablie, and Christ in the bottome, as the only founda-
civilly governed, as their good life and tion of all sound knowledge and learning.
Mini-FACS: Truths About America's Christian Heritage/ Page 2

And seeing the Lord only giveth Philadelphia: With news just received
wisedome, Let everyone seriously set that British troops had attacked in B0s-
himself by prayer in secret to seeke it of ton, the minister opens the session by
him Provo2." (One hundred and six of the reading Psalm 35: "Plead my cause, Oh,
first 108 schools in Amerial werefOunded on Lord, with them that strive with me,fight
the Christian faith.) against them that fight against me.... "
(Congress also authorizes payment to
"The rlghta of the colonlsta aa chaplains to open its sessions with
Christiana •••may be beat under- prayer.)
stood by reading and carefully Mav 20. 1775
8tudylng the In8tltutlon of The The Meck1enbur~ (Nq County Resolu-
Great Law Giver and Head of the tions: "We hereby declare ourselves a
Christian Church, which are to free and independent people; are, and
be found clearly written and pro- of a right ought to be, a sovereign and
mulgated Inthe NewTntament." self-governing association, under con-
Samuel Adams, Old South Leaffet, report trol of no power other than that of our
of the Boston Committee of Correspon- God and the general government of
dence, November 20, 1772 Congress."
June 12, 1775
Continental Congress.calls all citizens
May 19, 1643 to fast and pray and confess their sin
New England Colonies of Massachu- that The Lord God might bless the land.
setts, Connecticut, New Plymouth and " And it is recommended to Christians,
New Haven adopt Articles oj Confedera- of all denominations, to assemble for
tion: "Whereas we all came into these public worship, and to abstain from
parts of America with one and the same servile labour and recreations on said
end and aim namely, to advance the day."For the first time, all Americans
kingdome of our Lord Jesus Christ, and prayed together. (ContinentJd Congress
to injoy the liberties of the Gospell in Journals, Vol. II, p. 87)
purities with peace." May 17. 1776
April 3. 1644 Congress appoints a day of fasting and
New Haven Colony adopts charter: " ... prayer for the colonies so they might
that the judicial laws of God, as they "by a sincere repentance and amend-
were delivered by Moses ,.. be a rule to ment of life, appease God's righteous
all the courts in this jurisdiction ..." displeasure, and through the merits and
April 21. 1649 mediation of Jesus Christ, obtain His
The Marylllnd TolerationAct: "Be it there- pardon and forgiveness."
fore ... enacted ... that no person or June 12, 1776
persons whatsoever within this prov- VirginiJl Bat oj Ri~hts: " (Sec. 16) That
ince ... professing to believe in Jesus religiOn, or the duty which we owe our
Christ shall ... henceforth be any ways Creator, and the manner of discharging
troubled, molested (or disapproved of) it, can be directed only by reason and
... in respect of his or her religion nor in convictions, not by force or violence;
the free exercise thereof ..." and therefore all men are equally enti-
April 25. 1689 tled to the free exercise of religion, ac-
The Great lAw ojPennsylvaniJl: "Whereas cording to the dictates of conscience;
the glory of Almighty God and the good and that it is the mutual duty of all to
of mankind is the reason and the end of practice Christian forbearance, love, and
government ... therefore government charity towards each other."
itself is a venerable ordinance of God ..." July 2-4, 1776
September 5. 1774 Declaration ojlndependence: "... the sepa-
Continental Congress, Carpenter's Hall, rate and equal station to which the Laws
of Nature and of Nature's God entitle selves to the service of their Divine Bene-
them ... We hold these truths ... that all factor and together with their sincere
men are created equal, that they are acknowledgeements and offerings, they
endowed by their Creator with cer- may join the penitent confession of their
tain unalienable rights ... appealing to manifold sins, whereby they have for-
the Supreme Judge of the world ... feited every favour, and their humble
And for the support of this Declara- and earnest supplication that it may
tion, with firm reliance on the Protec- please God, through the merits of Jesus
tion of Divine Providence ...." (Congress Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot
establishedcommitteeto designagreatseal them out of remembrance ...and to pros-
fortheUnitedStates.Jeff~ JohnAdams, per the means of religion for the promo-
and Franklin.Jeffersonproposed a picture tion and enlargement of that kingdom
ofIsraelitesin thewUdernessguidedby the which consisteth in rightousness, peace
pillar of fireby night and the cloud by day. and joy in the Holy Ghost"
Benjamin Franklin suggested the motto March 2. 1778
"Rebellionto tyrants is obedience to God" George Washington comments on the
on an officialseal depictingMosesparting fortunes of the United States' war for
the RedSeaand symbolizingthe exodus to independence: "The hand of Providence
liberty.) has been so conspicuous in all this, that
1776 he must be worse than an infidel, and
Delaware ConstiiiiiiOir prescribes this more than wicked, that has not gratitude
formal oath: "I, - -, do profess faith enough to acknowledge his obligation."
in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ, January 16, 1786
His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, Virginia Statute PiRelipms Liberty. "Well
one God blessed forevermore; and I aware that Almighty God hath created
do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures the mind free; that all attempts to influ-
in the Old and New Testament to be ence it by temporal punishments or bur-
given by divine inspiration." dens, or by civil incapacitations ... are a
August 2" 1776 departure from the plan of the Holy
"We have this day restored the Sov- Author of our religion ..."
ereign to Whom all men ought to be July 13. 1787
obedient. He reigns in heaven" and Northwest Ordinance ... (Article nI): "Re-
from the rising to the setting of the ligion, morality, and knowledge being
sun, let His kingdom come." Sam necessary to good government and the
Adams as the Declaration ofIndepen- happiness of mankind, schools and the
dence was being signed. means of education shall be forever en-
September 11, 1777 couraged."
Continental Congress directs its Com- September 17, 1787
mittee of Commerce to import 20,000 Constitution Pi The United Sta~ratified
copies of The Bible from Europe, be- May 29, 1790): "(Preamble) We the PeO-
cause the domestic supply was short; ple of the United States, in order to ..•
it also authorizes chaplains in the secure the Blessings of Liberty to our-
Continental Army; General Wash- selves and our posterity ..." (ART. LSec.
ington moves to have chaplains ap- 7) " Ifany Billshall not be returned by the
pointed in each regiment President within ten Days (Sundays ex-
November 1, 1777 cepted) ..." "Done in Convention, by the
Continental Congress issues the first unanimous consent of the States pres-
proclamation of thanksgiving extend- ent, the seventeenth day of September,
ing to all colonies: " ... That with one in the yetl1' of OUT Lord one thousand seven
heart and one voice the good people hundred and eighty-seven." (Emphasis
may express the grateful feelings of added)
their hearts, and consecrate them-
1788 "Inthe supposed state of nature, all men
James Madison, architect" of the fed-
II are equally bound by the laws of nature,
eral Constitution and fourth president or to speak more properly, the laws of
liThe belief in God All Powerful wise the Creator: - They are imprinted by
and good, is so essential to the moral the finger of God on the heart of man.
order of the World and to the happiness Thou shall do no injury to thy neighbor,
of man, that arguments which enforce it is the voice of nature and reason, and it
cannot be drawn from too many sources is confirmed by written revelation."
nor adapted with too much solicitude to 1799
the different characters and capacities to Runkel v Winemiller 4 Harris & McHenry
be impressed with il" (MD) 4291 AD 411, 417 Oustice Chase):
April 30, 1789 "By our form of government the Chris-
George Washington's First Inaugural tian religion is the established religion."
Address: " ... my fervent supplications 1802
to that Almighty Being Who rules over Judge Nathaniel Freeman, in his charge
the universe, Who presides in the coun- to the Massachusetts Grand Jury: liThe
cils of nations, and Whose providential laws of the Christian system, as em-
aids can supply every human defect. braced by The Bible, must be respected
that His benediction may consecrate to as of high authority in all our courts and
the liberties and happiness of the people it cannot be thought improper for the
of the United States a government insti- officers of such government to acknowl-
tuted by themselves for these essential edge their obligation to be governed by
purposes ..." "... the propitious smiles its rule." " [our government] originating
of Heaven can never be expected on a in the voluntary compact of a people
nation that disregards the eternal order who in that very instrument profess the
and right which Heaven itself has or- Christian religion, it may be consid-
dained". ered, not as republic Rome was, a Pa-
gan, but a Christian republic."
"The great enemy of the olva- December 22, 1820
tlon of man In my opinion never Daniel Webster, Plymouth, MA: " ... let
Intended a more effectual means us not forget the religiOUS character of
of extirpating Christianity from our origin. Our fathers brought hither
the world than by persuading their high veneration for the Christian
mankind that It was Improper to religiOn. They journeyed by its light.
read The Bible at schools." July and labored in its hope. They sought to
13, 1789, Dr. Benjamin Ruah, signer of incorporate ... and to diffuse its influ-
both the Declaration of Independenc:e ence through all their institutions, civil,
and the Constitution of the United States political and literary."
(and Washington's physician general).
In Dart It Mini-fA~ will cite more events.
1791 dec~, quotes end evidences BUe.!lt-
Five of the states ratifying the federal ill8 to Americe'sChristien heritaae.
Constitution complain that there is no
mention of God in the new Constitu- 'l'bis Min~fftC&
is de6~ 86 an iMert. for
tion. The Supreme Court upheld their church bulIetinIl. handou~ for Bible clll6lJe6. elc.
right to complain: "Indeed the concern for oopie6 of thi6 Min~fftC& or for the lJIOlC
of the Christian status of the nation is
del.aiIed8-~ 'OurChri&liin "~. pIe86e
well founded."
me the Plymouth Qock foundaoon. fiek Mill.
Samuel Adams, Ll Gov., Massachu- Madborou8J. NIl03455 (603 876-4685 or l-ax>-
setts, addresses thestate legislature upon 21()'16X»
the death of Governor John Hancock: ~ PLYMOU1H ROCK FOUNDATION

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