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Patient identity Name No. MR Age Sex Address Medic dx : Ms Desinta Mindaryanti : 78865 : 20 years : Female : Gegunung, Tirtoharjo, Kretek, Bantul : Asthma Bronchiale

Dialogue A patient named miss Desinta Mindaryanti has been hospitalized for 3 days in Harapan Bunda hospital caused by asthma attact for the first time. Today she get better and allowed to go home. Nurse Dita meet her to give asthma health teaching. The purpose of the health teaching is to maintain her health so she can avoid asthma again. Nurse Dita have made an appointment with the patient. They agree to meet in the patients room at 10 oclock. Nurse : Good morning Patient : Good morning, nurse N P N P N : How are you today, Miss Sinta? : Very good, ready to go home soon : Glad to hear that. So, do you still remember me and our appointment? : Of course yes, Nurse Dita. Well talk about asthma : Right. Before you go home ill give you some health teaching. You may ask anything about the treatment or something you dont understand so after you go home you will not suffer from this disease again. P N : Ok nurse. : It just take about 5-10 minutes. Ill keep the confidentiality of some parts of this discussion so dont worry to express your problem P N P : Thanks nurse : Before we start is there anything you want to ask? : I think no. Im ready to start now


: First I would like to ask you what do you know about asthma? : Asthma is a respiration disease, difficult in breathing. : Good. Asthma is a lung disease that make breathing difficult. There are three things that you should know about asthma: First, asthma is chronic. In other words, you live with it every day. Second, it can be serious. Third, there is no cure for asthma, but it can be managed so you can live normally.


: What makes me getting hard to breathe? : With asthma, the airways are often swollen and inflamed. This makes them extra sensitive to things that you are exposed to in the environment every day or asthma triggers. A trigger could be a cold, the weather, or things in the environment, such as dust, chemicals, smoke and pet dander. Did you feel tight in your chest?


: Yes. I felt it when i exercise in a cold weather. : It was one of the symptoms. The another symptoms are wheezing, you may notice a wheezing sound when you breathe. Sometimes this happens only when you exercise or have a cold. Frequent Cough, this may be more common at night. Shortness of breath, this is the feeling you cant get enough air into your lungs. Chest Tightness, your chest may feel tight, like what did you feel yesterday.


: It sound bad, Nurse. I dont want asthma distrurb my activity : I know. First you can do is avoid your asthma triggers. Second taking the right medicine at thr right time. You may take adequate rest, sleep, regular exercize, and food. Have you ever heard about yoga for asthma?


: I have heard about yoga but is there yoga for asthma? : Yes, I recommend you try it. So, do you have anyquestion? : What should I do if I get asthma attact? : First of all, dont be panic. Identity and minimize the asthma triggers. Take deep and relax and your medicine. If it still getting worse ask someone to drive you to health center.


: Yes, i got it but i hope it wont happen to me : So, let me review what should you do to prevent you from asthma? : Avoid the triggers, taking regular medicine, adequate food, rest and exercize. : Ok, i think its enough. How do you feel now? : Better and I will not worry at home.


: If you need something, Im ready to help you : Thank you : Ok, get well soon. See ya : See ya

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