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1. Interpersonal role of a manager is primarily concerned with 1 2. Mintzberg Theory is about? 1 3. What is the basic role of a Manager? 3 4.

Decision making can be done as 14* all 5. Which among the following is the most important resources in an organisation? 1 6. What directions are required by a subordinate to generate prospects 123 7. Organising involves arranging the necessary resources. T 8. Arrange in proper sequence. Managers role to manage people 2 9. As an entrepreneur , the manager initiates changes. T 10. People Management comprises of 1 2 3 11. Controlling only verifies the actual performance. F 12. The spokesperson disseminates the organisation information. T 13. Informational role of a manager is primarily concerned with 1* 2 3 1 14. Arrange in Increasing Order. Interpersonal role FigureHead leader liason *1*4* 15. The most important person in business is 1 16. The manager transmits special information into the organisation in the 2 17. Most front-line staff hold relatively higher positions within an organisation. F 18. Theory X of McGregor assumes Human beings are unreliable and irresponsible.t 19. Poorly motivated employees can be a result of 2*1 20. Decline in revenue happens because of all 21. According to Theory X, employees are primarily motivated by 12 22. Theory X philosophy suggests that employees personal goals are same as organisation goals.F 23. What are the assumptions of Theory X about people 1 2 3 24. What characteristics of Theory X demotivates employees 123 25. What are the assumptions of Theory Y about people? All 26. What characteristics of Theory Y motivated employees? All 27. According to Theory Y, people need general support and help at work. T 28. According to Abraham Maslow, the human being behaviour is driven by 1 29. According to Herzberg, only the ego-status and self-actualization need systems serve as a direct source of motivation to work effectively T 30. Arrange in sequence. The motivation process by Maslow 1 31. Managers main task is to 4*1 32. Motivation can be defined as a source of 1 3 33. Abraham Maslow put forward his theory of motivation in the year 3*1 34. Which all are theories of motivation? 1 2 4 35. Ego status can also be defined as 3 36. Anticipation of winning is a case of motivation. T 37. The dimensions of performance are all 38. Power can be related to 1 2 3 39. Managers success is contributed mostly by all 1 3 40. Intimidation results from self-generated empowerment F 41. Need for affiliation can be defined as 1 42. Legitimate power means 1 2 3 43. Which approach shares equal power sharing 1*4*2 44. McClelland and David H. Burnham study found that 1 45. An effective manager will be using socialized power significantly more than personalized power T 46. The managerial task that involves the exercise of power are 2 4 47. Friendly relationship and motivation towards interaction with other people are in 2

48. Bend someone else to ones will is 4 49. Examples of Authority obedience power style are 1 2 3 50. Power spectrum portrays 1 51. Power is an exertion of influence for the sake of accomplishment of an objective. T 52. Need of power is motivated towards1 2 3 53. High achievers are mostly found to be motivated by 2*1 54. Characteristics of low achievers are 2 3 4 55. Sources of legitimate power are all 56. _______________ is one of the most vital aspects of an effective manager 2 57. Being a leader, manager has to all* 123 58. High readiness means 4 59. Probability of success is high in 4 60. Sharing power is an ineffective way of managing people F 61. Executing power increases authority and make it easier for a manager to influence subordinates.t 62. Characteristics of Relationship behaviour of a leader are all 63. Leadership is a process of influencing the outcome in a given situation t 64. What are the duties and responsibilities of a leader ? 1 3 65. Situational Leadership Model describes 1 66. Provide Guidance on prospecting is the first step of General prospects F 67. The manager interacts with peer and people outside the organisation in 3 68. Henry Mintzberg has identified________roles common to the work of all managers.4*1*3*2 69. Directing involves _________ the subordinates to achieve individual performance objective.13 4 70. Handling sales call and interacting with the customer is the function of 2*3 71. The roles of Manager by Mintzberg is divided into following groups 1 2 3 72. Front-line staff can be defined as 1 2 4 73. The manager in Figurehead role represents the company 2 74. What are the key points of Theory Y approach?all 75. Which theory explains Managerial behaviour?1 2 76. Motivation is the key to performance _______________ .1 77. One cannot motivate another human being because motivation is intrinsic. F* T 78. At the self-actualisation level, a person is able to strive his or her own personal best. T 79. An ideal manager is one who can accurately READS the state of his or her subordinates and understand their needs and capacities T 80. The basic need at work place is associated with 1 4 81. Need for personal power are driven by 12 3 82. A close balance between socialized and personal power is a characteristic of 1*2 83. Autocratic power style makes employees feel all 84. A person with a high need for achievement seek all 1 3 85. Two types of power are 1 2 86. The person driven by a need for socialized power values12 87. Which of the following quality indicates socialized power 1 2 3 88. According to McCelland, people are motivated by 1 2 3 89. A classic example of the referent power can be seeing in4*3*2 90. If your power style is autocratic, then you probably 1 91. Leadership is a journey for all 92. A nondirective and participatory leadership approach allows subordinate to all 93. Which style work best with employees 3

94. Leader process in any situation is an interplay of the following variables all 95. In R2 Moderate readiness, subordinates are unable but _________ to work. 3* 96. Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blenchard developed a 2*1 97. In a pyramid Business module, who is at the top? 1 98. Planning objective is to determine 1 2 3 99. What are the key points of Theory X approach?1 3 4 100. Arrange in increasing order. Maslow Five level need pyramid 1 101. At social need stage, people become less preoccupied with self and more desirous of associating with others.t 102. A person with high need for power is primarily authority motivated.t 103. Combination of reward and coercion power is known as 2 104. A permissive approach make subordinate to part in decision making T 105. The characteristics of authority are all 106. The process of management is an exercise of using formalized authority and influence T 107. Coercive power can be defined as 3*1 108. The variables play a vital role in Theory of situational leadership are all 109. A good leader teaches others to follow. F 110. What leadership style one should follow for a highly competent employee who is feeling insecure? 4*1*2* 111. The primary role of the manager is to __________ the front staff.3*1 112. As a Negotiator, the manager negotiates on behalf of___________________.1 24 113. In normal distribution of population, people expected to behave more in ways consistent with 2 114. Among all stage, which is most difficult to achieve 5*4*3 115. According to Abraham Maslow, the need of a person acts as a primary influence on the individuals motives, priorities, and behaviour. T 116. Safety needs can be met by all 117. Power differs from all 118. A special information because of education, function or role is called 1*2 119. The stronger the attraction, the greater the identification, thus, greater the referent power T 120. A lazy and incompetent employee falls in category 1 121. According to Situational leadership Model leadership styles are all 122. Subordinate ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task specifies3 123. The manager in Monitor role 1 all 124. Which all are motivation factors? All 125. Managers only manage the process of motivation.T 126. Expert power is based on1 2 3 127. Low- task-________ behaviour is observed in delegating.2*3* 1 low relationship 128. Leadership style varies from one situation to another , depending upon the readiness level of your subordinates T 129. How Frederick Herzberg motivation theory differs from Abraham Maslows?3*1* 130. Higher the position, the higher the legitimate power. T 131. In R3 Moderate readiness, subordinates are unable but unwilling to work. F 132. Herzbergs motivational hygiene model factors for demotivations are 1 2 3 133. Timothy Gallwey had suggested 1 134. Informational role of a manager comprises of 2 3 4 135. Subordinate that are unable and unwilling to work come in 1 136. Selling focuses more on the WHY of the job task.1 137. Seniority rights is part of which maintenance needs?-3*1*2

138. What leadership style one should follow for a highly competent and committed employees? 2 139. Telling means directing the employees in terms of wht where how when 1 2 4 140. Task behaviour of a leader includes 123 setting goals directing organising 141. Changing job because of unrecognition is a case of 1 142. Herzberg labels people as 1 2 143. The participating style signifies1 144. High task-low leadership behaviour is observed in 3 145. The need of special recognisation, social and professional awards is a case of 3 146. Power originates in the individual whereas authority originates in the organisation.1 147. Work culture of an organisation decide which leadership style has to be followed by a manager F

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section: 1. Foundation of People Management ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Managers only manage the process of motivation.

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