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Ex1 1. Write a shell program to find whether the given no is ODD or EVEN 2.

Write a C program to perform Dynamic memory allocation Ex2 1. Write a shell program to find whether the given no is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE 2. Write a C program using a function with no argument and no return value? Ex3 1. Write a shell program to display the square of the number? 2. Write a C program using a function with argument and no return value? Ex4 1. Write a shell program to find the greatest of three number? 2. Write a C program using a function with argument and return value? Ex 5 1 Write a shell program to swap the value of two variable using a third variable 2. . Write a C program to display the content of variable and their address using pointer variable Ex 6 1 Write a shell program Swap the values of two variables without using a third variable.? 2. Write a C program demonstrating Call by value? Ex 7 1 .Write a shell program to find the Factorial of a given number 2. Write a C program demonstrating Call by reference? Ex 8 1 . Write a shell program to printing the numbers in Fibonacci series? 2. . Write a C program to create a file and to write some content into it Ex 9 1 . Write a shell program to finding whether the given number is Armstrong or not 2. Write a C program to display the content of a file on screen

Ex 10 1 Write a shell program to Comparing two string 2. Write a C program to append the content to a file Ex 11 1 Write a shell program to Concatenating two string 2. Write a C program using a function with no argument and no return value Ex 12 1 Write a shell program to reverse the given number 2. Write a C program demonstrating Call by reference Ex 13 1 . Write a shell program to reverse a given string 2. Write a C program to create a file and to write some content into it Ex 14 1 Write a shell program to Check the given number is prime or not 2. Write a C program to display the content of a file on screen Ex 15 1 . Write a shell program to check the given string is palindrome or not 2. Write a C program using a function with argument and return value Ex 16 1 Write a shell program to print the grade of the students 2. Write a C program using a function with no argument and no return value Ex 17 1 Write a shell program Printing the day of the week using case 2. Write a C program to append the content to a file Ex 18 1 Write a shell program to execute commands based on selected menu 2. Write a C program demonstrating Call by reference?

Ex 19 1 Write a shell program to printing the numbers in Fibonacci series? 2. Write a C program demonstrating Call by reference? Ex 20 1 Write a shell program to find the given no is ODD or EVEN 2. Write a C program using a function with argument and return value Ex 21 1 Write a shell program to Check the given number is prime or not? 2. Write a C program to display the content of variable and their address using pointer variable Ex 22 1 Write a shell program to execute commands based on selected menu 2. Write a C program to append the content to a file Ex 23 1. Write a shell program to finding whether the given number is Armstrong or not 2. Write a C program to append the content to a file Ex 24 1 Write a shell program to check the given string is palindrome or not 2. Write a C program to create a file and to write some content into it Ex 25 1. Write a shell program to print the grade of the students 2. Write a C program using a function with argument and return value Ex 26 1. Write a shell program to display the square of the number? 2. Write a C program using a function with argument and return value Ex 27 1. . Write a shell program Swap the values of two variables without using a third variable 2. Write a C program to display the content of variable and their address using pointer variable

Ex 28 1 Write a shell program Swap the values of two variables using a third variable 2. Write a C program to display the content of variable and their address using pointer variable Ex 29 1 Write a shell program to execute commands based on selected menu 2. Write a C program using a function with argument and return value Ex 30 1 Write a shell program to printing the numbers in Fibonacci series? 2. Write a C program to append the content to a file Ex 31 1. Write a shell program to print the grade of the students 2. Write a C program using a function with argument and return value

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