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The first few

Proven Steps to Health

BOOSTING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Measure out and drink 3quarts of Lemon Water dailyNote: if you have drank pop, coffee, caffeinated teas, alcohol, or used tobacco, or if you drink very little water regularly, or if you sense that you are dehydrated, working hard in the heat and sweating, you will need to consume 1 & 1/2 quarts of lemon water within 20 minutes of starting to drink this, and do this daily for a week at least once a day; also continue drinking two more quarts during the rest of the day. Do not exceed one gallon of water per day for a normal person as it can dilute electrolytes and cause trouble. If you are sweating lots, working in the heat, a tall big boned person doing hard work then 1-2 quarts more is ok. Also, if you are drinking herbal teas and on a program for healing you can include the amount of teas drank in the 3 quarts total. You can also include fresh squeezed vegetable juices as part of that total. If fasting on liquids only be sure to get in at least a gallon of fluids per day. WHY: The immune system is composed of the third space which is your lymph, as well as all of the other immune system organs involved. You can picture the lymph as a big bath tub of water which bathes every cell in your body. This bathtub water or lymph is what carries nutrients to the cells from the blood stream and the waste products away from the cells. If you are low even a little bit on fluid, the constituents in the lymph are concentrated, and so it will be inside of the cells(first space), as well as inside the blood stream which is the second space of your body. So you see how important to keep hydrated, which is enough water to keep the dilution at its best. That is when you feel good, can think clear, and dont ache or hurt.

Skin Brushing: Before every hydrotherapy or bath, and

any other time you desire, use a dry skin brush on your skin. This needs to be done 2 or more times a day. Begin scrubbing your bare skin, beginning at the toes and working up to your heart (all lymph drains into the upper large vein going into the heart). Spend at least 7-10 minutes scrubbing, working all areas of your body. This is good to do in the bath as well especially when your skin gets itchy from the detoxing that will take place as you do the contrast shower. WHY: As the bristles go over your skin, the resulting friction causes a chemical response under the skin, a release of Acetylcholine. The

capillaries will respond to this chemical message by dilating, so you will be able to see your skin turn pink and you will feel the stimulation by the sense of warmness. You will see dead skin slough off, and the pores in your skin clean out and tone up so that more efficient elimination of waste can occur. You can loose up to two pounds of toxic waste material through your skin every 24 hours. Skin brushing will ensure this largest elimination organ of the body to work efficiently.

Hydrotherapy: This needs to be done no less than daily for those are maintaining their optimum health. Twice daily or more for those with any kind of disease or trauma. 1. Contrast Shower: Get into the shower and warm up with your favorite temperature of water. Then turn the hot water up as hot as you can stand it without the water feeling like its stinging or burning you. That sensation would indicate that it is too hot and it would have the opposite effect that you are wanting. Bask in this for at least three minutes, can be less if you are in a hurry and are experienced. Then turn the hot way down depending on how cold your water is. If your water is not real cold then turn it all the way off. You do not want snowy/icy cold where it numbs or shocks your body, you just want to move blood and move it in the deeper places of your body. It must be cold enough to take your breath away and cause you to want to sing or dance a tune. After one minute of this, return to the hot water. This time you will be able to make use of hotter water without the burning effect. This hot cycle and cold cycle constitutes one cycle. Do seven cycles of h/c, or more if you have the water and the time or even the energy. If you are weak from disease of any kind, begin slower with less intensity of hot and cold, and only 4-5 cycles h/c. After two to three days you will be able to increase all of the above, and this includes heart attack. WHY: Heat to the skin brings the majority of your nine pints of blood out to the periphery of the skin. Cold to the skin sends it back deep inside of your trunk and body organs away from the skin. In this process of drawing blood volume out and sending it back in deep, and back and forth, is the strongest lymph mover, cell membrane opener(unglues the gates in all cell membranes), detoxifier, and immune booster that you can do. And this for pennies, in your own home! I have done this even out in the woods...building two fires and standing between them, then dipping in the icy streams, or better yet go to some hot springs in the winter time.

This Contrast Shower done persistently, consistently, will break up inflammation from trauma, stop bleeding, and enable the body to rid itself of bruising as well as infection, increase circulation to local areas and deep into body organs, helps in detoxifying the body, especially the lymph, therefore every body cell. Conversely these aide in the rebuilding of the body from degenerative disease and trauma 2. Fever Therapy: Twice a week, when on any detox program or struggling with any degenerative disease, you will gain great benefit by getting into a hot tub of water, drinking one quart of tea such as peppermint, yarrow, or any other tea that will cause you to sweat, and enjoying this bath for at least 40 minutes. Hot Lemon Aide is another good drink for this bath. You can add 1 cup of charcoal to the bath, or 2 cups of Epsom salts, or any herb that can detox the body, including Cayenne pepper--recommended. If Cayenne pepper is used, be sure to apply Vaseline to the private areas on both men and women. This bath should be no less than 104 degrees F. You want to sweat, your skin should turn red to some degree, and you should feel your temperature rising. If it can get to 104 degrees for 10 minutes, great! At least, it should rise to 102 for 20 minutes, or 103 for 15 minutes. Rarely will your temperature exceed 104-105. If it does it will not stay there for very long, so is not a threat or danger, especially if you have worked into this slowly, over a period of a couple weeks Finish this bath with a cold shower for three minutes and go to bed for minimum of one hour dressed warm and covered to finish sweating. To intensify the outcome, finish this bath with a cold wet sheet wrapped around you and lay down in a plastic covered bed, then cover warmly with a couple of blankets. Spend as many hours as possible there and you will draw off loads of toxic waste from your body. When you have determined youve been in the pack long enough, go directly to the shower and do a short contrast shower, scrub briskly with the towel and dress warmly. WHY Fever Therapy? This is called a Fever Therapy because it raises the bodies temperature. For every 1 degree rise in body temperature you will have a 60 % increase in numbers of all immune system cells coming into chemical action. When your temperature reaches 102 you can know that all immune cells are out and active. This is an absolute necessity when battling with disease. It is your immune system that breaks loose waste and toxic substances throughout your body and transports it off to the elimination organs. You will be a long ways ahead of the battle when you consistently do these therapies. During this therapy keep Cayenne tincture and Lobelia tincture handy in case you feel faint or spastic. These are the 911 herbs for these two things.

Herbal Immune System Boosting: There are

many herbs that help boost and strengthen the immune system. Out of them all, Echinacea is the most helpful and overall the most effective in strengthening and toning the entire immune system. It increases the numbers and the phagocytosis activity of the immune system cells. Both Echinacea Purpurea and Angustifolia are both good and I like to mix them in the same tincture. One other way is to take Triple Tincture. This is half Echinacea mix and one quarter Algerita(in the Goldenseal family) and one quarter anti-flu formula; Comfrey root, Elecampain, Goldenseal or Oregon Grape root, Lobelia, Mullein. St. Johns Wort. This one is used when there is possibility of infection of any kind; from puss pockets forming within the body, as in cancer; it has been shown to be effective in the body in gangrene, MRSA and VRSA, especially so when done in combination with the whole program


STEP ONE: Intestinal Formula #1
The herbs in this formula, Aloe, Senna, Cascara Sagrada, contain the phytochemical anthroquinone, called emodin, which increases peristaltic waves or the propulsive muscular movement through the digestive tract, especially the colon. Oregon Grape Root will stimulate and flush the liver, gallbladder, and the production of bile. Cayenne or Habanero pepper as well as Ginger are both powerful stimulants to the colon. Ginger will help relieve gas while the pepper corrects intestinal bleeding and is healing. Garlic is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. This formula will stimulate, strengthen, and cleanse the muscles and surrounding tissue of the digestive tract especially the colon. It will halt putrefaction, disinfect, soothe, and heal; it will improve digestion, relieve gas and cramps, increase the flow of bile which in turn cleans the gall bladder, bile ducts and liver. It will help to destroy Candida albicans overgrowth and promote healthy intestinal flora. The use of Caprylic Acid at the same time for about three months is powerful adjunct to ridding oneself of Candida overgrowth of yeast and fungal forms. It will also destroy parasites, increase circulation and is antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. This formula used as explained IS NOT HARSH, the unique combination of these herbs work together in a very healing manner proven by over 30 years of experience in the clinical setting. Begin by taking one of the Intestinal Cleanse Formula #1 capsules with your largest meal the first day. On day two, take two capsules, each day increasing by one more until you notice a difference. You will be looking for softer stools, more frequent stools, the goal which is one movement about 30 minutes after each meal(no in-between

meals), or two to three bowel movements each day even when juice fasting. Later they will become more regular, that is 30 minutes after each meal. Once you have gotten your bowels moving as above, you stop increasing the numbers and the last amount that you have taken is the number of capsules that you will need to consume daily to maintain the desired two to three movements per day. This number, will over time decrease as your smooth muscles of the digestive tract heal and tone up. You may have to take anywhere from a capsule to *67+ (rare) to accomplish the healing of your tract. Most people need anywhere from 1 to 12 per day. Even the 67 capsule person was able to take only 8-9 per day for the remainder of the time that they needed to heal after about 3 months initially. These need to be taken with food, preferable in the latter part of the day, at least from noon on, if fasting, take them when drinking the SuperOneFood and fresh squeezed juice. They need to be taken for 6 months or longer according to your healing needs. If you have been constipated for years, if you have a degenerative disease such as cancer, diabetes, etc, if your immune system is sluggish and you are sick a lot, then 1-3 years or more is not too long. They are NOT ADDICTIVE! They heal, but as it took you many years to get in your condition, so it takes a few years to get well. Anyone can take this product; but if you have lots of diarrhea, or lots of soft stools per day, if you have a hot bowel or one that is irritated and inflamed and working too frequently skip the #1 and go on to the Intestinal Detox Formula #2. There are a few who may need to combine #1 and #2 for their therapy. If you have other problems taking #1 ask for further instructions with Lifetree. Eliminates constipation; promotes regular, healthy and complete bowel movements even in those with paralysis to the bowel. Stimulates and strengthens the muscular movement of your colon. In conjunction with a change in lifestyle and dietary considerations(ask for them) will transform and promote health of a sluggish bowel, a ballooned bowel without perforation, will be a life saving aide in spinal bifida, and most other bowel problems encountered. The Best Bowel Cleanser out of them all on the planet!

STEP TWO: Intestinal Detox formula #2

Once you are regulated on the Intestinal cleanse Formula #1, then you may begin taking the Intestinal Detox Formula #2. It Contains the three most powerful and effective absorbers and neutralizers known: clay, charcoal and pectin (which is fiber).

The white clay sometimes known as Bentonite, is from Idaho and is one of the purest Bentonites found. It is know to absorb up to forty times its weight in intestinal fecal matter and waste. It will also soothe (healing) the intestines, and draw out all types of intestinal parasites. The Activated Willow charcoal is well known for being the greatest absorbing agent for every toxin and poison known. It will absorb and render harmless over 3,200 know drug residues, pesticides, insecticides and just about every harmful chemical known. Apple Pectin draws out many harmful substances from the walls of your intestines, especially heavy metals like mercury and lead, and incomplete digestion putrefaction, carcinogens from radioactive and other materials from our environment, like over 4,000 drug residues It will absorb any infectious material; bacteria that should not be there; including the die off from Cancer and viral infections. This action is like a vacuum cleaner for all of the bad stuff, and goes beyond the walls of your intestines to the whole system. This is reality concerning the physiology and chemistry of these substances in connection with your bodies and their responses. It is for real. When you add Marshmallow root along with Psyllium and Flax seeds, now it becomes mucilaginous and demulcent. This means that the water and herbs can now coat the internal surfaces of your colon and small intestines, which will soften and pull loose old, dried and hardened fecal waste matter that has probably been years in the making. It also means that the pain and suffering of hot irritation, and inflammation of the intestinal mucous membrane will vanish, because it will remove the cause and the body will heal itself by Gods blessing. IBS, Crohns disease, spastic colons, and all types of inflammatory bowel diseases, stomach ulcers, colitis, leaky gut and ballooned gut that is weak and friable have often found the answer in the powerful healing of these herbal types. This can be taken any time any way you need to take it. I suggest that you do it for six times a day for six days then give your body a break. Back off to two times a day for another three weeks. If you need to do more, do it. One dose is one rounded teaspoon full in a small jar of water, approximately 4-6 ounces. Cover and shake well, then drink immediately. Follow with 8 oz of water. If you find your self with any kind of nausea, headache, vomiting, food poisoning, etc, Take this every 30 minutes until well. Usually takes 3-4 doses. 1-2 more wont hurt, just take enough water and enough of the ICF #1 capsules to keep the bowels moving 2-3 times a day. To do an actual quarterly cleanse just take this dose 5-6 times a day for 5-6 days and then twice daily for 2-3 weeks. All ages can take this formula. It has no taste, just a texture and is best taken in cool water. It can be mixed with juice if necessary for ease of consumption, but seldom is that necessary. Just remember the water is

to follow each dose.

*The statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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