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Module Title:Finite Element Analysis

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Module Summary

Give the student an understanding of the basic theoretical techniques used in the solution of engineering Problems Use of Commercial Analysis codes and Associated Pre and post processors Areas Covered: Linear and Non-linear Statics, thermal and Dynamic Analysis

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Module Learning Objectives

Apply the fundamentals of finite element formulation to problems in linear stress analysis, heat transfer and dynamics Develop stiffness matrices for simple one, two and three dimensional elements, assemble system stiffness matrices, apply boundary conditions and develop system equations Demonstrate the role of Gauss numerical integration in element formulation Compare the banded and frontal Gauss elimination techniques in the solution of system equations Describe the advantages and features of higher order and isoparametric elements Replace distributed loading by equivalent nodal loading

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Module Learning Objectives(Contd.) Use a pre-processor in a commercial finite element software code to fully define a model in terms of mesh design, element type, material properties and constraints Use a postprocessor in a commercial finite element code to interpret the results from analysis of a problem in stress analysis, heat transfer or dynamics Employ sub modelling and adaptive meshing techniques within a commercial finite element code

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Module Syllabus

An overview of finite element method and applications Basics essential for understanding FEM
Matrix Algebra and Gaussian Elimination Fundamentals of Elasticity Behaviour of Materials Variational and Weighted Residual Methods Classification of Solid Mechanics Problems Mesh Generation and Glossary of Terms
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Module Syllabus(contd.)
Finite Element Analysis- 1D Elasticity Problems Finite Element Analysis 2D Elasticity Problems Finite Element Analysis Axi-symmetric Problems Finite Element Analysis Beams and Frames Finite Element Analysis 3D Elasticity Problems Finite Element Analysis Dynamics Problems Finite Element Analysis Heat transfer Problems Introduction to Non Linear Analysis Solution of Industrial Problems-Case studies

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Teaching and Learning Methods

Lecture Sessions Practical Sessions using ANSYS/NASTRAN/NISA/HM Industrial problem solving

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Evaluation PG : Assignment(100% assignment) ACTP: Quiz, Written Exam, Assignment

(Quiz: 10%, Written Exam: 30%, Assignment: 60%)

MTP: Assignment(100%)

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Module Resources Module Notes Reference Books:

K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, PHI, New Delhi, 1997 H.V.Lakshminarayana, The F.E.M. for Engg. Students, 1996 Chandraputla, T.R. and Ashok D. Belegundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,Second Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2001 J.N. Reddy, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1993 Vince Adams and Abraham Askenazi,Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis,Onward Press, 1998 L.J. Segerland, Applied Finite Element Analysis M.J. Fagan, Finite Element Analysis, Theory and Practice, Longman Scientific and Technical, 1992 John o. Dow, A unified approach to FEM and Error Analysis Procedures, Academic Press, 1999 S. Rajashekaran, Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, Wheeler Publishing,1994 Zienkiewicz and Chung, FEM,1967

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Selected FEM Resources on the Internet - A website created to educate people in the latest engineering technologies, manufacturing techniques and software tools. Excellent FEM links, including links to all commercial providers of FEM software. - Extensive FEM links, categorized by analysis type (mechanical, fluids, electromagnetic, etc.) - Extensive collection of elementary and advanced material relating to the FEM. - Lists many public domain and shareware programs. - Home page of the the Finite Element Research Group at The Queen's University of Belfast. Excellent set of FEM links. - Hundreds of links to useful and interesting CAE cited, including FEM, CAE, free software, and career information. - Extensive FEM links. - National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards (NAFEMS).

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Software and Manuals


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Session Topic An overview of finite element method and applications Session objectives is to learn about Engineering Design Process Definition of FEM Sources of Error in the FEM Advantages and Disadvantages of FEM Classification of Solid-Mechanics Problems Six Steps in the Finite Element Method What's the difference between FEM & FEA
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Finite Element Method Defined Many problems in engineering and applied science are governedbydifferentialorintegralequations. The solutions to these equations would provide an exact, closedform solution to the particular problem being studied. However,complexitiesinthegeometry,propertiesandin the boundary conditions that are seen in most realworld problems usually means that an exact solution cannot be obtainedorobtainedinareasonableamountoftime.

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Finite Element Method Defined (Contd.) Currentproductdesigncycletimesimplythatengineers mustobtaindesignsolutionsinashortamountoftime. Theyarecontenttoobtainapproximatesolutionsthatcan bereadilyobtainedinareasonabletimeframe,andwith reasonableeffort.TheFEMisonesuchapproximate solutiontechnique. TheFEMisanumericalprocedureforobtaining approximatesolutionstomanyoftheproblemsencountered inengineeringanalysis.

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Finite Element Method Defined (Contd.) IntheFEM,acomplexregiondefiningacontinuumis discretizedintosimplegeometricshapescalledelements. Thepropertiesandthegoverningrelationshipsareassumed overtheseelementsandexpressedmathematicallyintermsof unknownvaluesatspecificpointsintheelementscallednodes. Anassemblyprocessisusedtolinktheindividualelementsto thegivensystem.Whentheeffectsofloadsandboundary conditionsareconsidered,asetoflinearornonlinearalgebraic equationsisusuallyobtained. Solutionoftheseequationsgivestheapproximatebehaviorof thecontinuumorsystem.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Finite Element Method Defined (Contd.) Thecontinuumhasaninfinitenumberofdegreesoffreedom (DOF),whilethediscretizedmodelhasafinitenumberof DOF.Thisistheoriginofthename,finiteelementmethod. Thenumberofequationsisusuallyratherlargeformostreal worldapplicationsoftheFEM,andrequiresthecomputational powerofthedigitalcomputer.TheFEMhaslittlepractical valueifthedigitalcomputerwerenotavailable. Advancesinandreadyavailabilityofcomputersandsoftware hasbroughttheFEMwithinreachofengineersworkingin smallindustries,andevenstudents.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Finite Element Method Defined (cont.)

Two features of the finite element method are worth noting. The piecewise approximation of the physical field (continuum) on finite elements provides good precision even with simple approximating functions. Simply increasing the number of elements can achieve increasing precision. The locality of the approximation leads to sparse equation systems for a discretized problem. This helps to ease the solution of problems having very large numbers of nodal unknowns. It is not uncommon today to solve systems containing a million primary unknowns.

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Degree of Freedom

Minimum number of independent coordinates required to determine completely the positions of all parts of a system at any instant of time

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Discrete and Continuous Systems

Systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom are called discrete or lumped parameter systems Systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom are called continuous or distributed systems

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Comment Most of the time, continuous systems are approximated as discrete systems, and solutions are obtained in a simpler manner Practical systems are analysed as discrete systems Treatment of a system continuous gives exact results Lumped Systems lead to ODE Continuous Systems lead to PDE

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Origins of the Finite Element Method

ItisdifficulttodocumenttheexactoriginoftheFEM,becausethe basicconceptshaveevolvedoveraperiodof150ormoreyears. ThetermfiniteelementwasfirstcoinedbyCloughin1960.Inthe early1960s,engineersusedthemethodforapproximatesolutionof problemsinstressanalysis,fluidflow,heattransfer,andother areas. ThefirstbookontheFEMbyZienkiewiczandChungwas publishedin1967. Inthelate1960sandearly1970s,theFEMwasappliedtoawide varietyofengineeringproblems.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Origins of the Finite Element Method (cont.)

The1970smarkedadvancesinmathematicaltreatments,including thedevelopmentofnewelements,andconvergencestudies. MostcommercialFEMsoftwarepackagesoriginatedinthe1970s (ABAQUS,ADINA,ANSYS,MARK,PAFEC)and1980s (FENRIS,LARSTRAN80,SESAM80.) TheFEMisoneofthemostimportantdevelopmentsin computationalmethodstooccurinthe20thcentury.Injustafew decades,themethodhasevolvedfromonewithapplicationsin structuralengineeringtoawidelyutilizedandrichlyvaried computationalapproachformanyscientificandtechnologicalareas.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


How can the FEM Help the Design Engineer?

TheFEMoffersmanyimportantadvantagestothedesignengineer: Easilyappliedtocomplex,irregularshapedobjectscomposed ofseveraldifferentmaterialsandhavingcomplexboundary conditions. Applicabletosteadystate,timedependentandeigenvalue problems. Applicabletolinearandnonlinearproblems. Onemethodcansolveawidevarietyofproblems,including problemsinsolidmechanics,fluidmechanics,chemicalreactions, electromagnetics,biomechanics,heattransferandacoustics,to nameafew.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


How can the FEM Help the Design Engineer? (cont.)

GeneralpurposeFEMsoftwarepackagesareavailableat reasonablecost,andcanbereadilyexecutedon microcomputers,includingworkstationsandPCs. TheFEMcanbecoupledtoCADprogramstofacilitatesolid modelingandmeshgeneration. ManyFEMsoftwarepackagesfeatureGUIinterfaces,auto meshers,andsophisticatedpostprocessorsandgraphicstospeed theanalysisandmakepreandpostprocessingmoreuser friendly.

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


How can the FEM Help the Design Organization?




theproductdevelopmenttime. Identifyissuesindesignsbeforetoolingiscommitted. Refinecomponentsbeforedependenciestoother componentsprohibitchanges. Optimizeperformancebeforeprototyping. Discoverdesignproblemsbeforelitigation. Allowmoretimefordesignerstouseengineering judgment,andlesstimeturningthecrank.

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Theoretical Basis: Formulating Element Equations

Several approaches can be used to transform the physical formulation of a problem to its finite element discrete analogue. If the physical formulation of the problem is described as a differential equation, then the most popular solution method is the Method of Weighted Residuals. If the physical problem can be formulated as the minimization of a functional, then the Variational Formulation is usually used.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Sources of Error in the FEM

The three main sources of error in a typical FEM solution are discretization errors, formulation errors and numerical errors. Discretization error results from transforming the physical system (continuum) into a finite element model, and can be related to modeling the boundary shape, the boundary conditions, etc.

Discretizationerrorduetopoorgeometry Discretizationerroreffectivelyeliminated. representation. M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Sources of Error in the FEM (cont.) Formulation error results from the use of elements that don't precisely describe the behavior of the physical problem. Elements which are used to model physical problems for which they are not suited are sometimes referred to as illconditioned or mathematically unsuitable elements. For example a particular finite element might be formulated on the assumption that displacements vary in a linear manner over the domain. Such an element will produce no formulation error when it is used to model a linearly varying physical problem (linear varying displacement field in this example), but would create a significant formulation error if it used to represent a quadratic or cubic varying displacement field.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Sources of Error in the FEM (cont.)

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Sources of Error in the FEM (cont.) Numerical error occurs as a result of numerical calculation procedures, and includes truncation errors and round off errors. Numerical error is therefore a problem mainly concerning the FEM vendors and developers. The user can also contribute to the numerical accuracy, for example, by specifying a physical quantity, say Youngs modulus, E, to an inadequate number of decimal places.

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Advantages of the Finite Element Method

Can readily handle complex geometry: The heart and power of the FEM. Can handle complex analysis types: Vibration Transients Nonlinear Heat transfer Fluids Can handle complex loading: Node-based loading (point loads). Element-based loading (pressure, thermal, inertial forces). Time or frequency dependent loading. Can handle complex restraints: Indeterminate structures can be analyzed.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Advantages of the Finite Element Method (cont.)

Can handle bodies comprised of non-homogeneous materials: Every element in the model could be assigned a different set of material properties. Can handle bodies comprised of non-isotropic materials: Orthotropic Anisotropic Special material effects are handled: Temperature dependent properties. Plasticity Creep Swelling Special geometric effects can be modeled: Large displacements. Large rotations. Contact (gap) condition.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Disadvantages of the Finite Element Method

A specific numerical result is obtained for a specific problem. A general closed-form solution, which would permit one to examine system response to changes in various parameters, is not produced. The FEM is applied to an approximation of the mathematical model of a system (the source of so-called inherited errors.) Experience and judgment are needed in order to construct a good finite element model. A powerful computer and reliable FEM software are essential. Input and output data may be large and tedious to prepare and interpret.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Disadvantages of the Finite Element Method (cont.)

Numerical problems: Computers only carry a finite number of significant digits. Round off and error accumulation. Can help the situation by not attaching stiff (small) elements to flexible (large) elements. Susceptible to user-introduced modeling errors: Poor choice of element types. Distorted elements. Geometry not adequately modeled. Certain effects not automatically included: Buckling Large deflections and rotations. Material nonlinearities . Other nonlinearities.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


FEM Applied to Solid Mechanics Problems

A FEM model in solid mechanics can be thought of as a system of assembled springs. When a load is applied, all elements deform until all forces balance. F = KQ K is dependent upon Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio, as well as the geometry. Equations from discrete elements are assembled together to form the global stiffness matrix. Deflections are obtained by solving the assembled set of linear equations. Stresses and strains are calculated from the deflections.

Createelements ofthebeam


M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Classification of Solid-Mechanics Problems

Analysisofsolids Static Dynamics


StressStiffening Geometric Fracture Material LargeDisplacement Instability Plasticity Viscoplasticity

BehaviorofSolids Linear Nonlinear

Geometric Classificationofsolids SkeletalSystems 1DElements Trusses Cables Pipes PlatesandShells 2DElements PlaneStress PlaneStrain Axisymmetric PlateBending Shellswithflatelements Shellswithcurvedelements

SolidBlocks 3DElements BrickElements TetrahedralElements GeneralElements

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Governing Equation for Solid Mechanics Problems

Basic equation for a static analysis is as follows:

[K] {q} = {Fapp} + {Fth} + {Fpr} + {Fma} + {Fpl} + {Fcr} + {Fsw} + {Fld}
[K] {q} = total stiffness matrix = nodal displacement

{Fapp} = applied nodal force load vector {Fth} = applied element thermal load vector {Fpr} = applied element pressure load vector {Fma} = applied element body force vector {Fpl} = element plastic strain load vector {Fcr} = element creep strain load vector {Fsw} = element swelling strain load vector {Fld} = element large deflection load vector
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Six Steps in the Finite Element Method

Step 1 - Discretization: The problem domain is discretized into a collection of simple shapes, or elements. Step 2 - Develop Element Equations: Developed using the physics of the problem, and typically Galerkins Method or variational principles. Step 3 - Assembly: The element equations for each element in the FEM mesh are assembled into a set of global equations that model the properties of the entire system. Step 4 - Application of Boundary Conditions: Solution cannot be obtained unless boundary conditions are applied. They reflect the known values for certain primary unknowns. Imposing the boundary conditions modifies the global equations. Step 5 - Solve for Primary Unknowns: The modified global equations are solved for the primary unknowns at the nodes. Step 6 - Calculate Derived Variables: Calculated using the nodal values of the primary variables.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Process Flow in a Typical FEM Analysis

Start Problem Definition Analysisand designdecisions Stop

Processor Preprocessor

Generates Printsorplots elementshape contoursofstress functions components. Readsorgenerates Calculatesmaster nodesandelements Printsorplots elementequations (ex:ANSYS) contoursof Readsorgenerates displacements. Calculates materialpropertydata. Evaluatesand transformation printserror Readsorgenerates matrices boundaryconditions bounds. Mapselement (loadsand constraints.) Step6 equationsinto globalsystem Assembles elementequations Step1,Step4 Steps2,3,5 Introduces boundary conditions Performssolution M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore procedures



Variety of FEM Solutions is Wide and Growing Wider

The FEM has been applied to a richly diverse array of scientific and technological problems. The next few slides present some examples of the FEM applied to a variety of real-world design and analysis problems.

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Thisexampleshowsanintravenouspumpmodeledusing hexahedralelements.

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Cartiresrequiresophisticatedanalysisbecauseoftheircomplexgeometry, largedeformations,nonlinearmaterialbehavior,andvaryingcontact conditions.Brickelementsareusedtorepresentthetreadandsteelbead, whileshellelementsareusedinthewallarea.Membraneelementsareused torepresentthetirecords.

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Thisforgingexampleisasimulationofabulkformingprocess withmultiplestages.Thisaxisymmetricanalysisbeginswitha cylinderofmetalmeshedverysimply.

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A3Dfiniteelementmodelofaninstrumentedcaninecervicalspine. Themodelconsistedoffourvertebrae(C3C6),atitaniumalloy plate,andtwoscrewsattachedtothebackoftwovertebrae(C4C5).

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore

ACTP MCAD-404T Finiteelementanalysisworksonthepremisethatacomplexstructurelikethe helicoptershownherecanbesimulatedonacomputerscreensothatthe helicopter'sphysicalpropertiescanbestudiedtodeterminehowwellthedesign willperformunderrealworldconditions.Thecomputermodelspermitthe designteamtoexamineawiderangeofoptionsandtodetectdesignflawslong beforetheprototypestage.

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Thisguitarfeaturestwostripsofgraphiterunningthe lengthoftheneck.ThisFEMmodelwasusedto studyhowmuchtheneckmovedwhenstringforces wereappliedandmoisturecontentchanged. UsingtheFEMcalculations,designerscouldtry differentreinforcementscenariostoincreaseneck stability.

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Theboatshullconsistsofathickcorematerialsandwichedbetweentwo thinnerlayersofplysorientedindifferentdirections.Theinitialanalysis workfocusedonmaximizingthehull'soverallstiffnessbyexamining differentcorematerialdensitiesandvaryingtheplythicknessand orientations.

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ACTP MCAD-404T Dynamicanalysisofatuningfork,tofindit'sfirsteightmodesofvibration.

1 2

5 6

3 4
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7 8

Some Animations

Metal Forming Crash Analysis Crash analysis Crash Analysis Crash Analysis Warhead How about a woman? Heat Transfer Forging Drop test The Last one
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Technologies That Compete With the FEM

Other numerical solution methods: Finite differences Approximates the derivatives in the differential equation using difference equations. Useful for solving heat transfer and fluid mechanics problems. Works well for two-dimensional regions with boundaries parallel to the coordinate axes. Cumbersome when regions have curved boundaries. Weighted residual methods (not confined to a small subdomain): Collocation Subdomain Least squares* Galerkins method* Variational Methods* (not confined to a small subdomain) * Denotes a method that has been used to formulate finite element solutions.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Technologies that Compete With the FEM (cont.)

Prototype Testing Reliable. Well-understood. Trusted by regulatory agencies (FAA, DOT, etc.) Results are essential for calibration of simulation software. Results are essential to verify modeled results from simulation. Non destructive testing (NDT) is lowering costs of testing in general. Expensive, compared to simulation. Time consuming. Development programs that rely too much on testing are increasingly less competitive in todays market. Faster product development schedules are pressuring the quality of development test efforts. Data integrity is more difficult to maintain, compared to simulation.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Future Trends in the FEM and Simulation

The FEM in particular, and simulation in general, are becoming integrated with the entire product development process (rather than just another task in the product development process): FEM cannot become the bottleneck. A broader range of people are using the FEM: Not just hard-core analysts. Increased data sharing between analysis data sources (CAD, testing, FEM software, ERM software.) FEM software is becoming easier to use: Improved GUIs, automeshers. Increased use of sophisticated shellscripts and wizards.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Future Trends in the FEM and Simulation (cont.)

Enhanced multiphysics capabilities are coming: Coupling between numerous physical phenomena. Ex: Fluid-structural interaction is the most common example. Ex: Semiconductor circuits, EMI and thermal buildup vary with current densities. Improved life predictors, improved service estimations. Increasing use of non-deterministic analysis and design methods: Statistical modeling of material properties, tolerances, and anticipated loads. Sensitivity analyses. Faster and more powerful computer hardware. Massively parallel processing. Decreasing reliance on testing. FEM and simulation software available via Internet subscription.
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


What's the difference between FEM & FEA ??

This is a very contentious issue, one that academics love to debate over a cool long-neck of a friday evening. I am going to stick my head on the block here & try to explain the difference, happy chopping my academic friends. The terms 'finite element method' & 'finite element analysis' seem to be used interchanably in most documentation, so the question arises is there a difference between FEM & FEA ?? The answer is yes, there is a difference, albeit a subtle one that is not really important enough to loose sleep over.

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


What's the difference between FEM & FEA ??(Cont.)

The finite element method is a mathematical method for solving ordinary & elliptic partial differential equations via a piecewise polynomial interpolation scheme. Put simply, FEM evaluates a differential equation curve by using a number of polynomial curves to follow the shape of the underlying & more complex differential equation curve. Each polynomial in the solution can be represented by a number of points and so FEM evaluates the solution at the points only. A linear polynomial requires 2 points, while a quadratic requires 3. The points are known as node points or nodes. There are essentially three mathematical ways that FEM can evaluate the values at the nodes, there is the non-variational method (Ritz), the residual method (Galerkin) & the variational method (Rayleigh-Ritz).

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


What's the difference between FEM & FEA ??(Cont.)

FEA is an implementation of FEM to solve a certain type of problem. For example if we were intending to solve a 2D stress problem. For the FEM mathematical solution, we would probably use the minimum potential energy principle, which is a variational solution. As part of this, we need to generate a suitable element for our analysis. We may choose a plane stress, plane strain or an axisymmetric type formulation, with linear or higher order polynomials. Using a piecewise polynomial solution to solve the underlying differential equation is FEM, while applying the specifics of element formulation is FEA, e.g. a plane strain triangular quadratic element.

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore



Engineering Design Process have been dealt in brief Sources of Error in the FEM have been dealt in brief Advantages and Disadvantages of FEM have been dealt in brief Covered the basic Six Steps in the Finite Element Method Explanation of difference between FEM & FEA

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore

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