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Reading passage The author of the reading passage supports/ advocates/favors/ argues for/ is in favor of the exploration and

exploitation of Antarctic resources. 1. Antarctica is a vast and nearly uninhabited/ unoccupied region/land. - All kinds of animal and plant life concentrate only on the coastal areas.

Lecture The lecturer opposes/ is against/ argues against such an idea/ proposition.

2. Oil and gas can be extracted/ exploited with little or no damage to Antarcticas environment. - Safety precautions must be taken so as to avoid environmental disasters. - Our current and future levels of technology make it possible to harvest Antarctic resources safely. 3. The high cost of

1. Though huge and almost lifeless, Antarctica is easily damaged. - It is from these areas that oil and gas would be shipped. Therefore, if there were an oil spill, the effect on the wildlife would be terrible/ devastating. 2.Harsh weather conditions make it difficult, if not impossible to drill for oil and gas in this continent.

4. It is not practical to exploit

infrastructure construction and maintenance will pay off in the long run. - The growing shortage of fossil fuels coupled with an increasing demand for them make it profitable to exploit oil and gas in Antarctica. A good paragraph

Antarctic resources. - It is advisable that money be invested in alternative energy sources such as hydrogen.

1. A topic sentence a. A topic b. A controlling idea - Nha Trang is one of Vietnams most popular tourist destinations for three main reasons. 2. Supporting sentences a. Supporting sentence 1 i. Developing sentence(s) - Nha Trang is best-known for its spectacular natural scenery. Beautiful powdery sandy beaches Islands , mountains, hot springs b. Supporting sentence 2 i. Developing sentence(s) c. Supporting sentence 3

i. Developing sentence(s) 3. A concluding sentence (optional) - As a result, Nha Trang attracted millions of tourists, both domestic and international, every year.

The reading passage and the lecture are primarily concerned with an international treaty designed to protect Antarctica from all economic activity. The author of the reading passage supports the exploration and exploitation of Antarcticas resources while/whereas the lecturer vehemently opposes such a proposition for the following reasons/ on the following grounds. To begin with, Antarcticas resources, according to the author, should be harvested in that it is a vast and nearly uninhabited region. All kinds of animal and plant life concentrate only on the coastal areas, he claims. The lecturer, however, points out that though huge and almost lifeless, Antarctica is easily damaged. It is from these areas, she adds, that oil and gas would be shipped. As a result, were there an oil spill, the effect on Antarctic wildlife would be devastating, she stresses/speculates. Oil and gas can be extracted with little or no damage to Antarcticas environment, the author states. Safety precautions must be taken to avoid environmental disasters. Furthermore, our present and future levels of technology, the author believes, make it possible to harvest Antarcticas resources safely. On the

contrary, the lecturer makes it clear/ asserts that harsh weather conditions make it extremely difficult/ challenging if not impossible to drill for oil and gas in this continent. The exploitation of gas and oil in Antarctica, in the words of the author, will prove highly profitable.

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