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1. Which 3 elements are contained in all carbohydrates? 2. The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6. What does this tell you about a glucose molecule? 3. To which group of carbohydrates do each of these substances belong: glucose, starch, sucrose 4. Why do animals need carbohydrates? 5. Name 2 elements found in proteins which are not found in carbohydrates. 6. How many different amino acids are there? 7. In what way are protein molecules similar to polysaccharides? 8. Give 2 examples of proteins 9. List 3 reasons why animals need proteins 10. Which 3 elements are contained in all fats. 11. List 2 reasons why animals need fats in their diet. 12. What 2 different types of food are only needed in small amounts. 13. Why are fresh fruit and vegetables important parts of a healthy diet. 14. Which vitamin prevents rickets. 15. Why do you need iron in your diet? 16. What is metabolism? 17. Why do organisms die if they do not have enough water? 18. Describe how food is moved along the alimentary canal.

19. Plant foods contain a lot of roughage.Explain. 20. Which kinds of food contain saturated fat and why should they be avoided. 21. Explain the difference between starvation and malnutrition. 22. What is digestion? 23. Name 2 groups of food which do not need to be digested. 24. What does digestion change each of these kind of food into: polysaccharides, proteins, fats. 25. What is meant by chemical digestion. 26. What is a sphincter muscle? 27. Name 2 places in the alimentary canal where sphincter muscles are found. 28. In which part of the alimentary canal is mucus secreted. why? 29. Name 2 parts of the AC where amylase is secreted. What does it do? 30. Why do the walls of the stomach secrete HCl. 31. Which 2 parts of AC make up the small intestine. 32. Which 2 digestive juices are secreted into the duodenum. 33. How do bile slats help in digestion. 34. In which part of the AC is digested food absorbed. 35. Describe 3 ways in which this part is adapted for absorption. 36. A sample of liquid was boiled with benedicts solution. It stayed blue. Some amylase was then added to another sample of the same liquid and the mixture was kept at 35C for 10 minutes. It was then boiled with benedicts solution. This time an orange-red precipitate was obtained. Explain. 37. What do lactase do? 38. Why do large organisms need transport systems.

39. What is a double circulatory system. 40. What is oxygenated blood? 41. Where does blood become oxygenated. 42. Which side of the heart contains oxygenated blood? 43. What kind of muscle is founded in the heart? 44. Which parts of the heart receive blood from the lungs and the body. 45. Which parts of the heart pump blood into the pulmonary heart and the aorta. 46. Why do the ventricles have thicker walls then the atria. 47. Why does the left ventricle have a thicker wall than the right ventricle. 48. What is the function of the coronary artery. 49. What is a systole? 50. What is a diastole? 51.Where is the pacemaker and what does it do? 52. Where does the atrio-ventricular valves? 53. Which blood vessels carry blood away from and towards the heart. 54. why do arteries need strong walls. 55. What is the function of capillaries. 56. List 5 components of plasma. 57. Explain how RBC are adapted for their function. 58. Where are white blood cells made? 59. Name 2 functions of blood other than transport. 60. which vessel transports digested food to the liver.

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