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Foods That Will Heal the Pancreas The pancreas plays a crucial role in digestion.

When food empties from your stomach into the small intestine, it mixes with digestive enzymes from the pancreas that neutralize stomach acid, preventing damage to the intestine. These enzymes also break down your food so that it can be absorbed by your body. The pancreas produces insulin, which reduces blood sugar levels and allows your body to store food energy for future use. Eating the right foods can heal and nourish your pancreas. It may also help you avoid pancreatitis, a painful inflammation of the pancreas. Blueberries and Cherries Blueberries and cherries are both good sources of antioxidants, which help prevent cell damage. Broccoli Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower contain powerful chemicals which may help prevent cancer. Garlic Garlic, along with its other allium relative, onions, is a good source of beneficial nutrients for pancreas health and for the prevention of cancer. Red Grapes Red grapes are a good source of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant. Avoid red wine if you have pancreatitis, and eat a handful of red grapes instead. Red Reishi Mushrooms Red reishi mushrooms can help reduce inflammation and are used in Chinese medicine to restore balance to the body. Spinach Spinach is a good source of iron and vitamin B, both of which your pancreas needs. Try a spinach salad, or spinach stir-fried with garlic. Other leafy greens, like kale, mustard and Swiss chard are also beneficial for your pancreas. Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes along with other orange and yellow vegetables like carrots, corn and squash contain nutrients which are beneficial for the pancreas and may help prevent cancer. Tofu Tofu is an excellent source of low-fat protein. You need protein in your diet for healing, but too much fat will exacerbate any pancreas problems. Tomato Vegetable Soup Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Vegetables also contain antioxidants and beneficial nutrients, and soup provides additional fluid. Yogurt With Active Cultures Yogurt with active cultures are a good source of probiotics, beneficial bacteria which help keep the immune and digestive system functioning at their best. Choose yogurt with no sugar added.

The food that you eat also plays a part in helping to lower blood sugar levels. Low-glycemic foods that are digested more slowly by the body are a better option. High-glycemic foods enter the bloodstream easily and rapidly, causing the pancreas to work harder to produce insulin.

Low-glycemic foods that can help lower blood sugar levels include high fiber fruits, oatmeal, peanuts, beans, peas, and granola. High-glycemic foods include potatoes, rice, and white bread. Research has shown that potatoes and white bread are converted extremely quickly by the body into glucose. In fact, they are converted more quickly than a candy bar would be. Fast foods should always be avoided. The fat and sugar content in most fast foods is extremely high. Always look for a healthier option. Much food packaging now contains information on the food's sugar content. Most restaurants and even fast food outlets now have healthy meal options, such as salads or fish dishes. Drinking plenty of water is another way to lower blood sugar levels. Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day will also flush harmful toxins from the body, help with weight loss, and keep the skin healthy. Recent research has shown that certain herbs can help lower blood sugar levels as well. Taking ginseng after meals has been shown to regulate blood sugar levels. Other helpful herbs include yarrow, huckleberries, cinnamon powder, and licorice extract.

Eating beans can help lower blood sugar. Dos and Donts for Diabetes You can take a good care on what you eat because controlling diet and eating right is very important for diabetic patients and their health. Eat low-fat diet and eat vegetables like spinach, cucumber. They are good for controlling diabetes. Eat fruits and milk products like cheese. Avoid eating starchy food products as they are not easily digestible. Diabetic patient should not be scared of eating sugar-rich fruits. These are safe and do not increase insulin production. Take less amount of oil and avoid coffee, sugar, refined flour, alcohol. Avoid eating heavy meals; eat small meals as the foods are easily digestible and are good for the health of diabetics. Onion, sprouts, beans, garlic, tomatoes in the diet of diabetics low down the sugar level in the blood. Avoid taking stress as it worsens the conditions. Avoid eating mutton, excess salt in your meal as this will help in controlling your body weight and diabetes. Avoid junk food and oily food as this will control your level of cholesterol, lowers your blood pressure level, and diabetes. Avoid white bread, rice, and potatoes. Eat tomatoes and vegetable salad.

Home Remedies for Diabetes - Treatment for Diabetes

Gooseberry (amala) is a natural herb that has huge benefits. It cures diabetes and brings the blood sugar level to normal, it cures lung problems, good for hair, it keeps body cool, it cures urinary diseases and many others diseases. Ispaghula husk is natural safe for treatment of diabetes, constipations, and many others diseases. Mango leaves are very helpful in controlling diabetes. Take mango leaves, soak them in water, and keep it overnight then in an empty stomach take this liquid. You can also take them in powder form. Dry the leaves of mango tree and make its powder in a grinder. Mix the dry powder (1 teaspoon) of mango leaves in a glass of water and drink it everyday. This is one of the useful home remedies for diabetes and good natural cure for diabetes . Leaves of sweet potato when taken with ash gourd or when taken with any herbal tea are effective in curing diabetes. Mix 4-5 leaves of sweet potato and 1 tablespoon ash gourd in a glass of water and then allow it to boil. Strain the mixture and take this herbal tea anytime of the day. Curry patta (Curry leaves) controls body weight and also controls diabetes. Hereditary diabetic patients also get the best benefit from its intake. Chewing (8-10) curry leaves in an empty stomach is very effective for bringing sugar level in urine and blood to normal. This is one of the important home remedies for diabetes. Blueberry leaves are very effective in controlling diabetes and very effective in the cure of various eyes diseases. Eating Gular (gymnema) cures diabetes. It lowers down high sugar level in the blood and also leads to proper functioning of insulin, and also minimizes the urge of taking sweets in the diabetic patients. Bilberry and ginkobiloba are some of the effective herbs that cure diabetes. Fenugreek leaves (methi leaves) are a very effective herb that provides effective treatment for many diseases. It is helpful in bringing the blood sugar level to normal, helpful in treating various digestive diseases like appetite loss, also helps in curing wounds, relieving skin problems, and inflammations. Neem leaves also called margosa leaves provides effective natural cure for diabetes. Taking neem juice everyday in an empty stomach controls the blood sugar level. It provides effecting treatment to various other diseases like, heart diseases, malaria, skin diseases, and cholera. This is one of the best home remedies for diabetes. Malabar kino herb is old and one of the most effective herbs for curing diabetes. Karela (Bitter gourd) is natural and safe cure for diabetes. They are good for controlling insulin level in the blood. Patient suffering from diabetescan take them in the boiled form or in powder form. Seeds or dry powder of bitter gourd can also be taken in diet. One of the useful home remedies for diabetes. Cinnamon is very effective herb which not only increases the flavor of food, but also is very effective in bringing the blood sugar level to normal, helpful in curing appetite loss, and acidity.

Yoga and various physical exercises keep blood sugar level normal in the body Increased sugar level in the blood leads to diabetes. This is due to many reasons like, obesity, improper diet, and stress. diabetes disease can be controlled by doing yoga and various other physical exercises. Exercise helps in keeping sugar level to normal in the blood cells. It helps in controlling stress level which is the primary cause of diabetes. By doing regular exercises various diseases like, heart diseases, kidney disorder, diabetes, constipation are effectively cured, and give much energy to do everyday work. Walking controls stress level and helps in controlling body weight and in turn diabetes.

Regularly doing pranayam and various other yogic exercises keeps sugar level in the blood under control and gives much strength to perform the daily activities. Stay stress free by doing meditation and try the above remedies it will definitely bring good result.

Some easy was to get more exercise include: Parking further from the door at school or a shopping center Doing a stepper or using free weights while watching TV Taking the stairs instead of the elevator 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise. high in fiber, low in saturated fat, and low in concentrated sweets. 20 minutes of walking

, , . (French beans) , ( ). ( ) ( ) `10- , , ( 2 ), , 10 , 2 ( ) , . ( 5 ) , 3 ( , ...) 5 . , , , .. ... , , , , , , . (SHAPE) , , . . ,

.. ... . 3 . : (basil) : , , .( , , ) (Apple) : . ( Grapes) : , , , . . (pomegranate ): , , 2 ( ..!!) , . (Figs) : , , , , . (water melon ): , , . : . : + (diffuse) . , ( 2 3 ) . 1 : . 2 : , . ..!!!!! - : 1 2. 3 --

The Health Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise~ heart operates more efficient and becomes more stronger. It helps to control your weight. Decreases the risk in developing diabetes, heart diseases and obesity. There is an augment in good cholesterol and reduction in bad cholesterol. It augments endorphins. Augments the body's efficiency to take in oxygen and makes you breathe faster. It helps to reduce and regulate the body fat.

8.- Increases the body muscle strength and elasticity. 9.- Increases the quality of sleep that refreshes you early next morning. 10.- Helps to decrease chronic diseases like heart disease and hypertension.

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