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Volker Woltersdorff

Sexual subcultures under neo-liberalism
This article critically analyses Volkmar Siguschs concept of neo-sexualities and
elaborates on the dialectical potential of the term. The author explores four
different sexual subcultures and their ambivalent relationship to neo-liberalism,
ranging from co-optation to emancipation. Among these are the gay cruising
scene; a queer subculture that experiments with fluid gender identities; the
sadomasochistic subculture and its role plays; and finally non-monogamous or
polyamorous relationships. The author argues that neo-sexualities can be
considered as an applied critique of neo-liberal contradictions, emphasizing the
limitations of neo-liberal fantasies as regards their ability to address the provision
of care giving, sustainability of commitments, and loss of autonomy.
Keywords sexual and gender emancipation; queer subcultures;
neo-liberalism; precariousness; co-optation
The last 40 years have witnessed an immense change in the social and cultural
conditions of sexuality and gender. But have all struggles for sexual and gender
emancipation been fought? Surprisingly, some do think they have. For it is
widely acknowledged that the sexual reform movements of the past have
indeed been quite successful and thoroughly transformed Western societies.
They helped to break open the rigidity of traditional gender roles and moral
restrictions, thus liberalizing legal and social rules. One of the main goals of
the sexual reform movements of the past, the achievement of sexual and
gender self-determination, seems to have become part of the official state
policies in the Western world.
However, as the sexologist Volkmar Sigusch sees it, the former utopias of
sexual and womens liberation have turned almost into the opposite since
nowadays we are bemoaning the egotistical and anti-social consequences in the
transformations of the last 30 years (2005, p. 171). What made such a reverse
effect possible? Sigusch holds the neo-liberal restructuring of society
responsible for this sobering development. Unlike its predecessor Fordism,
neo-liberalism allows for a flexibilization of sexual and gender norms, while it
enforces the social imperative of competition and of profit-oriented selfishness.
Cultural Studies Vol. 25, No. 2 March 2011, pp. 164182
ISSN 0950-2386 print/ISSN 1466-4348 online 2011 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2011.535984
l: u, vicw, t|c iuct oi t|c cco:ouic st:tcg, oi c:ctul ilcxi|ilistio:
quitc o|viousl, cxtc:cs i:to t|c s|c:cs oi scxulit, :c gc:cc: s wcll I|c
cvoctcs oi t|c cxc:iuc:tl, u:|ct, |:owlccgc, couuu:ictio: :c t|:ill
socict, |vc cistillcc t|is st:tcg, i:to t|c siulc ostlo:ci: io:uul
oc::css uust |c ou: guici:g :i:cilc ;igusc| !00+, 10, l: o:cc: to
ccsc:i|c t|c scxul io:us t|t go lo:g wit| t|is socil :c cco:ouic
t::sio:utio:, igusc| t|cs u tc:u uscc |, o,cc \cDougll ;1-o, :c
sc|s oi :coscxulitics
l: w|t lig|t oug|t wc to scc t|is :cw scxul :cigu Docs it uc: t|t
:, cu:cito:, otc:til oi scxul olitics |s |cc: cst out u:cc: t|c
cisguisc oi ostlo:cist oc::css l: t|c iollowi:g, l woulc li|c to ciscuss
igusc|s :coscxul :cigu t|:oug| iou: cxulcs lut u:li|c igusc|,
l woulc li|c to co:cu::c:tl, wo:| out t|c cilcctic oi li|c:tio: :c ciscili:c
co:ti:cc wit|i: it uo:c t|o:oug|l, lo: igusc|s vicw oi :coscxulitics
sccus to uc ll too sttic :c g:iu igusc| ccsig:s :::tivc oi li:c: cccli:c
cco:ci:g to w|ic| :coscxulitics o:l, co:io:u to :coli|c:l iuc:tivcs :c
succcssiull, cc:ivc scxulit, oi its :csisti|ilit, I|is scct |s lso |cc:
c:iticizcc |, Wolig:g l:itz lug ;!00!, 1-0 ii, lc cocs :ot scc t|t |c
is ccsc:i|i:g, o:l, slig|tl, s|cwcc, cilcctic t st:cstill, s :cox,
w|ic| s|oulc |c sct i:to vi|lc uovcuc:t :c :ot w:ittc: oii s w|olc
l woulc li|c to oc: u cxctl, t|is otc:til io: uovcuc:t
\o:c :cciscl,,
l woulc li|c to ccsig:tc t|c scc io: qucc: uovcuc:ts t|t co:tcst |ot|
|ctc:o:o:utivit, :c :coli|c:lisu, w|c:cs igusc| quitc c,:icll,
cisuisscs t|c c:iticl iuct oi qucc: stucics :c olitics ;1--, !+, :c
co:ccccs t|c o:l, cilcctic otc:til to : llcgccl, utc:ilist i:sistc:cc o:
gc:cc: ciuo:|isu ;igusc| !00+, 1!, l:stcc oi :ccu::i:g to t|c
|ctc:o:o:utivc ssuutio: oi gc:cc: ciuo:|isu, l :t|c: c:w o: t|c
cilccticl otc:til t|t is sct i:cc |, t|c vc:, :coxcs w|ic| cuc:gc i:ou
:coscxul sctti:gs
l woulc li|c to ciscuss t|is o: t|c |sis oi iou: scxul su|cultu:cs t|t st:c
s : cxulc lc| oi t|csc su|cultu:cs :clizcs o:c scct oi :coscxul
:cigus :c :coli|c:l w,s oi su||cctii,i:g i: |ig|l, cv:ccc w,s I|csc
:cigus :c s iollows ii:st, t|c cisc::cc oi t|c olc icc oi c:vc:sio:
i: cc:cgultcc scxul u:|ct, scco:c, t|c cccli:c oi t:citio: :c t|c :isc oi
:cc:it, wit|i: gc:cc: :cltio:s, t|i:c, t|c iulcuc:ttio: oi co:t:ctul
ct|ics oi :cgotitio:, :c cvc:tull, t|c lu:liztio: :c ilcxi|iliztio: oi t|c
iuil, i:to :coiuil,
vc: t|c cou:sc oi t|c lu:liztio: oi |ig| cultu:c :c t|c |so:tio: oi
su|cultu:c i:to t|c ui:st:cu, it |s |ccouc qucstio:|lc to sc| oi
su|cultu:c lc:|s it woulc |c uo:c :o:itc to usc t|c uo:c :cut:l
tc:us scc:c o: liicst,lc li l |lit|cl, co:ti:uc to usc su|cultu:c, l u
ssuui:g ilcxi|lc ccu:ctio: |ctwcc: su|cultu:c :c |ig| cultu:c, w|ic| i:
t|cusclvcs :c l:cc, |ctc:ogc:cous I|is lc| oi iixcc ccu:ctio: |s :ot
cuscc t|c o:igi:l |ic::c|, to cisc: c:ti:cl,, |ut it |s :co:g:izcc it :c
icilittcc coottio:
I|c iou: su|cultu:cs ciscusscc |c:c, w|c:c t|c c:lic: uc:tio:cc iou:
:coscxul :cigus l, uost t,icll,, :c t|c iollowi:g ii:st, g, c:uisi:g
cultu:c, scco:c, t|c qucc: su|cultu:c t|t cxc:iuc:ts wit| t|c iluicit, oi
gc:cc: icc:tit,, t|i:c, :olc l, i: t|c scousoc|isu ;\, su|cultu:c, :c
ii:ll, :o:uo:oguous o: socllcc ol,uo:ous :cltio:s|is i cou:sc,
t|csc su|cultu:cs |vc oi:ts oi co::cctio: :c coulc ovc:l l: cc| csc it is
uttc: oi cu:cito:, gi:s :c oi coottio: |, :coli|c:lisu At t|c
suc tiuc l will ccsc:i|c w|c:c t|c:c :c co:t:cictio:s l,i:g i: cc| oi t|c
scc::ios, w|ic| :u: gi:st t|c :coli|c:l :c :coscxul :cigu o: cvc:
i:cictc w|c:c :coli|c:l i:tsics :c |utti:g u gi:st t|ci: liuits i:
c:ct|i:g, susti:|ilit,, :c t|c loss oi sovc:cig:t, I|c utc:il t|t l will
usc s suo:t is civc:sc :c is sscu|lcc, lo:gsicc u, ow: |:owlccgc gi:cc
i:ou c:so:l cxc:ic:cc s :tici:t i: t|csc su|cultu:cs, i:ou ciscussio:s
wit|i: t|c scc:cs :c cui:icl i:vcstigtio:s ucc i: t|c i:ucwo:| oi
:csc:c| :o|cct o: t|c \ su|cultu:c ;Woltc:sco:ii !010, Wit|i: t|c
co:tcxt oi t|is c: u, i:tc:cst cocs :ot lic i: sttc :c i:stitutio:l
:cgultio: oi scxulit, i:ou tocow: c:scctivc, w|ic| l |vc ccvclocc
clscw|c:c ;ci Woltc:sco:ii !010|,, |ut l woulc :t|c: li|c to iocus o: t|c
i:co:sistc:cics :c co:t:cicto:, clcuc:ts oi scxul :cticcs i: t|c cvc:,c,
liic oi civil socict, i:ou |ottouu c:scctivc
Sexual deregulation and the precarious core of sexuality
l: t|ci: |oo| 1|. :. :... c co.o!. ;1---!00.,, luc lolt:s|i :c l

|icllo cliu t|t :coli|c:lisu is st:tcgic :cctio: to socil :c oliticl
cisutcs wit|i: lo:cist citlisu As suc| it |s u:gcc to |so:| t|c so
cllcc :tists c:itiquc, w|ic| is ci:cctcc gi:st t|c lic:tio: oi t|c wo:|i:g
wo:lc :c livi:g wo:lc, s wcll s gi:st tc::lisu ooscc to uto:ou,
:c c:ctivit,, i:tcg:ti:g it i:to :cw io:us oi :ocuctio: l: siuil: w,, i:
u:, oi t|c io:us oi livi:g :c |c|viou: c|:ctc:izcc s :coscxul, t|c
cu:cito:, ccu:cs oi t|c :cw socil uovcuc:ts, io: i:st:cc oi t|c
wouc:s uovcuc:t, t|c lcs|i: :c g, uovcuc:t, o: t|c scxul li|c:tio:
uovcuc:t, s wcll s t|c couuu:cs wit| t|ci: iccl oi i:cc lovc, |vc |cc:
i:tcg:tcc :c cootcc I|c ict t|t :coli|c:l u:gcuc:t st:tcgics
ttc:c to : cu:cito:, ccsi:c :c ttcut to cxloit t|is s c:ivi:g io:cc
cocs :ot cisvow t|is ccsi:c lo: t|c :cw :coscxul i:cccous :c :ot o:l,
t|c :csult oi li|c:liztio: :csc:i|cc i:ou |ovc, |ut :c lso t|c i:cccous
w:cstcc w, i:ou lo:cisu, w|ic| :coli|c:lisu |s s|cc i: w, t|t is
|ot| socill, s:ctio:cc :c csil, cigcstcc |, t|c i:tc:csts oi citlisu
lollowi:g kc:tc lo:c:z ;!00,, l woulc li|c to c|:ctc:izc t|c
scxulitics t|t :csult i:ou t|is s :cc:ious l:cc:it, :cic:s to t|c
|uxtositio: oi t|c gi:s i: i:civiculiztio: :c t|c i:c:csc i: i:sccu:it,
t|t :iscs t|:oug| cco:ouic cc:cgultio: :c t|c cccli:c oi socil t:citio:
l, usi:g t|is tc:u l u lig:i:g u,scli wit| c:iticl :l,sis oi t|c co:citio:s
oi :coli|c:lisu :c oliticl cou:tc: uo|iliztio:, :c it sccus :o:itc
to usc it to ccsc:i|c t|c co:t:cictio:s oi :coli|c:l :cst:uctu:i:g Dsi:g t|c
tc:u :cc:it, i: :cltio: to scxulit, is iu:t|c:uo:c co:scious i:tc:vc:tio:
i: t|is ciscou:sc i: o:cc: to cliu t|c scxul ciuc:sio: oi citlist
sociliztio: s : i:cisc:s|lc ctcgo:, io: :l,sis Alo:g wit| \ic|cl
loucult ;1-o1-, l u:cc:st:c scxulit, s cclo,uc:t oi owc: t|t
:ocuccs :c uutull, :cltcs cu|ocicc su||ccts cxulit, is t|c:cio:c
siuult:cousl, : gc:t :c :csou:cc oi :cc:it, lt c:ctcs :cltio:
|ctwcc: u:st|lc wo:|i:g co:citio:s :c su||cctivitics l: t|c :clu oi t|c
i:tiutc, t|c cc:cgultio: oi t|c co:citio:s oi wo:| :c liic wit|i: :co
li|c:lisu co::cso:cs to scxul cc:cgultio: ;lug !001, l:cc:ious
gc:cc: :c scxul su||cct ositio:s t::sg:css t:citio:l cociccs, co:st:tl,
:u::i:g t|c :is| oi iilu:c :c collsc
I|c i:sccu:c lcc |ctwcc:
i:tcg:tio: :c cccouli:g ;ci stcl 1--.!00!, :cqui:cs t|c io:utio:
oi tcc|:olog, oi t|c scli ;loucult 1-,, w|ic| c: coc wit| t|c :cw
:is|s iuoscc :c usc t|cu to cv:tgc
lollowi:g iguu:c l:cuc, ucit| lutlc: w:itcs t|t t|c c:otic lw,s
g:ows out oi uouc:t oi u::ccict|ilit, :c u:vil|ilit, I|c cvc:,c,
:c t|c o:ci::, :c wiccl, |:ow: |illc:s oi c:oticisu lutlc: st:csscs t|t
scxul ccsi:c is c|:ctc:izcc :cciscl, |, souct|i:g lcit ovc: t|t cluccs
co:t:ol t|:oug| co:scious:css :c l:gugc cxul icc:titics u:iolc t|ci:
cli:g ut|o:it, :cciscl, |, t|i:g lcsu:c i: u:cc:ti:t, :c i:sccu:it,
lu c:u:c:tl, t:ou|lcc |, icc:tit, ctcgo:ics, co:sicc: t|cu to |c
i:v:i|lc stuu|li:g|loc|s, :c u:cc:st:c t|cu, cvc: :ouotc t|cu, s
sitcs oi :cccss:, t:ou|lc l: ict, ii t|c ctcgo:, wc:c to oiic: :o t:ou|lc,
it woulc ccsc to |c i:tc:csti:g to uc it is :cciscl, t|c !.oo.. :ocuccc
|, t|c i:st|ilit, oi t|osc ctcgo:ics w|ic| susti:s t|c v:ious c:otic
:cticcs t|t u|c uc c:cictc io: t|c ctcgo:, to |cgi: wit|
;lutlc: 1--1, 1+,
lco lc:s:i t|c:cio:c i:tc::cts t|c :cltio: oi ccsi:c :c icc:tit, cilccticll,
lcc:tit, is t|c :cgtivc oi ou: ccsi:i:g i:tsics ;lc:s:i 1--., 1+1, I|c
c:otic is lw,s iucc t t::sg:cssi:g givc: cvc:,c, icc:titics Dc:cgultio:
:c :cc:it, t|c: lso co::cso:c to scxul ccsi:cs, w|ic| |s :ot cluccc
c:iticisu o l woulc li|c to cc to lutlc: :c lc:s:i t|t o/.!.,, |ust li|c
i:st|ilit,, c: lso |c sou:cc oi lcsu:c :c ciscouio:t lu:t|c:uo:c, it
s|oulc |c s|cc, o: t|c |sis oi w|ic| st|ilit, ;cco:ouic, gc:cc:, |clt|,
ctc, is t|is i:st|ilit, c:|o,|lc i: t|c ii:st lcc :coli|c:l :cst:uctu:i:g
c|:owlccgcs scxul lcsu:c i: :is| o: t|c o:c |:c, :c o: t|c ot|c: |:c it
gocs to g:ct i:s to uitigtc t|is t|:oug| :is| u:gcuc:t, :c to u|c it
usciul io: t|c u:oscs oi uo|ilizi:g l|ou: :c co:suuc: su||ccts iollowi:g
t|c uotto :ot|i:g vc:tu:cc, :ot|i:g gi:cc
li, cu:i:g t|c tiucs oi lo:cist ciscili:i:g oi t|c wo:|io:cc, scxulit, ws
co:sicc:cc t|c ot|c: oi wo:|, :ow it is wclcoucc s io:u oi wo:| i: itscli
lcio:c, scxul c:ivc |c to |c w:ccc oii :c su|liutcc t|:oug| wo:| lut
wit| t|c cvc: i:c:csi:g sig:iiic:cc oi t|c s|c:c oi co:suutio:, scxul c:ivc
is :o lo:gc: uc:t to |c :cst:i:cc t ll, |ut ii:cc u :c t t|c suc tiuc
coucstictcc, i: o:cc: to u|c usc oi it s :ocuctivc :c cxloit|lc
:csou:cc I|c :coli|c:l cco:ou, oi t|c scxul scli t|c:cio:c :o lo:gc:
ccu:cs lo:cist c|ilitics i: ccic:ci:g o:cscli gi:st t|c scxul c:ivc :c
its su|liutio: t|:oug| wo:|, o: :t|c: :c|ccti:g t|c scxul c:ivc i:
:csc:i|cc tiuc slot, |ut i:stcc it ccu:cs co:t:ollcc usc oi t|c lcsu:cs
wit| t|c gol oi co:ti:ull, |cci:g t|cu vil|lc s :csou:cc io: c:ctivit,
:c uotivtio: :c io: otiuizi:g t|ci: i:tc:sit, lvc: i: t|c s|c:c oi
:ocuctio: t|c :coli|c:l :cw cco:ou, :ow ccu:cs li|ici:ous :c
::cissistic lloctio: oi wo:| llcsu:c is :ot oiiicill, t|c uoto: :c :o
lo:gc: t|c stuu|li:g |loc| oi t|is :cw io:u oi wo:| cxulit, is
c|:owlccgcc s ciuc:sio: oi t|c i:civicul t|t is|io:s |iu|c:scli
t|:oug| wo:|, cvc: ii, i: tc:us oi gc:cc:, ciiic:c:t io:utio:s :c sc:i|cc to
|iu|c: i: cc| csc li, i: t|c uc:tiuc, i:vcstuc:ts i: scxul tt:ctivc:css
:c i:cccc cxcctcc oi ll gc:cc:s, t|c:c :c still ciiic:i:g :o:us oi |c|viou:
io: uc: :c wouc: cxulit, u, :ow |c ucc usc oi i: t|c co:tcxt oi :olc
cxccttio:s, c:|s soucw|t uo:c ilcxi|l, |ut :o:ct|clcss :ulcc |,
:o:us l: o:cc: to u|c t|c ciio:t visi|lc, w|ic| is :cccss:, to :ocucc :c
:c:ocucc scxulizcc su||cct ositio:s i: o:cc: to iu:ctio: i: wo:|i:g
co:citio:s, l:igitt lustc: :c kc:tc lo:c:z ;!00, |vc :ooscc t|c tc:u
scxul l|ou: I|is usc oi scxulit,, cco:ci:g to Z,guu:t luu: ;1--,
!!,, is c:,stllizcc i: t|c cut, iccl oi iit:css, w|ic| co::ccts t|c
willi:g:css :c c|ilit, oi c|icvcuc:t i: |ot| scxul liic s wcll s wo:|i:g
Sexual markets
igusc| icc:tiiics t|c scxul cultu:c oi g, uc: s : v:tg:cc :coscxul
I|ci: |c|viou: coulc |c scc: s t|c cultu:ll, cv:ccc uoccl oi ll
:coscxulitics cist:cc i:ou t|c iuil, oi o:igi: :c :c:ocuctio:,
uctuo:|osis oi t|c |oc, i:to : c:otic |oc, :c t|c co::cso:ci:g
clot|i:g, ssocitio: oi cuotio:l :c socil uoclitics t|t |c :cviousl,
|cc: co:sicc:cc i:couti|lc, cgoisticl sc:c| io: quic|, :o:couuittl
scxul t|:ills cocxistc:t wit| t|c ccit, io: lovc i: lo:gtc:u
:cltio:s|is, uultilictio: oi io:us oi :cltio:s|is . . . c:o:uous
ccit, to iit i:to socil liic, c:o:uous ilcxi|ilit, :c c:ctivit, t t|c
i:o:ts oi socil :c cultu:l ci:cultio:, :c ii:ll, |ig| lcvcl oi
;igusc| !00., 1-, lso ci 1--, !+o,
I|c c:vc:ts lo:cli:css is ovc: |ccusc t|ci: c:vc:sio:s |vc lost t|ci:
si:gul:it, :c ositivc :csult is t|c tc:cc:c, oi t|c stigu oi c:vc:sio: to
cccli:c l: t|c ciio:t to u|c scc io: socil outsicc:s, t|c g, couuu:it, |s
c:ctcc livi:g sccs t|t :c :ccoui::tl, couuc:cilizcc, :c t|c:cio:c
t|t lso osscss |ig| ccg:cc oi li|c:lit, lt |s uscc t|c ossi|ilitics
co:ti:cc i: it to ucct its scxul :cccs Al:cc, i: t|c 1-0s, \ic|cl loll|
;1-!1-., ccsc:i|cc t|c g, scc:c s u:|ct t w|ic| scxul sc:viccs
:c cxc|:gcc, t|c u:|ct vluc oi w|ic| is ucsu:cc i: o:gsus I|c
c:|:oou c:|c:cc |c| :oou io: scxul i:tc:ctio:s w|ic| loll|
oiic:s s t|c cxcul:, sitc io: scxul cxc|:gc, |s si:cc |cc: cxtc:ccc to
t|c vi:tul c:uisi:g :c oi l:tc::ct cti:g o:tls lts :i:cilc |s |cc:
otiuizcc t|:oug| t|is cxtc:sio:, io: :ow, cvc: l:gc: g:ous c: |c li:|cc
u, ci:culti:g cu::c:ts oi ccsi:c :c oi t|c co:citio:s t|t u|cs ossi|lc
:c c:cou:gcs t|c o|vious:css oi t|c :otio: oi ccsi:c s c:c:g, ilows is
:cw :cgiuc oi citlist ccuuultio: w|c:c|, l|ou: :c citl itscli |vc
|ccouc i:c:csi:gl, |st:ctcc t|:oug| t|c uo:c ilcxi|lc :ocuctio: s,stcus
oi t::s:tio:l cigitl cco:ou,, s koscu:, lc::css, cig:oscc it ;!000,
1-o, l: c,|c:scc t|c:c is |:cl, :, scxul :ticul:it, t|t cocs :ot :u:
c:oss : c:t|usistic :cso:sc I|c l:tc::ct llows |ot| t|c o:g:iztio: oi
|ig|l, sccilizcc couuu:itics oi scxul i:tc:cst s wcll s t|c uultilictio:
:c ciiic:c:titio: oi scxul :cticcs, w|c:c|, ustu:|tio: :c:csc:ts t|c
:cw c:o:icl scxul :cticc, w|ic| c:, |ut :ccc :ot, |c cxtc:ccc t|:oug|
ot|c: :cticcs Duc to t|c cco:ouic logic t|t io:us t|c |sis oi t|csc scxul
c:cou:tc:s, igusc| clls t|is io:u oi scxulit, !.o .oo!., i: : :log, wit|
!.o .c1o..c, w|ic| is lso |scc o: :tio:lizi:g, otiuizi:g, :c
I|c cu:citio: oi t|c :til c:ivcs gocs lo:g wit| its cociiictio: :c
st:c:ciztio: so t|t lists oi scxul :cic:c:ccs i: t|c cti:g o:tls :ccc
o:l, |c cou:cc wit| o:c :ot|c:, iu:t|c: icilitti:g t|c i:ut io:us oi t|c
sc:c| uc|i:cs :uuc:ous l:tc::ct co:tct io:uus oiic: qucstio::i:cs t|t
iu:ctio: o: uultilcc|oicc |sis ocil :cltio:s|is :c i:tc:c:so:l
:cccs :c :ticultcc i: t|is w, i: t|c io:u oi : cgotisticl scxul i:tc:cst
cxulit, t|c: |ccoucs o||cctivizcc :c :clicvcc oi cxccssivc icclizcc
|u:cc:s, io: w|ic| igusc| sccus to iccl cc:ti: :ostlgi I|c ucci
cxc|:gc ovc: t|c l:tc::ct iu:t|c:uo:c suo:ts t|c tc:cc:c, io: ll scxul
cxc:ic:cc to |ccouc i:ucc |, o::og:|ic co:vc:tio:s wit|i: ucci
cultu:c oi t|c scxul scli I|c o:li:c io:us oi couuu:ictio: :c o:g:iztio:
t|c:cio:c ivou: :c s,stcuticll, :ouotc cc:ti: io:u oi livi:g scxulit,
W|ilc t|is ccvclouc:t o: t|c o:c |:c isoltcs i:civiculs |, io:ci:g t|ci:
scxul i:cxc|:gc|ilit,, o: t|c ot|c: |:c it c:ctcs :cw couuu:itics :c
:ctwo:|s oi s|:cc scxul ccsi:cs, w|ic| co::cct i:civiculs c:oss cxisti:g
socil scguc:ttio:s
igusc| clls t|c cgocc:t:ic qulit, oi t|c :coscxul uovcuc:t .!.
I|is tcc|:olog, oi t|c scli, cco:ci:g to |iu, |cccs t|c :coli|c:l uxius oi
sclio:g:izi:g :c uoculti:g o:cs ow: :cccs lig|l, :ouisi:g :c
:ctwo:|c|lc, o: t|c ot|c: |:c, :c t::sito:,, :til o: i:guc:t:,
|c|viou: ttc::s, icc:tiiictio:s, :c icc:titics ultiutcl, c1o!o. .!
t|t iu:ctio:s li|c tool |ox iull oi :ts t|t c: |c :cuovcc, sulcuc:tcc
:c |oi:cc togct|c: ;igusc| !00+, 10, I|c :i:cilcs oi t|is :coscxul
tcc|:olog, oi t|c scli :c t|c: scliciscili:c, sclicisclosu:c, scliotiuizi:g,
:c scliutc:iliztio: ;igusc| 1--, !.!, W|t is sig:iiic:t io: scliscx
:c ::cissistic i:tsics oi vil|ilit, :c co:t:ol W l lug t|c:cio:c :cic:s
to t|c :tio:l clcultio: t|t |s ovc:t|c: lcsu:c :c cst out ssio: :c
i::tio:lit, llcsu:c |s to givc cccss, :ot :cqui:c it I|osc w|o woulc
|cc t|cusclvcs vil|lc io: w|t is sociocco:ouicll, :cqui:cc, i: t|c iccl
csc, uust ui:ti: cccss to t|c stisictio: oi c:ivcs li|c :c:cc ioocs i:
t|c ccc i:cczc: ;lug !000, !+1 ii,
I|is is ii:l, ositc ccsc:itio: oi t|c :cig:i:g o:g:iztio:l io:u oi
t|c g, su|cultu:c :c t|c scliiugc oi its ucu|c:s As : cxulc, l woulc
li|c to |:i:g i: t|c :ovcls t|t t|c l:c:c| ut|o: Williu l::cs, w|o cicc i:
!00., u|lis|cc u:cc: t|c scuco:,u Guilluuc Dust: I|c, c: |c
clssiiicc wit|i: co:tcuo::, tc:cc:c,, i: l:c:c| litc:tu:c |ovc ll,
w|ic| ttcsts to t|c :coli|c:l couuociiictio: oi t|c i:tiutc :c scxul
:cs, :c w|ic| is :c:csc:tcc uost :oui:c:tl, |, \ic|cl loucllc|ccq I|c
:::ti:g iigu:cs i: Dust:s :ovcls go to g:ct i:s to :csc:t t|cusclvcs
s uoccls oi :coscxulit, Icc|:icll, lu i: to io:u lu lcsu:c
uc|i:c . . . lvc:,t|i:g is :::gcc c:icctl, ;Dust: 1--|, 1!o, l: i:o:t
oi t|is |c|c:o :c cuc to t|c cccli:c oi t|c socil ost:cisu oi :ostitutio:,
scxul ctivitics c: |c scc: s sc:viccs Dust:s :::to: c:io:us u:ic scx
wo:|, t|c qulit, oi w|ic| |c ttcsts to wit| :oicssio:l :icc l t:i: \,
:ilcs, u, ss l :ctisc \, c|cultio:s, u, c:io:u:cc ;Dust: 1--o
1--, .+, I|c |oc, |ccoucs couuocit, :c is i:su:cc i: its vluc :c
t t|c suc tiuc cxc:ic:ccs ::cissistic slig|t, |ccusc it loscs its u:iquc:css
t|:oug| cou:iso: :c :cco:cilitio: wit| t|c :o:u
cxul cxc|:gc is o:g:izcc t|:oug| :iu:il, couuc:cil su|cultu:l
:ctwo:|s s cc:cgultcc, glo|lizcc u:|ct lu|l:c All ovc: t|c l:ct
;Dust: 1--o1--, -!, l:glis| i: o:igi:l, lc:c :cig:s st:ict cocc oi
|c|viou:, i:cluci:g t|c ict t|t cis:utivc icto:s, w|ic| uig|t t|:ctc: t|c
su|cultu:c s :otcctcc scc oi :cci:octcc g, ccsi:c, :c isoltcc lc:c
|ocics c: |c scxul, |ut t|c, uust lso us| cvc:,t|i:g t|t cocs :ot iollow
t|c :i:cilc oi otiuizi:g scxul lcsu:c I|c u::ccict|ilit, :c :cc:it,
oi t|is scxulit, is t|c:cio:c closc: to t|c iluctutio:s oi t|c stoc| u:|ct t|:
to li|ici:l :tu:l io:ccs cxul couctitio: co:st:tl, t|w:ts t|c
cxc:ic:cc oi solic:it, :c g:ou icc:tit, lo:cli:css :c sic|:css :cui:
t|c cou:io:s oi tcuo::, scxul iuliiluc:t lo: t|is :cso:, g, uc: co
:ot ct stisiicc io: lo:g t|:oug| t|c cxc|:gc oi t|ci: o:gsus o:
cc:cgultcc scxul u:|ct lo:c, :c :cit|c: co t|c c|:ctc:s i: Dust:s
:ovcls I|is i:ccquc, c:, |ut :ccc :ot, lcc to t|c io:utio: oi :ctwo:|s
oi solic:it, s cou:tc:wcig|t
W|ilc t|c g, scc:c iu:ctio:s s so:t oi io:c:u::c: i: vicw oi t|c
ccvclouc:t oi u:|cts oi scxul cxc|:gc :c sc:vcs s t::suittc: oi t|c
u:|ctli|c o:g:iztio: oi scxul i:tc:csts io: t|c :cst oi socict,, t|c qucc:,
:c csccill, lcs|i:qucc: scc:c c: |c co:sicc:cc t|c v:tg:cc oi t|c
ccco:st:uctio: oi gc:cc:, w|ic| ltc::tcl, |st:cts :c :ciiics gc:cc:
icc:tit, l, lcs|i:qucc: l uc: couuu:it, cou:iscc :ot o:l, oi icui:i:c
lcs|i: icc:titics, |ut lso co:sciousl, oc: to t::s, i:tc:scxul, :c scxull,
u|iguous scliicc:tiiictio:s lu:t|c:uo:c, t|c:c :c io:us oi gc:cc:
|c:ci:g i: t|c ;g,, c:g :c t:::, scc:c s wcll, :c i: |ctc:oscxul, o:
:t|c: |ctc:ocoui:tcc scc:cs, i: t|is csc oitc: ssocitcc wit| t|c \
scc:c l: t|c c:c, l usc qucc: s : uu|:cll tc:u io: t|csc i:civicul
su|cultu:cs ;igusc| j1--, !00+ :cic:s to t|is :coscxul :i:cilc oi
:coxicl utc:ilizi:g :c ccutc:ilizi:g s |,louti, : t|c o:c
|:c, .1.. is cctc|cc i:ou t|c |oc, :c t|c :csuucc :tu:l:css oi gc:cc:
is cst i:to cou|t, o: t|c ot|c: |:c, :cw uccicl uct|ocs llow |ocics to |c
c:ctcc t|t cll i:to qucstio: t|c t:citio:ll, :::gcc ciuo:|isu oi .
Gc:cc: |c:c is :o lo:gc: u:cc:stooc s ccsti:,, |ut s t|c :csult oi :cgotitio:
;luc: !00., l: o:cc: to iu:t|c: t|c ciio:ts :c ossi|ilitics io: ctio: wit|i:
t|c socil co:st:i:ts oi gc:cc: tt:i|utio:s, wit|i: t|is su|cultu:c, i: cscs oi
cou|t, colc :c s|cc |ow t|c, woulc li|c to |c :cic::cc to i: tc:us oi
gc:cc: o t|c gc:cc: u|iguous :tist Dcl lG:cc Volc:o clls |iu|c:scli
: i:tc:tio:l uuttio:, t|c:c|, cx:cssi:g t|c ccu:c io: gc:cc: icc:tit,
t|t is sclic|osc: :c scliccii:cc : t|c o:c |:c, t|is su|cultu:l st:tcg,
clls io:t| co:t:cictio:s t|t :c :csc:t i: :, gc:cc: icc:tit,, ccliuiti:g :c
cislci:g t|cu, |ut o: t|c ot|c: |:c, it c: lso lcc to uc:c
uultilictio: oi gc:cc: icc:titics, s it is :csc:tcc i: t|c two cocuuc:t:,
iilus c.1..oo ;1---, |, \o:i| I:cut :c .o ic,. ;!00!, |, G|:icl
lu: lut t t|c suc tiuc, cvc: t|is uultilictio: is uc:t to cxtc:c t|c
ctcgo:, oi gc:cc:, t lcst i: its |ctc:o:o:utivc, twogc:cc:cc io:u, c
|su:cuu l:tcllcctull,, t|csc ciio:ts :c ccou:icc |, utoi: visio:s oi
t|c ost|uu: o: t|c c,|o:g Qucc: su|cultu:cs |vc u:gcc to :cvlutc
socill, stigutizcc gc:cc: :o:co:io:uit, :c to occu, t|cu wit| lcsu:c
o qucc: scxul cultu:c |s |cc: cst|lis|cc t|t cuowc:s t::scolc to
|c scxul, :c i: coi:g so |s couc u gi:st scxuluccicl iuc:tivcs t|t
i: o:cc: io: t::sscxuls to |c oiiicill, :ccog:izcc, t|c, u, :ot cxc:ic:cc
lcsu:c i:ou t|ci: |ocics |cio:c u:cc:goi:g scx :cssig:uc:t su:gc:, oi
t|osc |ocics Qucc: couuu:itics :ot o:l, :ovicc scc io: cvc:,c, t::s
icc:titics, |ut iu:t|c:uo:c t|c, i:vitc c:iticl l, wit| gc:cc: clic|cs, io:
i:st:cc i: c:io:u:ccs |, c:g |i:gs :c c:g qucc:s o: t|c socllcc
gc:cc:iuc|, ccli|c:tc cou|i:tio: oi co:t:cicto:, gc:cc: tt:i|utcs, w|ic|
sc:clizcs |ctc:o:o:utivc vicwoi:ts :c is uc:t to :clicvc t|c :cssu:c oi
|vi:g to |c si:gul:, u:u|iguous gc:cc: ;l:gcl !00!, 101,
!00o, I|csc lcsu:|lc cxc:iuc:ts :c susti:cc |, wicc scct:uu ucc
u oi v:ious socil uovcuc:ts t|t c:iticizc t|c |ctc:o:o:utivc |i::,
co:cctio: oi scx :c gc:cc:, i:cluci:g icui:ists, lcs|i: :c g, ctivists,
t::sscxuls, :c t::sgc:cc:cc :c i:tc:scx c:so:s, w|o osscss t:its
|,siologicll, ccii:cc s |ot| ulc :c iculc : t|c o:c |:c, t::sgc:cc:
is collcctivc tc:u io: ll i:co:g:uc:cics i: :cltio: to t|c |ctc:o:o:utivc
|i::, co:cctio: oi gc:cc:, o: t|c ot|c: |:c, it :cic:s to c:so:s w|o livc
ciiic:c:t gc:cc: icc:tit, t|: t|c o:c sc:i|cc to t|cu t |i:t|, |ut w|o co
:ot wis| to u:cc:go scx :cssig:uc:t su:gc:,
I|is ccvclouc:t c: |ct : icc:tit:i: logic t|t cvc: wit|i: qucc:
t|co:, is vc:, co:t:ovc:sil uc| : i:tc:tio:list :c icc:tit,|scc
u:cc:st:ci:g oi qucc: gc:cc:, i:cquc:tl, co::cctcc to t|c couulsio: to
scctcul: :ticul:it,, is w|t igusc| sccus to |vc |c i: ui:c w|c: |c
cllcc t|is io:u oi gc:cc: sclicctc:ui:tio: .c.1.. o: .!.1.. i: :log,
to |is ot|c: :cologisus I|is icc oi :cogc:cc: is iccll, uto:ouizcc,
sovc:cig:l, ccc:ccc, :c :cso:si|lc io: itscli i:cc it c::ot :cst o: t|c
|c|i:g oi t:citio:l gc:cc: :::gcuc:ts, t|is sclico:st:uctio: is cssc:till,
l: :coli|c:lisu t:citio:l gc:cc: :olcs |vc |cgu: to iltc: wit|out
cisc:i:g ltogct|c: I|is lccs to t|c ict t|t c:ossi:g t:citio:l gc:cc:
tt:i|utio:s is :ot o:l, sclic|osc:, |ut lso socill, c:cou:gcc, souctiucs
cvc: iuoscc I|c i:ts, oi t|c iluicit, oi gc:cc: :c t|c ctcgo:icl
iuc:tivc ostultcc |, cc:ti: qucc: t|co:ists ccco:st:uct icc:titics
w|c:cvc: ,ou ii:c t|cu: |vc t|c:cio:c |cc: c:iticizcc cuc to t|ci: icilc
couti|ilit, wit| :coli|c:l uxius ;cg lucwig !00o, t|c: qucc:
t|co:ists, |owcvc:, wo:| wit| G,t:i ||:vo:t, iv|s :otio: oi
st:tcgic cssc:tilisu till ot|c:s |vc :ooscc co:ccts t|t iuccc suc|
coottio: :c :c uc:t to oiic: ltc::tivcs to :coli|c:l scligc:cc:, io:
i:st:cc t|c st:tcg, oi cquivoctio: ;..o..1.o.o, l:gcl !00!,
!!+!!-, !00o, o: co:t:cicto:, scliccsc:itio: ;llc 1--,
l:civiculs :c |, :o uc:s coucllcc to occu, qucc: gc:cc:s |,
coui::t ci:cuust:ccs I|c, :c, s t|c, lw,s wc:c, :cst:i:cc i:ou
t::sg:cssi:g t|c |i::, co:cct oi gc:cc: lt is uc:cl, t|c sitc oi icui:i:it,
:c usculi:it, t|t |s |ccouc i:c:csi:gl, :cc:ious, io: t|c :coli|c:l
ilcxi|iliztio: oi gc:cc: :c scxul icc:titics llows t:citio:l :c ilcxi|lc
gc:cc: :olcs to cocxist lc::css, :c:csc:ts t|c vicwoi:t t|t t|c logic oi
citl cocs :ot :cccss:il, :cqui:c |ctc:o:o:utivit, :c |i::, co:cct oi
gc:cc:, |ut i:stcc is i:ciiic:c:t to t|cu ;!000, 10., A:c W l lug
clius li t|c :iso: oi t|c olc co:cct oi gc:cc: oiic:cc sccu:it,, t|c :cw
i:cccou is cxc:ic:ccc i: c:u:c:t i:sccu:it, W|c: gc:cc: :olcs wc:c
still u:cc: t|c co:t:ol oi t|c socil o:cc:, t|c, cuc to i:civiculs i: :cc,
ucc is|io:, siul, to|c|c ;!00!, 1,
I|:oug| t|csc c|:gcs, i:civiculs ii:c t|cusclvcs cxoscc to co:t:
cicto:, socil :olc :cqui:cuc:ts Quitc oitc:, ciiic:c:t :o:utivc iccs
couctc wit| o:c :ot|c: Wouc: :c :ow uc:t to wo:| li|c uc:, |ut t
t|c suc tiuc uust lw,s |c |lc to |c ll wou: ii t|t is :cqui:cc o i: t|c
civisio: oi l|ou:, i: t|c olitics oi t|c iuil,, :c i: cvc:tiscuc:t,
t:citio:l iccs oi :olcs :c still s coui::t s cvc: Gc:cc: civc:sit, is o:
t|c o:c |:c wclcoucc i: t|is w,, o: t|c ot|c: |:c, |owcvc:, t|c |i::,
scx :c gc:cc: s,stcu is still : i:stitutio:l iuc:tivc Wc :c t|c:cio:c still
lo:g w, i:ou :clizi:g i:ccl, c|osc: ;:c c|oosc|lc, :cogc:cc: t|t
woulc cis:ut t|c |ic::c|icl civisio: i:to two gc:cc:s
Sadomasochistic role play
:c c|:ctc:istic, t|c:, oi :coli|c:lisu is t|c u|ivlc:cc |ctwcc: u|i:g
gc:cc: :o:us st:o:gc: :c uo:c ilcxi|lc I|c lcc t|t t|c, t|c t|:oug|
t|csc :o:us oi gc:c:tcc icc:titics i: socict, u:|cc |, |ic::c|ics oi owc:
t|c:c|, |ccoucs u:st|lc :c lccs to siuult:cous i:tc:siiictio: :c
ciui:utio: oi t:i:c|l st:uctu:cs ;lu|l !00+, I:citio:l |ic::c|ics oi
gc:cc: :c oliticll, i:co::cct io:us oi icui:i:it, :c usculi:it, :c
co:ti:ull, :ocuccc i: t|is w,, |ut t|c, u, :ot |c s|ow: o: cc:csscc
w|c: : ostc:si|l, cglit:i: gc:cc: ciscou:sc is co:sicc:cc t|c ucsu:c oi
vluc I|is |uxtositio: :ocuccs :c u|cs t|oo t|c ccsi:cs io: coui::cc,
su|uissio:, cu:citio:, :c su|vc:sio:, so t|t it |ccoucs ciiiicult io: t|cu
to |ccouc t|c o||cct oi u|lic, oliticl cisutcs l: t|c \ su|cultu:c, t|is
:ccc is :clcscc i: uocul: w, :c :ticultcc i: oliticll, co::cct w, i:
uutul g:ccuc:t :c i: t|c cctc|cc uocc oi l, :c :tici:t ccsc:i|cs
it s suc|
l u i:cccc loo|i:g io: : cquit|lc :cltio:s|i, |ut t|c: i: l, l w:t
t|is suc:io:it, i: t|c owc: st:uctu:c l: t|c olitics oi u, cvc:,c, liic l
t:, to iig|t owc: :c coui::cc, |ut o: t|c ot|c: |:c i: l,, i: u,
scxulit, l u still loo|i:g io: it souc|ow o, l t|i:|, t|c:cs cc:ti:
ciiic:c:cc, l c:ctc : :tiiicil situtio: outsicc u, cil, liic, |ccusc
l co:sciousl, c:ctc situtio:
:cgotiti:g :olcs i: gc:c:l is co:sicc:cc :csult oi uocc:: :occss oi
ciiic:c:titio: :c oi t|c i:guc:ttio: oi t|c su||cct t|t gocs lo:g wit| t|is
cousoc|istic :olc l, :cilccts t|c g:owi:g socil sig:iiic:cc oi t|c |ilit,
to c|:gc :olcs :c to tolc:tc co:ilicts i: :olcs lt :c|c:scs t|is couctc:cc
:c wo:|s t|:oug| t|c :cssu:c io: c|icvcuc:t t|t coucs i:ou it lt stgcs
:olc cist:cc ;Goiiu: 1-o1, :c :csolvcs i:tc::l s,c|ic co:ilicts, oitc:
wit| t,icll, ostuocc:: i:o:ic ttitucc Quitc oitc:, cc:ti: :ituls
icilittc t|c cxc|:gc oi :olcs ouc :tici:ts :co:t oi :ituls oi g:ccti:g
o: oi t|c :itulizcc utti:g o: oi cc:ti: icccs oi clot|i:g kolc co:ilicts i:ou
t|c cvc:,c, wo:lc, w|ic| :isc, io: cxulc, i:ou ciiic:i:g :c co:t:cicto:,
gc:cc: ccu:cs, :c c:io:ucc :c wo:|cc t|:oug| i: \ scc:cs ouc oi
t|c colc l |vc so|c: wit| i: g:ou ciscussio: oi:tcc out t|c ciiiicult,
oi |:i:gi:g togct|c: t|ci: ciiic:i:g :olcs i: t|ci: :oicssio:s :c i: t|ci: :ivtc
\ livcs cvc:l wouc: w|o :c i: u:gcuc:t ositio:s t wo:| :c :c
su|uissivc i: :ivtc st:csscc |ow iuo:t:t :c ciiiicult :olc cxc|:gc ws
io: t|cu :c wou: c|:ctc:izcc \ s |c: cquit, cxc:cisc A:ot|c:
ccsc:i|cc t|c co:t:cictio: |ctwcc: t|c lt:uistic :olc i: |c: |o| s c:ct|c:
:c t|c |cco:istic, cgocc:t:ic :olc i: \ Diiic:c:titi:g |ctwcc: v:ious
:olcs o:g:izcs t|c :cgotitio: oi coucti:g :olc cxccttio:s, i: w|ic|
ciiic:c:t s|c:cs :c c:iocs oi tiuc :c lloctcc :c :::gcc i: |:uo:,
wit| socil ccu:cs :c ossi|ilitics
Icc|:iqucs oi scliguic:cc t|c:cio:c t|c cc:t:l lcc i: t|c
su|cultu:l ccitics oi t|c \ scc:c lccll,, scxul ct|ics oi :cgotitio:
;c|uict !00., -1-, :c co:t:ctul i:ucwo:| oi scxul :cgotitio:
:c :cticcc :c c:io:ucc |c:c I|is ct|ics oi :cgotitio: cocs ssuuc t|t
t|c :t:c:s :c cglit:i: l: t|c :cgotiti:g, t|c :tici:ts :c :oui:ll,
t:ctcc cqull,, cvc: ii t|ci: socil ositio:s i:cictc st:| owc: ciiic:c:ccs
lu:t|c:uo:c, t|c ct|ics oi :cgotitio: :csuucs t|c t::s:c:c, oi scxul
ccsi:c :c ig:o:cs t|c ict t|t t|c c:otic is u:|cc |, iuo:cc:|ilitics :c
i:t::s:c:cics, w|ic| ciicct t|c |ou:c:ics oi w|t c: |c so|c: I|c
usoc|istic lcsu:c i: sclicc:cctio: lso co:t:cicts t|c :gutic,
ccli|c:tc uxius oi scliscx o:t:ctul i:ui:g t|c:cio:c ttcuts to
cciusc t|c u|ivlc:cics t|t :c :cciscl, t|osc t|t u|c \ scxulitics
li|c:ti:g :c c:|o,|lc i: t|c ii:st lcc, io: t|c, scc| : cxc:ic:cc oi owc:
l, u:cc: :coxicl co:citio:s t|c loss oi co:t:ol is cccsscc i:
co:t:ollcc w, Avc:sio: is c:oticizccs cxul |c|viou: is t|ct:iclizcc, :c
:o:ct|clcss, :cciscl, t|is :tiiicilit, uust |c cxc:ic:ccc s suiiicic:tl,
gc:ui:c :c :tiiicil to |c lcsu:|lc l: t|t \ scxulitics u|c t|c :co
scxul :coxcs oi t|c co:t:ollcc loss oi co:t:ol :c ut|c:tic :tiiicilit,
cxlicit i: t|ci: stgi:gs, t|c, llow t|csc co:t:cictio:s to |c wo:|cc t|:oug|
i: :cticc I|is is lso t|c oi:io: oi D::c: l:gc:icgc :c I:cvo: lutt
cousoc|istic scx l, u, t|c:cio:c |ig|lig|t :c c|llc:gc st:uctu:l
i:cqulitics |scc o: coui::cc :c su|uissio: I|c sto:, oi \ :ocuccs
:csist:cc s it u|cs visi|lc :cviousl, i:visi|lc i:stitutio:lizcc owc:
i:cqulitics ;!00+, +,
: t|c o:c |:c, scousoc|istic :olc l, stgcs t|c icc oi sovc:cig:
:cgoti|ilit, :c cccssi|ilit, t|:oug| uultilicit, oi :olcs cx:c|lc i: :,
ci:cctio: l, t|i:g o: :c csti:g oii t|c uost civc:sc :olcs, it ccuo:st:tcs
t|t its su|st:cc co:sists i: its c:io:u:cc lo:c : t|c ot|c: |:c, t|c
:tici:ts go to g:ct ciio:ts oi :cilcctio: i: o:cc: to i:tcg:tc t|c
:cgotitio: oi :olcs wit|i: t|c su|cultu:c :c t|osc i: cil, liic i:to co|c:c:t
scliiugc A:c ii:ll,, :olc l, gc:c:tcs i:ts, oi t::scc:cc:cc, w|ic|
t:ics to ovc::icc t|c sc:tio: t|t it is |scc o: i: t|c ii:st lcc, :c scc|s
ut|c:ticit, i: t|c :csolutio: oi t|c co:t:cictio: i: :cltio: to o:c oi t|c two
siccs |, |solutcl, iixi:g o:c oi t|c :olcs o co:ilicts c: |c cxc:ic:ccc ii
o:c iccl oi :o:u is ittcc gi:st :ot|c: I|c iccl oi c|icvcuc:t, to iuliil
:olc c:icctl,, is t|c: ui:ti:cc i: t|c s|iit i:ou t|c cvc:,c, to t|c \
:olc, wit|out ciui:is|i:g t|c :cssu:c oi t|c :o:u itscli I|c :cox oi
scousoc|istic :olc l, lics i: t|c ict t|t it t|:ctc:s o:l, to :cct t|c
ciio:ts oi cil, liic :c t t|c suc tiuc :ouiscs to cscc i:ou t|cu io:
gooc l, co:i:o:ti:g t|is :cox, t|c su|cultu:l gc:ts o: t|c o:c |:c
:cticc couctc:cics, io: i:st:cc |uuou: :c sclii:o:,, wit| w|ic| t|c,
c: |c: t|c :olc :cssu:c oi cvc:,c, liic, :c |, w|ic| t|c, c: lc:: |ow to
c|:gc :olcs : t|c ot|c: |:c, t|c, sccu:c sccs oi :cgotitio: i: w|ic| t|c
|ic::c|icl :uctc:s oi :olcs c: |c :cwo:|cc l:cciscl, i:ou t|is c:cic
coottio:, t|c ccst|iliztio: oi :coli|c:l iuc:tivcs c: :isc
Elective affinities
l: t|c c:c, cc:cgultio: co:cc::s :ot o:l, t|c :o:utivc i:ucwo:| oi scxul
:cticcs :c gc:cc: icc:tiiictio:s :c cu|ociuc:ts, |ut lso iuilil :c
iicctivc tics o |ust s t|c tics to si:glc cou:, :c si:glc occutio:
|vc |cc: c:oci:g, t|csc ot|c: tics |vc lso |cc: uultil,i:g l:o|cct |scc
citlisu ;lolt:s|i s |icllo 1---!00.,, i:guc:tcc :c tcuo:ll,
ilcxi|lc, is ccou:icc |, :o|cct|scc :coiuil, I|c i:c:csc i: si:glc
ucu|c: |ousc|olcs is coulcuc:tcc |, coulcx :ctwo:|s oi sclic|osc:
:cltio:s :coli|c:l socil ttc::s, i: co:t:st to lo:cisu, c: :ot o:l,
to |vc uo:c oc: st:cc o: :o:t:citio:l iuilil liicst,lcs, t|c, :c:l,
:ocucc t|cu lo: t|c cll io: ilcxi|iliztio: :c cc:cgultio: ccu:cs uo|ilc
wo:|i:g su||ccts w|o :c i: ositio: to co:st:uct :c cis|:c iicctivc tics
ciio:tlcssl,, s wcll s to uccitc |ctwcc: v:ious, uutull, co:t:cicto:,
:cqui:cuc:ts lu:t|c:uo:c, t|c willi:g:css :c c|ilit, to c::, o:
lo:gcist:cc :cltio:s|is is :cqui:cc, s is t|i:g o: t|c :cso:si|ilit, io:
v:ict, oi ucu|c:s oi tc|wo:| iuil,
:coscxulitics t|c:cio:c :ccc :ot :cccss:il, lcc to i:civiculiztio:
kt|c:, t|c cct:citio:liztio: oi socict, :cqui:cs t|c :cgotitio: oi ttc::s
oi tics t|t |vc so i: |cc: oiic:cc s :o:utivc :c cultu:ll, vil|lc lo:
t|c i:civicul, t|is uc:s :ot o:l, g:ctc: |u:cc:s |ut t t|c suc tiuc :
i:c:csc i: sclictuliztio: :c ossi|lc cou:scs oi ctio: l: t|is co:tcxt, io:
cxulc, i:iicclit,, l:cc, lw,s cliucc |, uc: s uttc: oi cou:sc, stos
|ci:g ci:t, scc:ct :c |ccoucs :csocilizcc t|:oug| t|c i:t:ocuctio: oi :
cglit:i: ct|ics oi :cgotitio: o Gc:u: collcctio: oi :co:ts |out g,
:o:uo:ogu, :oclius D:iit|iul:css is |i:css ;c|ulzc s c|cu
!00+, l:ou t|ci: cui:icl iiclc :csc:c|, \:i::c licc: :c ko|i: luc:
;!00., o, |vc :co:tcc t|t o:c |c:ciit oi :o:uo:oguous liicst,lcs is
t|t lcsu:c |illi:g :outi:cs :c |o:ccou :c voiccc s wcll s t|t lccw,
io: uto:ou, is cxtc:ccc, t|c:c|, c:cti:g t,olog, oi v:ious io:us oi :o:
uo:oguous st,lcs oi livi:g :c |c|vi:g Acco:ci:g to t|c ccg:cc oi
couuituc:t :c ssuutio: oi :cso:si|ilit,, t|c, sc| oi :ouiscuit, o:
t|c o:c |:c :c ol,uo:, o: t|c ot|c: |:c :o:uo:ogu, sc:vcs s
:cut:l uu|:cll tc:u D:li|c :ouiscuous liicst,lcs, t|c ol,uo:ous
su|cultu:c cu|sizcs t|c qulitics oi lovc :c c:ct|i:g oi its :cltio:s|is
;llcssc !00., Wit|i: t|csc ol,uo:ous liicst,lcs, licc: :c luc:
cisti:guis| |ctwcc: :iu:, :c scco:c:, :cltio:s|is cco:ci:g to t|c
wcig|t givc: to t|c i:civicul :cltio:s|is l: cscs oi co:ilict, :iu:,
:cltio:s|is :c u:|cc |, t|c :t:c:s |vi:g : cqul s, i: t|i:gs, w|ilc
scco:c:, :cltio:s|is :c su|o:ci:tcc i: t|ci: i:iluc:cc lu:t|c:uo:c,
licc: :c luc: uc:tio: uultilc :iu:, :cltio:s|is :c ii:ll,
ol,iicclit, D:cc: t|is tc:u t|c, u:cc:st:c t|c ::c csc oi iit|iul
collcctivc oi lovc:s, closcc to t|c outsicc :c oitc: lso cco:ouicll, :c
coucsticll, cc:t:lizcc :o:closcc uultilc :cltio:s|is, o: t|c co:t::,,
:c uo:c cou:|lc to oc: :ctwo:|s t|t |vc cccss to v:ict, oi cc:t:cs
l, sto:i:g ciiic:i:g :cccs :c :cso:si|ilitics i: uocul: w, i: v:ious
:cltio:s|is, :o:uo:oguous :cltio:s|is lso iollow t|ci: ow: logic oi
st:culi:i:g l: :log, to !.o .oo!.,, t|c, :c:csc:t |i:c oi !.o
..!o.c|. Dcsitc ll st:culi:i:g ciio:ts, ccitio:l tcuo:l :c utc:il
cxc:citu:cs :o:ct|clcss :isc ovc:ll i: tc:us oi couuu:ictio:, uo|ilit,,
:c c:ct|i:g cutics Acco:ci:g to sttcuc:ts |, :tici:ts, t|is |ccs t|c
|l:cc, wit| cv:tgcs io: cvc:,o:c lu:t|c:uo:c, i: cuotio:l :c
ii::cil c:isis situtio:s :ctwo:| oi solic:it, is l:cc, i: lcc
W|ilc :o:uo:oguous liicst,lcs o|viousl, cci, lo:cist socil io:utio:,
t|c qucstio: oi t|ci: couti|ilit, wit| t|c :coli|c:l uoccl is still oc:
I|csc liicst,lcs :c costl, :c t|c, ccu:c |ig| lcvcls oi couuu:ictivc
couctc:c, :c cisti:ct scliu:gcuc:t :ot |vi:g c|ilc:c:, o: t|c :ivilcgc
oi |ci:g |lc to outsou:cc suo:t :c c:ct|i:g, :c :ot :cccss:, co:citio:s,
|ut t|c, cc:ti:l, :c:csc:t c:o:uous cv:tgcs io: :o:uo:oguous
liicst,lcs Wit| :cscct to t|c ol,uo:ous scc:c, l:itwo::, li: :c llcssc
o|sc:vc t|t t|c iocus is liuitcc to w|itc, :o:cis|lcc, uicclcclss ucu|c:s
i: t|c cccuic ccsc:itio:s s wcll s i: t|c ciscou:sc |, t|c scc:c itscli
;l:itwo:: . o! !00o,
li wc loo| t t|c sicc oi sttc :cgultio:, wc c: cst|lis| : i:c:csi:g
c:cic:css oi :o:u:itl io:us oi livi:g t|c:c s wcll :coli|c:l olitics oi
:ctu::i:g to t|c iuil, co :ot uc:cl, :csto:c st co:citio:s, |ut cxlicitl,
:ccog:izc :cw uoccls oi iuil, l: vicw, io: i:st:cc, oi t|c o|ligtio: to
suo:t, ll io:us oi co||ittio: :c cqutcc |, Gc:u: ut|o:itics u:cc: t|c
:cw lcgl titlc couuu:itics oi :ccc (i.1o.....|o)
V:ious :tio:l
olitics |vc |cgu: to , uo:c ttc:tio: to |ouoscxul :t:c:s|is :c
ltc::tivc couuu:itics oi co||ittio: :c c:ct|i:g |c,o:c t|c co:|ugl
:uclc: iuil, si:cc io:uc: socil wcli:c cutics c: |c cclcgtcc to t|cu s
wcll ouuo: lw u::igcs |ctwcc: |ctc:oscxuls, :o::t:c:cc
|ouoscxuls w|o livc togct|c:, :c cvc: g:ous oi u::cltcc :oouutcs
:c :o cxcctio: l:stitutio:l :ccog:itio: is |cstowcc, t|c:cio:c, w|c: it is oi
cco:ouic cv:tgc to t|c sttc ocil lc| oi solic:it, :ovcs to |c
|isto:icl co:citio: io: t|c :ccog:itio: :c :o:uliztio: oi :o:u:itl
liicst,lcs :c uovcs wit|i: t|c :coli|c:l co:stclltio: oi gi:s i:
i:civiculiztio: :c :is| g:owt|
l: tc:us oi s|i:g oi o:cs :ivtc liic, t|c uotto gocs You u, livc s
,ou li|c, ii ,ou:c succcssiul t it :c ssuuc :cso:si|ilit, io: it W|ocvc: is
:ic|, t|c:cio:c, c: iio:c uo:c i:cccous i: liicst,lc :c scxul scli
ctuliztio: io: |iu|c:scli :c :t:c: cxulit, :c c:ct|i:g :c
t|c:cio:c i:tcg:tcc i:to logic oi goocs I|c :coli|c:l oiic: oi
i:civiculiztio: is iuscc wit| t|c :ivtiztio: oi c:ct|i:g Wit| t|is
couli:g, : u:cxcctcc lli:cc |ctwcc: co:sc:vtivc :c scxulcu:ci
to:, ciscou:scs |s |cc: c|icvcc ;l:gcl !00, Acco:ci:g to lc::css,, |ot|
|ctc:oscxul :c |ouoscxul u::igcs toot t|c suc |o:: u:cc: t|csc
Io t|c ccg:cc t|t socil s,stcus oi sccu:it, cisc:, :ctwo:|s oi
:cltio:s |ccouc t|c o:l, :ccou:sc oi su:vivl io: u:, colc I|c
co:sc:vtivc ccic:cc oi u::igc :c t|c cou:tc::t oi g, :c lcs|i:
:ig|ts :c two siccs oi t|c suc coi:, |ot| iccc oii oi t|c costs cxctcc |,
|iocc:cgultio:, oii oi t|c u:stisiicc :cccs oi wo:|i:g colc, |ut t|c,
|ot| co so i: : iccologicl w,
;lc::css, !00, !-,
:coscxul clcctivc iii:itics, |owcvc:, co :ot siul, ct t|cusclvcs will,
:ill, to :coli|c:l iuc:tivcs, t|c, t|cusclvcs :ocucc cou:tc:wcig|t to
touiztio: :c lc| oi solic:it, :c tics lo: sttc :ccog:itio: oi :o:
u:itl :cltio:s oi lovc, io: i:st:cc i: t|c io:u oi coucstic :t:c:s|is io:
|ouoscxuls, is liuitcc to t|c uoccl oi t|c coulc, t|c:c|, :ocuci:g :cw
|i:cs oi cxclusio: Alo:gsicc gc:cc:qucc: liicst,lcs, :o:uo:oguous
liicst,lcs co:t:i|utc to t|c |:c| cow: oi t|is |i::, logic oi socil
co:stitutio: I|c, tu:: gi:st t|c i:tc::cltio: oi uo:ogu, :c citlist
logics oi :ocuctio: :c :c:ocuctio: :c ccu:c :cw co:ccts oi t|c socil
:c s,u|olic o:cc: low uust, io: i:st:cc, t|c tc:us oi i:tiuc, :c
:cltcc:css |c uociiicc i: o:cc: to i:clucc :o:uo:oguous w,s oi livi:g
:c lovi:g low s|oulc t|ci: u|lic :ccog:itio: :c lcgitiuiztio: |c
o:g:izcc, :c w|t oliticl st:tcgics :c :cccss:, to co:st:uct :ctwo:|s
oi solic:it, wit|i: t|cu low c: ol,gu, |c :otcctcc i:ou t:i:c|l,
:cist, o: clss|scc |usc A:c |ow c: t|ci: utc:il :cccs :c t|ci:
cco:ouic :c:ocuctio: |c sccu:cc :c o:g:izcc wit|out :clcgti:g t|cu, i:
tc:us oi t|c sttc, to :cltcc :ccog:izcc coulc io:utio:s :o:uo:oguous
liicst,lcs ccu:c :cvisio: oi u|lic |clt| :c c:c s wcll s t|c c:c io: t|c
gcc :c t|c socil sttc l: coi:g so, t|c, cclivc: iu:t|c: wclcouc occsio:
io: t|c :cio:u oi t|c socil sttc t|t, |owcvc:, :ccc :ot :cccss:il, u:suc
:coli|c:l ci:cctio: kt|c:, t|c :coli|c:l socil sttc :c t|c uoccl oi t|c
:coiuil, c::ot stisi,i:gl, iuliil t|c :cccs io: t|c uto:ou,, sccu:it,, :c
susti:|ilit, oi i:tc:c:so:l tics, |ut it c:ctcs, :cciscl, wit| t|c ossi|ilitics
t|t it oc:s u, :cw :ccc io: ctio:
lic::c lou:cicu ;1--1--, ., sw i: :coli|c:l :cc:it, t|c :t oi
c1. c 1c.o.c oi :cw |i:c, |scc o: t|c c:ctio: oi gc:c:lizcc :c
c:u:c:t sttc oi i:sccu:it, iucc t io:ci:g wo:|c:s i:to su|uissio:, i:to
t|c ccct:cc oi cxloittio: lt is :t oi t|is st:tcg, oi coui:tio: t|:oug|
w|ic| t|c :ouisc oi sclictuliztio: :c sclicctc:ui:tio: :ocuccs
cou:ouisc |ctwcc: t|c coui:ti:g :c t|c coui:tcc, w|ic| i:tcg:tcs
t|csc ccsi:cs i:to |cgcuo:ic coui:ti:g i:tc:csts Dcsi:cs io: scxul scli
ctuliztio: ssuuc cc:t:l ositio: i: ll t|is :coscxulitics :c t|c io:u
oi t|c cou:ouisc t|t t|csc ccsi:cs i:cu: u:cc: :coli|c:l co:citio:s l,
c:ggi:g wit| t|csc oiic:s, t|c, :c ltc:cc I|ci: :cltio: to :coli|c:lisu is
t|c:cio:c u|ivlc:t : t|c o:c |:c, t|c, cooc:tc glcl,, o: t|c ot|c:
|:c, c:iticl otc:tils :c :clcscc, w|ct|c: t|c :ouisc is |ct o: :ot
l:cciscl, i: t|is co:t:cicto:i:css lics t|c :coscxulitics otc:til io:
uovcuc:t \:got Wciss, i: vicw oi t|c u:|cti:g oi scxul ccsi:cs io:
t::sg:cssio:, |s sttcc ltccitlisu wo:|s |, i:citi:g :c citlizi:g o:
t|csc ccsi:cs, ,ct it c: :cvc: co:t:ol t|c cuotio:l ciicct oi t|is cxccss
;!00o, 1!, All t|is :c uo:c to couc is still :ot c:oug| |, lo:g s|ot
ocill, s:ctio:cc :coscxul :cccs co:ilict |c:c wit| ot|c: iicctivc :c
utc:il :cccs Dcsi:cs io: sccu:it,, susti:|ilit,, :c :o:sovc:cig:t, :c :ot
stisiicc |, t|c :coli|c:l iuc:tivc, |ut c: uc:cl, s u:|ct :cst:i:ts, t|c
stisictio: oi t|csc ccsi:cs uust |c |o::c |, t|c i:civiculs t|cusclvcs, s uuc| s
t|c, c: iio:c lu:t|c:uo:c, st:uctu:l ciscv:tgcs oi oliticl :cgoti|ilit, :c
wit|c:w: I|c i:tc::l co:t:cictio:s wit|i: t|c iou: :coscxul scc:cs ciscusscc
|c:c oi:t to t|c ict t|t :coli|c:l citlisu lc|s t|c ccit, to i:tcg:tc
I|csc scc:cs cliui:cc sccs t|t |vc |cc: llottcc o: ioug|t io:, ccvclo w,s oi
livi:g :c i:civiculizi:g u:cc: :cc:ious co:citio:s :c wo:| out t|ci:
co:t:cictio:s Io t|is ccg:cc t|c su|cultu:cs ccsc:i|cc c: |c scc: s :cticl
c:itiquc, w|ic| c|is w, t t|c vi|ilit, oi :coli|c:l :ouiscs :c oiic:s
I|c ccliuiti:g lcsu:c t|t is ig:itcc i: t|c lo:gi:g io: souct|i:g quitc
ciiic:c:t is liuitcc i:ou t|c outsct |, :coli|c:l :cgultio:s l: tu::, |owcvc:,
t|csc givc it its :coxicl io:u o:t:cictio:s :c cst|lis|cc t|t u|c :
iuuo|iliztio: oi c:otic ccsi:cs wit|i: :coli|c:l o,|. c. iu:o||lc,
i:cccc :ocuci:g :cw ossi|ilitics io: ctio: :cciscl, i: t|c u|ivlc:cc oi
:cvolt :c cttio: lo: t|c :coli|c:l uoccl oc:s u otc:til io:
oliticizi:g :c :csist:cc wit|i: t|c :occsscs oi coui:tio:, :c :coxicll,
lcgitiuizcs t|c ccct:cc :c ctivc :ticitio: oi t|c coui:tcc I|:oug|
t|is :iscs t|c u|ivlc:t situtio: t|t c:iticisu is ossi|lc s uuc| t|:oug|
:ciusi:g s t|:oug| t|i:g :t, :c t|t |ot|, |owcvc:, c: cqull, lcc i:to
iii:utio: lo:tu:tcl,, t|c :occss oi c:iticll, ccli:g wit| t|csc u|ivlc:ccs
i: :cticc is :ot wit|out its ow: lcsu:cs
I::sltio: |, D:icl lc:c:ic|so:
1 igusc| ;!00o, lso cu|sizcs t|t t|c li|c:tio: oi scxulit, |, citlisu
i:itill, :c:csc:tcc : cv:cc I|c :o|lcu is uc:cl, t|t t|c li|c:tio: oi
t|c scxul wc:t |:ci:|:c wit| its :c:cssio:, t|t is, it uou:tcc to
:c:cssivc ccsu|liutio:
! lutlc: |s lso cc:cc t|c tc:u :cc:ious s : cxistc:til vul:c:|ilit,
t|:oug| cciutio: :c violc:cc ;lutlc: !00+, kli Duitz ;!00, |:i:gs
|ot| st:i:s oi t|c ciscou:sc togct|c: l|cit wit|out :cic::i:g to lutlc: :c
wit|out goi:g i:to t|c scxul ciuc:sio: |, cu|sizi:g socil vul:c:
|ilit,, t|c u:cc:ti: sttus oi c:so:, s ciuc:sio: oi u:cc:st:ci:g
sociocco:ouic :cc:it, l: |c: ltcst wo:|, ucit| lutlc: ;!00-, !., |s
ucc cisti:ctio: |ctwcc: :cc:ious:css s |ci:g |i:c oi o:tologicl
|uu: co:citio: :c :cc:it, s oliticll, i:cuccc co:citio: i: w|ic|
cc:ti: oultio:s suiic: i:ou iili:g socil :c cco:ouic :ctwo:|s oi
suo:t :c |ccouc ciiic:c:till, cxoscc to i:|u:,, violc:cc, :c cct|
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