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& Layers of the Atmosphere

What is the Atmosphere made of?

What is the Atmosphere made of?

Layers of the Atmosphere

What is the Troposphere?

From sea level/surface to 10 km (6.2 mi) up. The Troposphere: Holds 75%-80% of the atmospheres mass Holds almost all the atmospheres water vapor and dust Is where clouds and weather form Small airplanes and some small jetliners y here Holds the Jet Stream a fast- moving river of air that zooms along at 400 km/hr (250 mph) just below the Tropopause Ends at a boundary called the Tropopause at 10 km

Thunderstorm clouds rise un'l they hit the Tropopause, which makes them spread out in an anvil shape.

What is the Stratosphere?

From 10-50 km (6.2-31 mi) above sea level.

The Stratosphere: Holds the Ozone Layer O3 lters out harmful UV radia'on from the Sun Air is dry and thin 1000 'mes thinner at the top of the stratosphere than at sea level The air is very stable holds on to pollutants, gases, and par'cles that get into it for a long 'me because there is liale mixing. Is where most commercial airplanes & all spy planes y. Planes like to y here because there is liale turbulence. Where weather balloons rise to Where the Space Jump was from he jumped from over 24 mi up

A view from the Stratosphere

What is the Mesosphere?

From 50-80 km (31-50 mi) above sea level The Mesosphere: Layer we know least about. Hard to study weather balloons and jet planes cant get here. Satellites orbit above it. Meteors burn up in this layer, causing shoo'ng stars Air is very thin but gas molecules s'll do hit each other here

What is the Thermosphere?

From 80-500 km (50-311 mi) above sea level. The Thermosphere: Is where the Interna'onal Space Sta'on (ISS) orbits, the Space Shuale ew, and some satellites y. Is where the auroras (the Northern and Southern Lights) are created Is so thin that the gas molecules hardly ever hit each other Has molecules that absorb a lot of the Suns x-ray radia'on and some UV radia'on.

In the US, anyone who ies above 50 miles is called an astronaut. Another interna'onal organiza'on only recognizes those who y above 62 miles.

What is the Exosphere?

From 500-10,000 km (311-6214 mi) above sea level. The Exosphere: Where atoms and molecules escape into space At the edge of the Exosphere, outer space begins. Many satellites orbit here Not everyone lists the exosphere as a layer

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