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Absolute number Percentage Proportion Ratio Rate Apa arti masing2 angka tersebut ?

Measurement of health and disease is required for

Preventing disease Promoting health Planning health services The central tool of epidemiology is the comparison of Rates Absolute number Percentage Ratio Proportion RATE

Level of prevention
Primary prevention : 1.Health promotion 2.Specific protection Secundary prevention : 1.Early diagnosis & prompt treatment 2.Disability limitation Tertiary prevention: 1.Rehabilitation

The Rate at which new events occur in a population
number of persons who contract the disease in a

specified period

at risk of contracting in the disease


Sum of the length of time each person in the pop.

Prevalence Rate is defined as

The proportion of the population at risk affected by a disease at a specific point in time
Number of people with the disease or condition at a specific time

Number of people in the population at risk at the specific time

x 10n

Factors influencing observed prevalence rate

Increased by : .longer duration of the disease .prolongation of life of patients
without care . Increase in new cases . In-migration on cases . Out-migration of healthy people . In-migration of susceptible people . Improved diagnostic facilities

Decreased by:
. shorter duration of disease . high case fatality rate from disease . Decrease in new cases . In-migration of healthy people . Out-migration of cases . Improved cure rate of cases

Accident Rates
Accident Frequency Rate: AFR
Number of loss time accident

Total Man hour Accident Severity Rate : ASR Number of days lost ASR = Total Man Hour

x 10n


Accident Incidence Rate Number of loss time accident AIR =


Pop. at risk

Incidence rate of days away from work = number of days away from work x 200.000 employee hours
Vehicle accident rate = number of accident x 1000.000 vehicle miles or kilometers

freq.rate now freq.rate past

Safe-T-Score = ----------------------------------freq.rate past million worker-hours now

Note: Safe-T-Score >+2 ; worse than it was in the previous period Safe -T-Score < - 2 : better than it was in the last period Safe-T-Score is between +2 and 2 the change is not significantly different

Home work
Location x: last year 10 accidents, 10.000 worker-hours , freq. rate = 1000. This year 15 accidents, 10.000 worker-hours, freq. rate= 1500 Location y: last year 10.000 accidents, 1,000,000 worker-hours, freq. rate = 1000 This year 1,100 accidents, 1,000,000 workerhours, freq. rate = 1,100 Has something gone wrong at one or both location?

Home work
No. of no lost time accident (NLTA)

Year 2009

No. of lost time accident (LTA)

Total number of days lost Average number of workers Estimated total man hours

450 2.725 7.525.790

Total Number of accident Accident Incident Rate

Accident Frequency Rate Accident Severity Rate Number of days charged per case

? 200+61 ?61:2725
?61:7525790 ?450:7525790 ? 450:61

Screening test
Kanker Hasil test positip negatip total ya 150 50 200 paru Tidak 300 99500 99800 total 450 99550 100000

Sensitivity = 150/200 = 75% Specificity= 99500/99800 = 99% Predictive value positive= 150/450 =33%

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