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iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


por Greg Towsley
unque se disee una base de montaje para ser
el soporte rgido para una bomba y su motor, sta
se desviar. Por esta razn se debe brindar un cimiento
que ofrezca soporte adicional. Un buen cimiento cons-
tituye uno de los factores ms importantes para una
instalacin confable y sin problemas.
Otros factores para una buena instalacin son la base
de montaje, su instalacin y la alineacin del equipo.
Otros Informes Tcnicos de Grundfos tratan estos
temas. Este Informe Tcnico se concentra en buenas
prcticas industriales para cimientos para bombas,
pero el instalador debe consultar los requerimientos
del fabricante o propietario.
Un buen cimiento ser lo sufcientemente slido para
suministrar estabilidad y brindar soporte rgido. Ser
capaz de absorber las tensiones y choques normales
transferidos durante el servicio y la operacin.
El cimiento tambin debe minimizar la vibracin que
genera la bomba y el motor, o fuentes externas como
la tubera, estructuras de construccin o la operacin
de otros equipos.
La Figura 1 muestra una bomba multipasos para ali-
mentacin de calderas con motor elctrico, acoplada
en una base de montaje. A toda esta unidad completa
se le ha colocado el grout en el cimiento para lograr
una instalacin durable.
Otro objetivo clave de un buen cimiento es ayudar
a mantener la alineacin entre la bomba y el motor.
Tambin la alineacin es crtica para la confabilidad
del equipo.
Sin un buen cimiento, puede haber distorsin en la
base de montaje por el asentamiento del suelo, defor-
macin trmica de la base de montaje, fuerzas exce-
sivas en la tubera y fuerzas de presin o de vaco que
ocurren debido a las juntas de expansin.
Esto puede hacer que haya desalineacin entre la
bomba y el motor, y por lo tanto que disminuya la
confabilidad del equipo giratorio.
La cimentacin debe comenzar con un asentamiento
frme. Lo ms aceptable es fabricar el cimiento de
concreto a partir del piso slido. El concreto es el mejor
material para la construccin de cimientos ya que es
de bajo costo.
La masa del cimiento de concreto es lo sufciente-
mente grande que absorbe cualesquier fuerzas
dinmicas y estticas descritas previamente. El Hy-
draulic Institute recomienda en sus estndares
la masa del cimiento de concreto debe fuctuar en el
orden de cinco (5) veces el equipo que est soportando.
Si la bomba est montada en algo distinto a cimiento
de concreto, como puede ser una estructura de acero,
la base debe estar sostenida sobre vigas de acero
rgido en toda su longitud. Tambin debe estar mon-
tada tan cerca como sea posible de los miembros
estructurales principales, otras vigas y de las paredes
Se debe hacer un clculo de la estructura de acero para
asegurar una rigidez adecuada que minimice la defor-
macin de la base de montaje y la vibracin durante la
lIhough a baseplaIe is designed Io be a
rigid supporI Ior a pump and iIs driver, iI
will deecI. lor Ihis reason a IoundaIion may be
provided Ior addiIional supporI. One oI Ihe mosI
signihcanI IacIors Ior a reliable and Irouble-Iree
pump insIallaIion is a good IoundaIion.
OIher IacIors oI a good insIallaIion are Ihe base-
plaIe, iIs insIallaIion, and Ihe alignmenI oI Ihe
equipmenI. OIher WhiIe Papers by GrundIos
discuss Ihese Iopics. 1his WhiIe Paper Iocuses on
good indusIrial pracIices Ior pump IoundaIions, buI
Ihe insIaller should reIer Io Ihe requiremenIs oI Ihe
manuIacIurer or owner.
A good IoundaIion will be sIouI enough Io pro-
vide sIabiliIy and give rigid supporI. lI will be able
Io absorb Ihe normal sIrains and shocks IhaI may
be IransIerred Io iI while operaIing in service.
1he IoundaIion musI also minimize vibraIion
IhaI Ihe pump and driver creaIe, or exIernal
sources, such as piping, building sIrucIures or
oIher operaIing equipmenI.
+MKYVI shows a mulIisIage boiler Ieed pump
wiIh elecIric moIor, mounIed on a common
baseplaIe. 1his enIire uniI has been grouIed Io a
IoundaIion Ior a durable insIallaIion.
AnoIher key purpose oI a good IoundaIion is Io
help mainIain alignmenI beIween Ihe pump and
driver. AlignmenI is also criIical Io Ihe reliabiliIy
oI Ihe equipmenI.
WiIhouI a good IoundaIion, disIorIion oI Ihe
baseplaIe may occur due Io Ihe ground seIIling,
Ihermal disIorIion oI Ihe baseplaIe, excessive
piping Iorces, and pressure or vacuum Iorces IhaI
occur because oI expansion |oinIs.
1his may cause Ihe pump and driver Io become
misaligned, and reduce Ihe reliabiliIy oI Ihe
roIaIing equipmenI.
1he IoundaIion should begin wiIh a hrm IooI-
ing. labricaIing a concreIe IoundaIion Irom Ihe
solid ground is Ihe mosI accepIable. ConcreIe is
Ihe besI maIerial Ior consIrucIion oI IoundaIions
because iI is low in cosI.
1he mass oI Ihe concreIe IoundaIion is greaI
enough IhaI iI absorbs any oI Ihe dynamic and
sIaIic Iorces previously described. 1he Rydraulic
lnsIiIuIe recommends in iIs SIandards
IhaI Ihe
mass oI Ihe concreIe IoundaIion should be on
Ihe order oI hve (S) Iimes IhaI oI Ihe equipmenI
iI is supporIing.
lI Ihe pump uniI is mounIed on oIher Ihan con-
creIe IoundaIion, such as a sIeel sIrucIure, Ihe
base should be supporIed on rigid sIeel beams
along iIs lengIh. lI should also be mounIed as near
as possible Io main sIrucIural members, oIher
beams and Ihe surrounding walls.
CalculaIions should be made on Ihe sIeel sIruc-
Iure Io insure IhaI iI has adequaIe rigidiIy Io
minimize baseplaIe disIorIion and vibraIion
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


operacin. El Hydraulic Institute recomienda tambin
en sus estndares
que las unidades de bombeo livia-
nas pueden sujetarse a un piso de concreto existente
si el piso cumple con los criterios de un cimiento. Si
se hace esto, se pueden instalar pernos roscados en el
cimiento como se muestra en la Figura 2. Esto brinda
una instalacin rgida.
La profundidad del cimiento debe llegar al frme o
asentamiento, a travs del piso o elevacin de concreto.
La altura del cimiento arriba de la elevacin es como
se requiera por la distribucin de la tubera, pero al
menos debe ser 20 veces el dimetro de los pernos del
La prctica de la industria en general provee un
cimiento que es de 3 a 6 pulgadas (7.6 cm a 15.2
cm) ms largo y ms ancho que la base de mon-
taje que ser instalada. Una prctica de la industria
petroqumica provee un diseo que asegura que el
cimiento sea lo sufcientemente ancho para brindar
un soporte rgido.
Esta prctica establece lneas imaginarias descendentes
a 30 hacia cada lado de la vertical de la bomba, cruzando
la lnea centro. Estas lneas imaginarias, como se ve en la
Figura 3, deben atravesar la base del cimiento, no los lados.
during operaIion. 1he Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe also
recommends in iIs SIandards
IhaI "lighI-weighI
pump uniIs may be IasIened direcIly Io an exisI-
ing concreIe oor iI Ihe oor meeIs Ihe criIeria
oI a IoundaIion". lI Ihis is done, insIallaIion oI
Ihreaded bolIs inIo Ihe IoundaIion can be done as
shown in +MKYVI. 1his provides a rigid insIallaIion.
1he depIh oI Ihe IoundaIion should reach
Ihrough Ihe concreIe ooring or elevaIion Io
solid ground or IooIings. 1he heighI oI Ihe Ioun-
daIion above Ihe elevaIion is as required by Ihe
piping layouI, buI aI leasI 20 Iimes Ihe diameIer
oI Ihe IoundaIion bolIs.
General indusIry pracIice provides a IoundaIion
IhaI is 3 Io 6 inches (7.6 cm Io IS.2 cm) longer and
wider IhaI Ihe baseplaIe IhaI will be insIalled. A
pracIice oI Ihe peIrochemical indusIry provides
a design IhaI insures Ihe IoundaIion is wide
enough Io provide a rigid supporI.
1his pracIice draws imaginary lines downward
30` on eiIher side oI Ihe verIical oI Ihe pump,
Ihrough Ihe shaII cenIerline. 1hese imaginary
lines, as seen in +MKYVI, should pass Ihrough Ihe
boIIom oI Ihe IoundaIion, noI Ihe sides.
f0UNDA1l0NS GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 2
Crcut pxicc
nvcItura Prctectcra
8ase de Mcntaje
keIIenc Nc-AgIutinante
Cimientc de Ccncretc
Crcut pxicc
Pernc de AncIaje
8ase de Mcntaje
lnea Centrc de fIecha
during operaIion. 1he Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe also
recommends in iIs SIandards
IhaI "lighI-weighI
pump uniIs may be IasIened direcIly Io an exisI-
ing concreIe oor iI Ihe oor meeIs Ihe criIeria
oI a IoundaIion". lI Ihis is done, insIallaIion oI
Ihreaded bolIs inIo Ihe IoundaIion can be done as
shown in +MKYVI. 1his provides a rigid insIallaIion.
1he depIh oI Ihe IoundaIion should reach
Ihrough Ihe concreIe ooring or elevaIion Io
solid ground or IooIings. 1he heighI oI Ihe Ioun-
daIion above Ihe elevaIion is as required by Ihe
piping layouI, buI aI leasI 20 Iimes Ihe diameIer
oI Ihe IoundaIion bolIs.
General indusIry pracIice provides a IoundaIion
IhaI is 3 Io 6 inches (7.6 cm Io IS.2 cm) longer and
wider IhaI Ihe baseplaIe IhaI will be insIalled. A
pracIice oI Ihe peIrochemical indusIry provides
a design IhaI insures Ihe IoundaIion is wide
enough Io provide a rigid supporI.
1his pracIice draws imaginary lines downward
30` on eiIher side oI Ihe verIical oI Ihe pump,
Ihrough Ihe shaII cenIerline. 1hese imaginary
lines, as seen in +MKYVI, should pass Ihrough Ihe
boIIom oI Ihe IoundaIion, noI Ihe sides.
f0UNDA1l0NS GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 2
Crcut pxicc
nvcItura Prctectcra
8ase de Mcntaje
keIIenc Nc-AgIutinante
Cimientc de Ccncretc
Crcut pxicc
Pernc de AncIaje
8ase de Mcntaje
lnea Centrc de fIecha
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


f0UNDA1l0NS GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 3
lor elevaIed pump insIallaIions, similar Io IhaI
shown in +MKYVI, Ihe overall size and mass oI
Ihe IoundaIion musI be maximized Io insure Ihe
besI possible rigidiIy.
lI a new pump uniI is being insIalled in place oI
an exisIing uniI, Ihe exisIing IoundaIion should
be removed in iIs enIireIy. 1he removal should be
IoIal and allow Ihe new IoundaIion Io reach Io
Ihe solid ground or IooIing.
1o properly hold Ihe baseplaIe Io Ihe IoundaIion,
proper IoundaIion bolIs are required. 1he sup-
plier oI Ihe pump uniI normally recommends Ihe
diameIer oI Ihe bolIs.
lor proper holding oI Ihe base Ihrough Ihe
IoundaIion, Ihe bolI lengIh should exIend Irom
in Ihe IoundaIion, Ihrough 0.7S inches Io I.S
inches (2 cm Io 3.8 cm) oI grouI, Ihe base heighI,
and 0.2S inches Io 0.S0 (0.6 cm Io I.3 cm) inches
above Ihe nuI.
1hese IoundaIion bolIs are embedded in Ihe
concreIe oor or IoundaIion, and are locaIed ac-
cording Io a drawing provided by Ihe pump sup-
plier. 1o assisI in Ihe proper locaIion oI Ihe bolIs
and Io mainIain Iheir posiIion when pouring Ihe
IoundaIion, a IemplaIe can be Iormed.
Pipe sleeves are used Io allow hnal posiIioning
oI Ihe bolI. 1hese sleeves are a minimum oI 3
Iimes larger Ihan Ihe bolI, and have a lengIh oI
aI leasI I0 Iimes Ihe diameIer . +MKYVI provides
a view oI Ihe anchor bolI and pipe sleeve in
which iI is insIalled.
lI musI be noIed IhaI pre-casI IoundaIions,
baseplaIes, and combinaIion uniIs are available.
1hese pre-casI uniIs are consIrucIed oI a polymer
maIerial IhaI is inerI Io many chemicals. 1hey
may also reduce insIallaIion Iime Ior a new or
replacemenI IoundaIion.
Some oI Ihe Iollowing insIallaIion and grouIing
recommendaIions sIill apply Io Ihe pre-casI sys-
Iem. 1he ANSl chemical pump shown in +MKYVI
is insIalled on a exibly mounIed casI iron base-
plaIe. 1his insIallaIion design does noI provide
much rigidiIy Ior a pump uniI.
8ase de Mcntaje
Camisa deI Pernc
keIIenc Nc-AgIutinante
Para instalaciones de bombas elevadas, como la
mostrada en la Figura 4, se deben maximizar el
tamao y la masa total del cimiento para asegurar la
mejor rigidez posible.
Si se est instalando una nueva unidad de bombeo
en lugar de una unidad existente, se debe quitar
completamente el cimiento existente. La remocin
debe ser total y debe permitir que el cimiento nuevo
alcance el frme o asentamiento.
Para sujetar adecuadamente la base de montaje al
cimiento, se requieren pernos de anclaje apropiados.
Normalmente el proveedor de la bomba recomienda
el dimetro de los pernos.
Para mantener apropiadamente la base en el cimien-
to, la longitud del perno debe extenderse desde
dentro del cimiento, de 0.75 pulg. a 1.5 pulg. (2 cm a
3.8 cm) de grout, la altura de la base, y de 0.25 pulg.
a 0.50 pulg. (0.6 cm a 1.3 cm) arriba de la tuerca.
Estos pernos de anclaje se incrustan en el cimiento
o piso de concreto, y se ubican segn un dibujo
proporcionado por el proveedor de la bomba. Se
puede formar una plantilla que ayude a ubicar los
pernos y a mantener su posicin al vaciar el cimien-
Las camisas en los tubos se usan para permitir el
posicionamiento fnal del perno. Estas camisas son
por lo menos 3 veces ms grandes que el perno, y
por lo menos tienen 10 veces su dimetro. La Figura 5
ofrece una vista del perno de anclaje y la camisa del
tubo en la que se instala.
Es de observar que se encuentran disponibles bases
de montaje, cimientos pre-colados y unidades com-
binadas. Estas unidades pre-coladas se construyen
de un material de polmero que es inerte para mu-
chos qumicos. Tambin pueden reducir el tiempo de
instalacin para un cimiento nuevo o su reemplazo.
Algunas de las siguientes recomendaciones para
instalacin y para colocacin del grout todava apli-
can al sistema pre-colado. La bomba qumica ANSI
mostrada en la Figura 6 est instalada sobre una
base de hierro fundido montada fexiblemente. Este
diseo de instalacin no provee mucha rigidez a la
unidad de bombeo.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


La falta de rigidez afectar la alineacin y la confa-
bilidad del sello mecnico. Esta instalacin fue
reemplazada con una base de montaje/cimiento pre-
colado de polmero mostrada en la Figura 7.
La instalacin del cimiento es crtica para la vida de
la bomba. La mejor prctica recomienda que se retire
todo el equipo de la base de montaje. Esta prctica
variar de una compaa a otra, y se realizar nor-
malmente con equipo grande. Las ubicaciones de los
pernos se deben revisar dos veces con los dibujos y la
Una vez que el cimiento est listo para vaciarse, las
roscas expuestas de los pernos de anclaje se deben
cubrir con grasa o cera y luego se deben envolver.
Las camisas de los pernos del cimiento se pueden
empacar con algn tipo de material no aglutinante,
como trapos o grasa, para evitar que el concreto entre
a la camisa e impedir el ajuste fnal de los pernos de
Asegrese de tener disponible sufciente cantidad de
concreto para terminar todo el trabajo de una sola
vez. El cimiento de concreto vaciado debe entonces
dejarse fraguar por lo menos 14 das. El Hydraulic In-
prefere 28 das. Los moldes encerados ayudan
en la remocin despus que el concreto ha fraguado.
Antes de instalar la base de montaje, la parte inferior
debe limpiarse y cubrirse con un tapaporos (impri-
mador) epxico. El cimiento debe haberse vaciado
con una superfcie spera o debe picarse despus de
colarlo para brindar una buena superfcie que permita
la adhesin del grout.
Adems, se debe inspeccionar el cimiento y eliminar
polvo, basura, aceite, agua y cualquier contaminante.
Se puede usar aire a alta presin, libre de aceite para
soplar y limpiar el cimiento.
Se debe nivelar la base de montaje de acuerdo a las
instrucciones del fabricante, pero puede haber algu-
nas consideraciones adicionales. Al utilizar cuas de
nivelacin o juegos de calzas, estos se deben ensam-
blar juntos dejando vacos mnimos. Esto ayudar a
suministrar una masa homognea.
f0UNDA1l0NS GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 4
+MKYVE 8cmbo Quimiro AN5l
scbre 8ose Je Mcntoje/Cimientc Nuevc Pre-CcloJc
mechanical seal reliabiliIy. 1his insIallaIion was
replace wiIh a pre-casI polymer baseplaIe]Ioun-
daIion shown in liqure 7.
lNS1AllA1l0N kC0MMNDA1l0NS
lnsIallaIion oI Ihe IoundaIion is criIical Io Ihe liIe
oI Ihe pump uniI. 8esI pracIice recommends IhaI
all equipmenI be removed Irom Ihe baseplaIe.
1his pracIice will vary Irom company Io company,
and will mosIly be done wiIh large equipmenI.
1he bolI locaIions should be double-checked wiIh
drawings and base.
Once Ihe IoundaIion is ready Io pour, Ihe ex-
posed Ihreads oI Ihe anchor bolIs should be cov-
ered wiIh grease or wax and Ihen Ihe exposed
Ihreads should be wrapped.
1he IoundaIion bolI sleeves may be packed wiIh
some Iype oI non-binding maIerial, such as rags
or grease, Io prevenI concreIe Irom enIering Ihe
sleeve and prevenI and hnal ad|usImenI oI Ihe
IoundaIion bolIs.
lnsure IhaI enough concreIe is available Io
compleIe Ihe |ob all aI once. 1he poured concreIe
IoundaIion should Ihen be allowed Io cure Ior a
minimum oI I4 days. Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe
28 days. Waxed Iorms assisI in Ihe removal aIIer
Ihe concreIe has cured.
8eIore insIalling Ihe baseplaIe, Ihe underside
should be cleaned and coaIed wiIh an epoxy
primer. 1he IoundaIion should have been poured
wiIh a rough surIace or should be roughed aIIer
pouring, Io provide a good surIace Io allow Ihe
grouI Io bond.
ln addiIion, Ihe IoundaIion should be inspecIed
Ior dusI, dirI, oil, or waIer, and all conIaminanIs
should be removed. Oil-Iree, high-pressure air
can be used Io blow Ihe IoundaIion clear.
1he baseplaIe should be leveled in accordance
wiIh Ihe manuIacIurer's insIrucIions, buI Ihere
may be some addiIional consideraIions. When
uIilizing leveling wedges or shim seIs, Ihey
should assemble IogeIher wiIh minimal voids.
1his will assisI in providing a homogenous mass.
+MKYVE 8cmbo Quimiro AN5l
scbre 8ose llexible
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


La Figura 8 muestra una vista de una base de mon-
taje tpica que es colocada con grout en un cimien-
to. Observe que no se muestran los pernos de
anclaje. Tambin es importante que no haya bordes
aflados en contacto con el grout. Las esquinas pun-
tiagudas o bordes cortantes pueden provocar que el
grout se agriete. Las esquinas deben redondearse,
como por ejemplo las cuas de nivelacin.
En lugar de cuas de nivelacin, la base de montaje
debe contar con tornillos niveladores de 0.75 pulg. a
1.5 pulg. (1.9 cm a 3.8 cm). Estos deben cubrirse con
un compuesto anti-agarre para ayudar en la remo-
cin despus de la aplicacin del grout.
Antes de instalar cualquier tubo en la bomba, toda
la unidad requiere que se le coloque el grout. Se
pone el grout a la base de montaje en el cimiento
oI Ihe baseplaIe Io Ihe IoundaIion is done Io
provide a good, sIurdy union beIween Ihem.
GrouI is a concreIe-Iype maIerial IhaI is used Io
hll beIween Ihe baseplaIe and Ihe IoundaIion.
1he grouI increases Ihe mass oI Ihe baseplaIe Io
help in reducing vibraIion. ln addiIion, Ihe grouI
will hll any voids or imperIecIions in Ihe Iounda-
Iion surIace. When Ihe grouI solidihes, Ihe base-
plaIe and Ihe IoundaIion become one solid enIiIy.
Similar Io pouring Ihe concreIe IoundaIion, some
siIe preparaIion musI be compleIed. lI any equip-
menI was removed Irom Ihe baseplaIe beIore in-
sIallaIion, iI should now be replaced. Preliminary
alignmenI should be done on Ihe equipmenI. 1he
equipmenI should be IighIened evenly, buI noI
Iully, as Ihey will be hnal aligned laIer.
lorms are Ihen used Io prepare Ihe uniI Ior
grouIing. 1he Iorms shall be oI ample sIrengIh
Ior Ihe expansion oI Ihe grouI, and secured Io
f0UNDA1l0NS GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 5
+MKYVI provides a view oI a Iypical baseplaIe
IhaI is grouIed Io a IoundaIion. NoIe IhaI Ihe an-
chor bolIs are noI shown. lI is also imporIanI IhaI
no sharp edges come in immediaIe conIacI wiIh
Ihe grouI. Sharp corners or edges may cause Ihe
grouI Io crack. Corners should be made round,
such as Ihose on Ihe leveling wedges.
ln lieu oI leveling wedges, Ihe baseplaIe may be
provided wiIh 0.7S inches Io I.S inches (I.9 cm Io
3.8 cm) |ackscrews. 1hese should be coaIed wiIh
an anIi-seize compound Io assisI in Ihe removal
aIIer grouIing.
linal leveling should bring Ihe pump and driver
mounIing pads back Io Ihe plane in which Ihey
were machined Io co-planer aIness.
8eIore any piping is insIalled on Ihe pump, Ihe
enIire pump uniI needs Io be grouIed. GrouIing
0rificic de Crcut
0rificic de
Cuas de
Cimientc de Ccncretc
McIde para
para lograr una unin fuerte y resistente entre ellos.
El grout es un material tipo concreto que se usa para
rellenar entre la base de montaje y el cimiento.
El grout incrementa la masa de la base de montaje
para ayudar a reducir la vibracin. Adems, el grout
llenar cualquier hueco o imperfeccin de la superfcie
del cimiento. Al solidifcar el grout, la base de montaje
y el cimiento se convierten en una entidad slida.
Lo mismo que al vaciar el cimiento de concreto, se
deben realizar algunos preparativos del lugar. Si se
quit cualquier equipo de la base de montaje antes
de la instalacin, ahora debe volver a colocarse. Se
debe hacer una alineacin preliminar al equipo.
Tambin, el equipo debe apretarse de manera
uniforme, pero no completamente, ya que posterior-
mente se realizar la alineacin fnal.
Se usan moldes para preparar la unidad para la
colocacin del grout. Los moldes deben ser bastante
resistentes para la expansin del grout, y deben es-
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


tar asegurados para evitar movimiento. Los moldes
deben ser ms altos que el borde ms bajo de la base
de montaje nivelada.
Para facilitar la remocin despus que el grout haya
fraguado, los moldes deben cubrirse con cera en
pasta. Despus que los moldes estn en su lugar, se
deben sellar las juntas con un material hermtico
para evitar que el grout se fltre fuera de los moldes.
La Figura 8 muestra una vista de los moldes de grout
en su lugar, alrededor de la base de montaje.
En el caso de bombas verticales, al cabezal de descarga, a
un anillo encintado o a una placa de asiento se le coloca
el grout en posicin. Al igual que con una bomba hori-
zontal, primero se fabrica un cimiento para la unidad.
La Figura 9 muestra placas de asiento y cabezales de
descarga de una bomba turbina instalada apropiada-
mente que son montados sobre un cimiento y con el
grout puesto en su lugar.
La Figura 10 muestra una vista de un cimiento da-
ado de una bomba turbina vertical. Como no fue
montada adecuadamente en el cimiento ni se puso
el grout en su sitio, la operacin de la bomba ha
causado dao al cimiento. Adems, el usuario fnal
ha intentado minimizar la vibracin y reforzado la
instalacin agregando cuas bajo la placa de asiento.
La colocacin adecuada del grout en una base de
montaje de un equipo requiere muchas prcticas
recomendadas, sin embargo, siempre deben seguirse
las instrucciones y recomendaciones del fabricante
del grout. Las instrucciones pueden variar entre un
grout en expansin y uno que no encoge.
Tpicamente, el grout se debe verter cuando la
temperatura ambiente se encuentre entre 50 y 90
F (10 a 32 C). Esto dar una buena consistencia al
grout. Se debe mezclar hasta una consistencia pare-
cida al agua para permitir que fluya uniformemente
dentro de la base de montaje y para que expulse
todo el aire desde los orificios de ventilacin en los
compartimientos de la base de montaje.
Si slo hay un orificio para grout u otra abertura (ver
Figura 11), slo se debe verter desde ah. La Figura 12
muestra una bomba ANSI montada en una base de
montaje de acero en perfil. Para esta instalacin, el
grout se llen desde un extremo, como se muestra
en el detalle de la flecha.
prevenI movemenI. 1he Iorms shall be Ialler Ihan
Ihe lowesI edge oI Ihe leveled baseplaIe.
1o assisI wiIh removal aIIer Ihe grouI has cured,
Ihe Iorms should be coaIed wiIh a pasIe wax.
AIIer Ihe Iorms are in place, Ihe |oinIs should be
sealed wiIh a "liquid-IighI" maIerial Io prevenI
Ihe grouI Irom seeping ouI oI Ihe Iorms. +MKYVI
provides a view oI Ihe grouI Iorms in place
around a baseplaIe.
ln Ihe case oI verIical pumps, Ihe discharge head,
a curb ring, or a soleplaIe is grouIed inIo posiIion.
As wiIh a horizonIal pump, a IoundaIion is hrsI
IabricaIed Ior Ihe uniI.
+MKYVI shows properly insIalled verIical Iurbine
pump discharge heads and soleplaIes IhaI are
mounIed on a IoundaIion and grouIed inIo place.
+MKYVI provides a view oI a damaged Iounda-
Iion oI a verIical Iurbine pump. As iI was noI
mounIed properly Io Ihe IoundaIion and grouIed
inIo place, Ihe operaIion oI Ihe pump has caused
damage Io Ihe IoundaIion. ln addiIion, Ihe end
user has aIIempIed Io minimize Ihe vibraIion
Ihe soleplaIe.
Proper grouIing oI an equipmenI baseplaIe
requires many recommended pracIices, however,
one should always Iollow Ihe insIrucIions and
recommendaIions oI Ihe grouI manuIacIurer.
ing grouI and a non-shrink grouI.
1ypically, Ihe grouI should be poured when Ihe
ambienI IemperaIure is beIween S0` Io 90` l
(I0` Io 32` C). 1his will provide a good consisIency
in Ihe grouI. lI should be mixed Io a waIer-like
consisIency Io allow iI Io ow evenly wiIhin Ihe
baseplaIe and Ior all air Io be expelled Irom Ihe
venI holes in Ihe baseplaIe comparImenIs.
lI only one grouI hole or oIher opening exisIs
(see +MKYVI ), iI should only be poured Irom Ihis
locaIion. +MKYVI shows an ANSl pump mounIed
on a channel sIeel baseplaIe. lor Ihis insIallaIion,
Ihe grouI was hlled Irom an end, as deIailed wiIh
Ihe arrow.
!*0)/$*). GkUNDlOS2#$/++-<
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


CIMIENTO GRUNDFOS INFORME TCNICO | 7 !*0)/$*). "-0)!*.2#$/++-<
PIaca de Mcntaje
Crcut pxicc Cimientc de Ccncretc
1crniIIcs de NiveIacin
Perncs de AncIaje
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


usar un martillo en la base de montaje para revisar
que no haya vacos o bolsas de aire y eliminarlos.
Durante este proceso, evite que el grout descienda
por debajo del nivel del borde inferior de la base de
La Figura 14 muestra una vista de una base de mon-
taje con grout y que presenta un espacio vaco. Los
fabricantes de grout epxico proporcionan instruc-
ciones sobre cmo llenar estos espacios vacos para
brindar una instalacin slida.
El grout debe dejarse secar por 48 horas, o como el
fabricante recomiende. Se deben proteger la base de
montaje con el grout del clima hmedo y de tem-
peraturas fuera de los lmites recomendados por el
fabricante. Los pernos de anclaje se pueden apretar
completamente despus que el grout haya secado.
f0UNDA1l0NS GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 8
lor baseplaIes wiIh mulIiple grouI holes, each
oI Ihese should be used Io ensure Ihe underside
comparImenIs are compleIely hlled and void oI
air pockeIs. 1he baseplaIe leveling pieces de-
scribed previously are grouIed inIo place.
1hese will become parI oI Ihe baseplaIe Iounda-
Iion. +MKYVI provides anoIher view oI baseplaIe
leveling. 8aseplaIes can be IabricaIed wiIh level-
ing screws IhaI provide ease oI alignmenI. 8ase-
plaIes manuIacIured Io indusIry specihcaIions,
such as Rl I.4
or APl-6I0
, provide recommended
specihcaIions Ior Ihis value-added IeaIure.
1he grouI should be hlled unIil iI sIarIs Io come
up Ihrough all oI Ihe venI holes. 1o check Ior
voids or air pockeIs, a hammer can be used on
Ihe baseplaIe Io help in locaIing and eliminaIing
Ihe voids. During Ihis process, prevenI Ihe grouI
Irom dropping below Ihe level oI Ihe boIIom
edge oI Ihe baseplaIe.
+MKYVI provides a view oI a grouIed baseplaIe
wiIh a void. Lpoxy grouI manuIacIurers provide
insIrucIions on how Io hll Ihese voids Io provide
Ior a solid insIallaIion.
1he grouI should be allowed Io cure Ior 48 hours,
or as recommended by Ihe manuIacIurer. 1he
baseplaIe and grouI should be proIecIed Irom
weI weaIher and IemperaIures ouIside oI Ihe
limiIs recommended by Ihe manuIacIurer. 1he
IoundaIion bolIs can Ihen be Iully IighIened
aIIer Ihe grouI is cured.
1apn SIidc para
0rificic de AIivic
Ccbre de !J4"
lIene eI 0rificic ccn PistcIa de Crasa
8ase de Mcntaje
Vacc sin keIIenar
Crcut pxicc Cimientc de Ccncretc
Para bases de montaje con varios orificios para grout,
cada uno de estos se debe usar para asegurarse que
los compartimientos de abajo, estn completamente
llenos y no haya bolsas de aire. A las piezas de nivela-
cin de la base de montaje descritas previamente se
les aplica el grout en su lugar.
stas se convertirn en parte del cimiento de la base
de montaje. La Figura 13 muestra otra vista de la nive-
lacin de la base de montaje. Las bases de montaje
pueden fabricarse con tornillos de nivelacin que
facilitan la alineacin. Las bases de montaje fabrica-
das para especificaciones de industria como HI 1.4

, proporcionan especificaciones recomenda-
das para esta caracterstica que agrega valor.
Se debe llenar con grout hasta que empiece a salir por
arriba por todos los orificios de ventilacin. Se puede
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Ser responsable es nuesIro IundamenIo
Pensar hacia adelanIe lo hace posible
La innovacin es la esencia
L-C8S-WP-0S kev. 07]10
GkUNDlOS Pumps CorporaIion
17100 WesI 118Ih 1errace
OlaIhe, KS 66061
1el. (913) 227-3400
lax. (913) 227-3S00
GkUNDlOS Canada lnc.
2941 8righIon koad
Oakville, OnIario
L6R 6C9
1el. (90S) 829-9S33
lax. (90S) 829-9S12
8ombas GkUNDlOS de Mxico S.A. de C.v.
8oulevard 1LC No. 1S
Parque lndusIrial SIiva AeropuerIo
C.P. 66600 Apodaca, N.L. Mxico
1el. (81) 8144 4000
lax. (81) 8144-4010
PACO Pumps - NaIional ReadquarIers
GrundIos C8S lnc.
902 Koomey koad
8rookshire, 1X 77423
1el. (800) 9SS-S847
lax. (800) 94S-4777
8eing responsible is our IoundaIion
1hinking ahead makes iI possible
lnnovaIion is Ihe essence
L-C8S-WP-0S kev. 0S]09 (US)
GkUNDlOS Pumps CorporaIion
I7I00 WesI II8Ih 1errace
OlaIhe, KS 6606I
Phone. (9I3) 227-3400
1eleIax. (9I3) 227-3S00
GkUNDlOS Canada lnc.
294I 8righIon koad
Oakville, OnIario
L6R 6C9
Phone. (90S) 829-9S33
1eleIax. (90S) 829-9SI2
8ombas GkUNDlOS de Mexico S.A. de C.v.
8oulevard 1LC No. IS
Parque lndusIrial SIiva AeropuerIo
C.P. 66600 Apodaca, N.L. Mexico
Phone. 0II-S2-8I-8I44 4000
1eleIax. 0II-S2-8I-8I44-40I0
PACO Pumps - NaIional ReadquarIers
GrundIos C8S lnc.
902 Koomey koad
8rookshire, 1X 77423
Phone. (800) 9SS-S847
1eleIax. (800) 94S-4777
I. Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe (2000). AN5l/ll !.4 -
Operoricnes Centri[uqos. Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe,
9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, N! 070S4.
2. Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe (2000). AN5l/ll 3.!-3.5 -
8cmbos Girotcrios. Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe, 9 Sylvan
Way, Parsippany, N! 070S4.
3. American PeIroleum lnsIiIuIe (2004).
APl Ncrmo !0, !0o lJirin, 8cmbos Centri[uqos
poro lnJustrios Jel Petrlec, Petrcquimiro
y Gos Noturol. American PeIroleum
lnsIiIuIe, I220 L SIreeI NW, WashingIon, DC,
200S. hIIp.]]
liquros !, 4, 9, !! y !2.
DiagnosIic SoluIions, LLC.

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