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Journal 1.

Section hadings Each main section of the paper begins with a heading should be capiyalized, centered at the beginning of the lines above and below. DO NOT UNDERLINE THE SECTION HEADING OR PUT A COLON AT THE END Example :
Double space

Double space


Double space

Double space

2. Subheadings Subheading should be capatilized (first letter in each word), left justified and either bold italics or underlined 3. Title, Authors Names and institutional Affiliantions The title should be centered at the top of page 1 (do not use a title page it is a waste of paper for our purpose); the title is NOT underlined or italicized. The authors name (primary author first). When more than two authors, the names are separated from the previous name by the word and. And institutional affiliation are doubled-space from and centered below th title.

Example : author 1, author 2 and author 3 Ducks over-Winter in Colorado Barley Fields in Response Daily Mean Temperature
Double space

Ima Marllard, Ura Drake and Woodruff Ducque Department of Wildlife Biology, University of Colorado Boulder

4. Abstract An abstract summarize, in one paragraph (usually) the major of aspects of the entire paper in the following prescribed sequence :

The question(s) you investigated (or pupose). State the purpose very clearly in the first or second sentence.

The experimental design and methods used, (from methods). Clearly express the basic design of the study. Name briefly describe the basic methodology used without going into excessive detail be-sure to indicate

The major findings including key quantitative result or trend (from result). Report those results which answer questions you were asking. Indentify trends, relative change or differences, etc.

A brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions. (from disccusion) clearly state the implications of the answers you result gave you.

5. Introduction a. Function - Establish the context of the work being reported - State the purpose of the work in the form of hypothesis, question or problem you investigated - Briefly explain your rationale and approach and whenever possible, the possible outcomes your study can reveal Ex : kalimatnya dari general ke spesifik, b. Style Use the active voioce as much as possible. Some use of first person is okay, but do not overdue it. c. Structure The structure of introduction from the broadest part of the top representing the most general information and focusing down to the specific problem you studied.

6. Materials and Methods a. Function In this section you explain clearly how you carried out your study in following general structure and organization.

b. Style You may use the active voice to a certain extent, although this section requires more use of third person, passive constructions than oyhers. Avoid use of the past tense throughout the work being reported is done and was performed in the past, not the future. Describe your experimental design clearly. Be sure to include the hypotheses you tested, controls, treatments, variable, measured, what form the data take. You may want to identify certain types of equipment by vendor name and brand or category, particulary if they are not commonly found. Belum

7. Results a. Function To objective present your key result, without interpretation, in orderly logical sequence using both an illustrative materials (table and figure) and text. b. Style Write the text of the test of the result section concisely and objectively. The passive voice will likely dominate here, but use the active voice as much as possible. Use the past tense. c. aS 8. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 9. Acknowledgments If in your experiment you received any significant help in thinking up, designing, or carrying out the work or received materials from someone who did you a favor by supplying them, you must acknowledgments

10. Literature a. Function Gives an alphabetical listing (by first authors last name) of the references that you actually citied in the body of your paper.

11. Appendices Some examples of material that might be put in an appendix: raw data, maps, extra photographs, explanation of formula, specialized computer programs for a particular procedure,

full generic names of chemicals or compounds that you have referred to in somewhat abbreviated fashion or by some common name in the text of your paper, diagrams of specializied

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