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Caleb Mitchum Assignment 6 7-19-13 Act - A formal division of a play.

Authors often use these major demarcations to change scenery or the center of action. Shakespeares Hamlet is notable because it was not originally divided into acts but has since been divvied up into 5 acts. Allusion - An allusion is a reference to something outside of the scope of the context in which it is said, thus giving that context an illusion of depth and complexity. Shakespeare commonly references ancient myth in Hamlet, comparing his father to Hyperion and Claudius to a satyr. Antagonist - In any work of literature a drama it is the force that opposes the protagonist, or more simply put, the bad guy. For example, in Tries we see that the antagonist could be seen as the abusive husband, or even more broadly we could view all of the male characters as a group antagonist. Apostrophe - Similar to an aside but not addressed directly to the audience. An apostrophe is a comment made by a character on stage in the direction of a character that is not currently on stage. It provides the opportunity to see into the speaking characters though process. Shakespeare uses these commonly in his many soliloquies, for example when Claudius addresses the rulers of England in his one of his soliloquies, begging that they put Hamlet to death. Aside - In drama it is a sort of narration. It is dialogue aimed at the audience, not to be acknowledged by the other characters on stage. Great use of this technique can be seen in many classics like Oedipus the King and many important details are revealed to the audience with this method. Dialogue - The words that characters speak to each other. It allows the audience a glimpse of the characters thoughts but since it is only what is said aloud it can also serve to deceive or hide truths. Tries consists almost entirely of dialogue without the help of asides or soliloquies to help the audience follow the story. Epiphany - The moment when a character has a deep realization of truth about themselves or their situation. Oedipus experiences this when he discovers the secrets of his family. Hamartia - Aristotles term to describe some error or frailty. Oedipuss ignorance of his own identity could be considered his tragic aw or hamartia. One-act play - Tries is a perfect example of a one-act play. The characters are relatively simple and are distillations rather than complex. The action occurs in a single setting and the action is focused on a single conict.

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