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Performance Task: Physics (Measurements)

Patrick Lim! ! H4-H 17

Mr. Pineda

Problem: Do producers supply the correct volume (330 mL) of soda (coke, sprite and royal) in terms of milliliters (mL) as the company tells the public? Hypothesis: If the volume of soda is equal to the stated volume by producer, then the consumers get the standard volume of of soda they wanted to receive. Materials: 330 mL of Soda (Coke, Sprite and Royal)

Measuring Cup (mL)

Procedures: Step 1 - Prepare the 330 mL of Soda (Coke, Sprite and Royal) and a measuring cup Step 2 - Prepare a table where the measurements (volume) of the soda will be recorded Step 3 - Pour the coke in the measuring cup and record the measurements of the volumes (Repeat for Sprite and Royal) Step 4 - Check if the volume is equal to the stated volume of the producers Data Table/ Graphs: Soda Stated Volume Trial 1: Volume Coke 330 mL 350 10 mL Sprite 330 mL 350 10 mL Royal 330 mL 340 10 mL

Performance Task: Physics (Measurements)

Minimum range of measurement = 10mL Sprite measures 350 10 mL which means the consumers claim of being given less than what the producer states is falls in parallel with the coke product.

Minimum range of measurement = 10mL Royal measures 340 10 mL which means the consumers claim of being given less than what the producer states is falls.

Minimum range of measurement = 10mL Coke measures 350 10 mL which means the consumers claim of being given less than what the producer states is falls.

Performance Task: Physics (Measurements)

Analysis: The consumers claim of being served less than what is stated by the producer is wrong. The producer gives more than what is asked for which means the consumers get more than what they pay for. As seen in the results of the measurements, the sodas (coke, sprite and royal) were 10 mL to 20 mL more than 330 mL as stated by the producers. Conclusion: I therefore conclude that the producers give the consumers more than what is stated. The consumers do not get less than what they buy but more. Recommendations: I recommend the public to buy from the Coca Cola Company because they are able to produce sodas that contain more liquid as stated on the label. This means that the consumers who buy the product will get more than what they pay for which is surely a good thing. Consumers will not be cheated in terms of the volume of the product. Sources:

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