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`The great flood

Some 5500 years ago a great flood came upon all the earth, caused by GOD in the
heavens, and it is written down, to rid the earth of sinful men, before the flood man was
giant size, as also was creatures of land, air, and sea now referred in one word, Dinosaurs,
or ancient fossil, also with them the animals, fish, and birds we see around us to day.
Giant size man built an ark from huge trees,(probably Noah and his three sons)
Instructed and guided by GOD, though this flood can be described physical, it is beyond
doubt spiritual, because of its precision and execution.
Man was instructed by GOD to gather into the ark two of all living creatures, with the
exception of those large ones we now find in fossil, for a very good understandable
reason, Man in the new world would be reduced in size, and age to what we are today,
and there would be no place for large creatures on our earth.
Those very large creatures would be taken from our earth by a flood, and seed for the
new world would be floated safely on the waters of this flood, an ingenious plan.
This is how the flood came to be, from space came a meteor towards earth, not directly
straight, but at an angle to skim of the earth striking say the northern hemisphere, with
such force as to knock the world from it’s original position, (that is to say out of its
northern axis, causing it to Wobble) throwing the seas overland, and because of the
weight of the seas would keep the earth on a tier of wobbles like a clock pendulum,
creating not one, but a tier of floods over a lengthy period washing away all living flesh.
It wasn’t the Bible’s duty to explain to man these things, but now in hindsight, and with
present day knowledge we now possess, the picture becomes clearer.
The earth is full of evidence of this catastrophe so much, they had to invent an ice-age, to
swallow up much of this evidence, we couldn’t have an ice-age, we would have to jump
out of our orbit, and in any case no life could survive an ice-age.
The great sand and gravel deposits, the movement of large boulders many miles from
their original site, the line-markings under the crust (being interpreted as millions of years
apart) was created by the finishing and lapping of these mini floods in a matter of
months, are all evidence of a great flood, our earth would have been much changed by
such a catastrophe, now lets look at some legends- Atlantis, and its relation to the sea.
Man had only been on the earth around 2000 year’s possible nomad, from a bountiful
world exploring – and moving on, there wouldn’t have been any cities,
Atlantis was a reference to a people, a race of giants washed into the sea, and the eye-
witness would be the eight coming through the ark, who would live some hundreds of
years in the new world, and play a hand in some other legends,- the pyramids, their
shape, can only mean flood-proof a future flood will not wash them away, you will notice
also the were built by giants, but for small man, also all the great standing stone
structures around the world but mainly in a radius from the middle east,
What of Stonehenge? Is it possible that Stonehenge is pre flood, who could have knocked
down the missing stones? The flood, maybe not, but a tree, or bolder in the
Flood would. This is a possible explanation for the great flood, though in accepting this,
one must see conclusive proof of the hand of GOD.
My site Joseph
Life in Abundance

In cases of the Paranormal, UFOs, corn-circles, Near-death-experiences, and Heavenly

visitations the sceptics go to great lengths, and come up with some of the most ludicrous
and daft attempts to explain them away. Amazingly when your consider these same
sceptics accept, foster, and expand Darwin’s fallacy of dreams, which is theory, and no
mater what they say, is un proven, and pure speculation.
Charlie Darwin, like so many others started out with a preconceived mind on his trip on
the “Beagle” he was serious in his investigation but would ignore any evidence that
would be contradictory to his over-all theory, a self-confessed atheist, and the author of
anti-Godliness. Darwin on his travels around the Gallipolis, found not one iota of
evidence to support his idea of “Natural Selection” what he did find, and observe was
Evolution by “domestication” and “adoption” which must be totally divorced from his
idea of NS because they do not in any way give credence’s help, or support to Darwin’s
theory. Adoption and Domestication is natural and we all know of them, we don’t need
Darwin to tell us of them. Domestication is for the benefit of mankind, and will cross-
breed only within their own particular family, as families are unique and distinct, there is
no relation or marriage between families, (here you can be sure down centuries their lies
buried disastrous results at mans attempts to do so) you can “potter” around all you like
in say the pig-family, at the end of the day, or a thousand yrs it will still be the pig.
Now evolution by adoption of which Darwin coveted, and used so much in an attempt to
shore up his erroneous, and ungodly theory of speculation, we are all very aware of
adoption in our World, in human, animal, and plant-life, (the boy reared in the chicken
coop, his body changed to adopt to survival,) when you loose both legs the arms will
adopt to the change, a good example is the “Dutch” settlers in South-Africa, there some
500yrs their change of skin, but they will never change beyond human, because the
family of man like all families are unique and will never marry into each other.
The difference between the African and Asian elephant is a good example of adoption in
animal life, no mater how long they are apart they will always be elephant, take an animal
from the other-side of the World to your land and it will adopt in so far as possible or die,
same with a plant or shrub, they may change colour, or be affected by the climate, but my
point is adoption is natural and can’t attribute in any way to Darwin’s fallacy of delusion.
Charlie Darwin’s idea needs “time” like fish need water, and asks us to believe our
volatile little planet has been revolving in an orbit over Billions of years without serious
collusion, is hard to swallow, and it is easy to hide behind time to speculate what may or
may not have happened, if there was any credence’s to his theory why aren’t we not all at
the same stage, why so many steps, or is he suggesting “ that the factory is still pumping
them out” now totally accepted as the foundation stone and backbone of the science we
are being asked to swallow words of the faceless men who feed the gullible “Joe soaps”.
Darwin’s philosophy widely accepted by a minority now sadly slipping into a majority,
because it is the World many want it to be, must surely be alarmed by the changing times,
unseasonable weather, change in the disposition of the on-coming generations, and sitting
on the brink of World nuclear conflict, by the evil in mans hearts of the Day.
From The Ark.

It is believed, Noah’s ark came to rest on Mount Ararat in Turkey the centre of the world,
The middle-east, from where all our ancient civilizations appear to have been established,
In a radius from the middle-east, we can see clearly the trail of early man,
Now in hindsight we can go back 2000 years to the time of Christ, the islands of Western
Europe was still in forests- sparsely populated, and what of the new world; the America’s
and the Australias they were only populated in the past few hundred years, evidence our
world was populated from the middle-east, like the spread of a tree.
On coming out of the Ark Noah and his family, kissed a naked earth, listening to their
GOD who promised them a redeemer, the early family of man set off as nomad from the
wilderness, and would take many years in search of the promised land, at times they went
around in circles, the nucleus of this large family was devout, and of GOD, however they
being human, and from the ark, many would have broken off from the family, not being
able to bear the strict religious rites, and spread in many different ways. These peoples
would spread and multiply, being without the family and the scriptures, they would be
atheist without GOD still in some the spirit in man is close to the surface, and many of
their descendants, hearing their ancestors speak of a GOD would awaken
in the early morn, and look across the horizon, and see the wonder of creation, and its
beauty, and question the fabric of ones existence, there is born the seeds of new religions
we can see in our world today, outside the Christian/Jewish Faith.
As it is written in the bible, GOD would protect and foster his people who held the holy
Scripture through holy chosen ones, Abraham Moses and Jacob, and guide them towards
The Promised Land, this people the Israelites, or Jews would carry with them the true
faith in scripture, but being human, would often fall to temptation.
(Hear, is a word on religion, it is likened to a rose bush, an apple tree unless it is pruned,
it will grow wild and refuse its fruits, go stagnate and die, so it is with a faith, and
religion, pruning is a form of pain and suffering, the true ingredients of purification.
The Old Testament is a litany of chastisements, and forgiveness of the chosen people,
and so it is with religion, if left alone, man will fall back into his sinful ways, and so it
was at the coming of CHRIST , the practise of the Jewish faith was stagnate. the wealthy
brought their prosperity to the front pews of the Holy places and wined unlike their
fathers. Likened to political parties, or emerging nations, full of good intentions when
young, left long in power they will become corrupt, and rotten.)
Many of the wealthy Jews believed the son of GOD would be born in their comfort, not
to a poor carpenter, the son of the most high, was already on the road of rejection.,
The rest is written in scripture. The Jews and their condition of the time would give birth
to the new graft the Christ, and the coming kingdom of GOD.
JESUS came, not to change the scripture, but to elaborate, and define our path into
our true family of GOD. JESUS was that new shoot, the true vine.

The Long Mile

We can now, sit out in space and look in at ourselves, and the World, with comfort, and in
detail, because of the technology we possess, and because of the Biblical story we have a
very clear history, and picture of the Middle-east, 2000yrs ago, we can now see what they
people of that time couldn’t see, Western Europe was in forest and sparsely populated,
waiting the spread of man, from the centre of our ancient Empires that sprang up from
around the site of the Ark, the cradle of man. And look at the speed of our inventive mind
since then, what changes have been made in the last 100 years.
The deterioration of our little planet in that short time. The over population of man is in
its self, evidence our earth is no more than about 7000yrs old, only for wars, where would
our population be now? 2000 yrs. ago, in hindsight we can safely see where the
Population of the World was, “the new World” sparsely populated, if man was on the
earth for “say” ten-twenty thousand yrs. where then was his numbers in the Australia’s,
and America’s? Which have been only populated in the last 500 hundred yrs, and see how
they are now populated to day, you don’t have to be a genius, or mathematician, to put
these things together, and remember most of their seed came from Europe.
Was our little planet ever full, or over-populated? What would happen if it was? Could
we survive in such congestion? Where are the bones of these peoples? If Dinosaur bones
could survive 95mm yrs what of these our ancestors? They seemly done a runner,
What could have ever happened to them? Where’s the evidence? The Europeans found
little trace, when they arrived. How long would it take for the World to populate?
Seemly at the moment, we’re pushing up the numbers, and we’ve came a long way, in a
mere 2000yrs, what was the world up to?, if you say there was tens of thousands of years
for mans presence on our earth, there was plenty of room for Europeans in the new World
If left alone, what would our population growth be in say, twenty yrs from now? China,
and Asia are already taking measures to curb their population growth, they West is on the
pill, and back in those early days, what form of birth control did they use? So many
questions and few answers.
Lets be honest, our World is not Millions/Millions of years old, and bone fossil is
perishable, even under the soil, to suggest it could survive 95mm yrs is simply not true.
The dino-bone-fossil now being found is a mere 5.5 thousand years old, from the
“biblical-flood” everything fits; there is no questions, on the Creationist Theory that can’t
be answered. The explanation of the Great flood lifts the curtain and we can see clearly
The Biblical story is true, and the evidence clear, of a Spiritual God.
The great men of science are like “the men in Black” we don’t know them, they’re never
seen, from time to time, they make statements, and the gullible “Joe Soap” is there to lap
it up. What of the dating process, how do they come to their conclusions? you don’t see
any t.v. documentaries on that, They couldn’t agree on the Turin shroud, and if the can’t
agree dating 2000yrs ago, what trust is in them going back 95mm yrs., pure speculation.
Be thankful for what we have, - the opportunity to turn back if you think we’re on the
wrong road.

From Legend to reality.

Atlantis the sunken Island, Atlantis the sunken Continent, Atlantis’s relation with
the sea, has men scurrying round the World hunting, and probing the waters of
our Earth, composing expensive Documentaries in an effort to satisfy mans
appetite of a mysterious and wondrous past. To decipher and define Atlantis is
found only through the eyes of the Bible, and the story of a Godly World.
For the first 2,000yrs of the young Earth, the Creation of man spread quickly
across the World, preceded by the great creatures of that time, land- sea- and
air, man himself was giant in size and lived to almost 1,000yrs (and therefore
suitable to these large creatures) These great giants were far from “cave-men”,
possibly much more intelligent than our ancestors, this intelligence may have led
to their down-fall, would bring prosperity, and prosperity would bring the comforts
of a bountiful World, the door by which enters the prince of darkness.
Being only a short time on earth, there wouldn’t have been any cities or even
houses of a kind, (possibility nomad from a bountiful World, and kind climate on
the move) they would soon learn boatbuilding, and travel around the World
When it came the time, just a mere 5.5thsd.yrs ago, god in the heavens decided
to wipe from the Earth all living flesh and reseed in a renewal, a fresh start with
the promise of a redeemer, man would be reduced in age and size, in the new
World and there would no need for large creatures either, after the flood,
So the flood came, and stayed on the Earth for some months in a tier of mini
floods washing again, and again a job already well done, leaving no survivors
This flood was unique in Worlds history, a catastrophe of it’s time, but beyond
doubt a spiritual act, laying down the close’s evidence yet of a spiritual God
When the ark came to rest, and the doors flung open for the first time in some six
mths and looking out upon a naked mountain land they wouldn’t recognise,
“ponder their feelings”, these eight adults would eye with wonder to their God,
And it is here that the Atlantis/Legend is born, and the story and it’s interpretation
from the mouths of these eight “wittiness’s” for them Atlantis is gone, washed into
the sea, for to them Atlantis was a world, a world they knew, a world of giant
Animal and man punished by God, for when Noah kissed a naked earth God
spoke to Noah, (though he didn’t show himself) but explained many things
including the promise of a ”redeemer”. So now my dear friends, we come to the
definition of the “Myth.” Atlantis was a land, a time, a people, where great
Creatures roamed the “air, land, and sea” in truth Atlantis was the Earth before
the “great flood”. There would be no cities, no sunken Islands, or Continents, and
the searches by the great men of to-day are fruitless and misleading, most
evidence of that time is lost, or found in the great fossil, now referred to as
(dinosaur fossil)The problem of your World to day is that man, while obsessed in
the many myths, and puzzles of our past, wants to decipher, and explain their
definition through the eyes of Darwinism, a belief that borders on the mire of
fantasy,------ the bible of science
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A Terrible Fallacy is Born

Darwin’s theory of how the Earth was born and evolved is the greatest misconception of
our time, a terrible misleading “fallacy” and fatally untrue. A theory, an idea, a belief,
when first proposed without one iota of evidence to support it, stands today as naked as it
did then, and composed by a committed atheist.
To suggest our World is Billions of yrs old, and was born from a “big bang” is laughable,
and patently untrue, that Dino- fossil could survive 65M. yrs, and in many cases the bone
structure intact in a volatile planet is stretching the imagination a bit far.
Our earth is full of evidence of the Great Flood, and the fossil of these great animals
found in this way, and in many cases with plant fossil underneath them, is proof of a great
flood, a mere 5.5 thousand yrs ago. These large creatures would have been mostly
washed away, smashed to pieces; still many would have been caught in chasms, and
gullies, buried in mud, perfectly preserved what man finds to day, but put the wrong
interpretation on them, by explaining them through Darwin’s Theory of fallacy.
Darwin’s theory, and the way his “Disciples” propose it today, is the World man wants it
to be, what he is comfortable with, a World without God, without the love of family, and
friends, is simply the theory of atheism.
The basic fabric of the family is being attacked from all sides, through the introduction of
new laws which affect our Christian up-bringing, for every thing is of God, as nothing
will be of life outside a loving God.
To-day Man tries to define the earth, and its history, excluding a spiritual GOD, this is
impossible,” it is like investigating a murder, and ignoring the chief suspect “for man and
his world-of-science, he can’t even define Wind, Water, Fire, Life, and Death.
Truly our World is indeed a wonderful place, full of mystery, and spirit, leave the cities
and go into deep-country side, on a summers morn rise with the sun, and breathe in
wonderful-life, and a breathe to behold, then you know that all things are life, even what
you stand on, life in abundance, from him who holds the planets in his care.
Actually our World is in serious trouble in these last days, If Global warming, doesn’t
Get us, a World nuclear holocaust already drawn up will, and all the essential players are
in the theatre. All of these woes to befall mankind, is because of his rejection of a loving
GOD, were man to turn to prayer, and GOD these things could be averted.
The k.t. boundary, and other lines under the crust, interpreted as great time zones millions
of yrs apart, was created in a few weeks or months, as the earth was receding, in a
pendulum way to find its home position, after the flood, these lines vary in size, and
depth, round the Northern hemisphere, giving birth to the Grand canyon, and leaving the
beauty of a great signature in the force of this great flood, for all to see.
If Darwin is right, why are we not all “frogs” or all “humans”? Why so many different,
and interesting steps in species of our wonderful world? And Scientists are aware of the
importances of individual species in the overall support of the w.w.w., their loss, is our
loss, and is attributed to Climate Change.

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