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"Death is when consciousness stops cause the collapse of the quantum possibiliti es into actual events of experience" - Amit

Goswami. We are currently learning that physical reality is an illusion. Quantum physics came to explain to us in a scientific and logical as it is understood. Understan d it and connect the "dots" shows us what it is physical reality. For you who ar e studying these issues should already be sick of hearing that the physicality 3 D is perceived by our five senses, which are nothing more than electrical impuls es that travel in our nervous system to the brain that decodes this impulse. Qua ntum physics has shown that time and space are illusions of perception of these our 5 senses. Thus, we can say that ALL that occupies space is part of a code. O ur bodies are a conglomerate of a set of codes. This conglomerate or that set of codes is contained in a "biological switch" called DNA - Genetic Code. The Sun is the center of our Solar System. 99% of its mass equals the mass of al l the planets together. Comparing it with an Atom, the planets are the electrons in its orbit. At the core of the atom is the proton and neutron are two particl es together contrary to equilibrate - Atomic Nucleus. Nuclear physicist Ernst Rutherford conducted an experiment in Manchester that re vealed the inner form of the Atom. Scientists were astonished to discover that t he atom is almost a blank. And there came an intriguing question for the "REASON " orthodox science: "How can an atom empty form the solid world around us"? - [H ere's Atomic Model of Rutherford - See also Atomic Model Bohr]. The nucleus is the sun, electrons are the planets. Just as there is a large spac e between celestial bodies in the Solar System, the atom is the same configurati on. The electrons "spin" continuously around its core as well as the planets rev olve around the sun The incessant movement of electrons, emits electromagnetic radiation, Quanta Max Planck (see the Planck constant). Currently this Quanta or "power pack" is call ed the mediator particle of force called Photon, which is the elementary particl e mediates the electromagnetic force, that is, Radiation / Light.

The exchange Photons with Electrons Protons in the Nucleus of the Atom. This int eraction between the electrons and atomic nucleus is responsible for many of the properties of matter, such as the existence and stability of atoms, molecules a nd solids. Thus the atom, we can say that a macro view, in the Solar System have the same c onfiguration. The exchange of "Energy" between the planets is explained in "Astr ology and Astronomy." However, anyone who sees this fractality is that phrase kn own but misunderstood: "On earth as in heaven." We realized that the Sun and planets are constantly changing Electromagnetic Rad iation and Photon also. This exchange, as well as Atom, is responsible for many of the properties of the material, such as the existence and stability of the at oms, molecules and solids. Ie, all the mechanical and biological constitution of the solar system behaves fractally equal to an Atom. The speed of Photon / light depends on the medium it travels. In the "space" or vacuum is 300,000 km / s. This case will be respecting the Laws of Space / Time. Inside a Black Hole no physical laws, so there is no space / time. The concept of speed then becomes negligible. There is no reference, no vibration, no exchan ge of experiences.

Comparing then the atom to the solar system, we can still go further. A galaxy b ehaves the same way. The closer to the core of a galaxy, the more radiation / li ght exists. We know that at the center of a galaxy is a massive black hole. This leads us to agree with the theory Nassin Haramein, where the nucleus of every a tom there is a "mini black hole". If we remember that the nucleus of the atom is the proton and neutron "struggling" to equilibrate, we realize that the Singula rity is the balance between the polarities, ie, matter and antimatter, vibration and no vibration or chaos and harmony. All matter in the universe is "expelled" and "controlled" by fractally Singulari ties and Black Holes. Since the atomic level to that of a galaxy (or beyond), ev erything that is "out" or around a black hole, is VIBRATION. The only place that the vibration is the vibration is not within a singularity or black hole. The s pace we think is the "void" is actually a basic element in the structure of the perceived existence. It is malleable and can be molded by INTENTION. This means that reality is then formed by our consciousness. Consciousness is the one who c reates and shapes the reality individually and collectively. Thought is vibratio n, is consciousness manifesting in "chaos" created to generate experiences. The universe is then a reflection of our collective consciousness that creates uncea singly, respecting the fractality of the vibrational states. You find it difficu lt to "see" this way? So stop now use only the left hemisphere of the brain and think only tangibly. Use the two hemispheres and balance your "beliefs". Faith i s a form of belief immutable and rigid, in which no new information enters. You jails and unconsciously learn not allowed. Much is made of the entrance of our solar system in the "Photon Belt" detected b y astronomers since the 60s and 70s. The extent that this belt is 25 000 times l arger than our own galaxy. As we approach this belt, the Schumann resonance incr eases with the mathematics of Fibonacci (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13). If so, then in 2 012 this frequency will be at 13Hz. The cymatics has shown that the higher the f requency, the more complex becomes the matter. That is, the physicality or means is defined by a pattern that accompanies a frequency / energy. We are just pass ing through this experience. The movement of the heavenly bodies gives us the ke y to understanding the changes that change the vibrational patterns of existence within this gigantic hologram named Vibrating Universe. As I've mentioned in other posts, the 64 codons of our DNA, only 20 are "unlocke d", but that does not mean we can not unlock them. Depending on our thoughts, vi brations generated can activate these codons and thus can activate abilities of which we have suppressed. The world is always scared and always at odds with each other. While we are in t his state of mind, vibrate at the frequency of Fear, a low frequency and near th e material density or the need to matter. Our emotions directly affect the struc ture of our DNA, which in turn directly affects the physicality in the world or the environment in which we are. It is clear then realize that someone is manipu lating this physicality to imprison us in a perpetual state of vibration and eve n (3D and 4D). do not want to understand that beyond this state, as well, we reg ain our freedom. So UNDERSTAND IS TRANSFORMING THE EXISTENCE! Note: The concept of quantum physics has always worked with two assumptions: Par ticle and Wave. Currently it is known that in reality there was never particle, because it was postulated that particle is actually a rotating / spinning wave t hat generates inertia, and this rotation "binds" the Wave then introduces himsel f as "Matter" . In short, everything is WAVE and reality is an illusion!

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