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Gently Stilled by Glen Wells

Career Opportunities - The Clash

They’re gonna have to introduce conscription

They’re gonna have to take away my prescription
If they wanna get me making toys
If they wanna get me, well HELL, I got not choice

a popular belief or tradition that has grown up around something or
someone, especially one embodying the ideals and institutions of a
society or segment of society.

please check beliefs

[ ] - believer
[ ] - non-believer
[ ] - unbeliever
[ ] - ex-believer
[ ] - daydream believer
[ ] - atheist
[ ] - agnostic
[ ] - all of the above
[ ] - none of the above
[ ] - other
[ ] - all of the below
[ ] - none of the below
[x] - at the door
[x] - happy beyond belief
[x] - Nature/Life
[x] - in the line
Devil in the details

“I'd contest someone's claims Zeus farted and hence global warming”
Apparently there are some areas with interstellar gases that
occasionally get ignited and produce stellar objects that sometimes
act as global warming devicesJ. One can observe, experiment,
measure, speculate, theorize maybe even extrapolate on a particular
unifying force that causes some effects that may include fundamental
forces, such as gravity, electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear . It
was the Ancients who first contested that there is one unifying force
from which all sprang and that force is essentially neutral. While
some simply reject various names attached to such a force, others
seek it as a heel that looks to identify, verify and understand a T.O.E.
And it has been proven that a buildup of some gases can become
quite explosiveL.

“or that Satan really does want them to rid the world of evil women”
What memo did you get? I thought Satan wanted to fill the world with
evil women.

A central tenet of cognitive science is that a complete understanding

of the mind/brain cannot be attained by studying only a single level.

To deny this simple courtesy to any other discipline is the worst sort
of bigotry, one that is easily remedied, but instead insists on
remaining stubbornly, willfully and most of superficially ignorant of a
cure. Only superficial judgments can come from superficial
examinations of a single superficial level of a many leveled thousands
of years old art form, that purports to embrace modern sciences in
their quest for experience, knowledge and understanding.
“If I wanted followers, I would have left a path.”

"A single level of what? I'm not sure what you mean here exactly,
could you please explain what you mean by "level" in this context
since that's some fuzzy language you're using?"

This is strictly googlenestity:

Cognitive science (insert alternate subjects here) may be concisely
defined as the study of the nature of intelligence. It draws on multiple
empirical disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, neuroscience,
linguistics, anthropology, computer science, sociology and biology.
(ah the levels)

Whether old or young, disciplines draw upon every area (level alert)
of knowledge in order to obtain the most complete picture possible
and still pieces will be missed, some due to tragedy, some to comedy,
some to incompetence, impetuousness, superficiality, how a list of
factors might ever end is indeed a mystery beyond the scope of the
current horizon. If for no other reason some disciplines are kept for
sentimental reasons, ready reference guides and what must be quite
apparent (sometimes) stuff keeps getting forgot, dismissed and hung
out to dry. If you don't speak the language, it appears that one must
either think that they are talking about you or you think they should be
and are dying to know why not, then the apathy sets in and some
other topic takes precedence.

"What's "googlenestity"?"
I'm thinking hand signals might work better.

"So by "levels" do you mean a variety of sources?

To me "levels" indicates a hierarchy."

Somehow meaning and indicates don't quite seem the same.

Level means balance, in the plural form, yes a variety, no not a

Yes, I am woefully behind the exploding nature of science and

radically transforming inventions,
but who isn't?

Alas, I am more interested in being intelligent than the study of it.,

perhaps a contradiction, but it could have certain constraining
effects, a light touch might be in order. My area of study lies more
with language, or more informally, words, but pretty much all
sources of science is fascinating.

Yes, a balanced variety of inputs would be helpful in arriving at

conclusions, in order to determine valid assessments of any field of
study, as opposed to narrow confinements that single out limited
views of a storied past. A light touch does not bare so heavy upon a
subject that resists revealing its mysteries too soon. As often the
case, a forced refinement may lead to alleys that are better spent in
less confining spaces. That the cutting edge will shear away at
invisible obstacles is no surprise. I dare say there are new
superstitions waiting to replace the old and while they may look a lot
different and carry far different names, their purpose remains the
without art everything would be real,
with art many things are really,
reality is what is.
art is what is wanted.
or not wanted.
what is beautiful
and not.
what to fear, what to be near,
everything conceived,
many things to be believed.
Art is not just a mirror,
a reflection, with inflection,
an opposite, an exaggeration,
a distortion that creates pleasing effects,
even if it causes madness,
especially when it's divine.


drenched in sunlight
"Relative State" Formulation of Quantum Mechanics* by Hugh

"The "trajectory" of the memory configuration of an observer

performing a sequence of measurements is thus not a linear
sequence of memory configurations, but a branching tree, with all
possible outcomes existing simultaneously in a final superposition
with various coefficients in the mathematical model. In any familiar
memory device the branching does not continue indefinitely, but must
stop at a point limited by the capacity of the memory."

Everett's 'Relative State' was renamed (perhaps misnamed?) 'Many

Worlds' by Bryce Dewitt, relative state does not imply infinite state,
anymore than many worlds implies infinite worlds, just as all possible
states does include all impossible states, (where impossible is
defined as non-existent). It is interesting to note that a branching
does not continue indefinitely and it is stopped when the memory
capacity limit is reached. One analogy of death (a discontinued
branch) might be that memory capacity is full. Does that allow other
branches with perhaps more memory capacity, or less memories
added, or added memory capacity to continue a branch longer than
other branches? Is one of the keys to longevity of branches a matter
of increasing memory capacity?

"In reply to a preprint of this article some correspondents have raised

the question of the "transition from possible to actual," arguing that in
"reality" there is — as our experience testifies — no such splitting of
observers states, so that only one branch can ever actually exist.
Since this point may occur to other readers the following is offered in
The whole issue of the transition from "possible" to "actual" is taken
care of in the theory in a very simple way — there is no such
transition, nor is such a transition necessary for the theory to be in
accord with our experience. From the viewpoint of the theory all
elements of a superposition (all "branches") are "actual," none <are
[added in M.Price's FAQ — E.Sh.]> any more "real" than the rest. It is
unnecessary to suppose that all but one are somehow destroyed,
since all the separate elements of a superposition individually obey
the wave equation with complete indifference to the presence or
absence ("actuality" or not) of any other elements. This total lack of
effect of one branch on another also implies that no observer will ever
be aware of any "splitting" process.

Arguments that the world picture presented by this theory is

contradicted by experience, because we are unaware of any
branching process, are like the criticism of the Copernican theory that
the mobility of the earth as a real physical fact is incompatible with
the common sense interpretation of nature because we feel no such
motion. In both cases the argument fails when it is shown that the
theory itself predicts that our experience will be what it in fact is. (In
the Copernican case the addition of Newtonian physics was required
to be able to show that the earth's inhabitants would be unaware of
any motion of the earth.)"

Imagination alone is not required to prove any motion of earth, just an

alternative perspective, such as escaping the gravity well and
observing the spin from of a suitable distance. Likewise someone
repeating a mistake likely will experience a similar result, someone
repeating any habitual act will produce a predictable outcome, and
learning from a mistake and changing a behavior can cause a
changed effect (or a branch splitting).

The electrifying news went out throughout .
It had never really occurred to anyone that their prize could be
People seemed utterly amazed that anyone could have the nerve.
Of course these prizes were "computers," and everybody knew
liked to "break into computers:"
but prize computers were
from normal computers.

The exact reason

these prize computers were "different" was rather ill-defined.
It certainly wasn't the extent of their security.
The security on these computers was lousy;
the prize computers,
for instance,
didn't even have passwords.
But there was no question that people strongly
that their prize computers were very different indeed.
And if there were some criminals out there who had not gotten
that message, people were determined to see that message taught.

Yes, one can easily access a wealth of information that significantly

furthers understanding of any subject, but equally one could read
worthless pseudoscience, corporate/political spin doctoring and junk
conspiracy theories that, at best, leave you uninformed and, at worst,
make you dangerously deluded.

must is such a bright bone to pick,

it seems quite strong, even brave.
like it's coming through
all the way to the other side,
where everything is still felt
cracked but not broken.

almost bitter as a stone,

yet still felt its weight hung low,
cutting somewhere deep.
wait to see how much its grown.
this place made its own,
this time taken in stride.

In space-time continuums all parts of four-dimensional worlds may
exist simultaneously as mathematical formalisms and lead to
complete collapses of philosophical ideas of causalities.

If so, switches from mathematical formalisms to philosophical ideas of

causalities also leads to incomplete collapses, as well as complete
and incomplete inflations.

Well… we wouldn’t want to satisfy everyone would we?

Depends if there was an ability to do so.

Some people have told me that I have to love everyone so…

One person said to me, "You love everyone."
Her tone didn't make it a command or even an accusation,
a simple statement, perhaps an opinion. However poorly I do,
I have no cause to deny it.

My spiritual roots are in Hinduism but… so are the spiritual roots of

every other religion…
...and the spiritual roots of Hinduism are in even older religions,
originated by 'the Ancients' who believed there was one fundamental
force that is neutral, followed by positive and negative forces (in an
electrically charged sense), these forces come in strong and weak

like it or not.
I like.

People who tell me I should love everyone certainly do not do so

themselves and also don’t know what love is to begin with.
The question is not should but how to love.

I do my best to love and care for others but you don’t take an asp to
your breast or pet a scorpion.
True, but those that love asps and scorpions do.

A handful of wealthy psychopaths decide that they don’t have

enough and have managed to gain control of the press and the
police, the governments and the courts and, of course, the means of
"The press", etc. implies there is only one, there are many. One can
only exgaerrate infinity. Of course if one is controlled, all are

Some of us screw things up worse than they were before as has

been seen in the efforts of certain social and moral reformers.
True for some, for others it is an effort of transformation, not really
sure if there is really any differences between reforming and

Given that it looks like bad weather up ahead, I suppose it’s only fair
that winter is coming too.
...then spring.

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

There is a place where the sidewalk ends

And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black

And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,

And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.

A few theories that I have come across recently.

The common sense of one century becomes the wisdom of the next.
The Ancients believed there was one unifying force (their Theory of
Everything) from which all other forces flowed, the Force was Neutral
(probably still is). We can know our past better than we can know our
present and our future will know us better than we can know
ourselves. Parts of our past are missing, these gaps represent what
we can not know now, but we can miss. Parts of our past have been
altered, misrepresented, lied about and they all aren't meant to harm
us, some lies (cover-ups) are told to protect. What we do now, so
much based on what was done to us and what we will do depends on
what we want the future to be, a broken mirror with missing pieces,
distorted shards and an imperfect reflection that is seen through old
eyes made wise and mad. Everything seems perfectly normal,
perfectly strange, familiar and brand new again, but our feelings are
tugged by the weight of the past and pulled (sometimes screaming)
into the an unknowable future.

It can’t get any worse

It could never get any worse.

Is there ever a break in the action? There you are. Two cells united.
Before you were doing fine.
Incomplete. But not knowing it. Then, enter the dragon. Now sharing,
the same piece of pie, suddenly got halved. You were full.
Now you are half starving. But wait. Are you being greedy? You had it
all, now you have half. Now you know want. That opens up new
questions, that had never ever occurred. New possibilities are now
open to suggestion. All these moments are happening, now, then,
when you are open you decide, this could be an interesting moment,
if that thought is held long enough to survive the change, the
challenge, the new thought is, okay, I’ll go with this, I’ll survive and
thrive, divide, soon. Again the division. Hardly have you had the time
to adjust to the explosion, suddenly, change has not just made every
possibility possible, it has made it real.

Wait for it...

No More Prisons
Past changes in the environment are a key to prediction of a future.
Catastrophic events have happened, and are waiting to happen

You only get one life.
This is just one of many.
Only, must make this one count.
Hard ass.
Just, take it all in stride, good/bad, better luck next time.
Only. Talk about pressure.
Just. No worries.
Pins and needles. Edgy.
Que sera. Impatience.

It is a profound and deep seated idea that massive tragedy and

disasters are some sort of punishment from angry gods
because life wasn't acting the way it should, quite the contradiction
for being 'given' free-will then told not to actually use it.

Don't kid yourself, enough will do it to you

For those that I have abandoned,
I offer apology,
even though
as you know
you shared in the decision.

For those that I have not abandoned,

I apologize even more,
for where you find the strength
to not say go,
I do not know.
And where I find the strength to stay,
I know is from you.
Thank yous

Good is Promotion
Evil is opposition

Suppose you wanted to raise hamsters. You may really like hamsters
as pets, or perhaps you like the way they taste.
Either way they require care and feeding. This could become
expensive, as your hamster population grows, you might think to sell
some hamsters in support of your hamster habit. All is good in your
hamster world, except not all seem to share your love for hamster
pets, or even hamster stew. A bit of promotion might change some to
your view, instead of thinking that hamsters don't do much in the way
of entertainment, you decide to teach some hamsters some tricks,
you think that is sure to dazzle a few, you could say, "Hey take a look
at my hamsters doing tricks, bet you haven't seen this before, cause
this is something new and even if you should tire of hamster tricks,
there will always be room for some good old hamster stew."

Now, along comes someone who doesn't like hamsters as pets, they
might even think that hamsters should be left free, from doing those
tricks that you taught them to do so well, perhaps sped along for
convience sake by an electric shock or two. And this someone, who
has become in active opposition to your hamster empire, that has
grown so huge in its success at providing fun for all and snacks too,
doesn't even really care if hamsters are used as pets or
food. This someone, who now must be considered an enemy of your
Hamster Kingdom, insists that it is a matter
of principle. Today, this someone says to whoever will listen,
"Hamsters are only the tip of a hugely growing iceberg of pet
adventures and slaughterhouses, that are largely hidden from view.
Why in a nearby town, it's not hamsters being toyed with but frogs.
Yes frogs. There are frog jumping contests, frog emcees in comical
variety shows, frogs
getting kissed and turned into princes and jambes de grenouille for
those tasty treats that can't be beat."

So, while you may think it good to promote your hamster ways,
another may think it evil and be in opposition.


Does forgiveness even have a purpose and meaning?

Does the question even make sense?
Does meaning come from within and from an external source?
Can forgiveness be meaningful, given its apparent infinitude and
Is it worthwhile only if there is an eternal aspect to it?

I know when I ask for forgiveness, you will give it,

but not gladly, no, not gladly.
So, I won't ask.
I know when I ask for everything, you will give it,
but not everything is yours to give.
So, I won't ask.
I know when I leave you, you will mourn,
and I too will be left alone to mourn.
So, I will ask, please be glad again.

I am not institutions biggest fan, I'm not their enemy either.

I go my way, they go theirs.
If insurance could be given for a bruised heart, I wonder how they
would propose to satisfy a claim.
I am sure they would seek the cause and ask if they had liability
The insurance investigator might even ask for an apology, if none
were forthcoming, a counter claim might ensue.
Upon further inquiries, a heart of stone may be found, difficult to
bruise, perhaps a crack will do.
Revenge is best served cold, so some warriors say.
While Others know, a life well lived is the best we can do.

Without forgiveness, there's more heartache.

With more heartache, there's less well living.

J.B. Rhine, Charles Richet

La première pensée de ceux que vous avez honorés de cette haute

récompense (assurément la plus glorieuse qu'un savant puisse
recevoir), c'est un sentiment de reconnaissance, si profond, si
dominateur, qu'il envahit tout, et ne laisse guère place à d'autres
Merci donc au généreux citoyen de votre généreux pays, qui a voulu,
par ce témoignage éclatant, enseigner au monde qu'il y a, pour tout
homme vraiment digne d'être homme, un triple idéal: de poésie, de
science, et de paix. La science, c'est la vérité; la poésie, c'est la
beauté; la paix, c'est la justice. Vérité, beauté, justice, mots sonores
et retentissants, qui émeuvent ce qu'il y a de meilleur dans l'âme
Même il semble qu'en donnant à la science cette place prééminente,
le grand Alfred Nobel ait merveilleusement compris le rôle de la
science dans les destinées de l'homme. Nous sommes des êtres
infimes et infirmes; nous nageons dans un océan de ténèbres.
Partout, dans ce vaste univers, inconnu et inhumain, qui nous
environne et nous écrase, l'obscurité et la nuit. Mais soudain la
science nous révèle quelque fait imprévu; et, à cette pâle lueur qui
s'allume, aussitôt quelques misères humaines s'apaisent; l'avenir
devient moins incertain, et les choses présentes moins douloureuses.
Si la science n'était pas là pour nous faire entrevoir quelques
espérances, il n'y aurait pas de raison à la vie. Voilà ce que Nobel
nous fait entendre en ce jour solennel. Voilà ce que désormais le
monde entier doit comprendre, grâce à lui.
Laissez-moi, pour terminer, vous dire encore que le grand honneur
qui m'est fait, je le reporte tout entier sur cette chère Université de
Paris, Alma mater, dont je suis doublement l'enfant. Aujourd'hui des
Universités brillantes, fécondes en maîtres illustres et en élèves
laborieux, riches en bibliothèques, en musées, en laboratoires,
couvrent le monde civilisé, et sont la civilisation même, nulle part plus
qu'en votre noble pays de Suède, Messieurs, dans le pays des
Rudbeck et des Scheele, des Berzelius et des Linné, des Arrhenius
et des Nordenskjöld. Mais il y a neuf cents ans, l'ignorance, comme
un voile noir, s'étendait sur toute l'Europe. Alors s'est élevée la
première Université, celle de Paris, et sur la montagne Sainte-
Geneviève s'est allumé un premier flambeau, qui ne devait pas
Au nom de l'antique Université de Paris, merci encore. Merci d'avoir
compris que la science est la puissante et pacifique conquérante du
monde de l'esprit, et le grand espoir de toute l'humanité.

Or a lack of knowldge about now and past...that makes future very

unpredictable. And we generally have a very incomplete picture of
'now' and 'past'.

I have no clue what you mean by 'now' being unpredictable because

of a "change now". How can an change in this moment make this
moment unpredictable? You have to predict this moment BEFORE
the moment...hence the definition of predction. So the prediction
occurs prior to the change. Therefore the change 'now' can't affect
predictions of 'now'...'now' hadn't occured at the time of prediction.

"Science is the truth; poetry, the beauty, peace is justice. Truth,

beauty, justice, words sound and retention, which move the best in
the human soul." - Charles Richet

The idea of exploring is you don't know what will be found, you don't
know what it means, but if you have the idea of being surprised, you
might get a clue. I think we sometimes move slowly enough to
anticipate and actually get what we predict. Or in a flash move quickly
enough to change consciously.

"We are tiny and infirm, we swim in a sea of darkness. Everywhere in

this vast universe, unknown and inhuman, which surrounds us and
we crushes, darkness and night. But suddenly the science tells us is
something unexpected and, to this pale glow that illuminates, as
some human miseries calm, the future becomes less uncertain and
less painful these things." - Charles Richet

If you agree that many nows have occurred in a past that went
unchanged, many nows repeated, we call them routines, habits,
same causes preceeds the effects, with minor inconsistancies,
negible interruptions, a slight disturbance, soon the cast is resumed,
it takes a sudden change to break a mold, from this now becomes
unpredictable, even rituals followed devotedly may suddenly be
broken. Rarely and briefly now seems to join past and future.

"If science was not there for us to glimpse some expectations, there
would be no reason to life." - Charles Richet

A forgotten memory will seem new, not just a sum.

Water is wet;
it would be perverse to conclude, on the basis of its
chemistry, that water is not wet because the atoms making
it up are not wet; or that colours of things are not real
because the atoms that make up those things have no colour
.or, for that matter, that desires and intentions are not real
because C-.bres .ring do not desire and do not intend.
That plunges us back into philosophy, but of a tough-minded
and conserv- ative sort. It is broadly functionalist as goes
mind and meanings, as Wallace has made clear in a series of
papers (Wallace 2003, 2005c, 2006). It is conserva-tive with
respect to philosophical and physical principles; it appeals to
standard methodology in the philosophy of language, and
standard methods of the special
sciences and in the specialisms of physics. Indeed, it is not
hard to .nd truth conditions that, in accordance with the
principle of charity, makes most of what we pre-theoretically
say about uncertainty come out as true (Wallace 2005b,
2005c). They can even be given in a way that preserves
bivalence and determi-nacy of reference (Saunders and
Wallace 2007). It our key principles (1), (2), (3). It
yields a better account of probability and the relation
credence and chance than any of its rivals.
These are striking claims. If they are true, and granted that
the Ever
interpretation is at bottom a literalist construal of the
dynamical nitary evolu-tion, it would be astonishing if any
other realist interpretation of the theory were possible, that
leaves the equations unchanged. The implication , if these
claims are true, is that our best physical theory, in place now
for almost a century, is telling us that we live in a branching
universe. - Simon Saunders

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25
random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose
25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "Notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these
instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag
25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish

1. I am 58 years old and will be 59 in September.

2. I have a 12 year old car.

3. I had a friend who often marveled, it seemed, how calm I was, how
mellow, my kinda stock reply was, "If I was any calmer, I would be
comatoast." Yes, I like puns.

4. I have lived in Henderson, Ky., Evansville, In., Nashville, Tn.,

Oaklawn, Il., Alhambra, Ca., Ft. Lewis, Wa., Ft. Hood, Tx., Kileen,Tx.,
Long Beach, Ca., Cheasepeake Bay, Key West, Fl., Miami, Fl.,
Concord, N.Y., Denver, Co.

5. Mary told me she prayed to God to send her an Angel, she told me
I was an answered pray, I told her, she saved my life.

6. I have been married once, divorced once, widowed once, all to the
same woman.

7. I worked with a salvage group, (for room and board) who looked for
sunken treasure, but not while their ship was anchored in
Cheasepeake bay with seawater in its motor.

8. I was a bike messenger in Denver, Co..

9. I injured my back on a trampoline in high school

10. I went to Metro State 1/2 semester on G.I. bill, it turned out
I couldn't even be paid to go to formal schooling, but it was fun.

11. I sold doughnuts door to door, mostly in apartment complexes.

12. Which gave me the idea to take a batch of marijuana chocolate

chip cookies to the U. of Colorado in Boulder and do the same.

13. I became a librarian, sort of and still follow my writing dreams.

14. Photography is one of my favorite hobbies

15. My second car was a white ford maverick.

16. My Grandma Bertha was one half Cherokee and her husband, my
Grandpa Joe was a railroad man, who gave me sips of beer.

17. My Mother Alta told me I was named after Glenn Ford and Alan

18. I was once an aspiring Monk, for about 3 months, for awhile I took
the name, Christopher.

19. I have done head stands on an elevator in an 80 story building.

20. I met Ron Lyle, professional boxer in September of 1975 while he

was in Denver to fight Ernie Shaver.

21. Some nicknames I have been given: Roadrunner, Tyger, Star and

22. Someone once told me, "You love everybody."

23. My first pet was a kitten named Sweetface, a birthday gift from my
favorite Aunt, Mary.

24. I let my hair grow for most of the 70's.

25. My favorite real life story: One day I was backing into a parking
space, slowly, I might have been high, I was definitely moving slowly.
Too slow for a car that was rushing headfirst into the parking space. I
stopped. I stared. The driver got out of his car and returned the stare.
He seemed angry. At me. I continued to stare. I did not move my car;
the slow movement had frozen in time. The man came near and said,
"Are you trying to make me kick your ass!" I said, "I can't make you
do anything." The man had no answer for this and walked away. I
drove slowly away, in search of another parking space.

a theory on entanglement
erotic action at a distance
your butterfly wings brushing against your hot breath
that flows in an instant and reaches my lips
that reach out in a puckered wet release
back the way it come in the very same instant
karmic payoff
getting offf then jumping on and in
no waiting for reincarnated bees buzzing their brains out
squeese tight hold tight
slippery when wet
could go sliding
all the way down
falling in
still pounding
like surf on a shore
roaring now
waves building
higher higher
takes us higher

When the Western world accepted Christianity, Caesar

conquered; and the received text of Western theology was
edited by his lawyers. The code of Justinian and the theology
of Justinian are two volumes expressing one movement of
the human spirit. The brief Galilean vision of humility
flickered throughout the ages, uncertainly. In the official
formulation of the religion it has assumed the trivial form of
the mere attribution to the Jews that they cherished a
misconception about their Messiah. But the deeper idolatry,
of the fashioning of God in the image of the Egyptian,
Persian, and Roman imperial rulers, was retained. The
Church gave unto God the attributes which belonged
exclusively to Caesar. In the great formative period of
theistic philosophy, which ended with the rise of
Mahometanism, after a continuance coeval with civilization,
three strains of thought emerge which, amid many variations
in detail, respectively fashion God in the image of an
imperial ruler, God in the image of a personification of moral
energy, God in the image of an ultimate philosophical
principle. Hume’s Dialogues criticize unanswerably these
modes of explaining the system of the world.
The three schools of thought can be associated respectively
with the divine Caesars, the Hebrew prophets, and Aristotle.
But Aristotle was antedated by Indian, and Buddhistic,
thought; the Hebrew prophets can be paralleled in traces of
earlier thought; Mahometanism and the divine Caesars
merely represent the most natural, obvious, idolatrous
theistic symbolism, at all epochs and places.
The history of theistic philosophy exhibits various stages of
combination of these three diverse ways of entertaining the
problem. There is, however, in the Galilean origin of
Christianity yet another suggestion which does not fit very
well with any of the three main strands of thought. It does
not emphasize the ruling Caesar, or the ruthless moralist, or
the unmoved mover. It dwells upon the tender elements in
the world, which slowly and in quietness operate by love;
and it finds purpose in the present immediacy of a kingdom
not of this world. Love neither rules, nor is it unmoved; also
it is a little oblivious as to morals. It does not look to the
future; for it finds its own reward in the immediate present.

16) All things being equal, fat people use more soap.

I don't know about all things, let's talk dirt.

Equal amounts of dirt on a fat and a thin
can be cleaned with the same amount of soap.
But the thin will acquire more water.
Don't like dirt? Let's go with skin.
A very tall thin and a very short fat
can have the same amount of skin.
and use the same amount of soap.
The thin is still using more water.
Why, you may ask is thin using more water?
Well, Miss fat complained that thin's
long showers was raising the water bill.
(:which she was paying for:)
So, thin is paying the water bill
and still taking long showers.

All else being equal, more people use soap

than they are use to.
Fat definitely use more lotion though.

my spyglass has fogged up would mind not looking guilty so that my

report won't look like I missed something..signed spy elf or ..........elf
spy....perhaps elfish spy.........spyish elf dosen't quite roll off the
tongue...ok here is my efficiency report...don't let Soup see it.....I
managed to help a patron download a photo to her yahoo instant when in chats....she'll be looking right at the
chatee...they can have staring contests now...yippee.....this took, in
record time.......for a tortoise.....about an hour and a half....I refused to
yield to the simplest solution and instead proceeded to exhaust every
non-viable contingency. then while nearly collapsing from an odd
strain of west Nile tick spray..oh did I mention that ticks have
weaponized their latest offensive arsenal..that you might want to tell
Soup about, when last seen, they were headed in his
appear safe for the moment....on the other hand if guilt looking
appeals to Ticks?..............................transmission interrupted.

Apparently there are no trolls without trollees.

Some Trolls merely act like trolls instead of actually being one,
meaning that are role playing and are possibly capable of playing
other roles as well.

Trolls are often obnoxious writers bent on mischief and wickedness.

Some sow feelings of fear, uncertainty and doubt, possibly a
response to
feelings of safeness, certainty and trust.

Trolls may have no special powers, and are really mad about it,
especially concerning those with special powers who may be overly
happy about them.

Sometimes Trolls are considered ignorant.

Truly Trolls are in the minds of the perceiver .


- how do I trust you, when you don't trust me?

- maybe I can't.
- maybe I can. I will.
- it takes time.
- time we got. but how much?
- we don't know. do we?
- wanna know what people think of me?
- I know what I think. okay what do others think?
- I love everyone.
- do you?
- everyone I know.
- who do you know?
- so far just me.
- you love you? congratulations.
- just sometimes. sometimes I don't. maybe I don't know me enough.
- it takes more than time. since you've had all your time.
- it takes forgiveness.
- the kind that is given before it is ever needed. what else do others
- I will destroy them.
- do you even know how to destroy?
- it may not matter. I could do it without intention. I could do it with a
lack of attention. but if I am poor enough at it. I can fail. the price of
this failure may prove to be my greatest success.
- you are a fool.
- I'll add that to my list. although I considered that as a given. are we
not all fools?
- yes. but of different degrees. numerous measurements make it hard
to predict.
- wanna know what I think of me?
- I don't trust you.
- a cowardly confused hypocrite.
- you prove my point.

Heaven is a Death Sentence

as we live between the words

cause the harm and charm
affect alarms
slightly out of touch
attempt to live without illusion
come naked frowns
smiles are bound to succumb
where is heated debate
after school alert

Has anyone yet conceived of a methodology . . . of a system . . .

whereby we can transition from the current capitalist model to a new

Many conceive, some achieve, each adds/substracts/transforms

transitions from all current/past/future models to new models.

That one?
This one?
An other one?

New models come from adaptations to internal/external/neutral

A new model likely may come from a mixture, a combination of
that survive the competition of what works beyond mere expediancy.

Some Cut Back on Prescription Drugs in Sour Economy


"For the first time in at least a decade, the nation’s consumers are
trying to get by on fewer prescription drugs. As people around the
country respond to financial and economic hard times by juggling the
cost of necessities like groceries and housing, drugs are sometimes
having to wait."

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