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T he Jews and t heir T reachery


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Islaam , be t we e n t he e ne m ie s plans & t he Muslim s Be t rayal t he e ne m ie s' plans & t he Muslim 's Be t rayal Evil co nse que nce s o f t he Bid'ah o f AlMawlid To Yo u Be Yo ur Ce le brat io ns, And To Me Mine T he Mo nt h o f Rajab

The Jews and their Treachery

Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen
Category: Political Issues Publication Date: 27 Jumada al-thani 1429 (7/1/08) Last Update: 10 Safar 1434

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1. The obligation of being sincere in intention, words and actions and how to attain this. 2) Jihaad is of two kinds: i. Against ones base-desires. ii. Against the enemies of Islaam. 3) The enemies of Islaam are lying in wait f or us. 4) How the enemies of Islaam are corrupting our f aith, intellect and morals.

T he Re ligio n o f Islam Be lie f In t he Me sse nge rs Charact e rist ics o f t he save d gro up Be lie f in t he Ange ls Be lie f In t he Last

morals. 5) The enmity of the Jews towards the Muslims and their evil characteristics. 6) The trend of the Jews in murdering Prophets and their antagonism towards the religion of Islaam and the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. 7) The necessity of preparing to f ight the Jews and all other enemies of Islaam. 8) Reasons of victory are: i. Sincerity. ii. Piety and patience. iii. Humility and reliance on Allaah. iv. Use of state-of -the-art technology. O people! Fear Allaah and be with those who are sincere in word and in deed. Be with those who are true, who worship their Lord sincerely with truthf ulness in their intentions, words and deeds. They attain such a degree of truthf ulness by f ulf illing their duties towards their religion by supporting it, bringing it to prominence and letting it take pref erence over the desires of their souls. Know that Jihaad is of two types: a Jihaad against the soul and a Jihaad against the enemy. The Jihaad of the soul comes f irst. O Muslims! O nation of Muhammad! O nation of the religion of Islaam; the religion that gathered the traits of f irm resolution, power, magnanimity and dignity; the religion that guides to all the good of this worldly lif e along with that of the Hereaf ter!


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Your religion is being targeted by its enemies who are waiting f or it to meet with disasters and are anticipating its collapse. They are attacking this religion f rom every conceivable direction. They attack Islaam through f aith and ideology by changing correct and sound belief s and ideologies to corrupt and deviant ones. The enemies of Islaam attack it with vice and depravity, opening wide every gate that corrupts the virtuous moralities and supreme ideals of its f ollowers. The enemies of Islaam are also attacking it militarily, in order to weaken its f ollowers, disunite them and scatter them in every direction. Recently the Jews, who have historically nurtured severe enmity towards Muslims which continues to the present time, assaulted some Arab Muslim countries. Allaah, the Exalted and Glorif ied said that which translates as: "You will surely f ind the most intense people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allaah." [Al-Maa'idah: 82]. { } ashadda a lnnasi AAadawatan lillatheena Transliteration: Latajidanna amanoo alyahooda wa a llatheena ashrakoo The Jews are the people who spoke about Allaah indecently when they said that which translates as: "The hand of Allaah is chained" [AlMaa'idah: 64]. { } Transliteration: yadu Allahi maghloolatun Meaning that He is a miser. Allaah responded to them by saying that

which translates as: "Chained are their hands, and cursed are they f or what they say." [Al-Maa'idah: 64]. { } Transliteration: ghullat aydeehim waluAAinoo bima qaloo As a result, Allaah tied up their hands metaphorically by making them the most miserly people of all mankind. Due to this, we can observe that they never spend any money unless they are sure that they will attain a greater amount in return. The Jews are those who broke Allaah's covenant af ter it had been ratif ied. Allaah, the Exalted and Glorif ied said that which translates as: "And [mention, O Muhammad], when Allaah took a covenant f rom those who were given the Scripture, [saying], 'You must make it clear [i.e. explain it] to the people and not conceal it'. But they threw it away behind their backs and exchanged it f or a small price. And wretched is that which they purchased." [Aal-'Imraan: 187]. { } Transliteration: Waith akhatha Allahu meethaqa allatheena ootoo alkitaba latubayyinunnahu lilnnasi wala taktumoonahu f anabathoohu waraa thuhoorihim wa ishtaraw bihi thamanan qaleelan f abisa ma yashtaroona The Jews are those who murdered Allaah's Prophets and spread mischief throughout the land; and Allaah hates those who make mischief .

The Jews are the people who conspired against the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and breached their treaty with him. When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam emigrated to Madeenah, there were three tribes of Jews with whom he concluded treaties of saf ety and security. However, due to their treachery and betrayal, they inf ringed upon these. Theref ore, af ter the Muslims returned to Madeenah af ter the victorious Battle of Badr, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam expelled f rom Madeenah the Jews of the f irst of the three tribes, Banu Qaynuqaa', due to their violation of the their treaty with him. Their women and of f spring were evacuated saf ely, while the Muslims seized their property. The Jews of Banu An-Nadeer, who were the second of the three Jewish tribes in Madeenah, were next in line f or expulsion as they had also broken the pledge that they concluded with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Theref ore, f ollowing the Battle of Uhud, The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam besieged them until they surrendered and begged him to be allowed to leave Madeenah saf ely with whatever their camels could carry of their properties, except f or the weapons and tools of war. Later on some of them settled in Khaybar and some in Shaam, or ancient Syria. As f or the Jews of Banu Quraydhah, who were the third of the three tribes, they broke their treaty with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam during the Battle of Al-Ahzaab, when they thought that the Muslims were weak and pre-occupied. Theref ore, af ter the battle, when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam besieged them, they pleaded that Sa'd bin Mu'aadh, may Allaah be pleased with him, who was an old

ally of theirs, be allowed to act as an arbiter to decide in their case. This request was granted by Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and Sa'd decided that their men, who numbered six to seven hundred, should be killed, their properties should be distributed among Muslims and that their women and of f spring be held captive. These are just some examples of the treachery of the Jews against the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Another example occurred during the conquest of Khaybar, when a Jewish woman presented to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam a poisoned roasted lamb. Contrary to the Jews hopes and expectations and although the Prophet ate f rom the poisoned lamb, he was not harmed. However, on his deathbed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "I still f eel the pain caused by the f ood I ate at Khaybar and at this time I f eel as if my aorta is being cut f rom that poison." O Muslims! The Jews are notorious f or their betrayal and treachery. They incurred Allaah's curse and are deserving of His wrath. They made lawf ul what Allaah prohibited through stratagem and cunning. This is why Allaah cursed them and transmuted them into monkeys and pigs. Shame is pitched over them like a tent wherever they are f ound, except when under a covenant of protection f rom Allaah and f rom men. O Muslims! We must strongly prepare f or these and all other enemies of Islaam, whoever and wherever they are. We have to become stronger in order to f ight the enemies of Islaam with the same weapons they use in order to plant a wedge between their ranks.

We must realise that victory is based on certain conditions which are as f ollows: First: To be sincere in our intention and know that the only purpose of Jihaad is to exalt the supremacy of Allaah's religion to and f irmly establish the Islamic Sharee'ah; which is based on the noble Qur'aan and the Prophetic Sunnah. Second: To f oster patience and piety, since Allaah is with those who observe patience and adhere to piety. We should observe steadf astness with regard to Jihaad and f ear Allaah by adhering to all His commandments and abstaining f rom all His prohibitions. It is negligence with regard to the commandments of Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that incurs the abandoning of Allaah of his slaves, which in turn leads to def eat. When the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam f ailed to observe just one of his commandments at the Battle of Uhud, they were def eated af ter victory seemed certain. Later on, they were saved by Allaah's mercy and f orgiveness. Third: To intelligently evaluate our strength, bearing in mind that there is no might or power except with Allaah. We should not be conceited due to our strength and numbers, since arrogant pride without reliance on Allaah is a cause f or def eat. The companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam were assured by their large numbers at the Battle of Hunayn, but this did not avail them and they turned back in retreat. However, Allaah sent down His tranquillity upon His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the believers and assisted them with f orces of angels.

Theref ore victory turned to the side of the believers. Fourth: To use military arms which utilise state-of -the-art technology. If the above f our conditions are f ulf illed, Allaah's promise as stated in the f ollowing verse will come true: Allaah, the Exalted and Glorif ied said that which translates as: "O you who have believed, if you support Allaah, He will support you and plant f irmly your f eet." [Muhammad: 7]. { } Transliteration: Ya ayyuha allathe e n a amanoo in tansuroo Allaha yansurkum wayuthabbit aqdamakum O young Muslim men! You are the f uture! You are the men of f irm resolution! You are the men of determination! Embark upon training if you are not doing so already. Do not allow yourself to be ignorant of the simplest types of def ence. Are you satisf ied with backwardness while you are the generation of the modern age? Allaah has created you and requires you to def end your religion and the Muslim nation. I hope that your achievements will be a source of ease f or the Muslim nation and bring about its f elicity, tranquillity and prosperity. I ask Allaah to guide us to be among those who exert their ef f orts in His cause and support His religion. Allaah, the Exalted and Glorif ied said that which translates as: "And Allaah will surely support those who support Him [i.e., His cause]. Indeed, Allaah is Powerf ul and Exalted in Might. Those who if we give them authority in the land, establish prayer and give zakah and enjoin what is right and f orbid what is wrong. And to Allaah belongs the outcome of [all] matters." [Al-Hajj: 40-41]. {

} Transliteration: walayansuranna All ahu man yan suruhu inna All aha laqawiyyun AAazeez un (40) Alla theena in makkann ahum fee alardi aq amoo a lssalata waatawoo a lzzakata waamaroo bi a lmaAAroofi wanahaw AAani almunkari walillahi AA aqibatu alomoor i (41) Source:

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