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Likely Sections for your Research Methods Assignment (5,000 Words)

This sheet is to offer you guidance on what might be included in the different sections of your Research Methods assignment. You do not have to address these in this structure or order, but it is important to cover the topics somewhere within the assignment.

Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 16 pt, Bold

Cover Sheet Title, Student Number etc (please refer to the MA Handbook for correct format) Contents page with page numbers including a list of appendices 1. Introduction Reason for choosing this focus e.g. personal, professional Value of focus to pupils, department and school? General introduction of the themes mentioning the sub-headings below National Context Local Context (School and Community) Initial Research Questions

You might like to refer to some of the academic literature in this section, and / or to articles in the press, to illustrate the need for research in your area. 2. Annotated Bibliography or mini-review This section should be divided into Sub-Headings of literature. These sub-headings will depend on your particular topic an example here is used for a study in Behaviour Management (with thanks to Carol Scott for some of the ideas) a. b. c. d. e. f. Social Modelling Peer Mentoring Conceptual understandings Behaviour Management Gender Learning to learn Research

As much as possible, make it clear how what you have read in the literature supports your choice of Questions.

3. Methodology a) b) c) d) e) f) Philosophical research approach (which paradigm? Positivism / Interpretivism?) Research Approach / design (e.g. Case study, experimental, etc) Methods (e.g. semi-structured interviews/questionnaires/observations) Sampling (How many, why?) Validity and reliability of the data you will collect (or it's qualitative equivalent) Ethical Considerations (remember to read and refer to BERA,2011)

Reference List (Following UoB guidelines)


Appendices Contents

Ethics form (this is essential and your assignment cannot pass without it) You may also like to include in your appendices: a) Draft research instruments to pilot (note that this cannot be done until you have started the Dissertation unit) b) Contextual evidence e.g. page of the Behaviour Policy/articles/other evidence cited in the main text; extra statistics, etc

The Dissertation Remember that the unit will not officially begin until November, and that you will need to spend the first month or two discussing your design with your supervisor and updating the literature review. Most students with a November start do not begin data collection before Jan / Feb (and often afterwards).

Version: 29/2/12 The MA (Education) Research Team

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