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*Doctor's orders* There are plenty of essential foods and minerals that help alleviate the symptoms of Attention

Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder says Dr John Briffa *Sunday April 10, 2005 *1. Avoid additives* One British study found that the removal of five additives - tartrazine (E102), sunset yellow (E110), carmoisine (E122), ponceau 4R (E124) and sodium benzoate (E211) - from the diet led to significant improvement in ADHD symptoms. *2. Avoid caffeine* Caffeine is a physical and psychological stimulant, and tends to make symptoms worse. Avoid coffee, tea and fizzy drinks. *3. Consider food sensitivity* Children suffering from food sensitivity often have dark circles or bags under their eyes, and may also exhibit other symptoms including ear infections and glue ear, asthma and eczema. Probably the most common offenders in this regard are dairy products made from cows' milk. In practice, goats' milk products are generally better tolerated by children sensitive to cows' milk. *4. Stabilise blood sugar levels* Sugar feeds the brain, and fluctuations in the level of this fuel can lead to precipitous changes in a child's mood. Regular meals with healthy snacks of fruit, raw veg, nuts or seeds will help to ensure more consistent working in the brain. *5. Feed with essential fats* The omega-3 fats found in oily fish are important for the development and function of the brain, and children with ADHD tend to be deficient in these fats. Ideally, children should eat two or three portions of oily fish - salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardine each week. *6. Supplement with omega-3 oils* An alternative would be to supplement with fish oils: 2 grams of a concentrated supplement daily will provide a 40kg child with a good dose of omega-3 fats. *7. Increase intake of magnesium * Magnesium deficiency is common in the UK, and seems to be a particular problem in some children with ADHD. Children who get cramp or who are unduly ticklish are often deficient in this vital mineral. Good sources include nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables. *8. Supplement with magnesium* For magnesium in supplement form I recommend 150-250mg of magnesium per day for a 40kg child.

*9. Consider iron* Recent evidence suggests that hyperactive children are commonly deficient in iron - important for the production of the mood-regulating brain chemical dopamine. The best test for iron levels is to measure the levels in the blood of a substance called 'ferritin'. *10. Experiment with flower essences* Flower essences(the Bach type, available in health food shops), can be useful for diffusing behavioural issues. For hysteria, chicory is the one to try, while holly or vine may be good for children who are unduly angry or aggressive.

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