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KM 0441.CAL.16-01

CalibrationWithout Bolt-On Microcell' Sensor Moving Material: SimulatorMethod

in described materialweight Themethod of calculating provides way estabrelatively easy to a thisdoqrment processor without factor of thesignal lish thescale Also, checks into vessel. material or outofthe moving process to enthroughout theinstallation canbemade is the sensors wiring error-free and that sure thatthe procesTheK-Msignal working order. arein proper procedure performed can be with which this sors 1000/1020, 911,924,954, arethe904XC, 730. 1240, andthe1700/1 1200112201 NOTE
pictorially howKistlerdescribe Theblockdiagrams products work.Theyprovide Microcell Bolt-On Morse structure, of the mechanical of the effects an overview of the signal andthefunction of the sensors, sensitivity system. measurement processor in a bolt-on


7 provide a 1 through in Figures Theblockdlagrams Boltof a sequence of theworking description technical system. measurement On Microcell of the material 1, thetotalweight As shownin Figure (Wrornu) combine material the holding vessel andthe Whenan structure' support on the vessel to putstress Microcell to the is 12 Vdc applied ol voltage excitation processor, the sensorarray' by the signal arr:ay sensor plusa proportionalto material the voltage a outputs proportionalto the or a voltage oflsetvoltage @nstant processor The signal vessel. the ol deadweight subarray' lromthe sensor output the voltage receives factor, and a scale applies offsel, tractsthe zero of the Thezerooffset provides sometypeof display' (vesvoltage offset out the processor subtracts signal When a offset)' array sensor or installed selweight output thetransducer processor is used, digitalsignal (count) belore to a numericalvalue (eo)is converted otfset. zero the subtracling putting (WLL) 2 showsonlythe materialweight Figure A 12 Vdcexcitastructure. on thevesselsupport stress array sensor to the Microcell is applied tionvoltage Page1

A usinga K-Mtestmeter. is performed Theprocedure canbe usedin placeof voltmeter anda potentiometer the K-Mtestmeter.

' Noto:'Arraymang any rutrbe. ol Microll ocnoo cqtnoctcdin pilall'l b awragelho boattB'and i"J'lrlo".t i+port r*nterr, i.q.venicalootutms'hodzontal ;En:;a'ttt rhitl.

Excitation +6 Vdc -6 Vdc

Signal Processor

figure 1. BtocXDiagramof a MicrocellMeasurementSystemWorkingSequence. onlythe (eu-)proportionalto whichoutputs a voltage indiThesignalprocessor liveload(materialweight). by the scale weightas determined catesthe live-load voltage. lactoroperating on the liveload by the live output caused getthe sensor arrayvoltage arrayofisetvoltage' sensor plusthe installed load(er-r-) is sublracted voltage the offset earlier, As discussed of the signal zero ofiset the by fromeoautomatically 4 andgraphin Figure processor. Theblockdiagram where sen3, Figure of sequence working showthe S = mV/Psi. sitivity

setheworking in Figure 3 shows Theblockdiagram without system measurement quence of the Microcell processor. Theweightof the liveloadputs a signal support areaof the vessel stress on the equivalent referred to as strugture, A"q in the block Excitation Signal Aeqis the diagram. -6 psi Processor of the denominator +6 Vdc Vdc lormula of eachof the threetypesof support (Refer to structures. in PSlCalculatlon 2, Chapters 3, or 4 in Installathe Microcell tionManual,97-1012withDead Sequence Working System Measurement of a Microcell Diagram 2. Btock Figure that 02,lorthe formula Out. LoadSubtracted to yourspecific applies SETTING UP THE SIGNAL to get by 1/Aeq Theweight(WL0 is multiplied vessel.) SCALE FACTOR by a Thisvalueis multiplied PROCESSOR a valuelor psi (stress). to C-2 in manual) valuefromTable1 (orTable mV/psi AND ZERO CALIBRATION

the how to calculate describes Thissection

in a of material theweight between relationship This alresponse. voltage vesselandsensor the scalefactorin the sig' lowsyouto establish is material at timeswhenmoving nal processor notpossible. the incanbe usedthroughout Thisprocedure wiringis error-free process to ensure stallation proper working are in andthatthe sensors

@tsensorArrayworking Processor. a Signal Without Sequence


+5Vdc Vdc

order. Thismethod alsoprovides a wayto retrieve inlormation at timeswhenmaterial cannot be moved for calibration dueto plant scheduling, etc. NOTE The accuracy of this calculationcannot be predicted becausecatwallcs, overhead pipes, etc. can affect the performanceof thesensors.The sensor array takestheseeffectsinto account, but the effects cannot be factored into the equationsI and2.

Wu + Wol

Figure4. Block Diagramof a Boft-OnMicrocellAnay Working Sequencewithouta Signal Processor.

a Wr_r_



An accuratecalibrationfactor canbeachieved, however, by enteringa rough number atfirst andthencontinuing to tunethatfactorovera period of time.(See TUNINGTHE SCALE FACTOR for this procedure.)

Figure5. SubtractingOut the Afset Voftage.

Connecting the TestEquipment to the SignalProcessor

Thissection describes howto connect thetest equipment to thesignalprocessor. Toperlorm youwillneeda voltmeter, thisprocedure a 10-to potentiometer, (2K-10K) 20-turn andtwo resistors,or K-Mtestmeter. Follow thisprocedure to connect theequipment to yoursignalprocessor. 1. Dlsconnect thesensor array fromthesignal processor. 2. AnalogSlgnalProcessors. Figure 8 illustrates howto wirethe K-Mtestmeter to (Refer theterminal block. to thesignal processor manual lor the specif ic terminal g illustrates Figure blocklocation.) howto connect the potentiometer, resistors, and voltmeter block. to theterminal Choose the yourequipment ligure thatillustrates and processor wirethe signal as shown.

Figure6. Bloc| Diagramof a MicrocellSensorArray Working Sequencewith Otfset Voftage Subtncted Out.



Figure 7.BlockDiagram Microcell of a Bolt-On Measurement withOfSystem Working Sequence fsetVoltage Zeroed Out.


PCBin Signal Processor K-MTestMeter

PCBin Signal Processor K-MTestMeter

Figure 8. K-MTest MeterWired to anAnalogSignal Processor. 3. Dlgltal Slgnal Processors. Figure 10illustrates howlo @nnect theK-Mtestmeterto theterminal processor (Referlo block. thesignal manualfor thespecificterminalblock location.) Figure 11illustrates howto @nnect thepotentiometer to the terminal block. Choose thefigure thatillustrates yourequipment processor andwirethesignal as shown. 4. Proceed to thenext section to perform thecalibraprocedure. tion

Figure10.K-M TestMeterWiredto a DigitalSignal Processor. The904XC Transmitter set up procedure is the same instead but usesan ammeter of a display to indicate the output. The setup procedures for digital signalprocessors are fromthosedescribed in thisseccompletely different tion.lf you havea digital signalprocessor, skipthissecprocedures in Set Up Procedures the tionandfollow for DlgitalSlgnalProcessors.

for AnalogSlgnal Set Up Procedures Processors

perThe911,924,and954 LevelIndicators display haveZeroCalibrate centages, and SpanCalibrate potentiometers, andusethe sameset up procedure.

911,924,and 954 Level lndlcators Withthetestequipmenl connected,lollow thisprocetheweight ot the material andto set dureto calculate processor. signal up youranalog


Ro - 2K ohrr 5K ohrn, d 10K ohm

Rp - 2K ohm, 5K ohrn, ot 1OKohm



yoltaor tango at lho pcaonfptrFlt crrtPd to +/' NOTE: Ushg R- 2.5 Re will rctinft. ap|orimably lV wttidr b th. ra,rt r. th. t rEp ol . Mictoll mot

NOTE: Using R. 2.5 Rpwill tsuknlhe voltap lange at lhs potenlbmaaoroutputto +/at lho rdgc ol a Mbr@ll snsol app.dimtdy lV whidt b th6 m

Wiredto an and Potentiometer Figure9. Voftmeter AnalogSignalProcessor.




putthe test 1. lf youare e K-Mtestmeter, l using a you meter in theSlMl SIMULATE rnode. lf areusinga potentiometer neter an andvoltmeter, skipthis step. 2. Turnthedialon dialon t lhe K-Mtest meter or potentiometer mV is applied until0n to the signalproces-

p Zero pot in the signalproces3. Locate Zero( the Calibrate processor sor.lf necessary, referlo the signal cessary, pot lo manualfor location. or pot

material weightis applied to the sensors. Forthe will willt sakeof example, thisprocedure use 150tons = 150tons). (Full-Scale WLL Theequation looks equ likethis: Eq.1 150x 2000lb/ton mV = r -:ull-Scale u x eul A* Fsivalueol mV/psi. n UseTable1 for the correct we willsay, 6. Forthesakeof example, t/Arq = 85.7in2 = 90 mV/1000 psi.Theequation looks et andmV/psi

4. Turnthepotv witha smallscrewdriver untilthesignalprocessor rssor display reads0%.

like this: 300,000lb Bt? i.'-

5. Themaximun imummaterial weight thatwill be in the

vessel isthe full-scale live-load weight(Wu-). This theI number is s ner needed to calculate the vottage output (eu-) nes of the sensor arraywhenthe maximum Vessel Type Sensor Array

x f,l|# -F Full-Scale eu
Maxlmum Allowable Voltage Output 765 mV 765 mV 765 mV 765mV 765mV 765mV 5 1 0m V 765mV 765 mV


Full-Scale u = 315mV

Approxlmate Sensltivlty
psi 60 mV/1000 psi 90 mV/1000 psi 60 mV/1000 psi 90 mV/1000 60 mV/1000 90 mV/1000 60 mV/1000 60 mV/1000 90 mV/1000

Leg-Supported Vertical 2-lnchMounted on the Flange Vessel

Vertical 3-inchMounted on the Flange z-inchMounted Vertical Leg-Supported the Web Vessel on L 3-lnchMounted IVertical on the Web I I I Mount Shear Beam-Supported | 2-lnch



Mount Shear 3-lnch | I Array Skirt-Supported | 3-lnchRosette Vessel | 2-lnchBack-to-

| I



NOIES rl Microcellsensors ste, carbon to 1018 vahes refer 1.Theabove

values. vityof 2.57timesthe above havea sensiti ocellsensors Micr 2.Aluminum values. ;the above ol 0.67times havea strnsitivity Microcell sensors steel 3. Stainless MillivoltOutputvs. PSl. Table1. MicrocellSensor

Page 5

7. Turnthe dialon the K-Mtest meteror potentiometer until315 mV is applied to the signal processor.

3. lf you areusinga K-Mtestmeter, connect an ammeter to TB2 (the4-20mAoutput). lf youareusing a voltmeter, disconnect it fromTB1,set it to read milliamps, andconnect it to TB2. pot in the signal 4. Locate the ZeroCalibrate procesprocessor sor.lf necessary referto the signal manual for pot location. Turnthe potwitha small screw-driver untiltheammeter reads 4 mA.


potwitha small Turnthe SpanCalibrate processor screwdriver untilthe signal display reads100%. TheSpanCalibrate is nowset.The processor signal will read100% whenthe sensor arrayoutputs 315 mV whichrepresents full-scale (150tons). weight potfromthe signal processor andconnect the sensor array.

5. Themaximum materialweight thatwillbein the

vessel is thelull-scale live-load (Wr_l). weight This number is needed to calculate the voltage output (eu-)of the sensor anaywhenthe maximum material weight is applied to the sensors. Forthe sakeof example, thisprocedure will use 150tons = 150tons). (Full-Scale WLL Theequation looks likethis: Eq.1 150x 2000lbAon mV = Full-Scale X elt psl Aeq valueof mV/psi. UseTable1 for thecorrect

9. Disconnect the K-Mtest meter or vollmeter and

10. lf the vesselis empty, the percentage displayed by processor the signal whenthe sensor is anay connected represenls voltage. the offset Turnthe Zero pot untilthesignal processor Calibrate displays 0o/olo zeroout the offsetvoltage. TheZero Calibrate is now set. lf thereis material in the vessel, the percentage displayed by the signalprocessor will be a combination of the otfsetvoltage and materialweight. Tozerooutthe olfsetvoltage,lum the Zero potuntilthesignal processor Calibrate displays the percentage (Lowering of material in the vessel. a ropewith a weightattached intothe vesselis a common method material leveland of locating percentage.) determining lt the vessel contains halfof whatis considered live-load to be full-scale pot untilthesignal weight, tum the ZeroCallbrate processor displays 50%.

6. Forthesakeof example, we willsayAsq= 85.7inz

= 90 mV/1000 psi.Theequation andmV/psi looks likethis: Eq.2 tb 90 mV = 300,000

8r7 ilz-


Full-scale eu

= 315mV Full-Scale et-t.

7. Turnthedialonthe K-Mteslmeter until3'15 mV is 904XCTransmltter proceWith thetest equipment follow connecled, this
dureto calculate the weight of the material andto set your up 904XCTransmitter. processor. lf youare usinga applied to the signal vollmeter andpot,reconnect the voltmeter to the andset it to readmiltestpointandpotentiometer livolts. Turn thedialon thepotuntil315mVis applied. set it to readmilliamps, 8. Disconnect the voltmeter, (Witha K-Mlest it to TB2 again. andconnect meter, theammeter should stillbein place.) potwitha small Turnthe SpanCalibrate TheSpan until20 mAis displayed. screwdriver willoutput 20 mA is nowset.The904XC Calibrate whichrepoutputs whenthesensor array 315mV, (150tons). weight lull-scale resents the K-Mtestmeteror potentiometer 9. Disconnect andconnecl the sensor fromthe signalprocessor array.

putthe test 1 . lf you areusinga K-Mtestmeter, mode.lf you are usinga meterin the SIMULATE potentiometer skipthisstep. andvoltmeter,

2. Turnthe dialon the K-Mtest meteror potenuntil0 mV is applied to the signal tiometer processor. Page6


by the sigoutput the current 10. f tne vesselis empty, is processor connected array whenlhe sensor nal Tumthe Zero the offsetvoltage. represents 4 rnAto pot displays ammeter untilthe Calibrate is Zero Calibrate The voltage. offset the zeroout nowset. output the current in the vessel, lf thereis material ol a combination will be ammeter displayed by the To zero out materialweight. and the oflsetvoltage potuntil tum the ZeroCalibrate the oflsetvoltage, that milliamps number of the displays the ammeter vessel. in the material of arnount the represents intothe (Lowering a ropewilh a weightattached matedal locating of method vesselis a comrnon of material the percentage levelanddetermining ol whatis half vessel contains lf the in the vessel.) turn weight, live-load full-scale to be considered displays pot ammeter untilthe the ZeroCalibrate 12 mA.

'44'appears on thedisthe REDkey until 3. Press '44', ol the output play.ln addition the voltage to anayis disPlaYed. sensor or poten' 4. Tumthedialonthe K-Mtastmeter until0mV is disPlaYed. tiometer willscrollto Thedisplay 5. Holdthe REDkeydown. andbegin functions the endol the doubledigit Stopat functions' the single-digit through scrolling F "SetLo SPan". Function the "set Lo span" the BLUEkeyto access 6. Press up or the keyto scroll Usethe YELLOW nrcde. reads display untilthe keyto scrolldown GREEN "0",or anycombination BLUE Press the of zeros. key againto enterthisvalue. 7, h Press the REDkeytwiceto getto Function Zero". "Set

Signal for Digital SetUp Procedures Processors

andsetmaterialweight for calculating The procedure for signal processor each differs ting up the signal to that pertains processor. the set up procedure Follow processor. yourparticular signal this disregard signalprocessor, lf you havean analog in Set Up Proceandfollowthe procedures section Processors. dures for AnalogSlgnal

the "SelZero" the BLUEkeyto access 8. Press keyto scrollup or the mode.Usethe YELLOW reads display untilthe keyto scrolldown GREEN "0",or anycombination the BLUE ol zeros'Press keyagainto enterthe Parameter. 9 willscrollto Thedisplay Holdthe REDkeydown. to and functions return the endof the singledigit "Weight rnode' DisPlaY" the

a built-in have lndicators Weight and1020 The1000 ofthe youto read themVoutput thatallows voltmeter necessary not is a voltmeter Therelore array. sensor (Figures 10and or potentiometer testmeter buta K-M the of output thevoltage to simulate 11)arerequired to the connec{ed Wilhthetestequipment array. sensor thisProcedure. follow 1000/1020, putthetest testmeter, a K-M 1. lf youareusing a lf youareusing nrode. intheSIMULATE meter potentiometer, skiP thissteP. theRED keyandpress theGREEN down 2. Hold The mode' function thedouble-digit keyto access '1'1'. willread display

020Welghtlndlcators 1000/1

thatwillbein the materialweight 10. Themaximum (Wll)' This weight live-load is thefull-scale vessel output voltage the to calculate is needed number maximum the when anay (er-r-) of the sensor Forthe to the sensors' weightis applied material tons 150 procedure will use this sakeol example, = 150 1,'ys (Full-Scale weight live-load as full-scale this: lookslike tons).The equation Eq.1 mV 150x 2000lb/ton = Full-Scale eu X ttlvalueof mV/psi' UseTable1 for the correct = 85'7in2 we willsayAeq 11. Forthesakeof example, looks psi.Theequation = 90 mV/1000 andmV/psi likethis: Eq.2 300,000Ib 85.7in"

x ##k

= Futl-scale eur

eu = 315mV Full-Scale Page7

12. Turnthe dialon the K-Mtestmeteror potentiometer until315 mV is applied to the signal processor. 13. Holddown theGREEN keyandpress the RED keyto relurnto the double-digit functions again. 14. Press the REDkeyuntil'44'appears on thedisplay. 15. Turnthe dialon the K-Mtestmeleror potentiometer until315 mV appears on thedisplay. 16. Holdthe REDkeydown.Thedisplay wiil scroltto the endof the double-digit functions andbegin scrolling through the singledigit functions. Stopat g whichis the "SetHi Span" Function function. 17. Press the BLUEkeyto a@ess the"SetHiSpan" mode.Usethe YELLOW keyto scrollup or the GREEN keyto scrolldownuntilthedisplay reads (or300,000). 150.0 Press the BLUE keyagain to enterthe value. 18. Holdthe HEDkeydown.Thedisptay wiil scroilto the endof the single-digit functions and return to the "Weight Display' rnode. 19. Disconnect the K-Mtestmeteror voltmeter and potfromthe signal processor andconnect the sensor array. lf the vesselis empty, perform Steps21 through 24. ll thereis material in the vessel, skipSteps21 through 24 andcontinue withSteps25 through 28. 20. Theweight processor displayed by the signal whenthe sensor arrayis connected represents the weightof the vesseland/or an offsetvoltage. Tozerooutthethisvoltage, usethe REDkeyto scrolltoFunction h "SetZeto". 21. Pressin. gLue keyto a@ess the "SetZero,, mode.Usethe YELLOW keyto scrollup orthe GREEN keyto scrolldownuntilthe disptay reads "0". 22. Pressthe BLUEkeyto enter the parameter. 23. Usethe REDkeyto scrolltothe "Weight Display" mode.

24 [ tnereis material in the vessel, theweight displayed processor by the signal is a combination of the vessel weight, and/or offset voltage, and material weight. Tozerooutthisvoltage, usethe REDkeyto scrolltoFunction h "SetZero',. 25. Press the BLUEkeyto access the',Set Zero,' nucde. Usethe YELLOW keyto scrollup or the GREEN keyto scrolldown untilthe disptay reads the estimated weight of the material in the vessel. 26. Press the BLUEkeyto enterthe parameter. 27. Usethe REDkeyto scrollto the"Weight Display,, mode.

1200/1220/1240 Batch Controt ters The 1200,1220,and1240BatchControllers havea built-in voltmeter youto readthe mVoutput thatallows ol the sensotaray.Therelore a voltmeter is notnecessarybuta K-Mtesl meteror potentiometer (Figures 10 and 11)are required to simulate the voltage output of the sensor Withthetestequipment array. connected lo lhe 120011220/1240, followthisprocedure. 1. ll you are usinga K-Mtestmeter, putthetest meter in theSIMULATE mode. lf youareusing a potentiometer, skipthisstep. "zZ"to access 2. Press the FUNCTN key and enler the Units of Measure mode. Press the ENTER key to gettheflashing cursor andthe current unitof measure.


3. Press theSCROLL UPkeyor SCROLL DOWN

keyto select the desired unitol measure. Press lhe ENTER keyto saveyourselection.

4. Press key andenter"82"to access lhe FUNCTN

the Calibrate Oflsetmode.Press the ENTER key, will readGROSS the display followed by a weight value lollowed andACTUAL by a weight value.




Press key,an access code,andthe lhe ACCESS cursor. key il necessary to get a flashing ENTER

representing thefull-scale live-load 14. Enter thevalue weight. keyto savethevalue 15. Press to the ENTER willretum to the Display Thedisplay memory. mode. Weight or voltmeter and the K-Mtestmeter 16. Disconnect processor potfromthe signal andconnect the senwill reada combination of ofThedisplay sorarray. if there is material fsetvoltage andmaterialweight, in thevessel. return to Function 17. Tozerooutthe oflsetvoltage, will Thedisplay read:GROSS Offset. 82 Calibrate and andvesselweighl by the material lollowed TN. OOOO ACTUAL This in thevessel. the materialweight 18. Estimate in theveswillbe 0 il thereis no material number willappear the number thatvalue sel.As youenter ThevaluethatlolalterACTUALon the display. will remain unon thedisplay lowsGROSS changed. in keyto savethevalue the ENTER 19. Press readSCALE OFThedisplaywillbriefly memory. Display to the Weight FSETSETandthenreturn on lollowing GROSS At thistimethevalue mode. justentered. value willread theweight thedisplay

keyto cleartheweightvalue(if the CLEAR 6. Press Press ACTUAL on the display. any)thatfollows valuewill weight key andthe GROSS the ENTER alsoclear. 7. key andenter"81"to access Press the FUNCTN key . the ENTER Spanmode.Press the Calibrate will read: andthe display WT. SPANBY ADD]NG CALIBRATE 8. or pot and Dialin 0 mV on the K-Mtest meter pressthe ENTER Whenthis is done, keyagain. processor will readthe 0 mV inputsigthe signal will read: nalandthe display ENTER. PRESS ADDMATER]ALAND materialweight thatwill be in the 9. The maximum This weight(Wt-l). live-load vesselis the full-scale output the voltage is needed to calculate number (er-r-) arraywhenthe maximum ol the sensor Forthe is applied lo the sensors. matedalweight will use 150tons thisprocedure sakeof example, WLL= live-load weight(Full-Scale as full-scale lookslikethis: 150tons).The equation Eq.1 150x 2000lb/ton = Full-Scale elt


x #

valueof mV/psi. 1 for the correct UseTable = 85.7 we willsayAeq 10. Fqrthesakeof example, psi.Theequation in2andmV/psi=90 mV/1000 lookslikethis: Eq.z

up the that setting in the introduction It was stated is not as accurate itsvalue scalefactorby calculating moveprocedure thatusesmaterial as a calibration adjust calculate howto explains ment.Thissection the system to the scalefactorthatwill improve ments accuracy. calibration

x ffi,
eu-= 315mV Full-Scale

= Fuu-scale eu-

Adiustment ScaleFactor
witha can be weighed lf oneor moreweightsamples .separate f actorcan to the scale an adjustment scale, follows: as be calculated Eq' g (Adfl = ? Trueweighti Factor Adjustment s weighti Indicated i

that 11. Withthetestmeteror pot,dialin the voltage of in output you calculated to be the change the fullthe contains whenthe vessel the sensors scalelive-loadweight. valueandthe keyto enterthis the ENTER 12. Press WEIGHTanda ADDED will read:TOTAL display value. weight weight keyto clearthe existing the CLEAR 13. Press value.


. \

wouldbe to weighan emptytruckon a One scenario truckscale.Fillthetruckwithmaterialfrom the vessel rndweighlhe truckagain. Subtrac{ outtheweight of get rhetruckto the material weight. Observe the signal processor beforeand atterfillingthe truckto see how muchmaterialweight was renrlvedfromthe vessel. The materialweight obtained by usinglhe scaleis the "TrueWeight in the above formula. The .lndicated i" Weight is theweight obtained fromthe i" in lhe formula signalprocessor. The Adjustment Fac{or(AdF)is the ratioof the two weights. Calculating the newscaletactoris doneas follows: Eq' 4 = AdFx old ScF NewScaleFactor = AdFx Full-Scale NewScaleFactor WUL Eq. 5 Old Full-Scale eu_

value Nowenler thisnew oflull-scale eu_ byfollowing prccedure in either outlined theentire SetUpProc+ Processors Slgnal or SetUpProce durefor Analog precede Processors Slgnal which durefor Dlgltal thissection.

SummarySfeps following steps summarize theprocedure The

above. described processor with of the signal 1. Setthe ZeroCalibrate a 0 mV inputfromthe simulator. 2. Adjust the scalelactorusing the newlycalculated processor input eLL as the lull-scale to the signal Follow lromthe simulator. the SpanCalibration procedure. by connecting the the signalprocessor 3. Re-zero the Zero sensor anayinputandfollowing procedure. Calibrate

= Full-Scale Eq.6 Factor NewScale WuFuu-G['e W eLL Equating sides ol Eqs. 4 and5 yields: theright-hand = otd Full-scate NewFull-scale eLL euAOr


eLL. See Eq. 1 for Old Full-Scale

10 Page

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