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Special Crime Investigation (CDI 3)

Vocabulary Words: Superior Reasoning Ability - the ability to analyze logically a multitude of facts and determine how they interrelate. Facts - a statement or observation that can be verified by other verifiable points of information. Investigator a person who is occasionally perceived an individual completely devoid of imagination and curiosity. Criminal Investigation - It is the systematic process of identifying, preserving and evaluating information for the purpose of bringing a criminal offender to justice. Factual Data - It will generally guide the course and direction of his case, whereas opinions serve only a secondary less valuable function. Critical Thinkers a type of person who able to recognize faulty logic, as inaccurate logic only to serves to divert an investigation. Methods of Reasoning - it assists critical thinking and that are peculiar to investigate process, the deductive and inductive. Ability to Observe it is the ability which is normal condition for most people yet observational skills must be highly developed by investigators. Persistence - it is defined as the continuing in the face of the opposition or refusing to give up when faced with an adverse situation. Recognition - The information relating to crime that must be recognized by the investigator. Interview - the process of procuring information from a friendly subject. Records - it is a good source of information coming from public and private agencies. Instrumentation - The application of scientific methods and equipments to procure evidence relating to crime. Narration - the process of interview wherein the witness should be allowed to tell all he knows with little interruption from the investigator. Inquiry - it is the time that an investigator should ask question to clarify matter to the subject pertaining to the case. Custodial Interrogation - it occurs when a suspect is placed under the police custody either by warrantless arrest or invitation. Interrogation - It is the process of obtaining information from a hostile subject. Rapport - the process of interview which needs to have a positive feeling of subjects towards the investigator. Chronological Questioning - the technique which is considered as the easiest and the investigator almost sure of getting all the information. Hot Cases - it is where the violation of law or regulation has just been unearthed or discovered and the witness or suspect to the case are still emotionally affected, upset or excited. Cold Cases - it is a dormant case where a suspect or witness has the luxury or ample time to mull over the ramifications of the case. Information - the knowledge which an investigator acquires from records and persons. Investigative Ethics - it is the desirable personality traits which are essential for investigative professionalism.

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