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21.xii.MMXII, Christian Era, Gregorian Calendar.

The unilateral Declaration of this United State of America,
When in the Course of governmental affairs, it is commonplace
for Our vassal to exceed the scope of its Delegated Powers
derived from the Ratification of the federal Constitution, to
profess a national supremacist Attitude as had been expressed,
yet never ratified, in article 2 of Its Draft, and to thereby assume
a separate and superior Station to which Its Terms do not entitle
it, notwithstanding loose construction of ambiguities, a healthy
Contempt for said Attitude of Our vassal, and a decent Respect
to Opinion in this State and others, require Us to declare the
Causes which impel Us to withdraw Our Consent to said
Constitution, except for Article I, Sections 1.i, 2.i & 3.i, and
Article IV.4, while maintaining Our Consent to the Delegation
of Powers in the former System of federal Government under
the Articles of Confederation & perpetual Union, as well as to
the Restriction of its Powers under the Bill of Rights from the
3rd to the 12th article, each having been ratified unanimously as
required by said Articles.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident: that creations depend
on their Creators for their existence and so dare not act
otherwise; that as a result of having been created in the Creators'
image, all People among Their respective sex are created equal,
that Those of each sex are endowed with certain unabridgeable
Rights as an inherent part of their Creation, that among these
are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of anything tangible or
intangible that may bring Happiness without Infringement on
such Rights of Others; That for Enforcement of Laws against
such Infringement, Government is created by the People as
Their vassal, deriving its delegated Powers from the Consent of
its Creators, and thus subservient to Them; That whenever any
Form of Government becomes negligent, or destructive, of
these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter it, or abolish it
and institute a new Form, laying its foundation on such
Principles, and organising its Powers, as to Them shall seem
most likely to effect Their Safety and Happiness. Prudence,
indeed, will dictate that a Form long established should not be
abolished for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience has shown, that the People are more disposed to riot
or rebel, when evils are insufferable, than to right Themselves by
abolishing the Form to which They are accustomed. After a long
train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably a design to
reduce Them to relative Servitude, it is Their Right, it is Their
Duty to throw off such Form, and terminate the bureaucracy
seeking to enslave Them. Such has been the patient sufferance
of this State; yet it is practical necessity which constrains Us to
revert merely to the previous System of Government, that once
had served the founding States well, and now is emulated in the
Swiss Presidency as the rule while just the exception in the
House of Representatives when choosing a President under the
12th Amendment. The history of the bureaucracy of the more
perfect Union is one of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all
meant to bring about national, multinational or international
Supremacy over this State. To prove this, let Facts be
summarised for Our Constituents and attentive Legislators
among the several States--
it has issued Executive Orders, the most unwholesome or
unnecessary for the Public Good.

it has co-erced Our Governors not to sign or enforce Laws of

immediate and pressing Importance, unless Control should be
co-ordinated by or centralised in national or international
Agencies, or has rewarded Them for neglecting to attend to
traditional Principles of Law when utterly yielding to such

it has refused to enforce Laws for the general Welfare and

common Defense of the People, unless They would relinquish
Their Rights under Natural Law or the Bill of Rights, which are
inestimable to Them, and a hindrance to national, multinational
or international Supremacists.

it has endeavored to aid or abet illegal Immigration to our

Country; by impeding enforcement of Our Laws when violated
by illegal Immigrants; by refusing to enforce Laws preventing
their Migrations hither, or by raising conditions of new
Appropriations for a National Identification Scheme to track
Citizens instead.

it has refused, after such violations of the Borders, to properly

equip or reinforce the Border Patrol; such that the Right of
SelfDefense, incapable of Annihilation, must default to the
People individually to exercise It if County Militias are unable to
defend Them; the State remaining in the meantime exposed to all
the dangers of Invasion from without, or Terrorism, Drug
Trafficking and Epidemics within.

it has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing its

Assent to let a Grand Jury be convened to decide whether Osama
ben Laden ought to be indicted for federal Crimes that it alleged
were committed by him on the 11th of September 2001 CE, by
commuting the Sentences of those who reveal CIA Agents'
identities, by arresting Israeli or Cuban Agents for pursuing
terrorists on our Soil, and by eliminating Evidence at Crime
it has intimidated, panicked or whitemailed Congress not to
oppose Bailouts of its private-sector Associates, nor Invasions
either on Our Rights or on foreign Soil in undeclared Wars
entered into under false Pretenses; and not to impeach the
President for lying to them when so going to War, lest related
Deaths be construed as Murders.

it has made Officials dependent on the Will of Multinationals, for

the Tenure of their Offices, for their Appointment, and for their
deferred Compensation.

it has erected a multitude of new Offices, and sent hither swarms

of Officers to harass Our People, invade Their Privacy, or
confiscate Their Property under Color of Law.

it has kept amongst Us foreign Soldiers without Our Consent.

it has affected to render the Vice-President independent of and

superior to the President, and at times the de facto
Commanderin-Chief; and its unelected Agents superior to Our
elected Sheriffs.

it has combined with multinational and international

Supremacists to subject Us to Regulation by Treaties foreign to
the federal Constitution, or unratified by the Senate, or
unimplemented as Law; while giving its Assent to other Acts of
pretended or mock Legislation:
for preventing extraction of Oil on-shore and off in
Arctic and other coastal Waters, pursuant to various
Treaties such as the Law of the Sea, whether ratified or
for hidden subsidies of Child Labor or environmental
Destruction in related imported Products by removing
countervailing Tariffs; of Imports from all parts of the
world by removing Fees for Inspections at Ports of Entry,
or via Tax Exemptions or Credits for jet-fuels or air freight
and any resulting damage to the ozone layer of Our
Airspace; and of financial Institutions by exempting
financial, especially derivative, transactions from Excise
Tax, by allowing Them to short shares of a stock without
having to borrow them or to pay a fee to lender or issuer,
and by exempting Them from tax upon Expatriation of
Their subsidised profits, capital and wealth, while subjecting
Them to tax upon Repatriation:
for collecting Imposts, Duties and Excises with geographic
non-uniformity, or from Employees, such that Income Tax
is no longer implemented on the Mainland of the United
States as in Puerto Rico where It is still pursuant to the 16th
Amendment permitting Its derivation from any Source,
rather than any Recipient, of the taxable item, as for Taxes
on Tobacco, that were likewise non-uniform under Smoot-
Hawley Legislation; and such that recent federal 1040s for
Puerto Rico are identical only to those prior to WWII for
the Mainland, neither having derived Income Tax from
Employees who are not self-employed:
for inducting large bodies of foreigners as Soldiers or
mercenaries, many having committed Felonies:
for protecting them from Punishment for any Murders
which they should commit here or abroad:
for transporting Our Residents or Visitors overseas to
be tortured or tried for pretended Offences:
for depriving Us of the benefits of a free & independent
Press in the mainstream, and in many cases, of Trial by
Petit Jury, Indictment by Grand Jury, or Examination of
Facts by Folk-right Jury presided over by the Sheriff:
for abolishing Sheriffs as the supreme Law Enforcement
Officers within Our State by establishing over them
federal Marshals whose Territories have been enlarged
from Indian and military Reservations to the entire State
for the purpose of federal Regulation, as if It were also a
federal Dependency, such as Puerto Rico:
for suspending the Principles of Separation of Powers
when declaring the President invested with legislative
and judicial Powers, and the President of the Senate
with executive Power; and of Church and State, when
usurping the exclusive Power of this State to grant
corporate status, such that it is imposed upon Churches
of Our People who want to remain unincorporated
for besieging and seizing Churches daring to exercise Their
Rights to outsource employment and employment Taxes, or
to avoid federal imposition of corporate Status and
Obligations resulting from Regulations establishing Religion
as one qualification to exempt a corporation from Tax, such
that its exercise thereof is unfree.

it has abdicated a government of Laws by denying Us equal

Protection thereunder, and practicing selective Enforcement

it has rewarded malicious Prosecutions of Parents for mortally

shaking babies, whereby all Evidence is suppressed that they
instead died from adverse reactions to vaccinations that their
immune systems were too underdeveloped to withstand; or
rewarded uncompensated Takings, without due Process under
trumped up Charges of child Abuse, of Their surviving babies
injured by the vaccines, so as to prevent Claims upon the
Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund.

it has plundered cash Deposits in Trust Funds for Vaccine

Injury Compensation, Social Security, Postal and Military
Pensions, and replaced them with internal Treasury Bonds never
authorised as marketable securities.

it had closed banks and subsequently seized Our Gold Coins on

deposit with them, when the proper measure against federal
Insolvency during the Depression was to have sold Assets
owned by it for Our benefit, such as the Philippines to Japan,
the Alaskan Panhandle to Canada, and Puerto Rico to Mexico;
instead it plundered a competitive Monetary System backed by
deposits of Our own Gold and Silver, and replaced It by a
monopolised bills-of-credit system backed only by Federal
Reserve Accounting Units of Debt, which ultimately also made
possible the recent S&L Crisis as well as the current Credit

it has exacerbated the Credit Crisis by permitting corrupt

accounting and financial practices, or by assuming the
consequences as Liabilities of the United States, thereby
shrinking the supply of affordable Credit for Individuals, States,
Counties and Municipalities to weather economic crises, and for
domestic Businesses to reinvest in our economy.

it has let multinationals plunder Our Waters, Mines and Forests

for much less than fair value, kill untold numbers of Us from
pharmaceuticals, artificial sweeteners, contaminated food,
vaccines or blood products, while destroying Family Farming
and other Livelihoods for their benefit.

it is at this time assisting, via Immunity from arrest or

prosecution, foreign and domestic Agents and Diplomats to
buy, steal and sell our strategic Secrets; to produce, transport
and market illegal Drugs; to kidnap, rape and murder Our
Children; or to commit other unspeakable Crimes scarcely
parallelled in the most barbarous ages, which bespeak a total
Betrayal by those in Office sworn to defend us against our

it has constrained Our fellow Citizens to be entrapped in

biological, psychiatric or other covert operations, to become
Assassins and Executioners of Their associates and brethren, or
to fall Themselves by their hands for being potential
Whistleblowers, unless They commit Suicide first.

it has been the proximate cause of domestic Violence amongst

Our underpaid military Families, and has endeavored to create a
new Generation of Terrorists from the recent practice of
deploying at home and abroad merciless overpaid mercenaries
whose new Rules of Engagement are the indiscriminate
destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.--

In every escalation of these Oppressions We have petitioned the

Executive Branch for Redress in the most humble terms: Our
repeated Petitions have been answered by repeated injury, insult
or a deaf ear. A bureaucracy whose character is thus marked by
every act which may define sociopaths, is unfit to be a suzerain
or vassal of its Sovereign States.
Nor have We been wanting in Petitions to the other Branches of
Our federal vassal. We have warned Congress from time to time
of attempts to legislate an unwarrantable Jurisdiction over Us.
We have reminded them of the Terms of their Tenures. We
have appealed in the Supreme Court to their native Justice and
Magnanimity, and We have conjured them by the ties of our
common Heritage to check these Usurpations that inevitably
harm our Institutions at home and Reputation abroad. They too
have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Sympathy.
Consequently, We must acquiesce in the necessity to demote the
national Government in keeping with the Form guaranteed in
Article IV.4 of the Constitution as originally ordained under the
Articles of Confederation & perpetual Union, and to once again
become its Intermediary for any of its Powers & Tax Revenues
such that Our People are free from direct interference by it in
Their own affairs.

Therefore, We, the Legislators of this State, in the Statehouse

assembled, invoking Articles IV.4 & VII of the Constitution for
the Rectitude of Our Intentions, do, in the Name and by
Authority of the Creators of this State, solemnly publish and
declare: That this State is, and of Right is entitled to be, a
nonDependent State, and thus repeals Its Ratification of the
Constitution for the United States of America, except for
Articles I.1.i, I.2.i, I.3.i & IV.4, and the first Ten Amendments;
that although still unfree to the extent of the Terms of the
Articles of Confederation & perpetual Union and the Bill of
Rights, We are nonetheless absolved from all Allegiance to said
Constitution, and that all Laws, Treaties, Agencies and Programs
approved by Congress contrary to said Terms are within this
State henceforth unlawful; and that as a non-Dependent State,
albeit one not completely free of Obligations to the Union, We
have full Power to secure Our Borders, issue Passports and
Visas, arrest and deport illegal Immigrants, regulate and tax
Commerce and Finance, and to do other Acts and Things which
non-Dependent States may of Right do. And for the support of
this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine
Providence, We each pledge a Bond of twelve thousand silver
Dollars to be forfeited if We do not, when amending Our State
Constitution in accordance with this Declaration, propose: that
no State Official may seek a consecutive Term for the same
Office, or accept or solicit Campaign Contributions for any
other Office; that Counties be invested with Sovereign Capacity,
as in Swiss Cantons whose vassal is the Swiss State, but solely
via popular Referenda; that every County be represented at the
Statehouse by an equal number of Senators, and each District
therein by a Representative elected by Its Citizens using
handcounted Paper Ballots as in Canada; and that the free
System of English Laws be fully restored, whereby a Bar
Member may not directly represent, nor outside the Courtroom
confer with Litigants on their cases, other than by way of
Litigants' Attorneys who by Law may not be Bar Members nor
other Officers of the State, thereby avoiding Conflicts of
Interest when representing Litigants, as avoided even in South
Africa, where the free System is still preserved.

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