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Minggu/ Tarikh M1 (17/6 21/6) Topik/ Tajuk Exploration of types of stories Modern fantasy Realistic fiction Non-fiction Biography/Autobiography Folktales (folklore/mythology) , fables, legends, parables TUTORIAL ( 1 HOUR ) Group task: Choose stories from any 3 genres of children stories to be taught for a designated level, Justify your choices. Read: Kurikulum Standard SekolahRendah. 2009. KementerianPelajaran Malaysia: BahagianPerkembanganKurikulum. Class Readers list. ISL TASKS ( I HOUR )

M2 (24/6 28/6)

Importance of stories for young learners

M3 ( 1/7 5/7)

Features of childrens stories Character Storyline Time sequence Class task: Students identify and discuss Setting the features of Diction children stories Length based on the books Illustration they remember Read:
Stories and the teaching contexts in the primary English curriculum (Refer to Readersspecified in National School Curriculum) World of Self World of Stories World of Knowledge Group Task: Refer to school readers to determine how they fit into - World of Self - World of Stories - World of Knowledge

Individual task: Students identify the first book they recall reading. Draw the cover and highlight what they remember.

Read: Johnson, Denise. (2009). The joy of childrens literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pub. Co. (Chapter 2)

Johnson, Denise. (2009). The joy of childrens literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pub. Co. (Chapter 3) Hancock, M. R. (2004). A celebration of literature and response: Children, books and teachers in K-8 classrooms. New Jersey: Pearson Edu. Inc.


M4 (8/7 12/7)

Stories and development of personalities The hopes of mankind Forming moral judgments Stimulate mental processes Effect on personality of learners

Group Task: Identify relevant titles from the selected Readers that can help develop the personality traits listed. Individual Task: For any one title you have selected, show how the personality traits of the characters can be used to help pupils form moral judgements.

Sawyer, Walter, E. (2004). Growing up with literature. (4th ed.) NY: Thomson. (Chapter 1) Lynch-Brown, Carol & Tomlinson, Carl, M. (2005). Essentials of Childrens Literature. (5th ed.) Boston: Pearson. (Chapter 1)

M5 (15/7 19/7)

Selection of stories for young learners Appropriate language level Content Visuals Language learning potentials

Group task: Identify a story book you could use to develop a drama performance. Why is the book suitable? What are the benefits of such activities? Using the same book, create 3 language focused activities or worksheets.

Read: Russell, David L. (2006). Literature for children: a short introduction. (5th ed.) Boston: Pearson. (Chapter 2)


M6 (22/7 26/7)

Stories in the ESL Classroom Techniques and strategies in exploring Aesthetic values Linguistic features

Group Task Explain different techniques and strategies in exploring: - Intellectual development (Piagets developmental stages) - moral/personality development (Kohlbergs Model)

Sawyer, Walter, E. (2004). Growing up with literature. (4th ed.) NY: Thomson. (Chapter 1) Lynch-Brown, Carol & Tomlinson, Carl, M. (2005). Essentials of Childrens Literature. (5th ed.) Boston: Pearson. (Chapter 1)

M7 ( 29/7 2/8 )

Stories in the ESL Classroom Techniques and strategies in exploring Intellectual Moral / Personality

Group task: Take turns to tell a story. Use your checklist to evaluate your storytelling. Class work: Show case the best story tellers.

Read: Russell, David L. (2006). Literature for children: a short introduction. (5th ed.) Boston: Pearson. (Chapter 2)

M8 ( 5/8 9/8 )


Crafts of Storytelling Diction Intonation Gesture Facial expression

Discuss and analyze the following strategies reading aloud storytelling theatrical story telling children as authors and storytellers Discuss and analyze the benefits of using various forms and types of poetry

Read: Lamb, N. (2008) The art and craft of storytelling: a comprehensive guide to classic writing techniques. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writers Digest Books. Useful URL: http://storytellingcraftsandkids. Smyth, J. (2005) Storytelling with young children. Watson, ACT: Early Childhood Australia.

M9 (12/8 16/8 ) SEMESTER BREAK M 10 ( 19/8 23/8 ) SCHOOL BASE EXPERIENCE PBS 2 M 11 (26/8- 30/8 ) 6.0 Crafts of Storytelling Poise Voice projection Body movement Time Props Individual task: Select an item which could enhance their performance as a story teller (e.g. card, sock, stick and paper, card and string, paper cups) These items have to be used to create a story. Students justify their choices. Read: Davies, Allison. (2007). Storytelling in the classroom. Nottingham: Paul Chapman Publishing. (Part One)

Smyth, J. (2005) Storytelling with young children. Watson, ACT: Early Childhood Australia.

M 12 ( 2/9 5/9 )


Exploring Language through stories Developing fluency and cohesion Reading aloud and understanding

Class task: Group One: usesBig Book strategy Group Two : uses Round Robin strategy Use the story chosen to discuss suitable techniques and strategies to enhance understanding

Read: Karge, B. D. &Dunnick, M. M. (2003). Puppet &Flannelboard: Stories for Reading Readiness. Westminster: Mary D. Smith, M. S. Ed. Davies, Allison. (2007). Storytelling in the classroom. Nottingham: Paul Chapman Publishing. (Part Two) Smyth, J. (2005) Storytelling with young children. Watson, ACT: Early Childhood Australia.

M 13 ( 9/9 13/9 )


Exploring Language through stories Stories and writing Stories and critical thinking

Group task: Select a story and identify the conflict. Make suggestions for solutions. Choose any of the solutions suggested to create a new ending.

Read: Hancock, M. R. (2004). A celebration of literature and response: Children, books and teachers in K-8 classrooms. New Jersey: Pearson Edu. Inc. (Part Three)

M 14 (16/9 20/9 )


Storytelling Performance Preparation for Storytelling

Students prepare for storytelling assessment: writing scripts characterization crafts and props

Hancock, M. R. (2004). A celebration of literature and response: Children, books and teachers in K-8 classrooms. New Jersey: Pearson Edu. Inc. (Part Three) Cox, C. (2008). Teaching language arts: A student-centred classroom. (6thed). Massachusetts: Allyn& Bacon. (Chapter 5)

M 15 (23/9 27/9 )


Storytelling Performance Storytelling

Read: M 16 (30/9 4/10 ) 9.0 Storytelling Performance Reflection Exhibition of story crafts Preparation for story crafts exhibition Farr, Roger (1990). "Setting directions for language arts portfolios." Educational Leadership, 48 (3), 103. Hancock, M. R. (2004). A celebration of literature and response: Children, books and teachers in K-8 classrooms. New Jersey: Pearson Edu. Inc. (Part Three)

M 17 (7/10 11/10 )


Types of Assessment Portfolio Aural-oral assessment Written assessment

Class task: Discuss and create a set of criteria for portfolio assessment. Rationalise each criteria and suggest suitable documentation. Group task: Design aural-oral and written assessment using stories as resource. Discuss how these assessments can be

M 18 (14/10 18/10) REVISION M 19 (21/10 25/10) REVISION M 20 (28/10 1/11) REVISION

M 21 (4/11 8/11) EXAMINATION M22 (11/11 15/11) EXAMINATION

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