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w w w. T h e R e s o u r c e S e n t i n e l .

c o m
O p i n i o n s



D e b a t e
March 2007

by Howard B. Hanson


After forty years of the Integration Movement, fostered by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his followers, why are we now, more than ever, being deluged with movements for rights? Every day we read about groups who want civil rights, equal rights, human rights, gay rights, abortion rights, water rights, patient rights, shareholder rights and treaty rights. Where are the leaders of this great preachers movement for Equal Rights? Where did the civil rights movement go wrong?

primary offensive weapon. Its huge armies are funded by the richest people in our society, through their corporate and personal tax-exempt 501(C3) foundations. Under the guise of Culture and Religion, these foundations escape taxation, enjoying the same tax-free status as churches, while being used for political action. They even bring the churches into the debate through pleas for Peace, Human Rights and Social Justice.


After the demise of our countrys greatest ever civil rights leader, the race movement changed from the direction of one colorless society, with everyone entitled to equal rights, to one that granted special rights to special colors. This movement uses the word racist as its

The beginning of the American Indian Movement in Minneapolis in the 1960s was the beginning of the end for the Dream of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Native Americans living on reservations have no 14th amendment rights. Indian tribal business councils have no separation of powers. This means that, when harmed, Indian citizens have no access to the state or federal courts that all Native Americans living other American citizens have access to. As United States citizens, on reservations have no Indians have only one choice if 14th amendment rights. they dont like the way they are treated: stay on the reservation and accept a communistic dictatorial
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lifestyle or leave and join in the pursuit of the American dream. Until the beginning of untaxed gaming, the majority of the Indian population had done just that. Tribalism is not only an unconstitutional unrepublican form of government, it is also extremely racist. Tribal leaders are manipulated by the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, the Congress of Federal Indian Tribes based in Washington, D.C., rogue Federal Agencies acting unconstitutionally with their Sovereign Nation to Sovereign Nation shell games, plus an army of lobbyists funded by the rich and powerful. They use tribal United States citizens, who have no rights, in a form of bondage to control territory and the resource wealth of our country, using Tribal Sovereignty, (Supremacy) to take away the rights of all citizens who live in that territory.

They use tribal United States citizens, who have no rights, in a form of bondage to control territory and the resource wealth of our country
You have to journey back to the Nixon era and the forming of AIM and the Indigenous Peoples Movement in the United Nations to begin to understand all the conflicts that have been and are on-going around the world; both here in the United States, as well as in countries like Bosnia, Iraq, Mexico, Africa, East Timor and many more. One example is the conflict between the citizens of Minnesota, Wisconsin and many other states, with the Ojibwe, Chippewa and other Indian Tribes, who are being used to gillnet our public waters for the benefit of the largest shareholders of the supermarket and restaurant chains. They are doing so under the guise of historical revisionist Treaty Rights. The gillnetting overharvests our lakes, which in turn bankrupts resorts and tourism related businesses. Commercial gillnetting causes conflicts that greatly affect the local citizens quality of life. These conflicts are caused by rogue unconstitutional federal agencies like The Department of Interior, The Environmental Protection Agency, and The Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Commission. These are just a few of the many agencies that use the Tribal Sovereignty and Tribal Sovereign Immunity shell game to take away the rights of all citizens to participate in the process of running and managing their own local governments and resources. In Iraq, the George Bush administration gave control of Iraqs Northern oil fields to the Kurdish people. The neighboring countries of Turkey and Greece objected, citing conflicts that were sure to come. Recently, they announced a new country based on race called Kurdistan. This is similar to other new countries which have been formed recently around the world. The racist tribal conflicts caused in Iraq over oil are the same conflicts experienced in Minnesota over the natural resource of fish. 2

Tribal members are not guaranteed the same constitutional rights you have


President George W. Bush Sorry Mr. President, but people who believe in the true equality and true justice preached by great Americans, like the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, will never sell their souls to support your shell game. By giving the oil or the fish to just one ethnic group of citizens, how can the President of these United States justify saying that he is promoting Freedom and Democracy? Instead, he is pushing an unconstitutional, Racist, Tribalistic agenda that is so evil and divisive that it is causing conflicts resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. One can only wonder what our world would be like today had the rich and powerful spent their billions of foundation grant money the past forty years doing good works for the indigenous peoples, bringing them books to elevate education, instead of guns to kill. How different would our world be, if all the money had been spent promoting Martin Luther Kings dream of equality? What would our political landscape be like today, if the billions of dollars spent on Cultural Diversity and Political Correctness had been spent instead on

What would our political landscape be like today, if the billions of dollars spent on Cultural Diversity and Political Correctness had been spent instead on Constitutional Correctness?

Constitutional Correctness? How could the world have gone wrong, if the billions had been spent on the love of fellow man and the golden rule and the ideals of the 14th Amendment of our U.S. Constitution with its guarantee of the Equal Protection of the Law for all citizens? The American Indian Movement in America and the Indigenous Peoples Movement in the U.N. will go down in history as the most destructive con game in the history of politics. Yes, President Bush and his oil, natural gas, coal, lumber, fish and energy barons are richer, but at what cost to the world? Indian Reservations throughout the Midwest are drug havens, with increasing crime and physical violence among members. Surrounding communities suffer as Tribal Leaders use untaxed gambling revenues to buy land and then try to take it off the tax rolls. This is resulting in an apartheid system being pushed on us by the richest people in our society.

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Separate but equal, the concept handed down over 100 years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark Plessy vs. Ferguson case, affirmed racial segregation. The court upheld a Louisiana law allowing racial segregation in public facilities if equal facilities were provided for both races. In 1954s Brown v. Board of Education, the court reversed its earlier decision, stating that separating children by race in different schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. In 1968 Congress enacted a separate Indian Bill of Rights, in an effort to separate the judicial, legislative and administrative branches of government on reservations. Then ten years later in 1978, a Supreme Court decision ruled that Indian tribal governments themselves could decide how and to what extent Indian Civil Rights would be applied, if at all. This decision rendered the Indian Bill of Rights virtually worthless. A tribal chief and tribal council not only have full executive, legislative and judicial authority on the reservation, they decide whether their citi-

A tribal chief and tribal council not only have full executive, legislative and judicial authority on the reservation, they decide whether their citizens have any rights at all.

zens have any rights at all. On most reservations, tribal members have fewer rights than citizens of third world dictatorships.


While in Washington, D.C. last year, we noticed a big banner on the building where the National Indian Gaming Association resides. The sign proclaimed Its working! We would like to ask: For whom? We know it is working for Senator John McCain. We know it is working for Abramoff s mob, their lobbyists and the politicians and bureaucrats they buy, but it certainly is NOT working for most tribal citizens and we citizens paying the social costs of the untaxed gambling. It surely isnt working for the members of the American Indian Rights and Resources Organization whose members are asking for equal rights and an end to the corruption. Please visit their web site at It is time for congress to revisit Federal Indian Policy and the 14th Amendment to the Constitution and restructure our Federal Government so it grants the equal protection of the law to all United States Citizens.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: The Resource Sentinel The Resource Party Citizens Equal Rights Alliance (CERA) Proper Economic Resource Management (PERM) American Indian Rights and Resources Organization

26 W St. Albans Rd. Hopkins, MN 55305 Phone: 612-868-3148 Fax: 952-988-9364

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