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Topic:RoleofMosques. Nodoubt,accordingtotheliteralconceptofMasjed,itisplaceofprostrationandgenerallyitis knownasHouseofAllah(SWT).ConceptandpracticeofIbadahisalsopresentinotherreligions. MuslimsinvestMillionsandBillionstoconstructbeautifulandvastmosques. Mosquesplayanimportantroleinoursociallife.InearliereraofIslamitwasusedascenterofmany differentsocialactivitiesincludingadministrativeandjudicialmatters.Butatthesametime,Worldly talksarestrictlyprohibitedinmosquesaccordingtotheteachingsofIslam.Keepinginviewthesetwo contradictorysituations,youhavetoanalyze: 1. WhatismeantbyWorldlytalkswhichareprohibitedinmosques? 2. Canmosquesbeusedforothersocialactivitiesalongwithdailyprayers?

? Solution: First we have to analyze that what is meant by Worldly talks? According to Quranic terminology, Lahwo u Laab (play and funfair) is meant by Worldly talks. We can understand concept of this term by reciting and understanding the concept of related Ayah I.e.

(The luxury) of the worldly life is nothing but play and funfair, and certainly it is the home of the Hereafter which is better for the God fearing. Do you not understand (this reality)? (Al-Anaam: 32) Talks that make cause us closer to Satan and away from the path of Allah (SWT) are called Worldly talks. To abstain from aimless talks and activities are amongst the signs of good Muslim. As our Holy Prophet (SAW) said:


It is beauty of some ones Islam that he leaves the irrelevant things In my view, talks about evil and spreading of evils will be considered as Worldly talks. Consultation with men of wisdom and scholars in mosques and out of the mosques for the betterment of this Worldly life and Hereafter is not included in prohibited Worldly talks. Talks for betterment of Hereafter are proved reality and do not needs to be discuss more. So for as talks for betterment of this Worldly life, if it is prohibited then why Quran guide us to pray:

O our Lord, q grant us excellence in this world, and excellence in the Hereafter (as well), and save us from the torment of Hell. (Al- Baqrah: 201)

Topic:RoleofMosques. In betterment of Worldly life, all matters from house affairs to system of Government, from sources of economy to commerce, politics and all social life is included. So according to my understanding (though incomplete), useless, baseless and aimless talks and activities, backbiting and other sinful talks are meant by Worldly talks which are prohibited for ever at any place either in mosque or out of mosque? In Hadees e Mubarakah, particularly narration of word masque is showing the sanctity of mosques and special emphasize on abstaining this act above all in mosques. Mean, although this act is prohibited anywhere and in mosque particularly. Regarding 2nd question i.e. can mosques be used for other social activities along with daily prayers? Yes, it can be used. In the era of Holy Prophet and sacred caliphs, mosques were centre of positive activities. Purpose of congregational prayers is to be well informed about problems of our brothers in Islam in their daily life and try to solve them. Discussion about worldly problems is definitely worldly talks. The mosque was the headquarters of the Islamic States supreme leadership. It was also a center where the States affairs were run. Mosques were centre of legislation playing role of Parliament. New contemporary issues were presented to the men of wisdom and knowledge from companions of Holy Prophet who were members of this parliament (Women were also members of this forum). After open debate, decisions were made consensually and their copies were sent to all sides of Muslim state for implementation. All this was done in mosque. Judicial decisions were also made in mosque where appellant fire his suit. Defendant and witness were called, after cross questioning, final decision was announced. Mosque of Holy Prophet was also playing a role of GHQ of armed Islamic force where situation of law and order within the Muslim State, borders condition and war strategies were discussed. In case of offence military troops and their leaders were deputed. Keeping in view the ground realities, instructions were given and all this was done in mosque. Ambassadors from different countries were welcomed there in the mosque. Foreign policy was also discussed there. Representatives of other religions were made stay there; facility of worship Allah SWT according to the teachings of their religions was also provided to them within the masque. In this way, that mosque was playing a role as a centre of Inter faith harmony. In earlier days of Islam when proper jails were not established, war prisoners were also kept in mosque. Sacred companions used to share their domestic affairs like their personal diseases, their disputes with their wives, issues of their children, their marriages even the problems of their animals there in the mosque and get consultation form the Holy Prophet. Mosques are also centers of education. There are many eminent Universities; their foundation was laid in mosques like Al-Azhar University in Egypt and International Islamic university in Islamabad. There are thousands of mosques along with Madaris are established where both religious and secular education is given.

Topic:RoleofMosques. Looking at all these historical evidences, I shall conclude that no doubt mosques can be used for other positive activities along with daily prayers based on virtue, abstaining from all kinds of sins. Keeping in view the status of mosques as House of Allah (SWT), we should keep ourselves away from all those acts which are against the sanctity of mosques. In this way, we shall be able to get the blessings from Allah (SWT)

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