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I. Art: How does Art makes us alive?

Art is the expression of the creative mind and it helps us see the abstract world and makes us see the world through different lens. Art is what makes us think about the world as we see it and we would like it to be. Art allows us to deviate from the written rules and make our own haven in the world. It is the expression of what is special and different in every one of us. When the slaves came from Africa, they expressed themselves in their dancing; it allowed them to stay in touch with their roots. That is what art is. It frees the mind from its preconceived notion and allow the spirit to make the choices. It is also the expression of what we feel I our deepest hearts. Art is also that which brings us closer to our humanity. It allows us to answer the hard questions with the simplest answers. Art also allows each individual to interpret and examine their lives inn their own unique way. That is why art make us alive. It gives us the ability to have the desire to persevere in the face of adversity. It also allows us to examine our life and our interaction with other people. It opens our mind to all the possibilities around us. Even looking at the clouds is art. When you make out images from the moon at night, that is art. That is why it makes us alive. II. Gilgamesh: four archetypal images Women tempt Men into abandoning their ingrained beliefs This is a parallel to the bible. Adam and Eve are paralleled to Shamhat and Enkidu. Eve tempts Adam to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge and also how Shamhat tamed the beast in Enkidu and made him weaker than he was. The significance of this is that women destroy better men to make weak. Women are seen as the harbinger of weakness. As soon as Shamhat tames Enkidu, he loses a part of himself. This archetype is recurring since the bible; women tempt men to stray from their ultimate goal. Shamhat makes Enkidu less than he is and more than he was. He lost his innocent view of nature that had made him powerful. The Foreshadowing of events by Prophetic Dreams In Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh foreshadows the arrival of Enkidu by dreams he had. This helps the reader better understand Gilgameshs treatment of his people. Although cruel, he despairs for his people.

III. Four beautiful passages from Gilgamesh Ninsun, I want your words to be tre. I have never known such weariness before, As if some life in me has disappeared Or needs to be filled up again. I am alone and I have longed For some companionship. My people Also have grown tired of my solitude. This shows a side of Gilgamesh that his people do not know. His strength and might means nothing I this instance. He is humbled and lonely just like when Achilles went to his mother after Agamemnon took Briseis. There is a similar parallel in the two situations. Gilgameshs loneliness is a result of having no one to challenge him,. He is feared and he has no equal. His life has grown too much to be boring and he is despairing because of it. When he rose again,

Looking for his friends who had gone, He felt strange exhaustion, As if life had left his body. He felt their absence. He imagined the gazelles raising the dry dust Like soft brush floating on the crests of sand, Swiftly changing direction, and the serpent Asleep at the springs, slipping effortlessly Into the water, and the wild she-camel Vanishing into the desert. His friends Had let him to a vast aloneness he had never felt before. The lions returned To the mountains, the water buffalo to the rivers, the birds to the sky. This passage is beautiful and poetic. The explanation of nature and how the animals are explains Enkidus disorientation. Why are you so worried about death? Only the gods are immortal anyway, Sighed Golgamesh What men do is nothing, so fear is never Justified. What happened to your power That once could challenge and equal mine? I will go ahead o fyou, and If I die I will at least have the reward Of having people say: He died in war Against Humbaba. You cannot discourage me With fears and hesitations. I will fight Humbaba I will cut down his cedars, Tell the armorers to build us two-edges swords And double shields and tell them I am impatient and cannot wait long This is one passage that spoke to me of Gilgameshs arrogance; his impatient nature and his inability ro listen to advice. It was ironic that he was talking about death but truly did not understand it. This is further proved when Enkidu dies and Gilgamesh begins his search to understand death and search for immortality. In a way he foreshadows his fear at his friends death. At the adversity of death, Gilgamesh is powerless to save the one thing he cares mostly about. His tone in this passage is that of the typical hero, and the author gives a glimpse of the old Gilgamesh who didnt care about anything. It is a characterization of the change that occurred in him since Enkidu entered his life. Death did not mean anything to him at this point only defeating his enemy and gaining glory. It is reminiscent of Kleos, glory in battle and honor in death at the battlefield. The way that the author presents this makes his whole point, the whole point being that the resolution of this millisecond that will help me try to connvinc eof the game.

IV. Genesis: Four examples of sexual behavior The

V. Egyptian art: Choose three works that strike you ad beautiful and/or strange Nefirtiti (p.74) The head of Nefirtity is amazing. The sculputure is in the

VI. Iliad: Four events from Book I, II, III, IV The

VII. Iliad: Four events from books VI, IX, XI

VIII. Iliad: Four acts of Apollo Books XII-XVII

IX. Iliad: Three Parallel situations

X. Sappho:

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