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<Imagen: Archivo Situacionista Hispano> ----------------------------------------------------------------------Bibliografa Bibliografa sobre situacionistas en castellano:

BLISSETT, Luther (1995): Guy Debord ha muerto, Madrid, radikales livres, 1998. DEBORD, Guy E. (1967): La sociedad del espectculo. Madrid, Castellote Editor, 1976. Trad. Fernando Casado. descatalogado DEBORD, Guy E. (1997): La sociedad del espectculo, Editora Universitaria de Chile. DEBORD, Guy E. (1988): Comentarios a la sociedad del espectculo. Barcelona, Anagrama, 1990. Trad. Carme Lpez. DEBORD, Guy E.: Revolucin y contra-revolucin en la cultura moderna. Revista Fuera de Banda, # 4: ni arte, ni poltica, ni urbanismo, Valencia, 1997. DEBORD, Guy E. (1955): Aullidos por Sade (guin cinematogrfico). Revista Sin ttulo, # 1, Cuenca, Facultad de BB.AA., 1994. Trad. Jos Antonio Sarmiento. DEBORD, Guy E. / WOLMAN, Gil J. (1956): Mtodos de Detournement. Revista Amano, # 7, Madrid, Industrias Mikuerpo, 1997. Trad. Luis Navarro. DEBORD, Guy E. (1973): "Refutacin de todos los juicios, tanto elogiosos como hostiles, que hasta ahora se han hecho sobre la pelcula "La sociedad del espectculo", traduccin de Laura Baigorri publicada en el fanzine Amano, # 9, Madrid, industrias mikuerpo, 1997. I.S. (1964): Cuestionario. Revista Amano, # 8. Madrid, Industrias Mikuerpo, 1997. I.S.: Sobre la miseria en el medio estudiantil. Barcelona, Anagrama, 1976. MARCUS, Greil (1989): Rastros de carmn. Una historia secreta del siglo XX. Barcelona, Anagrama, 1983. Trad. Damin Alou. RATGEB: De la huelga salvaje a la autogestin revolucionaria. Barcelona, Anagrama. descatalogado SANGINETTI, Gianfranco: Sobre el terrorismo y el estado. Bilbao, 1993. no especifica editorial SOLER, Santi (1978): Lucha de clases y clases de lucha. Barcelona, Anagrama, 1978. TEJUELO, Telesforo (1977): El MIL, Puig Antich y los GARI. Ruedo Ibrico, 1977. (Relaciones entre el MIL y la IS)descatalogado TLLEZ, Antonio (1994): El MIL y Puig Antich. Barcelona, Virus, 1994. (Relaciones entre el MIL y la IS) VANEIGEM, Raoul: Tratado del saber vivir para uso de las jvenes generaciones. Barcelona, Anagrama. VANEIGEM, Raoul: Trivialidades de base. Barcelona, Anagrama. descatalogado VINET, R: Enrags: Y situacionistas en el movimiento de las ocupaciones, Madrid, Miguel Castellote Editor, 1978. descatalogado VV.AA.: Textos situacionistas - Crtica de la vida cotidiana. Cuadernos Anagrama, Barcelona, 1973. Traduccin de Eduardo Subirats. descatalogado VV.AA.: La creacin abierta y sus enemigos. Textos situacionistas sobre arte y urbanismo. Madrid, La Piqueta, 1977. Trad. Julio Gonzlez del Ro Rams. VV.AA.: Textos situacionistas sobre los Consejos Obreros, Madrid, Campo Abierto, 1977, trad. Juan Fonseca. VV.AA.: Panfletos y escritos de la Internacional Sitaucionista, Madrid, Fundamentos, 1976, trad. Jos Domnguez Tenreiro. VV.AA.: Situacionistas: arte, poltica, urbanismo. Catlogo de la exposicin realizada en Barcelona, MACBA, 1997. VV.AA.: Teora de la deriva y otros textos situacionistas sobre la ciudad. Barcelona, MACBA, 1997). VV.AA. (Julio Prez Perucha, coord.): Los aos que conmovieron al cinema -las rupturas del 68-, Filmoteca Valenciana en Ediciones, Textos 2 Filmoteca, Valencia 1988; contiene los artculos- "Intrucciones para la realizacin de films situacionistas" de Ren Vinet (pp. 355-356) y "El cine y la revolucin", Internacional Situacionista (pp. 357-58) Bibliografa Situacionista en francs: APOSTOLIDS, Jean-Marie: "Du Surralisme l'Internationale situationniste: la question de l'image", Modern Language Notes, 105, 1990, pp. 727-749. BERREBY, Gerard (ed.): Documents relatifs la fondation de l'Internationale situationniste: 1948/1957. Paris, ditions Allia, 1985. BUCK, Guillaume: Approche thorique de l'Internationale Situationniste (1957-1971) et ses rapports avec la thorie et le mouvement anarchiste, Paris, Mmoire de maitrise de sciences politiques, 1987. COBRA: Cobra 19481951, Amsterdam, Van Gennep, 1980. COEURDEROY, Ernest: Pour la rvolution. Champ Libre DEBORD, Guy: La socit du spectacle. Champ Libre, 1967 DEBORD, Guy: Commentaires sur La socit du spectacle. Grard Lebovici 1988 DEBORD, Guy: Ouvres cinmatographiques compltes. Paris, Champ Libre, 1979. DEBORD, Guy: Panigyrique. Champ Libre DEBORD, Guy & SANGUINETTI, Gianfranco: La vritable scission dans l'Internationale. Paris, Champ Libre, 1972. DEBORD, Guy: Prface la quatrime dition italienne de 'la socit du spectacle'. Paris, Champ Libre, 1979. DEBORD, Guy: Textes rares: 1955-1970, Paris, [s.n.], 1981. DEBORD, Guy: Ordures et dcombres daballes la sortie du film 'in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni', Paris, Champ Libre, 1982. DEBORD, Guy: Considration sur l'assassinat de Grard Lebovici, Paris, Grard Lebovici, 1985. DEBORD, Guy & BECKER_HO, Alice: Le 'Jeu de la guerre': revel des positions successives de toutes les forces au cours d'une partie, Paris, Grard Lebovici, 1987. DUMONTIER, Pascal: Les

Situationnistes et Mai 68. Thorie et pratique de la rvolution (1966-1972). Paris, Grard Lebovici, 1990. GOMBIN, Richard: Les origines du gauchismo, Paris, dictions du Seuil, 1971. INTERNATIONAL SITUATIONNISTE: De la misre en milieu tudiant, considre sous ses aspects conomique, politique, psychologique, sexual et notamment intellectuel et de quelques moyens pour y remdier, Paris, Association fderative gnrale des tudiants de Strasbourg, 1966, Centre de recherche sur la question sociale, 1974, Champ Libre, 1976. INTERNATIONAL SITUATIONNISTE: Dbat d'orientation de l'ex-Internationale Situationniste, Paris, Centre de recherche sur la question sociale, 1974. JORN, Asgern: Pour la forme. Internationale Situationniste JORN, Asgern: Fin de Copenaghe. Allia KUBLER, Georges: Formes du temps. Champ Libre LAMBERT, Jean-Clarence: Cobra: un art libre, Paris, Chene/Hachette, 1983. LETTRISTE INTERNATIONALE: Potlacht 1954-57, Paris, Grard Lebovici, 1985. LEWINTER, Roger: L'attrait des choses. Champ Libre MARIN, Marcel: L'activit surraliste en Belgique (1924-1950), Bruxelles, Le Fil rouge, Editions Leber Hossmann, 1979. MARTIN, Louis: Journal d'un griviste T.C. diteur, BP 17 84300 Les Vigneres (France) MARTOS, Jean-Franois: Histoire de l'Internationale Situationniste. Paris, Grard Lebovici, 1989. MOINET, Jean Louis: Fin de la science. Autoeditado (fait lui-meme) RASPAUD, Jean-Jacques & VOYER, JeanPierre: L'Internationale Situationniste. Protagonistes, chronologie, bibliographie, protagonistes (avec un index des noms insults). Paris, Champ Libre, 1972. ROMILD, Laura and Vincent, Jacques: checs situationnistes, Paris, Imprimerie de Cop&eacitedith, 1988. SANGINETTI, Gianfranco: Vridique rapport sur les dernieres chances de sauver le capitalisme en Itlaie. Champ Libre SCHLATTER, Christian: "What is Lettrisme?", Flash Art, 145, 1989, pp. 92-95. SECTION ITALIENNE DE L'INTERNATIONALE SITUATIONNISTE, crits complets (1969-1972, Paris, Contre-Moule, 1988. SEMPRUN, Jaime: La guerre sociale au Portugal. Champ Libre VANEIGEM, Raoul: Trait de savoirvivre l'usage des jeunes gnrations. Paris, Gallimard 1967. VANEIGEM, Raoul: Le livre des plaisirs. Paris, Encre, 1979. VINET, Ren: Enrags et situationnistes dans le mouvement des occupations. Paris, Gallimard 1968. VOYER, Jean_pierre: Une enquete sur la nature et les causes de la misre des gens, Paris, Champ Libre, 1976. VVAA: Archives situationnistes, Vol. 1 Traduccin de Luc Mercier, 192 pp. Librairie Parallles, 47, rue Saint-Honor, 75001 Paris. Tel: 01 42 33 62 70, Fax: 01 42 21 49 63 VVAA: Internationale Situationniste 1958-1969. Champ Libre/Grard Lebovici, 1975. VVAA: Les lvres nues; collection complte 1954-1958, Paris, Plasma, 1978. Bibliografa Situacionista en ingls: BACHMAYER, H.M.: "The 'Spur' Group: on art, fun and politics". SCHRENK, Klaus (ed.): Upheavals, manifestos, manifestations: conceptions in the arts at the beginning of the sixties: Berlin, Dsseldorf, Munich, Kln, DuMont, 1984. BALL, Edward: "The greatsideshow of the Situationist International", Yale French Studies, Nov. 1987, pp. 21-37. BALL, Edward: "The beautiful language of my century: from the Situationist to the Simulationist", Arts Magazine, 63, Jan. 1989, pp. 65-72. BARROT, Jean: "Critique of the Situatinoist International", Red-Eye, 1, 1979.. London, Unpopular Books, 1987. BARROT, Jean: What is Situationism?: Critique of the Situationist International. London, Unpopular Books, 1987. BARROT, Jean: What is Situationism?. Fort Bragg, CA, Flatland, 1991. BATCHELOR, David: "A little Situationism", Artscribe, Nov.Dec. 1987 BEARD, Steve: "Situationism", en Godfrey, John (ed.). A decade of i-deas: the ecyclopaideia of the '80s. London, Penguin, 1990, pp. 195-197. BELL, David: Cities of the mind, Birmingham: Urban Morphology Research Group, 1991. BELL, David: Take that Situation, Birmingham: Urban Morphology Research Group, 1991. BIGGER CAGES: Longer Chains: Spectacular Times 14 London, Spectacular Times, 1987 BIGGER CAGES: Cities of Illusion: Spectacular Times 13 London, Spectacular Times, 1987 BIGGER CAGES: Fin de Spectacle: Spectacular Times 4 London: Spectacular Times, 1980 BIGGER CAGES: "Images" and "Everyday Life", Spectacular Times 1 & 2 London, Spectacular Times, 1993. BIGGER CAGES: The Media:Spectacular Times 3 London, Spectacular Times, 1980 BIGGER CAGES: More of the Shame: Spectacular Times 11 London, Spectacular Times, 1983 BIGGER CAGES: Revolutionary Self-Theory: A Beginners' Manual London, Spectacular Times, 1985 BIGGER CAGES: The Spectacle, A Skeleton Key: Spectacular Times 8 London, Spectacular Times, 1982 BIGGER CAGES: True History of the Pyrate Captain Misson, His Crew & Their Colony of Libertatia London, Spectacular Times, 1980 BLAZWICK, Iwona (ed.): An endless adventure... an endless passion... an endless banquet: A situationist scrapbook. London, ICA & Verso, 1989. BONET, Alastair: "Situationism, geography and poststructuralism", Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 7, 1989. BONET, Alastair: "The Situationist legacy", Variant, autumm 1991. BONET, Alastair: "Art, ideology and everyday space: subversive tendencies from Dada to postmodernism", Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 10, 1992. BRACKEN, Len: Guy Debord. Revolutionary Feral House. Biografa de Debord. Incluye "The Game of War" BRACKEN, Len: "The Spectacle of Secrecy" CTHEORY (electronic journal), May 1994. BROWN, Bill: "The look we look at: T. J. Clark's walk back to the Situationist International", Arts Magazine, 63, Jan. 1989. BUKATMAN, Scott: "There's always tomorrowland: Disney and the hypercinematic experience", October, 57, 1991, pp. 55-78.

CALLUORI, Raymond Anthony: Cultural terrorism: British Punk and the unity of misery in everyday life, Rutgers University N.Y. PHD. 1984. CARR, C.: "The Situatinist situation: what we talk about when we talk about the avant-garde", Voice Literary Supplement, abril 1990. CLARK, Timothy James: The painting of modern life: Paris in the art of Manet an his followers, London, Thames and Hudson, 1990. CRARY, Jonathan: "Spectacle, attention, counter-memory", October, 50, 1989, pp. 97-107. CRAWFORD, Margeret: "The Hacienda must be built", Design Book Review, 24, 1992, pp. 38-42. CRONIN, Isaac and SELTZER, Terrel: Call it sleep, London, B.M. Combustion, 1983. DAVIDSON, Steef: The Penguin book of political comics, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1982. DEBORD, Guy E.: The Society of the Spectacle (trad. Fredy Perlman, et al.). Detroit: Black & Red, 1983 DEBORD, Guy E.: The Society of the Spectacle (trad. Donald Nicholson-Smith). New York: Zone Books, 1994 DEBORD, Guy E.: The Society of the Spectacle and Other Films London, Rebel Press, 1992 DEBORD, Guy E.: Preface to the Fourth Italian Edition of "The Society of the a Spectacle" London: Chronos Press, 1979. DEBORD, Guy E.: Comments on the society of the spectacle London, Verso, 1991 DEBORD, Guy E.: In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consmimur Igni Stirling, Scotland: AK Press, 1991 DEBORD, Guy E.: Panegyric London, Verso, 1991. autobiografa DEBORD, Guy E.: The veritable Split In The International Chronos. Contiene el texto "These on the SI and its Time", de Debord y Sanguinetti DUNBAR, David: "The picturesque ruins of the Situationist International", Performance, 58, 1989, pp. 30-43. FORSYTH, Lucy: The Supersession of the S.I.?, Paper for the S.I. meeting in Manchaster, England, January 1996 FOSTER, Stephen C. (ed.) "Lettrisme: Into the Present" Visible Language, Summer 1983. FRANCIS, Mark: "It's all over: the material (and anti-material) evidence", Sussman, 57, pp. 16-19. FUNDI: None Shall Escape: Radical Perspectives in the Caribbean. London, News from Everywhere, 1988 GOMBIN, Richard: The origins of modern leftism, London, Pelican, 1975. GRAY, Chris: Leaving the Twentieth Century: the incomplete work of the Situationist International, London, Free Fall Publications, 1974. HAHNE, Ron: Black Mask & Up Against the Wall Motherfucker London: Unpopular Books & Sabotage Editions, 1993 HALL, Tim: The use of urban spectacle in the regeneration of blighted urban areas: some preliminary considerations, Birmingham, Urban Morphology Research Group, 1991. HARPER, Clifford: Anarchy: a graphic guide, London, Camden Press, 1987. HATTON, Brian: "Tricky Situations", Building Design, 944, 1989, pp. 24-25. HEYNEN, Hilde: "Architecture under the regime of the spectacle", Forum International, 3, 1992, pp. 50-55. HOME, Stewart: The Assault on Culture: utopian currents from Lettrisme to Class War London, Aporia Press and Unpopular Books, 1988. HORELICK, Jon (ed.): Diversion 1, New York, Diversion, 1973. JORN, Asger: Open Creation and Its Enemies London: Unpopular Books, 1994. KNABB, Ken (ed.): Situationist International Anthology Berkeley, Bureau of Public Secrets, 1981 KNABB, Ken: The realization and suppression of religion Berkeley, Bureau of Public Secrets, 1977 KNABB, Ken: The relevance of Rexroth Berkeley, Bureau of Public Secrets, 1981 KNABB, Ken: On the Passage of a few people through a rather brief moment of time: the Situationist International, 1957-1972. Cambridge, ICA/MIT Press, 1989. KNABB, Ken: Ten Days That Shook the University (On the Poverty of Student Life) Detroit: Black & Red, 1983. KNABB, Ken: The Veritable Split in the International. London: Chronos Press, 1990. KNABB, Ken: (American Section). Situationist International: Number 1 - June 1969. Portland, OR: Extreme Press, 1993. KNABB, Ken (ed.): Bureau of Public Secrets 1 Berkeley: Bureau of Public Secrets, 1976 LAMBERT, Jean-Clarence: Cobra, London, Sotheby Publication, 1983. LAMBERT, Jean-Clarence: Cobra, New York, Abbeville Press, 1985. LAW, Larry: Animals: Spectacular Times 10 (revised) London, Spectacular Times, 1986 LAW, Larry: The Bad Days Will End: Spectacular Times 12. London: Spectacular Times, 1983. LEFEBVRE, Henri: The critique of everyday life, London, Verso, 1991. LEFEBVRE, Henri: "The everyday and everydayness", Yale French Studies, 73, pp. 7-11. MAAYAN, Myriam D.: "From aesthetic to political vanguard: the Situationist International, 1957-1968, Arts Magazine, 63, 1989, pp. 49-53. MARAGLIANO, Giorgio: "The invisible insurrection: the Situationists revisited - dtournement rendered autonomous and removed from its context of subversion", Flash Art, 147, 1989, pp. 87-90. MARCUS, Greil: "How extreme was it? The long walk of the Situationist International", Voice Literary Supplement, 7, 1982, pp. 13-19. MARCUS, Greil: "The cow-boy philosopher", Artforum, March 1986, pp. 85-91. MARCUS, Greil: Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century London, Secker & Warburg, 1989. McDONOUGH, Thomas F.: Monographic issue Guy Debord and the Internationale Situationniste, "October" # 79, Winter 1997 MILLER, John, "The consumption of everyday life", Artscribe, 67, 1988, pp. 46-52. MILLER, R.: "The Situationists, resurrecting the avant-garde", Progressive Architecture, 72, 1991, p. 139-140. NEHRING, Neil Robert: The destructive character: Walter Benjamin and a situationist approach to English literature and pop music since the 1930s, University of Michigan, 1985. O'CONNER, John Edward: Revolution and the society of spectacle: a critical analysis of selected plays by Howard Brenton, University of Washington, 1989. PLANT, Sadie: "The Situationist International: a case of spectacular neglect", Radical Philosophy, 55, 1990, pp. 3-10. PLANT, Sadie: The most radical gesture: the Situationist International in the Postmodern Age London, Routledge, 1992 RATGEB: Contributions to the Revolutionary Struggle Intended to Be Discussed, Corrected, and Principally Put into Practice without Delay. London: Elephant Editions, 1990.

ROBERTS, John: "Eleven theses on the Situationist International", Selected errors: writings on art and politics 1981-1990, London, Pluto Press, 1992. ROH, Juliane: "The Spur Group", Schrenk, Klaus (ed.): Upheavals, manifestos, manifestations: conceptions in the arts at the beginning of the sixties: Berlin, Dsseldorf, Munich, Kln, DuMont, 1984. ROSS, Andrew: "The Rock 'n' Roll Ghost: Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century" October 50 (19 ), 108-117. SANGUINETTI, Gianfranco: On terrorism and the state (Chronos, paper, 101 pp) Las dos caras del mismo espectculo SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL: On the poverty of student life considered in its economic, political, psychological, sexual, and particularly intellectual aspects, and a modest proposal for its remedy London, Dark Star & Rebel Press, 1985. SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL: On the poverty of student life considered in its economic, political, psychological, sexual, and particularly intellectual aspects, and a modest proposal for its remedy Detroit, Black & Red, 1973. SLAWIKOWSKI, John Witold: Situationist theory: the Situationist Internetional and its supersession, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1976. SUSSMAN, Elizabeth (ed.): On the passage of a few people through a rather brief moment in time, Boston, M.I.T. Press, 1989. THOMAS, M.J.: "Urban Situationism", Planning Outlook, 17, 1975, pp. 27-39. VAGUE, Tom: "The 20th century and how to leave it: the boy scout's guide to the Situationist International", Vague, 16/17, 1984. VANEIGEM, Raoul: The revolution of everyday life London, Left Bank/Rebel Press, 1983 VANEIGEM, Raoul: The book of pleasures London, Pending Press, 1978 VANEIGEM, Raoul: The Movement of the Free Spirit. New York: Zone Books, 1994. VIENET, Rene: Enrages and Situationists in the Occupations Movement, May-June 1968 London/New York: Rebel Press/Autonomedia, 1990 WOLLEN , Peter: "The Situationist International", , 174, 1989, pp. 67-95. WOLLEN , Peter, et al.: On the passage of a few people through a rather brief moment in time MIT Press Ensayos de Guy Debord, Greil Marcus y Thoman Levin Bibliografa Situacionista en italiano: AGAMBEN, Giorgio [et. al.]: I Situazionisti, Roma, Manifestolibri, 1991. BANDINI, Mirella: L'estetico il politico: da Cobra all'Internazionale Situazionista, 1948-1957, Roma, Officini Edizioni, 1977. HOME, Stewart: Assalto alla cultura, correnti utopistiche dal Lettrismo a Class War, Bertiolo, AAA Edizioni, 1996. VV.AA.: Internazionale Situazionista, Genova, E.C.A.T. Libri, 1975. VV.AA.: Internazionale Situazionista (ce n'a t qu'un debut, Milano, La Salamandra, 1976. Bibliografa Situacionista en otros idiomas: BACHMAYER, H.M. et al.: , Mnchen, Galerie van de Loo, 1979. BITTERMANN, Klaus: Das Sterben der Phantome, Edition Tiamat, Berlin, 1. Aufl. 1988 BCKELMANN, Frank and Nagel: Subversive Aktion, der Sinn der Organisation ist ihr Scheitern, Frankfurt, Neue Kritik Verlag, 1976. COBRA: Nach uns die Freiheit! Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1995 CONSTANT: Constant, Haags: Gemeentemuseum, 1965. CONSTANT: Opstand van de homo ludens: een bundel voordrachten en artikelen, Bussum, Paul Brand, 1969. CONSTANT: Constant, schilderijen 1969-77: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1978. CONSTANT: Constant, schilderijen 19401980, Haags: Gemeentemuseum, 1980. CONSTANT: Constant, werk uit de periode 1975-1985, Utrech, Central Museum, 1965. CONSTANT: New Babylon, Den Haag, Gemeentemuseum, 1974. DAVIDSON, Steef: Beeldenstorm: de ontwikkeling van de politieke strip (1965-1975), Amsterdam, Van Gennep, 1978. DEBORD, Guy: Die Gesellschaft des Spektakels Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1978 DEBORD, Guy: Gegen den Film, Filmskripte Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1978 DEBORD, Guy: In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni, Wir irren des Nachts im Kreis umher und werden vom Feuer verzehrt Edition Tiamat, Berlin, 1. Aufl. 1985 DEBORD, Guy: Kommentare zur Gesellschaft des Spektakels Rohbersetzung von Bernd, Berlin, 1996 (dt.) DEBORD, Guy: La Socit du Spectacle Filmskript, Rekonstruktion des Films, bersetzung von Fritz, Achern, 1995 DEBORD, Guy: Rapport zur Konstruktion von Situationen Edition Nautilus Flugschrift No. 21, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1980 DEBORD, Guy / SANGUINETTI, Gianfranco Die wirkliche Spaltung der Internationalen ffentliches Zirkular der Situationistischen Internationale, Projektgruppe Gegengesellschaft, Dsseldorf, 1973 DEPUIS, Julles-Franois: Der radioaktive Kadaver, eine Geschichte des Surrealismus, Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1979 DER BEGINN EINER EPOCHE: Texte der Situationisten, Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1995 GRUPPE SPUR: Ein kultureller Putsch, Manifeste, Pamphlete und Provokationen der Gruppe SPUR, Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1991 JORN, Asger: Heringe in Acryl, Heftige Gedanken zu Kunst und Gesellschaft Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 2. Aufl. 1993 LOERS, Veit (ed.): Gruppe SPUR 1958-65: Lothar Fischer, Heimrad Prem, Helmut Sturm, HP Zimmer, Regensberg, Stdtische Galerie, 1986. OHRT, Roberto: Phantom Avantgarde: Eine Geschichte der Situatinistichen International und der modernen Kunst, Hamburg, Edition Nautilus und Galerie van de Loo, Hamburg, 1990. RATGEB: Vom wilden Streik zur generalisierten Selbstverwaltung MaD Flugschrift No. 11, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1975 SANDERS, R. J.: Beweging tegen

de schijn: de situationisten, een avant-garde, Amsterdam SANGUINETTI, Gianfranco: ber den Terrorismus und den Staat Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1981 SITUATIONISTISCHE INTERNATIONALE: 1958-1969 Gesammelte Ausgaben des Organs der Situationistischen Internationale, Band 1, MaD Verlag, Hamburg, 1. Auflage 1976 SITUATIONISTISCHE INTERNATIONALE: 1958-1969 Gesammelte Ausgaben des Organs der Situationistischen Internationale, Band 2, Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1977 SITUATIONISTISCHE INTERNATIONALE: Der groe Schlaf und seine Kunden, Situationistische Texte zur Kunst, Edition Nautilus und Edition Moderne, Hamburg und Zrich, 1. Aufl. 1990 SITUATIONISTISCHE INTERNATIONALE: ber das Elend im Studentenmilieu betrachtet unter seinen konomischen, politischen, psychologischen und besonders intellektuellen Aspekten und ber einige Mittel, diesem abzuhelfen. Edition Nautilus Flugschrift No.21, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1977 VANEIGEM, Raoul: Das Buch der Lste, Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1984 VANEIGEM, Raoul: Handbuch der Lebenskunst fr die jungen Generationen, Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 3. Aufl. 1980 VINET, Ren: Paris Mai `68, Wtende und Situationisten in der Bewegung der Besetzungen, Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, 1. Aufl. 1979

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