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Beyond Wernicke’s:

A Lexicon of Eponyms
in Psychiatry
David Bresch, M.D.

Because no one has ever composed a glossary of

psychiatry’s numerous eponyms, the author col- E ponyms, names derived from the name of a person,
were once popular heuristic devices. European
medicine still employs them more than American med-
lected eponymous signs and syndromes for a be- icine, which has gradually abandoned them. Psychiatry
havioral lexicon. Eponyms are included if they may have discarded eponyms more aggressively than
recall a real person, if they have special relevance other fields, perhaps from a desire to be precise. DSM-
to psychiatry, and if they describe an abnormal III’s authors explicitly eliminated them, for example.
symptom or syndrome that we consider clinically Many countries still use eponyms to pay tribute to a
important today, even if American physicians native physician. No one has ever collected behavioral
signs and syndromes to make a glossary for psychiatry
no longer favor the eponym. The author used house staff. The lexicon below, which is a comprehen-
MEDLINE and Campbell’s Psychiatric sive list of psychiatric signs and syndromes, facilitates
Dictionary to locate candidates for the glossary. exam preparation and general review. Each entry de-
A brief definition and suggested reference accom- scribes a sign or syndrome currently thought to be clin-
pany each entry. ically significant. MEDLINE describes most of the en-
(The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical tries by their eponyms, demonstrating some currency
Neurosciences 2002; 14:155–160) for these terms.

MEDLINE and Campbell’s Psychiatric Dictionary were
used to locate most entries.1 No particular search string
was employed, but when the author encountered an ep-
onym during his training, he located explanatory ref-
erences from MEDLINE, especially those that men-
tioned the eponym in their title or abstract. He read
through all of the entries in Campbell’s to systematically

Received May 9, 2000; revised April 25, 2001; accepted May 3, 2001.
From the Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania. Address correspondence to Dr. Bresch, 1150
Cushing Circle, Apt. 319, St. Paul, MN 55108.
Copyright 䉷 2002 American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 14:2, Spring 2002 155


identify missed eponyms that satisfy criteria listed be- Binswanger disease: A specific type of multi-infarct
low. The bibliography contains either the original de- dementia (a subtype of DSM-IV Vascular Dementia) in
scription of each condition or sign, or a useful modern which infarcts selectively affect the white matter.8
reference. Briquet syndrome: Somatization Disorder; the dis-
This lexicon includes eponyms if they meet the fol- order of multiple somatic complaints across different or-
lowing criteria: gan systems as a manifestation of anxiety.9
Broca aphasia: Aphasia characterized by impover-
1. They describe an abnormal sign or syndrome that ished or absent speech, preserved comprehension, and
is currently considered clinically significant, even if disturbed repetition, due to a lesion of Broca’s area, the
the eponym itself is out of favor; for example, the language area in the language-dominant frontal lobe.10
list excludes Beard’s disease (neurasthenia) and Er- Brueghel syndrome: Trigeminal dystonia that affects
ichsen’s disease (railway spine) but includes Kanner the mouth, sometimes provoked by antipsychotics.11
syndrome (autism) and Hakim-Adams syndrome Capgras syndrome: The belief that strangers in dis-
(normal-pressure hydrocephalus). guise have replaced persons known to the patient.12
2. They recall a real person, not a fictional one; for Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome: “Global cessation of
example, Dorian Gray, Othello, and Diogenes syn- dreaming”; the loss of all or part of dreaming after brain
dromes are excluded. injury.13
3. They have particular relevance to psychiatry. Charles Bonnet syndrome: Visual hallucinations in
4. More than one or two authors endorse their use. the context of reduced eyesight.14
Clerambault-Kandinsky syndrome: The syndrome
of “mental automatism,” which is similar to Schneider-
RESULTS ian “thought insertion” in schizophrenia; in French di-
agnosis, however, Clerambault-Kandinsky has a more
Seventy-four signs and syndromes meet the above cri- varied prognosis than schizophrenia. The syndrome in-
teria. A list follows: cludes any paranoid psychosis in which thought inser-
tions predominate, regardless of etiology.15
Alzheimer disease: Dementia characterized by early [Cornelia] de Lange syndrome: Congenital mental re-
memory loss, neurofibrillary tangles, and senile plaques; tardation distinctive for patients’ self-injury, hyperactiv-
its associated atrophy affects frontal lobes after other ity, sleeplessness, and aggression.16
areas.2 Cotard syndrome: Patient’s belief that he does not ex-
Angelman syndrome: Congenital syndrome of men- ist, that part of him is not there (e.g., his organs), or that
tal retardation and epilepsy that is distinctive for pup- he is dead.17
petlike movements, compulsive laughter, and heritabil- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Rapidly progressive de-
ity. A chromosome 15 deletion causes Angelman, the mentia caused by transmissible prions (proteinaceous
same defect as in Prader-Willi syndrome, but in Angelman infectious particles) and distinctive for ataxia, myo-
the mother transmits the deletion.3 clonus, EEG triphasic waves, and the diffuse spongi-
Anton syndrome: Condition of blindness in which pa- form appearance of the patient’s brain after death.18
tient denies he cannot see and confabulates; a specific Da Costa syndrome: Panic Disorder; the condition of
type of anosognosia. This condition is classically but not debilitating anxiety attacks accompanied by attempts to
exclusively associated with bilateral occipital cortex le- avoid such attacks.19
sions.4 De Clerambault syndrome: Erotomania, or more spe-
Asperger disorder: Developmental disorder similar cifically a female patient’s belief that a wealthier older
to autism, except that patients have no impairment in man, whom she does not know, loves her.20
communication.5 Down syndrome: Syndrome usually caused by tri-
Balint syndrome: Constellation of symptoms that in- somy,21 with mongoloid habitus, mental retardation,
cludes fixation of gaze, neglect of objects in visual sur- cardiac defects, and Alzheimer disease pathology after
round, and misreaching, usually due to bilateral supe- age 40 in virtually all patients, although not all patients
rior parieto-occipital lesions.6 have perceptible cognitive decline in addition to their
Bell mania: Disorganized hyperactivity (as opposed mental retardation.21
to waxy flexibility and rigidity in Stauder’s lethal catato- Ekbom syndrome: 1) delusional parasitosis, the belief
nia) that can be fatal if untreated; the syndrome is rare, that the skin is infested with parasites, sometimes as-
probably because of the widespread use of antipsychot- sociated with cocaine use; 2) restless legs syndrome, the
ics, and the eponym is antiquated.7 condition of annoying sensations in the extremities that

156 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 14:2, Spring 2002


disturbs sleep onset. European physicians prefer the Kleine-Levin syndrome: Syndrome of hyperphagia,
first definition, Americans the second.23,24 hypersexuality, and hypersomnia classically described
Fahr disease: Idiopathic calcification of basal ganglia in male adolescents.41
that causes dementia and abnormal extra movements, Klinefelter syndrome: Genetic condition in which ex-
often comorbid with obsessive-compulsive and mood tra X chromosomes (e.g., XXY) cause small testis, tall
symptoms.25 stature, and mild mental retardation; it is associated
Fregoli delusion: Belief that strangers are actually with antisocial behavior.42
persons well known to the patient, in disguise.26 Klüver-Bucy syndrome: Syndrome of temporal lobe
Ganser syndrome: The symptom of answering all damage involving hypersexuality and hyperorality.43
questions approximately; e.g., “2Ⳮ2⳱5.”27 Korsakoff syndrome: Chronic amnesia characterized
Gardner-Diamond syndrome: Purpura associated by difficulty in learning new information (anterograde
with psychological stress; subcutaneous injection of pa- amnesia), manifesting as confabulation; caused by thi-
tients’ own blood reproduces the rash in the (mostly fe- amin deficiency and totally or partially reversible in
male) sufferers.28 some cases.44
Gélineau syndrome: Narcolepsy; a disorder with Kozhevnikov syndrome: Continuous partial epilepsy
daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypna- leading to progressive cognitive deterioration.45
gogic hallucinations, and association with various hu- Kulenkampff-Tarnow syndrome: Neck-face syn-
man lymphocyte antigens.29 drome or dyskinetic-hypertonic syndrome; an acute
Gerstmann syndrome: Finger agnosia, agraphia, right- dystonia of the neck and face that may be provoked by
left disorientation, and dyscalculia, associated with dom- antipsychotics; the eponym is exclusively Eastern Eu-
inant parietal lobe lesions.30 ropean.46
Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease: Transmissi- Landau-Kleffner syndrome: Continuous partial sim-
ble prion disease that causes dementia and affects only ple epilepsy selectively causing loss of language devel-
individuals with specific autosomal-dominant defects of opment in children.47
chromosome 20.31 Langfeldt psychosis: Psychosis without the declining
Gjessing syndrome: “Periodic catatonia”; a disorgan-
course of schizophrenia. American physicians never em-
ized state of withdrawal or agitation that fluctuates on
ploy the eponym because American psychiatric diag-
and off.32
nosis has evolved to depend on presumed etiology and
Hakim-Adams syndrome: Normal-pressure hydro-
the affective/schizophrenic distinction, rather than psy-
cephalus; the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the
chiatric symptoms.48
ventricles without a large rise in intracranial pressure,
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome: Congenital mental retarda-
which often causes dementia, gait apraxia, and incon-
tion caused by a chromosome 26 deletion, with defective
tinence; shunting reverses the dementia if it is identified
purine metabolism and ferocious self-injury.49
in time.33
Lewy body disease: Cortical dementia with Lewy bod-
Hashimoto encephalitis: Treatable encephalopathy
associated with autoimmune thyroiditis.34 ies (the pathological finding in Parkinson Disease) dif-
Heller syndrome: Childhood Disintegrative Disorder; fusely distributed throughout the brain and with promi-
the loss of milestones in multiple domains after age 2.35 nent psychiatric symptoms in addition to dementia.
Hoigne syndrome: Acute psychosis due to intrave- Patients may or may not have associated parkinsonian
nous injection of penicillin.36 symptoms, and many are extremely sensitive to antipsy-
Hoover sign: Unconsciously exerted downward pres- chotics.50
sure with a healthy leg when the paretic leg is chal- Lhermitte syndrome: Peduncular hallucinosis; bizarre
lenged; its absence demonstrates a feigned deficit.37 hallucinations (classically, visions of Lilliputians) without
Huntington disease: Congenital dementia caused by other psychosis, due to a lesion in the midbrain.51
autosomal-dominant trinucleotide repeats on chromo- Marchiafava-Bignami disease: Dementia due to cal-
some 4 that lead to caudate damage, dementia, person- losal degeneration, associated with chronic alcohol (par-
ality change, chorea, and death.38 ticularly wine) abuse.52
Kahlbaum syndrome: Catatonia; a syndrome of waxy Marinescu reflex: Palmomental reflex; the movement
posturing or purposeless agitation or speech, treated of the chin after stroking the palm, which, when unilat-
with benzodiazepines and ECT.39 eral, suggests frontal or diffuse brain damage; the epo-
Kanner syndrome: Autism; a developmental disorder nym is exclusively Eastern European.53
with abnormal communication, impaired social interac- Martin-Bell syndrome: Fragile X–linked mental re-
tion, repetitive behavior, and symptoms before the age of tardation, a condition due to trinucleotide repeats on the
3 years.40 X chromosome that is the most common genetic cause

J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 14:2, Spring 2002 157


of mental retardation; particularly important in psychi- characterized recently as “PANDAS” when they occur
atry because many patients suffer from autism and vir- alone.68
tually all have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.54 Tourette syndrome: Disorder with both motor and
Meige syndrome: Dystonic blepharospasm; recurrent vocal tics (sometimes coprolalia), often comorbid with
involuntary blinking caused by a hypodopaminergic obsessive-compulsive symptoms.69
state such as that induced by antipsychotics.55 Von Economo disease: Encephalitis lethargica, a syn-
Morvan disease: Involuntary muscle fiber activity, drome that afflicted many victims of a viral epidemic in
hyperhydrosis, and sleeplessness that leads to death in the early 20th century and distinctive for parkinsonism,
weeks if not treated; possibly autoimmune.56 lethargy, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms;22 the
Myerson sign: Glabellar tap reflex; a failure to extin- subject of Oliver Sacks’s book Awakenings and the movie
guish blinking after 4 taps on the forehead that suggests based on it.
frontal, diffuse, or extrapyramidal disease.57 Waxman-Geschwind syndrome: Constellation of in-
Parkinson disease/syndrome: The “disease” is the id- terictal behavior including hyposexuality, hyperreligios-
iopathic degeneration of the substantia nigra that causes ity, hypergraphia, and “viscosity” (not observing appro-
resting tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity; the “syn- priate social boundaries in conversation), all seen in
drome” is these symptoms due to some other cause, some patients with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy.70
such as medication.58 Wernicke aphasia: Fluent aphasia characterized by
Pick disease: Dementia with frontal and temporal at- meaningless but productive speech, disturbed compre-
rophy, early personality change, and Pick bodies found hension, and disturbed repetition, due to a lesion of the
postmortem.59 language area with the same eponym (Wernicke’s) in the
Prader-Willi syndrome: Congenital form of mental re- language-dominant temporal lobe.71
tardation distinctive for patients’ compulsive eating and Wernicke encephalopathy: Triad of delirium, ataxia,
self-mutilation; caused by a chromosome 15 deletion.60 and abnormal eye movements associated with thiamin
Rasmussen syndrome: Unilateral brain atrophy and deficiency, particularly in alcohol abusers.72
continuous epilepsy that results in cognitive decline un- Williams syndrome: Congenital syndrome of mental
til the affected portion of brain is removed.61 retardation with deletion on chromosome 7, distinctive
Rett syndrome: Developmental disorder caused by an for patients’ fluent verbal ability and “elfin” face.73 Also
X-linked dominant mutation that is found mostly in girls know as Williams-Beuren or Fanconi-Schlesinger syndrome
and involves acquired microcephaly, reversal of cognitive Wilson disease: Congenital recessive condition of de-
and social development, ataxia, and “hand-wringing (ste- fective copper metabolism due to defect in chromosome
reotypic hand movements and manual dyspraxia).”62 13, characterized by hepatic symptoms and later psy-
Sanfilippo syndrome: Congenital mental retardation chiatric symptoms and choreoathetosis as various organ
caused by a chromosome 12 deletion, distinctive for ag- systems are overwhelmed by copper. It can be diag-
gression and insomnia.63 nosed (once central nervous system is affected) by find-
Smith-Magenis syndrome: Congenital mental re- ing Kaiser-Fleischer rings in the cornea with a slit-lamp,
tardation distinctive for severe self-injury and “self- though these are not universally present. A more reli-
hugging” behavior.64 able diagnosis depends on low ceruloplasmin and ele-
Stauder’s lethal catatonia: The former name for lethal vated copper in urine and liver biopsies.74
catatonia. The symptoms are arguably identical to those Wolfram syndrome: Rare autosomal recessive syn-
of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (fever, rigidity, delir- drome caused by defect in chromosome 4, with diabetes,
ium). Bell mania refers to agitated catatonia; Stauder’s re- bilateral optic atrophy, and diverse psychiatric disor-
fers to the rigid, hypokinetic type of lethal catatonia. Both ders. Heterozygotes for the Wolfram mutation are ex-
Stauder’s and Bell occur in the absence of neuroleptics, tremely common (occurring in 1% of the population),
and therefore they are very rare in the developed world.65 and those having them may be at high risk for psychi-
Steele-Richardson-Olszewski disease: Dementia with atric illness.75
ataxia, loss of ability to look up or down, and parkinson-
Strauss syndrome: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DISCUSSION
Disorder; the condition of inattention and/or hyperactiv-
ity once known as “minimal brain damage syndrome.”67 Identification of syndromes or signs that are relevant to
Sydenham chorea: Movement disorder that follows psychiatry as opposed to other specialties is arbitrary.
rheumatic fever; often preceded by obsessive-compulsive There are numerous eponymous neurodegenerative
symptoms (first described by Osler) that have been conditions of childhood, for example, in which patients

158 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 14:2, Spring 2002


rarely present to a psychiatrist because they do not sur- with the American diagnostic system: Clerambault-
vive infancy (e.g., Tay-Sachs). These were excluded. Kandinsky. Two eponyms are purely regional: the Mar-
Even though psychiatrists treat so many mentally re- inescu sign, which outside Eastern Europe is called the
tarded patients, the numerous eponyms of congenital palmomental reflex, and Kulenkampff-Tarnow syn-
mental retardation have been excluded unless they have drome, also Eastern European, which describes acute
distinctive behavioral phenotypes. Some neurodegen- neck and face dystonia. European physicians employ
erative diseases of adults or the aged have been in- some eponyms that American physicians eschew. Oth-
cluded if they are part of the differential diagnosis of ers are archaic terms for current diagnoses.
cognitive impairment or personality change (e.g. Defending the use of eponyms in psychiatry over al-
Creutzfeldt-Jakob)—complaints that psychiatrists fre- ternative names is difficult. Many do not fit into any
quently address. On the other hand, numerous eponyms international diagnostic classification. Yet they are use-
that represent general medical conditions with huge ful heuristic devices that serve to recall the syndrome
psychiatric comorbidity, such as Cushing’s disease, were itself, as well as the person who first described it. Finally,
not included. many eponyms illustrate the emphasis placed on a par-
There are several reasons why house staff and edu- ticular aspect of psychiatric illness in a particular place
cators may not recognize all of the eponyms in this lex- and at a particular point in the evolution of behavioral
icon. One eponym represents a concept incompatible science.


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