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So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily.

Acts 16:5

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Dennis and Valerie Rew 1808 Pioneer Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15226 412-922-7183

News and Prayer Letter September 2013

Support We are thankful for the support that has come in so far. We set out with certain goals, but we have always said that our goals were flexible and never set in stone. It is beginning to look like Dennis will continue working part-time as we start this church plant. We still need a few hundred dollars per month to completely replace his salary at Middletown Road Baptist, but we know that God will meet that need as we move forward. Each step of the way, God has asked us to step out on faith just a little bit further. Job Most domestic church planters are bi-vocational. This can be both positive and negative. Having worked at a local bank for over 6 years, it has been more positive than negative as it has opened many doors for relationship building and community contact. Early on, we determined that if a position opened up at the Brookline branch of PNC, we would have to consider it. Well, last Monday, a part-time position did open up. Dennis applied and had an interview last week. Pray for this as it could be a great opportunity to have a closer connection to Brookline. Avalon Avalon had her endoscopy last month. It was determined that she has acid reflux and an allergy that is irritating her esophagus. She is taking some medication for both and is scheduled to have allergy testing done this month to help determine what she is allergic to. Overall, she has been a trooper through these tests, and we praise the Lord for His protection over her. Getting ready for Bible Studies We are ready to start some outreach Bible studies. There is a growing list of prospects just from people we have met while living our day-to-day lives. Our plan is to start these studies at the end of October after we return from a missions conference we will be a part of. These next several weeks will be spent inviting more people, surveying residents, and preparing all the materials needed for this exciting phase of the church plant. Want to help Perhaps you or your church is interested in helping us during this phase. We would greatly appreciate your help in several areas. We will need assistance in doing door-to-door surveys throughout the community. We will be doing these on Saturdays and evenings leading up to our Bible Studies. We also have several material needs that perhaps you would be interesting in helping us with including: Bibles and tracts. Would you prayerfully consider helping us in these areas? Thanks for your support!! The Rews

Sending Church
Middletown Road Baptist Church 2660 Middletown Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Dennis Valerie Avalon Emily 5/28/81 8/15/81 5/13/09 10/26/11

June 19, 2004

Prayer Needs

1. Contacts for Bible Studies 2. Witnessing Opportunities 3. Job Possibility 4. Safety Travelling

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