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Letter of Promulgation from Commodore K. Thanabalasingham to

Naval Staff Division, Ministry of Defence, Kuala Lumpur, 16 July
Naval .Staff Dlwlslon,
l4inistry of Defence,
Jalan Padang Ternbak,
Krrala Lnrnpur.

Rer: xF/tAUTlzss 16th Ju1y, 1968.


i. The attached chartlets the outer limits of }blaysian

Tenltortal waters and forelgn clained waters ln uest Malaysla ar.e
promrlgated for the lnformation of Senior anC Conrnanding Officers.

2. As can be seen, there are ccrrtaln areas ln whlch these Lfunlts

have never been properly deteimlnecl or negottrated and those prorm:Igatedl
are baslcolly a deterrdnntlon vlth strict regard to tho 1958 Geneva

3. Strict.attentlon ls to be pald to the Notes on certaln chartlets

uhich are also reproduced after the Index.

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. Ketua Tunrs fentera Laut.


Copy tb: W/t tW tzZz




A complete set of chartlets is eornprised of the folloving :

t/est Malaysla

Chart No TitIc

797t Butang Group to hrrlau Berhala (part of )

5944 '
Puleir Pindng to-Sembila-n Islands
5945 Sembllan Islands to Port S.rettenham
3946 Port Swcttenhan to l,lalacca
3947 ),laIacca to Iju F.echl1
5853 Singapore Stralt - Westerzr Portion
24r]6 lSingapore Stralt
5839 Horsbr:rgh Llght to Jason Bay
769 S,ngei Sedtlf Besar to lfuala pahang
770 tsruala Pahang to Trengganu
77t Trengganu to Tunpat


Due to productlon dtfftcrr.lties, the anpltfylng notes on sore of

the chartlets are not clear and are reproduced below :

Chart No; 795 -.Butane Croup to Pulau Berhala

Igte The pecked 1lne round the north of Pr:-lau Langkawl ie the true
raedian llne.separating Thalland and Halaysia drawn ln sccordaDce with
Article 12 (1) of the 1958 GenevaConvention, Under ths ter-ns of
Artlcre rz (5) of thrE conventlon thls llne shoul.d have been prbllsbed
but no trace of this ever havlng been clone can be for:nd. fts
aaceptance by Thallarrd 1s thw not certEln .ard R..M.N.vossels ruust act
wlth diecretlon.

Ohart 2405 - Slneapore Stralt

Note 1. The boundary between Slngapore ancl Malaysia would seem to be

stlll bssed on a 1925 freaty between the Brttish and Johore Govarnrqents
vhlch speclfies the centre of the deep vater ch:rnnel of the Johore
Strait ae tbe dlytdlng llne. A-sfat an can be agcertalned, the exact
llne hae never been officlally clrawn and publtshed. As the treaty can
be lnterpreted rcre than one way south of Calder l{arbor:r, the dividlng
1lne in that, area has been omltted on thls obartlet. Tho pocked llne
south of the Johore Shoel Euoy represents the outer f{n{f of.Slngapore,/
Malaysian TerrLtorial \,laters,

Note 2, The pecked Ilne south of the Horsburgh Llght represents the
outer llmlt of Malnysian TerritorLal tlaters as authorised by the 1958
Geneva Conventlon 1.e, a three rnl1e clrcle arourd South Ledge
flattened at the southern the true rredlan llne between South
Ledge .andthe lsolatcd rock close north of TanJongSadlng. R.M.N.
vessels are to ooroply with S.0.A.I. 107 in regard to thle area.


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