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A food chain is how energy is passed on to living things in order for their survival.

Food chains are a complex system that is interconnected. This means that everything within the food chain relies and depends on each other to provide energy to live. The food chain starts with the sun giving light to bacteria and fungi on the ground, these are known as decomposers. This feeds the grass by providing nutrients, which help things to grow. The herbivore comes and eats the grass. Next the carnivore comes and eats the herbivore. The cycle is not over, when the animal dies; the decomposers take in the nutrients from the body. They don t waste the energy. The remaining energy goes into the ground.

This is a diagram of a food chain and how energy passes on.

In a food chain there is more than one energy being used. These are the energies that are being used: Food chain energy because it involves the cycle of life. Light energy because the sun produces light for the bacteria and fungi, to start the food chain. Motion energy because when the animal is moving, it is using motion energy. Heat energy as the sun warms and breakdowns the decomposers to nourish the grass which herbivores eat. The food chain is related to nature, because the food chain involves organisms. It is also related to the food web, because a food web is many food chains.

This is a food web that shows the interconnectedness of living things.

Food chains involve food for living things. When an animal eats, it gets energy to grow and move. The food chain changes from link to link. Each link changes when the energy is passed on. The chain transforms when the sun gives energy to the grass, which is eaten b the herbivore, and the carnivore eats the herbivore. Next, the decomposers take in the nutrients from the dead animal. When an animal is removed from a food chain, the whole ecosystem dies, because every living thing is important in the cycle of life. When an animal eats, its storing energy in its body.

This shows how energy transforms and changes to provide enough energy for living things to survive.

A food chain is a very delicate and sensitive balance. Some scientists called biologist study plants and animals and conduct research to protect numbers and ensure that animals and plants do not become endangered. Human development and hunting has impacting the balance of food chains within ecosystems. Researchers look at ways ways to promote and protect animals and plants. Discoveries like these ensure that the human impact is limited by listing heritage sites which cannot be developed. When one of the links in a food chain is broken this has an effect on everything else that depends on it. Scientific discoveries have helped to preserve numbers so that living things can flourish and prosper. More research and laws are needed to continue strong healthy numbers of animal and plant life. Pollution and global warming also affect the balance of a food chain. Humans are mainly responsible for a reduction in numbers as people heavily influence the environment. Scientist have been closely monitoring these changes.

Animal and plant researchers have explored nature. They have led to new discoveries. To show what theyve discovered, they make documentaries and films. They have tried to increase animal numbers, and raise the awareness. Animal populations are still slipping, but we are responsible for mother earth. If we stop hurting, then earth can go back to the beautiful green place it once was. I have discovered that science can help animals and plants come back from being almost extinct. I now know the importance of nature having a balance to help things survive. Energy is evident in the food chain cycle., Caring for planet earth book, Food chains- book, Life processes- book, Author: Moraa Siika 5K

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