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Mathematical Formulae

Compound Interest

r n
Total amount = P (1 + )


Curved surface area of

a cone = πrl

Surface area of a sphere = 4πr 2

1 2
Volume of a cone = πr h

4 3
Volume of a sphere = πr

Area of triangle = ab sin C

Arc length = rθ , where θ is in radians

1 2
Sector area = r θ , where θ is in radians


a b c
= =
sin A sin B sin C

a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bc cos A


∑ fx
mean =

∑ fx 2  ∑ fx 
Standard deviation = −  
∑f ∑f 

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008


Answer all questions.

1 N



20.9 61o

In the diagram, A, B, E and D are four points on level ground, with B, E and D forming
the three corners of a triangular lake. A bridge is to be built across the lake from C to
E, where C is a point on the side BD. A is due north of B and D is due east of A.

If AB = 20.9 m, BD = 24 m, DE=16.8 m, D C E = 61o and the bearing of E from D is
125 o , calculate

(a) the bearing of D from B, [2]

(b) the angle BDE, [1]

(c) the length BE, [2]

(d) the length of the bridge CE, [2]

(e) the area of quadrilateral ABED. [2]

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008 [Turn over


2 (a) Factorise completely

(i) 32r 2 − 8t 2 , [2]

(ii) 4a 2 − 2ac + 3bc − 9b 2 . [2]

(b) Figure 1 shows a right circular conical block of wax with a base radius of 12 cm
and slant height 20 cm.

(i) Calculate, correct to the nearest whole number, the volume of the cone. [2]

(ii) Find the number of smaller conical blocks of wax, which are geometrically [1]
similar to the original cone but with only one-third of its height, that can be
made from the original cone.

The conical block of wax is melted to make into a block of wax of uniform cross-
section and length x cm, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the cross-section
∧ π
of its end. In Figure 3, AOB is a sector with centre O, radius 8 cm and A O B = .
∧ π
COD is another sector with centre O, radius 16 cm and C O D = .
(iii) Show that x = 24.

(iv) the perimeter of the cross-section ABCD, [2]

(v) the total surface area of the block of wax. [2]

20 cm

Figure 1

12 cm

8 cm
16 cm

x cm
Figure 2 Figure 3

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008 [Turn over

Figure 2 Figure 3


x x

The diagram shows a structure, in the shape of a trapezium, PQRS, formed by 12

congruent isosceles triangles. The dimension of each triangle is x cm by x cm by y cm.

Given that the structure is made from a piece of wire which has a length of 165 cm,

(a) write down an equation in x and y. [1]

If the area of trapezium PQRS is 215 cm2 and the height of the trapezium is (x+2) cm,

(b) form an equation in x and show that it reduces to 14 x 2 − 137 x + 315 = 0 . [2]

(c) Solve the equation 14 x 2 - 137 x + 315 = 0 , leaving your answers in 2 decimal [2]

(d) Hence, calculate the perimeter of trapezium PQRS. Explain why you would reject [2]
one of the two solutions from (c).

[Turn over
SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008

4 (a) The diagram below shows a universal set E and two sets A and B. Express, in set
notation, the set represented by the shaded area in terms of A and B. [2]


(b) Given that E = { x : x is a positive integer } , M = { x :1 ≤ x < 6} , N = { x : 4 < x ≤ 12 } ,

P = { x : x is a prime number} ,

(i) list the elements of M ∩ P , [1]

(ii) find n[ ( M ' ∪ N ') ' ] . [1]

(c) In a fund-raising carnival, two stalls A and B sell the same type of food. The table below
shows the number of plates of each type of rice sold for the day.
Chicken Rice Fried Rice Pineapple Rice
Stall A 26 20 38
Stall B 35 15 40
Selling price per plate $2.00 $1.20 $1.50
 26 20 38 
The information for the day’s sale can be represented by a matrix M =   .
 35 15 40 
The selling price of each plate of the different types of rice can be represented by a
column matrix C.

(i) Write down the column matrix C. [1]

(ii) Given that S = MC, find S and describe what is represented by the elements of S. [2]

The two stalls decided to reduce their selling price of all the three types of rice. Stall A
reduced the selling price by 20% and stall B reduced the selling price by 18%.

(iii) Write down another matrix N such that NS gives the total reduction in the
incomes of both stalls. Find this total reduction.

[Turn over

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008


5 In 2005, a salesman was paid his annual salary in twelve equal monthly instalments.
In addition, at the end of each year, he was paid a bonus which amounted to 8% of the
value of his total annual sales.

Given that his monthly salary was $6 000 and that his total sales during that year
amounted to $150 000,

(a) calculate his total income for the year 2005. [2]

In 2006, the salesman’s bonus was increased to 9% of the value of his total annual
sales and his annual salary was reduced by $5 400.


(b) the percentage decrease in his annual salary, [1]

(c) his sales, correct to nearest $10 000, for the year 2006, if his total income during
the year was to be at least $120 000. [2]

The annual salary in 2007 was 4% more than that in 2006. It was projected that the
annual salary in 2008 would be 2.5% less than that in 2007.

(d) Express the annual salary in 2008 as a percentage of the annual salary in 2006. [1]

The salesman decided to go for a holiday in Malaysia. He bought some Malaysian

Ringgit from a money changer. The rate of exchange between Singapore dollars ($)
and Malaysian Ringgit (RM) was $ 1 = RM 2.32.

(e) He bought RM 8259.20 from the bank. Calculate the total amount, in Singapore
dollars, he paid to the money changer. [1]

However, he was unable to make the trip. So he changed his RM 8259.20 back into
Singapore dollars at a different rate of exchange.

(f) Given that he received $3496.20, calculate the new rate of exchange, in
Malaysian Ringgit to the dollar, giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places. [2]

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SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008


6 (a) C




In the diagram, O is the centre of the circle and AB and CD are two perpendicular diameters.
L and R are points on AB. N and P are points on CD. M and Q are points on the circle.
LMNO and OPQR are two rectangles.

Explain briefly why LN and PR are equal in length. [2]


30o 40o Y
W 5 V

The points T, V, X, Y and Z lie on a circle, centre O. XW is a tangent to the circle.

VZ cuts TY at R. The radius of the circle is r cm. WVY is a straight line and WV = 5 cm.
∧ ∧
XY is parallel to VZ, T Y Z = 40o and X W Y = 30o.

(i) Calculate the value of r. [2]

Find the angles

(ii) OXY, [2]

(iii) XTY, [1]

(iv) VZT, [1]

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008


(v) VRY. [2]

7 [Turn over





A vertical pole AT stands at one corner of a horizontal rectangular field ABCD. Given
that TA = 9.5 m , TB = 15.2 m, D is due south of A, B is due east of A and the bearing
of B from D is 050o.

(a) the angle of elevation of T from B, [2]

(b) AD, [2]

(c) the angle of depression of C from T. [3]

(d) A man walks from D to B. At a point P on DB, the man finds that the angle of
elevation of the top of the pole AT is at its maximum.


(i) the distance AP, [2]

(ii) the angle BAP. [2]

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008


8 Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

[Turn over
A solid cuboid has a rectangular base, with length 2x cm and breadth x cm. Given that
its total surface area is 30 cm2,

(a) Show that its volume, y cm3, is given by the formula

y = x 30 − 4 x 2 .
) [2]

The values of x and y, correct to 1 decimal place, are given in the table below:

x 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 2.7

y 0 4.8 8.7 10.5 9.3 4.2 0.8

(b)Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 0.5 cm, draw a horizontal x-axis for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2.7 . [3]
Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 2 cm3, draw a vertical y-axis for 0 ≤ y ≤ 12 .
On your axes, plot the points given in the table and join them with a smooth curve.

(c) Use your graph to find

(i) the volume of the cuboid when x = 1.2, [1]

(ii) the range of values of x for which the volume is greater than 8 cm3. [2]

(d) By drawing a tangent, find the gradient of the curve when x = 0.9. [2]

(e) By adding a suitable straight line graph, use the graph to estimate, the solutions of [3]
the equation 30 − 4 x 2 = 6 . Hence, find the volume of the cuboid when x>0.

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008


9 [Turn over
The cumulative frequency curve below illustrates the marks obtained, out of 100, by
160 students in an examination.

(a) Use the graph to find

(i) the median mark, [1]

(ii) the fortieth percentile mark, [1]

(iii) the interquartile range. [2]

(b) Given that 45% of the students scored more than x marks, find the value of x. [2]

(c) A student would be awarded a Grade B if he scores more than 60 marks but less [2]
than or equal to 74 marks. Find the number of students who were awarded a
Grade B.

(d) If two students were chosen at random, find the probability that one had scored [2]
less than or equal to 20 marks and the other had scored more than 50 marks.

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008


10 The mass of 20 ladies were recorded.

Below is a stem-and-leaf diagram for the mass, in kg of the ladies.
[Turn over

Key : 5 | 5 means 55 kg

Stem Leaf

5 5 6 7 8
6 1 3 5 6 9
7 0 1 2 5 7 7 8 8
8 0 1 2

(a) the median, [1]

(b) the lower quartile, [1]

(c) the upper quartile. [1]

This group of ladies went on a diet plan for 3 months and the mass of these ladies were
recorded again.

The box-and-whisker diagram below illustrates the mass, in kg, of the ladies after 3

(d) Find
(i) the median, [1]

(ii) the interquartile range. [1]

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008


(e) Compare the mass of the ladies before and after the 3 months of diet in two [2]
different ways.

(f) Jane said that the diet plan is effective for the ladies. Do you agree? Give a reason [1]
for your answer.

End of Paper 2

SCGS Preliminary Examination 2008

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