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FIELD MIND Interaction A hypothesis has been put forward that proposes that all Creation is underpinned by a fundamental

l Information Field. This concept is simply labelled as FIELD and its prime function is record/remember all events (otherwise called pattern) in the Material Reality (MR) of our universe. The FIELD lies outside space-time and is hence a Virtual Reality (VR) from our MR perspective. FIELD-Pattern has the property of combining like-with-like pattern into localised bubbles of information that we call ipacs, via the process that quantum physics calls entanglement. Living cells use their DNA + Proteome + water superposition to create a quantum computer. This process in turn creates biophotons that interact with the FIELD based i-pacs that are the store of all Lifes own pattern. The next slide shows the whole process in diagrammatic form.

It seems likely that a prime function of this biophoton oscillation process is to maintain the overall state of the cell proteome as a coherent functioning unit. Although a single living cell may seem very small and

insignificant to our eyes in fact the complexity of the protein enzyme driven biochemical reactions is unbelievable. It seems very probable that the i-pacs that are generated in the FIELD create a mechanism whereby via quantum coherence principles this whole complex chemical soup that is held within the cell membrane is prevented from degenerating into a mass of un-coordinated chemical reactions such as might occur in the test tube. This mechanism is in addition to the controlled structure that is afforded by intracellular cytoskeletal elements, such as the nucleus, cytoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. In a large multicellular organism the multitudinous individual cells entangle their own i-pac/SELF into the greater i-pac/OTHER, within which is also entangled the i-pac/MIND. It is a tenet of FIELD theory that pattern is accessible to both sides of this VR<>MR split, and that this process is all mediated via biophotons. In single cells this FIELD access mechanism can be summarised as keep on doing what you are doing, with the occasional change to reproduce or perhaps form a spore.

In complex animals the same process takes place at the whole mind level with the i-pac/ANIMAL. This we recognise in Nature as being the instinctive behaviour patterns that all creatures utilise. Indeed humankind has its own well-recognised instincts. Currently neuroscience has to regard such behaviours as having been hard-wired into the brain (animal or human) as a consequence of the cell-computations of embryogenesis via DNA based heredity, in exactly the same kind of way a computer based chip might be designed to drive the behaviour of a modern toy robotic teddy bear. This way of looking at how Nature works implies something rather different. The neural networks need to resonate with their relevant i-pacs, and they are more akin to a radio-set, then a complex computer circuitry with its own complex specific wiring to drive specific actions. If this idea has any validity then logic dictates that our minds should be able to access different but similarly stored ipac/pattern in exactly the same way. Hence we should be able to remember our own past-life histories or dead relatives whose own i-pacs are nevertheless still in store and are thus entangled with our own. This is obviously not the case it seems, but nevertheless there are tantalising hints that this might in fact sometimes occur and this is where the whole discipline of Para-psychology, and the associated abilities of Psychic minds start to interact. The occasional occurrence of apparently true reincarnation memories are another case in point that might accord with this kind of process.

We need to understand therefore how our minds have come to exist in their present form upon the evolutionary stage and much will become clearer. Since these ideas tend to espouse that our brain/minds are perhaps rather more akin to radio-sets in many ways as compared to a complex computer robot style of design, it is necessary to put forward a proposed explanation as to how such radio-sets might come to be created, and then perhaps a better understanding about how they may actually work. Such further comprehension in turn may enable us to use our radio-set minds to somewhat better effect.

The slide above is the first step is the first step in our explanation for the state of affairs. Our brains are not in fact unitary constructions even though they may seem to be from our own conscious perspective. They have been built up by evolution over aeons and are really made in a kind of series of modules with each new one being bolted on top of the one below. The simple slide above shows the approximate sites of where each module is currently sited inside our modern brains. The Fish is far down the scale and is the sense of smell really. Reptiles are now our

hindbrains. This region acts as a Slave man (SM) and gets on with running bodily aspects like our heart rates, digestive processes, sexual functions and eye pupils amongst other things. All of this is utterly unconscious for the most part. Above this level is the Rat or early mammal which is the mid-brain level (Palaeo-mammalian). In the cortex there is the Ape mind of our own very early ancestors (neo-mammalian). We have grouped these two into a single functioning unit which we call Little Fella (LF). Here such aspects as jealousy and love (= pair-bonding) and curiosity start to emerge. This emotional palette is much closer to our levels, and hence we start to create emotional links with mammalian creatures much more readily, than with spiders or crocodiles (although all sorts of pets are kept by some people). In humankind the cortex has expanded greatly and in the forebrain (neo-cortex) lies our conscious sense of self. This level we call Big Fella (BF).

This slide is a schematic representation of this concept. There is one player still missing however from this trio of BF, LF and SM and that is the sense of self, or the Ego as it was originally described by Sigmund Freud. This player is very ancient since even fish have a sense of self, and especially at the breeding season, fish ego levels can lead to strong aggression behaviours (think Siamese fighting fish). There is also another

aspect to remember to complete this simple metaphor which is a known neural mechanism called the Spotlight of Attention. Like a real stage spotlight this illuminates/focuses anything that seems needful in the mind at a particular given instant. In this particular metaphor the ego has been given the name Happy Guy since in modern mankind the sense of self-importance or pecking-order is very strongly bound up with occupational status (are you happy in your work?). This stage-like metaphor is not suggesting that these players are some kind of brainsized homunculi, they are just a shorthand way of indicating a point of computed decision/current activity. As such we can now see on a slide how these four players normally function in the minds stage-play.

This simple slide is to show a fundamental fact of our minds organisation that has been determined as a consequence of evolutionary pressures. Reptiles are a single SM in principle with its primitive emotional palette which is raw and unstructured and very basic from our viewpoint. The appropriate descriptive terms one might use would be Rage, Lust and Jealousy. Baby crocodiles and snakes are on their own after emerging from the egg, and do not indulge in play behaviour and are not taught by their parents in any way. Even so they can as adults still exhibit the needful instincts that lead to nest building, hiding eggs and specific

mating displays. In mammals LF arrives onto the stage, and one observes traits such as curiosity, pair-bonding, play-learning and we sense the behaviours of anger (simply being rather cross) or envy. This is a similar emotional palette to our own, and hence we tend to empathise with various mammals much more readily when it comes to keeping a pet, and prefer dogs to lizards as a general rule. This mammalian LF<>SM relationship has developed over many millions of years, back into the age of the dinosaurs at least. Hence the connections/interactions between our two players are very close, a fact that is shown in the slide by them holding hands. In a dog a little anger or crossness can easily and rather unpredictably flare into utter rage and hence cause an ensuing dog fight as the older centres are much closer to the surface in the animal mind. Zoo keepers are still occasionally badly harmed by their charges which they have cared for and related to for years for example. The human mind as we all know is different. We have this greatly enlarged neo-cortical forebrain that can articulate, and also plan and foresee events. There are likely sources for both of these new capacities that already have been shown to have a basis in the more ancient mammalian monkey-mind. These are nocturnal dreams and the use of alarm calls. Both are of interest, but when it comes to considering MIND<>FIELD interactions it is dreaming that seems to be of greater relevance. Remember that in reptiles and birds the very strong behaviour instincts are postulated to be created by creating brain radio-sets that tune into Weaver-bird FM FIELD-pattern rather than all the exact behaviour circuits for their complex and un-taught nests being somehow hard-wired into their brains via DNA. Mammals too have their innate and complex behaviours, but we can all see even without scanners that dogs for instance do dream when they are asleep. Our pet dog, (Woodstock), will sometimes chase rabbits when he is asleep, and one can watch his legs move and twitch and sometime faint whimpers/growls will emerge so there are no doubts there. However when Woody is awake he has to see a real rabbit to chase or else use a thrown ball as a substitute. This is well shown by his behaviour when our grand-daughter who is a great favourite of his appears on the screen monitor when using Skype. He is very excited to see her, but immediately rushes to the window to look for her in reality, he cannot conceive of her only being present in a kind of purely virtual form. Our dog, cannot day-dream as it were, whereas the human mind can do this only too easily. This day-dream ability is what planning and foresight is all about, and science has probably identified the neural circuitry that is responsible for this ability, which is called the Default Mode Network (DMN). Why should this particular talent have come to exist in our minds?

The most plausible answer to this is that it has come about as a consequence of survival pressures involved in trying to survive as a group hunter-predator species. Humankind has for millions of years existed as proto-hominids and thus been prey, basically to large cats such as leopards. They had no claws, fangs, tusks protective armour or speed when compared to other predators, although there is an element of endurance (for the fit!). Taking on the role of becoming a predator upon much larger and more fearsome animals has involved the necessity of not only forming a group, or pack (like the wolf), but also the need to coordinate and plan hunting forays. The latter creates some kind of interpersonal accurate communication imperative (language, and also gesture together with tool-making), but also necessitates the creation of this what-if or day dreaming scenario that is needed to drive whole herds off cliffs or kill a mammoth. So far so good perhaps, but it was a survival strategy that posed great problems for the early hominid mind. Remember our pet dog Woodstock, and his reactions to the monitor screen image. Anything he sees when in the waking state is treated by his mind as being absolutely real. He has no imagination, and neither did our early hominids. Indeed when we are asleep we too treat all mental imagery as being real as any nightmare will confirm. For an early hominid hunting a mammoth all too easily becomes a waking nightmare once the mental image of the proposed forthcoming hunt is built up. Early hominids in such a case would simply make a prey response, which of course is to bolt for safety up in the trees or wherever. In order for such a hunter-predator strategy to have any long-term success, somehow this innate LF-based emotional response has to be suppressed to allow any hunt planning to take place at all. This has been done effectively by separating close communications between our neo-cortex modern planning networks, and the earlier more primitive mammalian monkey-mind emotional responses. In our slide diagram we show this by drawing a telephone link between our now dominant BF who does all the planning, and will only consult LF via controllable links. LF is now relegated to what the psychometric sciences call the subconscious. HG tends to go with the top player in this metaphor, which would be LF in the chimp and BF in human or SM in the Lizard. Very occasionally HG will branch out on his own, which has very bad consequences that we recognise as narcissism or megalomania. In our slide we show HG and BF holding hands and generally being entangled with each other. It seems likely that what we call instinct is to be thought of as FIELDaccess. It has been in fact a natural progression over time from the first unicellular life forms, and simply incorporated into the neural networks of

animals as they grew ever more complex. The next slide shows the whole process in graphic form.

The price that humankind has paid for the evolutionary path that has been chosen has been the separation of our centre of consciousness (set in BF) from FIELD-awareness. The biblical phrase and they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and were cast out of the Kingdom of Heaven pretty much sums it up really. This simple insight when applied to paranormal phenomena such as telepathy or Psychic abilities means that any investigation procedures that involve the mind must take account of the fact that all such events are mediated by entirely subconscious mind networks. Everyone has a mental concept of what the commonly used word belief means, but few seem to pause for a moment to consider what is actually really meant by the term and where in the human mind this activity might operate or be lodged. In this theory belief has a strict definition which is as follows:- Belief is a logical proposition which is incorporated into the subconscious neural networks (LF). One can easily see this process in operation when such topics as religion, football teams or political ideologies are discussed in bars. Emotions (also in LF) are soon aroused, and add a little alcohol which itself diminishes BF control circuits and then fists start to fly only too easily. However for the BF-dominated scientific outlook a paradox now arises when it comes to studying paranormal abilities. The paradox is that belief really matters, since it is the mechanism whereby our minds can still access the FIELD. The dilemma

can simply underlined by using the scientific phrase I will believe it when I can see it, and then comparing it with the religious one of Only believe and then you will see. When described in this way it can be seen how this particular split in our world-view and both be understood and reconciled. When a badger builds its sett it is not taught, it simply believes in what it is doing. If you wish to pray then words are not very useful really, but a mental image accompanied by a feeling and a knowingness/belief that it will be heard are much more powerful. There are certain predictions that one can make using this simplistic model. Firstly all FIELD-input is comprised of subconscious gut-feelings or hunches. Secondly dreams might indeed occasionally effect FIELDaccess (the author has personal experience of that). Thirdly if there are any useful methods whereby BF can be at least temporarily subdued so that LF is now put in command, then perhaps paranormal abilities could be made more readily visible to any outside observer. In fact there are at least well known three ways by which this can be achieved, and science hi-tech has recently added a fourth. The most ancient is the tribal dancetrance tradition. Drawn upon cave walls in stone-age times, ancient Shamans are depicted dancing wearing the deer-head skulls/skins of their quarry in the hunt. Modern science dismisses this as complete superstition. FIELD theory takes a rather different view however. What the hours of the dance ritual does with its repetitive drumming is to entrain the subconscious (neuroscience based observation, musical rhythm is wired straight into SM). That is to say that by such means LF is now placed in charge/dominance, and together with the smell of the hide, the Shamans mind can now see through the deers own eyes via a process of FIELD-entanglement, and thus enter the animals mind and also see what the quarry is currently seeing. Via this process and with an associated recognition of the deers surroundings upon re-awakening the Shaman can now instruct the hunting parties where to seek the herds. These concepts place a great deal more depth of understanding as to just why our ancestors behaved in this way. The Buddhist tradition of Yoga also effects the same reversal of the norm with a LF>>BF style of outcome. We see Buddhist priests in trance states sending telepathic para-pics occasionally and also pick up para-pics of Christian-driven motifs sent under deep meditation. That by entering into this state the mind can control SM networks directly can be shown by how Yoga adepts are able to control heart rates, body temperature and blood pressure levels by purely mentally driven actions. This also explains the rare phenomenon of the appearance of stigmata as is sometimes encountered in the highly religious. The third method, hypnosis, also achieves a similar effect, and in fact this LF>>BF state is actually is what

the hypnotic state is all about. The hypnotised subject believes what his interlocutor tells him, which in turn becomes a fixed instruction in LF. When re-awakened this instruction can be made to be re-enacted to the bafflement of the subject (it is all subconscious), and also to the audiences amusement/wonder. This interpretation also suggests that past-life reports under hypnosis should be taken more seriously by science than they currently happen to be. They are it seems memories of FIELD-store that are being reported upon perfectly genuinely. This interaction model about the stage players of our minds can explain how Psychics can operate as can be shown by this slide:-

Unlike the majority of us, the Psychic mind has a talent of some kind, at least in the genuine article. This can be simply visualised in this model by ascribing good communication links between the cut off verbal higher conscious state that we label as BF, and the subconscious, primitive and older networks that we have labelled as LF and SM. Much more recently science has added a tool that can do the same thing by more artificial means. Called Transcutaneous Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) this device can shut down small areas of the working brain, (occasionally enhance), by the local application of very complex

sophisticated magnetic fields. The underlying neurons are thereby temporarily disrupted or inhibited and TMS thus becomes in itself a useful research/therapeutic tool. In fact science is already applying this concept to the human mind/brain ( 1). This opens the exciting possibility that direct Mind<>Mind communications may one day become more possible and if combined with the FIELD property of non-locality then distance factors cease to be of import. This para-pic image may be one of the most important photographs of all time, but of course this claim is only valid if the viewer accepts the case made here (and in the previous essay), and that water-vapour is indeed a medium within which modern photography can fix quantum-derived FIELD-pattern that has been accessed by the mind.

This is a very strange image. It shows an alien head over to the R with its ear well defined wearing some kind of monocle, which is looking into the frame. In the centre is another similar image, which in fact looks like a mirror-image, which is to say it is a reflection. A reflection in what? is a reasonable question. Well we do not know of course, but the possibility that it might be water is not lost upon us. Why is the monocle there then? Again the answer can only be a guess, but it does suggest some kind visual aid technology. A look at the overall form of the figure/face shown does not really accord with any known human race, and labelling it as an ET does not seem unreasonable. Perhaps it is a real ET using exactly or at least very similar technology to that which has just been discussed?

There is fifth method whereby BF can be demoted, and that is by the use drugs, of which alcohol is by far the most commonly used. A prime effect of alcohol ingestion is to depress the function of the cerebral cortex, or BF in our simple metaphor. Many para-pics seem to show that alcohol may be an important driving factor by promoting LF network dominance, and thus set up this LF>>BF framework in our mental networks. This finding suggests that various ideas regarding the achievement of access to states of higher consciousness via other specific drugs such as ayahuasca or MDME may not lie outside the bounds of reality. Unfortunately para-pics as such do not appear to give any obvious hints that we have been able to identify that might allow any particular image to be attributed to some kind of chemical-related enhancement effects, and so we currently have to rely upon the associated clues such as glasses and bottles in the downloads.

Glass of whisky glass

Bottle of spirits


The Glass of whisky shows clearly enough, but also note the fluted wine glass depicted immediately to its R. Received during the Libyan crisis the Bottle of spirits shows in the centre, with military faces/personnel in various quarters. Wine glass is quite easily missed, since the viewer often looks right through it. It fills the whole frame at a slight angle with the stem at the BR corner. It is beautifully depicted to show both its translucency, and some added refraction effects. The point of this trio of images is to show how telepathically driven para-pic messages do seem to be helped by imbibing alcohol, and this observation seems to support the general thrust of theoretical model just outlined. Science is starting to support it as well and the following appendix is attached for evidence. In simpler lay terms this is a report about the use of TMS to detect synchronous biophoton emissions being teleported between two separated, but entangled minds.

Appendix 1

Experimental Demonstration of Potential Entanglement of Brain Activity Over 300 Km for Pairs of Subjects Sharing the Same Circular Rotating, Angular Accelerating Magnetic Fields: Verification by s_LORETA, QEEG Measurements
Ryan C. Burke, Melanie Y. Gauthier, Nicolas Rouleau, Michael A. Persinger

Hugh Fairman Tina Laurent September 2013

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