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GODI[EN GLOBALEN PLAN ZA REALIZACIJA NA PROGRAMA PO ANGLISKI JAZIK ZA VII (devetgodi{no) ODD. 2012/2013 STRUKTURA NA GODI[NIOT GLOBALEN PLAN Vokabular Komunikativni modeli Communicative models Obrabo tka na novi sodr`i ni Uve`bu vawe na sodr`i ni Utvrdu vawe na sodr`i ni Orient. vreme na realizaci ja na nastavnit e celini I nedela septemvri II nedela oktomvri

Re de n Br .

Nastavn i celini





Module 1 (Unit 1, 2)

Revision : be, have got, there is/are Present simple all forms Frequency adverbs

-Revision: adjectives -Interests and activities -Expressions of frequency -Link words -Everyday routines

-Write about your class, country -Talk about your interests and routines -Ask and give personal information -Write the results of an opinion poll
-Write about a holiday , an interview with a star, visit to the cinema -Write and ask questions for a quiz



Module 2 (Unit 3, 4)

Past simple of be Past simple - all forms Past simple of regular and irregular verbs

-Numbers and dates



Module 3 (Unit 5, 6)

-Past times expressions -Jobs -Holidays -Time Present continuous -In town All forms -Directions Past continuous -Stress in world All forms -Places Could/Couldnt Intonation in questions There was/ it was

-Discuss and write a short story -Invent and talk about a world record
-Ask for and give directions -Talk about what you are doing at the moment -Talk about life in the past -Describe what was happening at a particular time 10 6 1

III nedela oktomvri IV nedela noemvri

V nedela noemvri IV nedela januari


Module 4 Unit (7, 8)

Comparative: er/est , more/ most , than Possessive pronouns

-Adjectives -Computers -Modern inventions -Rhythm drill -How + adjectives +is

-Write and act a telephone conversation -Write an advert and compare things
-Talk about differences and similarities -Talk about peoples possessions -Talk about famous places and things


I nedela fevruari II nedela mart


Module 5 (Unit 9, 10)


Module 6 (Unit 11, 12)

Superlatives Future with going to- all forms The comparative and superlative of good and bad The future with will all forms Present continuous used for the future Countable and uncountable nouns How much/many A lot of/much/many Can/cant Must/mustnt Should/shouldnt First conditional


-Ask questions about your country or town -Talk about your plans -Describe plans for a trip

-Share your opinions

-Important events -Future time expressions -Food and drink -Weak forms

-Write predictions about friends

-Ask and answer questions about events in the future -Ask for and offer food and drink -Write about your lifestyle -Make questions for a quantity quiz


III nedela mart IV nedela april

-Practise a a telephone conversations Verbs of action Everyday activities

Talk and write about rules at your school Write a letter asking for advice Give advice Talk about a survey 10 6 1 I nedela maj II nedela juni

Make a poster Celi na nastavata: 1. Vokabular - ~itawe i preveduvawe na tekst, interpretirawe na tekst, pi{uvawe i pravilen izgovor na novi zborovi 2. Gramatika - prepoznavawe na gramati~kite vremiwa: Present Simple Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Past Simple Tense prepoznavawe na formata Going To, glagolot Can, pravilna upotreba na predlozite, pravilna upotreba na Must i Mustn't, formata Should, kako i na prisvojnite zamenki, postavuvawe pra{awa so pra{alni zbor~iwa (Wh-Questions) 3. Komunikacija (usna) - iska`uvawe sposobnosti, zboruvawe za sega{ni, minati i idni dejstva, kako i planovi i nameri, iska`uvawe frekfencija, davawe naredbi, predlozi 4. Komunikacija (pismena) - pi{uvawe tekst na dadena tema Postapki i instrumenti za vrednuvawe na postigawata na u~enicite: formativno i sumativno ocenuvawe, opisno ocenuvawe, tematski testovi, polugodi{ni testovi, diktati, usno i pismeno razbirawe i izrazuvawe, samoocenuvawe, ocenuvawe od sou~enici, ~ek-listi, pra{alnici. Nastavnik Direktor

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