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1 V i

1 ;
. vl

Sponsored by
Firct Christian Church

. 'Bill and Dorothy Morgan

- . Ulssionc.rics to Mexico

Booker, Texas
Ke-.vsicittor 'No. .Z




3U S. p;irk Blvd. : ' San Aritonio, Texas

May 29, 1961








The vast area of Latin Aiierica presents

a tremendous challsrige to the Churches- of
Christ and Christi.^n Churcheo. Thr-re
million people of Southern liexico

OUR P .Ah 5
Our immediate plans are to establish a new work in iiiexico City in January 1962.

only one missionary family amon^ the 12

Church-'or Christ (Christdan) has been esW

We had -at first hoped to be there by September, 1961, but, several'devexopmen'cs have
caused us to-choose tnis later date.:.

abiisned south of Mexico City an area

stretching- 840 iniles to the Guatemalan. " >

.Cl) The school ,y;hich our children will

.attend in Mexico has two 5-^-i'^^^th terms,

border, iieyond thie lies 1/000 miles of Central Aflierica, Vvith 11 million people:, and no missionaries. In Soulh Aroerio,a,
vjith a population .of 132 million, v.-e have
missionaries in only Brazil .'uid Chile.

the first berinnihg .in July and ending /''' 'in/November. and. ta^.^ second beginning, in
February and clos.inr; in J'orie. As it seems ..


'very unl.ikely that v;e can-be-'ready to go';

by Juri.e, V'-j; j'.eel the best thing :^'or the -.childrer 7;o>iid be to put them in ,school
in thfc fof the fall semester and

sionary family is now lab'orinr^ j-,,nd in'

Aiflonf^-the 7 million Chilean"' orly -jne xais-'

every million ..and > half people. ; . These people desperately net^-d .to hear

Brazil there, is only one misi' ionary for tne Gospel uf Chriotj. but ho;v siuvll they


in the second ."/ejnester .in Mex

ico in February.

.(2) Sin'oe the resignation of Gene Birneyas the aean-of Southern Cnrlstian, . Bill-,hs\q. b,e.iin.i--sQrying as Deaa-Pro. Tern,. As
no'perm-ihent'dean has. yet been secured by the colle{/e,. the executive board has str
ongly "'i'r.<od that .he stay on one mor.-.;.-s emester. We ^feel. we are morally obli;.':ated
to do 30. .

hear v/ithoiiit a preacher? As' pre=.\chers of the Gospelj'we are ready to go., bixt,-hov.-'
shall v;e preach fc:<cept-,we'be Gent? (Rom. ^
10:14,15)It is for this-reason' that we
are inviting, you to become co-vol'keps avith us and laborers together with Cod in Latin

American Evanf^elism.. VJill you hnlr/:;-:-nd

to these lost sotils and support us as v;e

Isihor there?

(3) I^st, but not leart, of our reasons . iS: that <ye'ar--5 far chort-^ei- havir^-adc-qurate pledged support for our n^eds on the

field. It i;-- our hope and pt-ayer that the ; , gap: will" be filled by the firet of the.'



have been made since our firwt. new.^letter,

which announced our plans' to b'l^gl'i. a .new-,

Cb Much has happened and m^iny chanties..


ye^a;': ..I ' '' " V Both -th6^;-Morg.afiS .and_the Looneysz-'iftdH,'

spe-iid "th'.^- stirrineF mon-l hs vi3'S:'K^^^^^c?i'-.
ur'ches,' conducting revival me'ctinf^s^ ^'nd'
-v.'orkin^:;: in Oiriotian. Service .G.ampra.'- .Bol .viJl then^b.^.tf-ach 1'nguthorn- Christ-

.ed our ninistry at Ha^"si, Va. and our v/ork will allow us. to be to,ether and make our' vdlih'Grundy Bible Institute on the Lord^s final plans and preparations for iroinjj

niissi.onary ^vork in Latin AmoribaT Wc clos- . ian:Xoili:^2^:'iuz:iA^..the_^fall_/te

fay of Au.;^ut 28, I960.' On ?iionday, Au^^, .

9," 'we left VirgiTxia in our HTsbler stat

to ths field. Vve. aLso'.plan to make . the

"Cisld trip, to Mexico i;, the eolle-^re ir. _, ion waj^on, pulling a 7-foot trailer, ivhich November.
held all. our earthly posc^ojjjoiL- we deem
ed it v*ise. to taxe. with' Us.' Our imnsdiate

San Antoniy..;, .Texas'^ i-vhich has fje.t'ved

our home and. center of activities these
'pa^t^fev.' 'jTicnths.' -

destination v/as.<^6utherh ,Chrif;tiah Coil,e.-<e

On the trip.weptivard'"we spoke at .'the

The So'uthfern Mexico Xivriotian Mission,

'is' only about a ye^^r old and,a.t-tho'.;pre

sent'time consists enti.rely .>f recruits. It -c.a/riu into existence after; man;^'.prayers
and long hours of discussiG-n idieh Clinton
' li

the Calvary Ohiastian Church in Butoa

Rouge, La.

Christian Cnurch in-Cccoa Bcach, I'la.-and

: -]

Soon, after getti-ng "settled in 3:in An- . tonio. Bill left on a 3-v/eQk tour of' the

Looney and Bill Aioi'^an were both teaching in the f-rund^^ Bible Institute in Grundy,''
Va. Realising-, that "tiie fields .are'white

cnoc in East Prairie, Mo., Brookport, 111, -Versailles, Ind., Milton, IQr., Camp Poiiit,

Mid--we^-t,' daring ivhich he spcke at chur-

unto harvest, but ths. laborers are few,",

we-have resolved, God .helpi-ng us, .,to go forth into His^ harvest in- the ^' .field /. of Latin America. ' ' ' , ,

Ihe -Loon^ys, Morgans and i^rs. Nunn plan,.Ipavi^^n-rgia^, fee^visited 20 dif- . to enter Mexico together. Patsy Kil/;ore ferent states traveled a distance of desires to join them after completion,-of ' , 'Ccontd. pg. 2, oo'iTlJ''""" (contd. pg. 2, Col. 2) '

.ticipated ill the Christian Hen's Eodeo -St Barbecue-at Canadian, Texa;^. 7"jjotaAi.-.-Ttfin-hf)

111., and Boo.ker., Texas, He also, conducted Our nresent personnel-.are .Clinton and a one-week .revival at Aj.forc:s.v.Ule, Ind. Melba Looney (jiiiimy, David arid Ureama), attended the National Christian. Jiiission-,. -Bill and Dorotny Morgan (David, Dennis ary.. Convention in Norfolk, Neb. and par-^ and Beverly), fc-s. Vv., G.'Wunn, and, Patsy'
Ruth Kiigore. , . . .

' .r

OUR ACfrflTIES - contdi i'rom pg. 1,

OUa V/OPKSFS - contd. from pg. 1.-,-..^-

PAGE I her college v/ork. All are in need of
your support NOW!

"" At S.C.C. Dorothy has served as D&'dn of Girls ^:nd Diotician, v/hile Bill has taught a nu-tber of clacse", served as De^n of Boys and since the resignation of

Brother Locney is a tlnothy of the Church at Grundy, Va., v;h3re his v/ife was also a ineiuber. He attended Emory and

the college Dean ir. February 1961, h&s,

also acted an Dean Fro Tern.

I Henry college and graduated from Cincinn-

j ati Bible Seminary in 1950 and has since

i ministered to churches at Beinbridge, 0., Our main purpose in coming to San Antonio v/as zo study Spanish and acquaint { Chapmanville and Cn:.:rleston, W.Va., and Vaasant and Falls .liillj, Va. He has tau ourselves with the Latin Americe.n peopl-::.
Thure are 250^000 Ci these people in San

Antonio'alone' and nearly a- niiliion in

South Texas. Several Mexicsin IJaticnalo

ght at Grundy Bible -Institute the past three years -.vhile ailnxstering to the Vansant cong re-git ion.


are enro.lled in S.C.C. The coHe.rc- io "-helping to fill a tremondous-need for bi lingual evangelism.

Brother Aior^^an, a t.lmothy of the 6th

Ave. Church iii Hunting ton, W.Va., attend

ed Marshall Culloge and jr^rtiduated from

In November .Bill and David accu/r.prinied

Kentuci:y Chrictiar College in 1951.

ege. Ho .has iriinictersd tc churches at



the students and faculty of S.C.C. on a

-jaiQlf MonnL^-jn Pani-.h nf.

: y/

field trip to. Mexico, where



took f^raduatc work at Cincinnati Bible Seminary and-at Southern Christian Coll

Rodney -and Maycg;L..^;orthr,up


ving as missicnai'iea. Bill preached, via

interpreter to the church at fEaices. January Bill ^olled_i.n a course
in San-

Poiiieroy and Moscow, 0., Chapitianville, W. Va.-, Booker, Texas and Haysi, Va. He
served fur a tilme as evangelist for the
Kyovrva Svangclistic Assoc. in the Tri-

. \Antonio. This war an extension courc.0

taught by a professor froiii the University

of Mexico anii it has been very helpful. Another highlight of the school year was the Bi-Lin^at-l Convention et Colep:io biblico. Ea'gle Favss, Texas and the Inter national Conference on Evangelism at S. C.C. in February. Bill spoke at the lat

state area around Huntington, V/.Va. and ha,-: taught three years at Grundy Bible
Institute and one year at Southern Chr- ' istian Colle-?->. Dorothy has attended Ken-, tucky Christian Colleje, Grundy Bible

Institute and Southern Christian College, She is from the Mt. Zion Church, Carlisle.

Mrs. Nunn is from Norfolk,. Va. She has :'taught the past fev; years at the Grjondyschool la an 'a'ctivs

'Or"5'5ar^7 on^or""'tn e ""greSt

of the year was the birth of cur thira

child (our first dau^^hter) Beverly Jean,

on March 11,. We praise our dear Father in.

v/orker in the Yansant, Va., congregation.

~ Patsy Kil/^ore is a member of the Church

Heaven for this precious little t^irl. During the Wc-ek of. Evanfj^lism, fcch 26-April 2, Bill con'iucted an evan/:!:elist-.,
ic meeting p-t the Airline Church in Okla-

at Haysi, Va. She has attended Kentucky Christian College, Grundy Bible Institute
and is presently a student at Southern Christian College.
V.'e feel the Lord has blessed us v.'ith

hom? City, where Brothei- Carl Folsley is

roinister. He also attended the National

.Tany rich experiences which will benefit us on the mission field. As we think back


1?;^]y and the North

American Chflstian Convention in IVichita,

over these years, we can seo the hand of the Lord leading us .together "for such .ft
t:me as this."

Clinic at Honobiaj Oklahoma'^'Iday 2-4. We

represented both- the college and the mis
And so it goes - never a dull mom

Kansas, April 18-23 and the Kia^chi

sion with a display at all^thej^e meetings.

ent. iVe.are busy, yet so happy. Tiie Lord

The Looneys and Mrs. Nunn may be add ressed .-"t P.O.Box 27t^, Vansant, Va. Miss Kil'i'ore. Kil.'^ore-and and the Morgans mav may be addressed at 314 South 'Park Boulevard, San Antonio

had opened many doors for us. With every

'-v ,

4> Texas.

During the.months.of June,

. . '

passing day we are more'and more cohsciDus of His guidance and care.

dressed c/o Uivs. Mary Clay, 212 Eastern

Avfc., Carlisle, Xy. -

July and August, the Morgans may be ad^

^ V/e are happy to announce that th^a First Christian Church of

; * <. '



^Booker, Texas has accepted tho responsibility and challenge of

sponsoring fjid overseeing thu Morgana' Mission to Mexico. 3ro.

Bernard Plumb i^ the fine minister'of this missionary-minded

of the SOUTHERN LISXICO CHKISTmj MISSICN;, JCheyL^wlll'receive aU

and filriistrips of the work in Mexico. All major decisions will be their responsibility. In short, VvE VvILI. SBiPLY BE THliim MINSTSH IN JffiXICO. '^

cere desire to evangelise accordin/5 to the -New Testament patt ern. They v;ill constitute the.tiolg...board of the iio^.'^aps' part

congregation. These bretloren have world-wide vision and a sin

contributions toward the work, send receipts, keep the records, publish the newsletter and keep an up-to-date library of slides

(contd. on page 3)

We are especially happy over this arrangeinent,-'first because we feel it is in keeping with Scriptural example, and secondly because
we were at one time the minister of .'the Booker congregation.

It is

gratifying to know that ww still have the confidence of these bre

thren and that our relationship is to be renewed on an even greater

ion to Mexico, c/o Mrs. F. A. KernSj P. 0. Box 422, Booicer, Teicas.

Beginning immediately all funds should be sent to Morgan's Mina-



will be paying all our personal expenses such as food, clotliing, doctor bills, etc. besides, making monthly payments and
_ke.eping .up.,the repairs-on our automobile.

We shall not attempt to give recognit, ion to every individual who has assisted .

in our preparations thus far, for we wculd

ognitio.n i^^ due. We are grateful, how-' ever, ^to everyone v/ho has rendered support in-,any way - by pr-iiyer. by contri butions, by encouragement, by entertaining us in their homes, or by any other

---i.-A^rslX-.Qyisrlook 3_Qffieone to..whom-s-ach rec-.

Also we will have to buy furniture in Mexico as import duties prohibit our tak
ing much across the border.

Inasmuch as we will be sending our

their ministers who have given ur; the op portunity to speak and present oar plans, and for all the gifts received through
such engagements.

We are in debt to those churches and

children bo an Anerican School, we will need 5ji additional ;i^6G0 per year for
theJ.r tuition. Language for Bill and Dorothy will cost |>vO each for every
9-week term.

Vve have an advantage over m-issionaries who go to more distant countries in that we- do not have to raise thousands

thanks to Brother Bob Dozier, who has for

already busy life he is serving the Lord
in many ways,
the past ye^ar performed the service of ^ forwarding agent for the mission. In his -

V/e want to extend a special word of

of dollars for travel.

Mexico City is
Ws do

only 635 miles from Brownsville, Texas, by auto. Plane fare from San Antonio,
Texas, is only $70 round trip. plan to drive down, however.
Under present Mexican laws our entire

Since the Booker Church has

, sion,. Brother Bob will be relieved of this

taken over the responsibility of the xais-

duty, but he will still serve as :x repre- . iitmb-ing*^ " ntAt>1V0r-vh^i^ -sessionto
ton,W..Va-., area.

family mil have to return to the border

to renev;. our visas every six months until -such tirae- as we- are^blcr-ttr otrtain' per- '
manent resident permits. This is a mat

Mso, we owe a special word of rejcog-v

nitioh and Warrick 01 a^Tov/er 35 sion work, gratitude to Brother Bob S.G.C., who presented us with mm. camera for use in our mis and who,is making available to

ter which is very involved and which we

vdll not attempt to explain in detail


us a filmstrip service which will enable,

In addition .to the above mentioned expenses, there will be a need for. funds

us, to keep up-to-date film;itrip- stories of our work available for shovdng in those
churches that .are interested. We'will, have
more concerning this in. our next newslet
ter. '

for the carrying on,of the work of the

mission printing, postage, travel on the field, Bible and tract distribution,
radio work (if allowed), etc.

ount of TMDrk we are able to accomplish,

The am

will to some extent -depend upon the undcrgirding of our financial support.

Never having lived in Mexico or any

We have no intention, however, of "spending money lavishly (even if v/e had it) r-n buildings and the like. V/e be
lieve that in order to establish an in--

mission field, it is difficult for us to

estimate cur heeds with accuracy.

dig^nous- Church in Mexico or anywnere else, we jnust teach the local people to
support their own work. It-is our in tention- to make" converts, for the Lord Jesus Christ -ind to lead them to "rise

ever, f-rom inx ormation th^t wo have "ob

tained from other missionaries and from

as much or more to live in Mexico City as

it does to live in any large city in the

are inclined to believe that it will cost

government and other publications, we

up and build" for His glory. From these facts we judge our needs

will be somewhere in the neighborhood

of '^8,000 a year. .V/c believe this is a

to live in luxury (nor desire to), we do

want to be as free from the strain of

U.S. While we certainly do not expect

'small price to pay to carry the saving

Gospel to the people south of the bor

financial burdens as possible in order that we may be more effective servants

of the Master.

der. Just recently we were reading an

article .that, stated that. .a..million dol-

We are asking, therefore, a living-

lars was .spftnt^-l^in-Mexico- -6VQy-..cia.v:.,. by , tourists-,-- V/c could not help' but wonder

ing and utilities. Out of this salary we

(conod. next col.)

lojik salary of $400 per.month for our en tire family, plus $100 a mont-h for hous

how much of tnet amount v;as spent by

Ciiristian people and how much those s-ame people were giving to evangelize the .

(contd. on page 4),



(&itinued from page 3")


The suggestions below will serve to ^how a variety of wavs the

.needed aiiiount could be raised^

B Congregations 40 Congregations
.80 Classes
200 Classes




year .


giving t giving giving

giving .

year' year year .-

.8^000^ .
'.s^ooo ,


400 Individuals 300 Individuals



.support at the present time amounts to only about $200.00 a month

^We cannot express our gratitude to all those who have support ed us thus far with their prayers and contributions. Our pledged

but tne Lord has wonderfully supplied our needs. Through revival' meetings^ speaking ori^ap^ements, and speci-^1 contT-ibutions, v;e have

-and all our meals iii exchange for Dorothy's services in the kitch\,-en and dining hall.

received enough to kec-p most of our billt; paid. The colle-^e has generously provided us with a furnished apartment on the camous
Nevertheless, we have financial obligations which must be met Vi/e have "been living out of mission fuiids sirxe S
. ..

each month and there are debts which must be paid before we leave,
- the'country.
^basis, ...

..I960,,- as all proxessors at S.^C.C.' are at present on a missionary*'

., V('e intend, to render a full and complete financial report of all funds received thus far in our next newsletter,. The transfer of . forv/drciing agents makes it ifnpcGsiblG for us to make a complete

report in this letter. 'However, a financial stateraent will be a

'4;':3;iegular part of oar r^ewsletters. in.thc future.'-

; Be ^assured that every contribution, large or small, will be. , gratefully acknowledged, deeply appreciat_ed,. and properly .receipt-?', .ed and accounted lor. Please feel free to'designate any offeringfor. a specific purpose,' such as for language study, children'stuition, Bibles, etc.



Please remember -All funds should be s.ent to: ' '



- '



Mrs. F. A. Kerns

" , - P.O. Box.422

Booker, T^as

. "; July 9-15 17-23 Camp, Galax, Virginia Revival, Hays-i, Virginia ;
Ohio churches

please remember us in your prayers as

w'e .enter into these labors.

June 5-16 Eevival, Joppa, Illinois , 18-24 Revival, Ferrell'.s Greek, Ky. , 25-July 1 Camp, Moborly, Missouri^.'V'

30-Aug. 5

Aug. 6-12 Bible & Missions V/k.,Cedar Lk.

14-19 Travel'
20-26 Texas Panhandle area


July 3-B Huntington, W.Va;, area churches


San Antonio^ Texas


Sponsored by
First Christian Church
P.O. Box 331






' e ' i* . /

Form 3547 Requested

Wn mad nrv. B&roia KbfkHWi

I ^


-1 4-: '-i

H. 'j'

/*' ** i'


rioM '^1

News From MORGAN'S




Evangelistic Committee

Our Plans And Needs

Each oaj'' trings nev/ encouragement
and antici; aticn for our proposed work in Mexico. Wo are ready and anxious to go, but v/e must '?e patient and not run

before the Lord. Hence, we have tried to proceed deliberately and lay our plans well. As they ars now developing, we shall be on the faculty of South ern Chri-tir.n Col'sfre a^aln during the Fall semesr^er cf V/e sliall continue

our langva.'je study and flight trainijig during tliif. time, tl'en, the Lord v.illing,
move to Mcxico in time for our son

David to enter the second semester of

the American Sr.hC'ol in Guadalajara.

We expect to work with the Cilnton

Looney fa-.'iily in Guadalajara, thus

reaching tli? very hsnrt of Mexico with

the Gospel of Jssus Christ. As croportunPictured above is the Evangslir^tic Committee of the First Christian Church. Booker,
Texas. It is their responsibility to oversee the \v"ork of sponsoring MORGANS' MIS

ity affords, shall I'caoh out into other cities and villages of southern Mexico
as well.

SION TO MEXICO. I^eft to rijjht: R. D. Alien, Elder and Chairman of the Committee;
Bernard EL Plumb, Minister; Ray Springer, Deacon; Harry E. Fare, Elder; W. E.
Campbell, Elder.

We hoipfi to s(^?ure complete livinglink suppoii; by the time v/e leave the states. However, we are a good distance from this gral at the moment. As best we can estimate our neeJs, we shall need at least $500 a month to remain in Mex

Looneys Plans
And Needs
Brother Clinton Looney and his fam ily left their home and work in Vansant, Va., in June and have been traveling in behalf of the mission ever since. They
have now crossed the border into Mexi

tions. They are trusting the Lord for

the i-est.

The Looney famdly are sponsored by tfie Church of Christ at Grundy, Va.
Tiieir work will be under the direct

ico. Our rrcf^an'-. conr.istent sUipport totals only about $250 per month, or aibout half what v,*e need.

If but a f?'v JTuo-'e churches or indivi

siipei-vision of the elders of this evangel istic congregation. Their forwarding agont is Mrs, Stanford Cook, Box 278, Vansant, Va.

duals would write vs into their ibudget,

our living-lnV could be assured. God

has richly blessed n= in this past year

of preparali'n. and we are confident

co to investigate the possibility of begining work there immediately in the estaiblishment of New Testament Church

that throufjh Ris Poo%le He will supply

our every nsed.

In order to deduct your contributions

to the ScuthoiTi Mexico Christian Miss


After investigation of the needs, possibilities and lining conditions it was decided that a work should be opened in Guadalajara. It is a city of 75.0,000 with no effort at evangelizing being carried on by the Christian Churches or Chiirches of Christ. An apartment has been

ion frrm your (federal income tax, checks must 'be made to the siponsoring churches, a-? the mission is not incor porated. Checks for the Morgans should bo made to the First Christian Church, Booker, Texas, and designated for Mor
gans' Mission to Mexico. Those intended for the Looneys should be made to the Churah of Christ, Grundy, Va., and de signated for the Looney's Mission to

Our heartfelt thanks and sincere ap

preciation are extended to all those churches and individual,-, who have en

rented, the children enrolled in school

and language study begun.
The address en the field is; Sr. Clin

tertained, supported, and encouraged us during our s:i:nmer tour. May our Heav enly Father riihly ble'ss you all for your interest in our wrrk and your con cern for worl'l-wide evangeliim.

ton Looney, 870 Circunvalacion, Provdencia, Sector Hidalgo, Colonia Italia, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The Looneys also will need at lea>t $500 monthly support. They have about half of this amount in regular contribu

Mexico. Funds for the Morgans should be MAILED to Mrs. F. A. Kerns, Box 422, Booker, Texas. Funds for the Looneys should be mailed to Mrs. Stam ford Cook, Box 278, Vansant, Va.

Our mailing !ist is con'.tj^ntly being

expanded, and we will gladly add the name of any interested person. Ou\* newsletter is r:ailt.v.l free to all who re
quest it. Ju-st send j'aur name and ad

dress to Mrs. Gladys Morris, Booker,



baptize . . and . .
we experience any car trouble at all. In Indianapolis we bought a battery, near Cedar Lake a tire, and in Chicago our left rear axle broke. However, consider
ing the amount of miles we have travel

"go . ., teach . . .

About a year ago the First Christian Church, Booker, Texas was challenged to the work of sponsoring the Wm. J. (Bill) Morgan family as missionaries to Mexico. Bro. Morgan is a former min ister of the Booker congregation and
because of his association with the . con

teach" as commanded in Matt. 28:l'9-20.


Praise God, from whom all blessing flow! Truly, it has been a busy summer, and in some respects a trying summer; but all in all, a summer filled with many

ed (about 10,000 in three months), we have been richly blessed. Now the long, busy summer is nearly over, and we anticipate another busy
semester with Souithern Christian Col

gregation the response was very favor able . and almost spontaneous. Plans were set in motion by the EHders and Deacons to survey the congregation to determine to what extent the Morgans could be suipiported financially. It was

pleasant experiences and one that has been profitable for our proposed work
in old Mexico. For these and many

other blessings, we "thank God and take


The summer began for us with the

lege before beginning our new work in Guadalajara in January. We ask for your continued prayers and assistance in these final months of planning and

also, understood that mere financial as sistance was not enough; but that many
other matters must be handled by the congregation df the missionary familywas to prove effective on the field. Con

closing of school at Southern Christian College the last of May. Since then we
have traveled in thirteen different

states and have spoken in ten of these.

siderable study was given to the meth ods and examples given in the book of Acts, especially the relationship of the church at Antioch to Paul and Barnabas,
as recorded in dhaipters 13 and 14.

Speaking engagements were met at the following churches; Novelty, iShelbina,

Vandalia (Missouri); Carlisle, West Van Lear, i(}alilee ChurchTofllesboro, Mouth Card, JZebulon, Coal Run Church Pikeville (Kentucky); iSixth Avenue Church, Beverly Hills 'Church, Highlawn Church^-iHuntington (West Vir

"Daddy, where is our real home?"

asked our older son David one day. His

question made me realize what a diffi

cult experience it was for the children

to be moved from place to place. His

peiplexity was understandable. He was Iborh in Huntington, W. Va., lived in

The following method of caring for necessary details has been worked out: The missionary will ibe considered as this church's (preacher in Mexico. (At present, help is asked from other con gregations until full support can be as

ginia); Zion Church^Pomeroy, fronton,

Pond Creek (Ohio); Haysi (Vir^nia); Kenosha (Wisconsin); Waukegan (Ill

'Chapmanville, W. Va., Cmcinnati and Moscow, Ohio, and Booker, Texas. For three and one-half years we had made our home in Haii^i, Va., before making
our decision for the mission field and

inois); Lamont (Oklahoma); Booker, Borger, Canadian, Dalhart (Texas). Re

vival meetangis were conducted at Jop-

l3etails of the work have been placed _in the hands/.ocf >tlie Evapffelistic, -Oommittee^ consisting of three Elders and
one Deacon::This Comonittee will con sult with the entire body of -Elders and Deacons in major decisions. In turn, three ladies were chosen to work in three areas of the work usually falling to the person called the "for warding agent" Each lady will have a member of the Evangelistic Committee as "advisor" in her particular area. 1. One lady and the advisor will
serve as Treasurer. A<11 funds for the work to ibe handled here

iPa, ..IllinoiSj^ and ^K^ieirs :.CJi:eek,,.K^ed in two camps: Junior Week at White Oak Christiam Camp near Moberly, Missouri, and Missions Week at Lake Region Christian Assembly, Cedar Lake,

moving to San Antonio, Texas. Now we were enroute biack e^t for ^e summer \yith plans to return to iSan Antopio and

-gof-to Mesaeo-rC^fe' '4^ was harid at tte moment for me to give my

son a satisfactory answer. However, since then I have jgiven much thought to the matter, and if the question is ever asked again, tiie mswer
will be ready. Where is our real homie?

We have had many a joyouis reunion with old Christian friends and have

made many new ones. Contributions re ceived from these engagements and from our regular supporters have ade

quately covered our traveling expenses and. paid our living-link salary up to
date. We feel also that new supporters

Why, it's Heaven, of course. We are mere pilgrims here on earth, where we can tarry but a little while. Yet, how foolishly people spend so much of their time and energies in making themselves

through one account. Salary, housing and transpoartation allow

ances and all other fuinds for mis-

an earthly dwelling with little or no thought for the place they will, spend

have Ibeen enlisted. Several churches have isent us their vacation Bible School

mission work to come by check

from the Treasurer.

offerings, for which we have fli)een most

grateful. Everywhere we have gone, we have found folk very friendly and hospitable

Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Those
who have fine houses and lands on


Anotiher lady and advisor will serve as corresponding Isecretary. This includes acknowledging all funds with receipts and letters and keeping the mailing list current.

earth hate to leave them though they

and receptive to our messag'ie. What a

joy it is to be a 'part of such rich Chris

tian fellowship!

one day must. But Jesus has promised that those who give up houses and lands, father and mother, son and dau ghter for His sake and the g^el's
shall receive a hundred fold in this
world and in the world to come eternal

3. The third lady and advisor will be responsible for the editing and mailing of a newsletter and the
miaintenantie of lasual materials available to

Beverly Jean was only two and onehalf months old when we began our



tour, and this has made traveling a bit trying for her and Dorothy. Neverthe less, both have stood the experience well
and seem to be in (good (health. Now, at less than six months, Beverly can al-

life. If Heaven is our REAL home, then our hearts will be there, and one day

These are a few of the plans being

put into operation as one congregation

endeaivors to find Scriptural and practi

teady pull herself to a standing position,

and we believe she will walk before she

cal methods of carrying out the com mand of Jesus to Christians that they

is eight months old. Only on one leg. of the journey did

we shall go there with our blessed Lord. Yes, my Son, "This world is not our home; we're only passing through. If Heaven's not our home, O then what .will we do? The angles beckon us from Heaven's open door, and we can't feel at home in this world any more."

THE l/iEXlCAtie^Uau^m

May 26, 1960-^une 30, 1961


Barboursville, W. Va., Pond Creek, Ohio, Chunch of




Moscow, Ohio, Church of (Christ

Ladies Aid

Youth Bally, Bluefield, Va $121.00 Sixth Ave. Church of Christ, Huntington, W. Va., Missionary
Society Junior Dept. 41.20 10.00

Flying Lessons 83.53 Convention Booth (Nat'l Christian Missionary Conv.) 15.00 Clinton Looney (Half of Blttefidd (Rally Offering) 60,50

Premier Mountain, W. Va, Church

of Christ

Cincinnati Ave. Church of Chriist, iSan Antonio, Texas 45.00 First Christian Church, San Antonio, Texas 6000 Airline Christian Church,
Oklahoma City, Okla. Bloomsburg, Pa., Christian

..... $4622.78

Total Receipts
Total Disbusrsements



Central Christian Chucrh, Ironton,

Ohio Friendly Circle Class Loyal Sons and Daughters

10.00 31.00

Duhrirtff, W. Va., iChurch of

Christ Ladieis Aid

Howell's Mill Christian Assembly,

Ona, W. Va 88.00

Zion, Ohio, Church of Christ Little Prater Church of iChzist, Grundy, Va. Vacation Bible


Fairmount Christian Church, Richmond, Va Joppa, 111., Christian 'Church Carlisle, Ky., Christian Church Women's Missionary Society Maysville, Ky., Church of

Balance Bills Outstandinig Due on. Morgans' Salary for



50.00 .265.00


July 1, 1961August 31, 1901


Novelty, Mo., Christian

Chiirch 50.00

Vandalia, Mo., Christian Church Shelibina, Mo., Christian



96.00 Vansanit, Va., Church of Christ 89.10 Area Rally, G^rundy, Va 118.50 Ferrell's Creek, Ky., Church of Christ : 414.34 V8Mtion Bible iSchoqJ 37.00

Youth Grourp ..... Zebulon,Ky., Church of Chrirt Youth Grouip


White Oak Christian Camp, Moberly, Mo.



Mouth Card, Ky., Qhurch

of Christ

Zebulon, Ky., C^iuxch of

Christ 12.59


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reed

Miss Janie Miller Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Williamson

32.00 7.50

Booker, Texas, Hrst Christen

Men^ Class 15.00

Mr. Sidney Clay 13.00 Elster B. (Elswick (Mr. and Mrs.) ..27.00
Mr; and Mrs. Clarence Stone ...: 50.00

Youth Group Galilee Christian Church, Tolles* boro, Ky. Coal Run, Ky., Church of

10.00 29.50

Mr. -aird Mrs. Cloud Mills


Central Christian Church, Irontonr Ohio Friendly Circle

Class 20.66 11.50

Calvaiy Christian Church, Baton iRouge, La. i

13.55 32.54

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arrington ........20.00 Mr. Jerry Yateg - 6.00

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yates 5.00

Loyal Sons and Daughters


Bropksport, 111., Christian

Church Vacation Bible School

Mr. and Mrs. Joihn Boling Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sayre
Mr. Letihcote

10.00 10.00

Felicity, Ohio, Churdh of

Christ 35.00

Alfordsiville, Ind., Christian

Church 160.01
6.00 300.00

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pulpan

Mr. and Mrs. Eulice White


Camp Point, 111., Christian

Second Junior -Class

Mr. and Mrs. Orby Beard Anonymous Contributor

Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul Bennett

5.00 1.00

Moscow, Ohio, Church of Christ Pond Ci*eek, Ohio, Church of Christ

75.28 65.62

Highlaiwn Church of Christ,

Huntington, W. Va Beverly Hills Church of Christ, Huiitington, W. Va
Howell's Mills Christian

Cocoa Beach, Fla., Christian



Mrs. Edith lone Raney


Mt. Bjrrd Christian Church,

Mr. and Mrs. IRoibert Mc-Callister ..10.00


Milton, Ky Moiith Card, Ky., Church of



Mr. and Mrs. Archie Doyle 62.00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Beagle 5.00
Mr. and Mrs. Charleis A. Watrou8....47.00

Versailles, Ind., Church of


Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Looney Mr. Blythe IRoibinson

Mr. Lonnie Bennett

2.00 1.00

Harlandale Christian Church, San Antonio, Texas Community Chrilstian Church, Schartz, Texas

Assembly Intermediate Week Booker Texas, First Christian Church Zion, Ohio, Church of Christ

25.35 220.70 43.00 51.10 29.36


Mr. and Mirs. Henry V. iSeeger 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Day 3.00

Knosha, Wisconsin, First

Christian Church


West Van Lear, Ky., Church

of Christ

West Van Lear, Ky., Church

of Christ

JUNE 30, 1961



Pikeville, Ky., ContrSbutor, Ferrells

Creek Church of Christ Joppa, 111., Christian Church Vacation Bible School 20.00 16.65

New Testament Church, Mercedes, Texas

Haysi, Va., 'CSiurch of Christ Coal Run, Ry., Church of

Christ Vacation Bible Scihool

50.00 30.00
129^0 31.85 41.41

Morgan's Salary Travel Exipenses Miscellaneous Supplies

Phone Calls Slides and Film -

$3671.83 603.21 9.15

6.71 43.17

Maysville, Ky., Church of Christ Youth Group

Total From Churches and

25.00 5.00

Beaver Creek, Ky., Church of

Christ :.

Farmdale Church of Christ,

Equipment Printing Postage

63.05 61.63 15.00

(Continued on Page 4)


(Continued from Page 3)


Forwarding Agent Committee


Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bennett .... $5.00

Mr. and Mns. Ross Headley Mr.- and Mrs., Charles Watrous Mr; and Mrs. Archie .Doyle 5.00 .2.00 ,.5.00 : .5-00 .10.00 lO.QQ 10.00 ...;..'.';v5'.00
lO.OQ 89.17
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Sutherland 1...;^ 30.00

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Boyd Mj;. .S.idney Clay. Mr. H. G. Proctor Mr. John Ray Prank Mrs. Irene Springer
Mr.' Dee. Brewer Anonymous , Contributor

Cpntributprs Unknown
Total Prom Individuals




lavin'j Link Salary

Travel Expenses" Total Disbursements

.1 $1128.17
170.94 .V $1299.11
....' $1123.71
Pictured above frotn left to right: Gladys Morris, Correspondence; Lee Kerns. Treasurer; Byrtle Mills, Publicity. These three, in cooperation with the EVANGEL ISTIC COMMITTEE, carry on the work normally falling to a Forwarding Agent for

Total Receipts

Balance Brought'Forward'
Tbtal ^




Balance Carried Forward'$139.5^


are almost 750,000 people in the city. I have been, told, that the literacy rate is

like precious faith.

We have a nice apartment just a few yards from Che American School. The school seems to be excellent. The clim

In connection with' the annual field

trip-to-:Mexico: b.y .the studenta .and facutty.tof Southern Christian. .Collegei San Antonio, Texas, Bill Morgan, will jourto Guadalajara, ..Mexico. This, trip will begin November-20 and about. ^ weejc will be Sipent enroute and on the
field. , ...... ' .

higher here than anywhere else in Mex ico. Pcipulation is growing at a tremen dous rate. Many of the people have good incom&s. If we. can establish the work here, .these are people who are in a pos.^ ition to, reach out into the villages and evangelize their,own. "I am' anxious ^to make a ibeginning here, but the language must be learned. I talk every chance I have and make a try ^th the" Mexicans and plan to enroll
in classes this month. ' '

ate here is good; modcrateMedical ser

vices seem excellent. We are about four

blocks from a Baptist hospital. "Cost of living: about the same as in the States. iSome things more; some less. Import duty puts American foods out of reach. Small can of pork and beans, 73c, regular can of spaim'$1.08, regular can of Campbell's tomato soup
about 48c.

; Most of those making the trip will be visiting the iNorthmp iRanch near' Saltillis.apd visdting churches in that area. It
is felt that it. will be .profitable-for Bro.

, "Last week, I .met a family from Cal

Morgan to spend tOiis timre on the.'field in person since he. and his family mil be moving there shortly after the first of January 1962.

iforniaAmericanswho. belonged to the ' Church there. We made arrange

ments and conducted services in their, home last Lord's Day morning. With,


.'""I ..Can't begin to tell you what a field this.,is. (Guadalajara, Mexico). There

their children and ours, we had ten pres ent. It was really a blessing to be with them and spread the communion table. 6ne does not feel the need of fellowship so intensely until cut off from others of

"There is a great possibility of begin ning an Eniglish-speaking Church, here, but I'm feeling my way along and trust ing in God to lead. We had Bible study in Our home last Lord's Day evening.

Form 3547 requested








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