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Solution to Economic Dispatch by Equal Incremental Cost Criterion RM Saloman danaraj EEE Department Aurora Technological research Institute. Hyderabad.

. The basic economic dispatch problem can described mathematically as a minimization of problem


F (P )
i i i =1


Fi ( Pi ) is the fuel cost equation of the ith plant. It is the variation of fuel cost ($ or Rs) with generated power (MW).Normally it is expressed as quadratic equation.

Fi ( Pi ) = ai Pi + bi Pi + ci


If ai 0 then the quadratic fuel cost function is monotonic. The total fuel cost is to be minimized subject to the following constraints.

P = D+ P
i i =1
n n i j


Pl = Bij Pi Pj


By lagrangian multipliers method and Kuhn tucker conditions and the following conditions for optimality can be obtained

2ai Pi + bi = (1 2 Bij ), i = 1,2,..n

j =1

(1.5) (1.6) (1.7) (1.8)

P = D+ P ,
i l i =1

Pl = Bij Pi Pj
i j

Pi Pi Pi The non linear equations and inequalities are solved by the following procedure.



1. To initialize the procedure allocate lower limit of each plant as generation, evaluate the transmission loss and incremental loss coefficients and update the demand. Pi = Pi

, xi = 1 Bij Pi , D new = D + Pl
j =1



2. Substitute the incremental cost coefficients and solve the set of linear equations to determine the incremental fuel cost.


i n new


xi 2ai


3. Determine the power allocation of each plant bi xi = ai 2 xi




If plant violates its limits it should be fixed to that limit and the remaining plants only should be considered for next iteration. 4. Check for convergence

i i =1




is the tolerance value. 5. Carry out the steps 2-4 till convergence.

Quadratic programming methodology to implement Equal Incremental Cost Criterion

Quadratic Programming is an effective optimization method to find the global solution if the objective functions is quadratic and the constraints are linear. It can be applied to optimization problems having nonquadratic objective and nonlinear constraints by approximating the objective to quadratic function and the constraints as linear. For all the four problems the objective is quadratic but the constraints are also quadratic so the constraints are to be made linear. Minimize X .H . X T + f T X , subject to KX R , X min X X max (1.13) X = [ x1 , x2 , x3 ...xn ]T f = [ f1 , f 2 , f 3 ... f n ]T , R = [ R1 , R2 , R3 ...Rm ]T H is a Hessian matrix of size nxn and A is a mxn matrix representing inequalities. To solve the economic dispatch with losses the QP can be effectively implemented by defining the matrices H, f, K and R. a a a b b b H = diag 1 , 2 ,.. n , f = 1 , 2 ,.. n (1.14) x x x1 x2 xn 1 2 xn
K = [1,1,1,...1] 1xn matrix, and R = D + Pl Instead of steps 2&3 QP can be used to determine the allocation.


Case study 1. A six plant system with quadratic monotonic fuel cost functions (System-A) is considered for simulation. The fuel cost, emission, and loss coefficients are given in table 1.1&1.2.Two case studied economic dispatch, and emission dispatch is carried out and the simulations results are given table 1.3&1.4. % This program solves the economic dispatch with Bmn coefficients by

% quadratic programming and equal incremental cost critetion % the data matrix should have 5 columns of fuel cost coefficients and plant limits. % 1.a ($/MW^2) 2. b $/MW 3. c ($) 4.lower lomit(MW) 5.Upper limit(MW) %no of rows denote the no of plants(n) data=[0.007 0.0095 10 0.009 0.009 0.008 8.5 11 10.5 7 200 220 200 220 120 240 50 80 50 50 50 100 200 300 150 200 120]; 500

0.0075 12 Pd=700;

% Demand (MW)

% Loss coefficients it should be squarematrix of size nXn where n is the no % of plants B=1e-4*[0.14 0.017 0.015 0.019 0.026 0.022 ]; [P Fcost Pl]=eld(data,B,Pd) 0.6 0.13 0.16 0.15 0.2 0.17 0.13 0.65 0.17 0.24 0.19 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.71 0.3 0.25 0.19 0.15 0.24 0.3 0.69 0.32 0.26 0.2 0.19 0.25 0.32 0.85 0.22

P= 1.0e+002 * 3.16404767647343 0.77402730705000 1.58473557500294 0.50000000000000 0.56434940729082 0.50000000000000

Fcost = 8.508670788826265e+003

Pl =


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