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Po 0. BOX 466, MOtfTEGO BAY (1);


Dear Frtentl^ In Christ,

at 6 jj.m,' As I pame off the plane,, l.cpujd tell i v/as home,, not because of the
beautiful skies or the beautiful flowers, but because of the heat -89.
of Christ."

preetjngs from Montego Bayp Jamaica. We arrived In Kingston on November 4,.,

But the

feeling I have to be home really cannot be expressedo All i can say Is that It Is.i

gre^t to be doing what I have always wanted to do - "Preach the unsearchable riches

move Into a new area and start afresh, with the Idea that as the congregation grows a^d becomes self-supporting, the other congregations could learn from us. We decided
to start In Montego Bay.

We came here on November 8, and found a place to live.



finding a place far worship took us 2^^ weeks. We had hoped to cohduct services In our home but this Is prohibited by law We are now meeting^ In a Lodge Hall on Sundays and
5t Is well located, In the heart of Montego Bay.

Montego Bay Is the tourist capita] of Jamaica with a population of.a^ut

25,000. It Is located In the northwest part of the Island, and Is a beautiful city. The people here are very warm srid friendly, and most go to church, biit'few have any

real conanltrnfent.

The work here will not grow overnight, but there Is^a definite chall

Wh^n I caM In the homes everyone Is polite; they all accept my pamphletsi but

no one .ls^eally Interested In the Bible. This Interest will haVe to be develd^^d.Although this seems to be the general pattern, I have.found soihe who have Invited mfe
Into their homes and asked er.ny questions about the church.

Hundreds of young people are here to be won to the Lord, so I find the work
exciting. I have made some very good contacts but am unable to follow through on

some because of distance. (Oar car h^s not arrived from- the U.S; y6tl) a Mrs. Walker of Cambridge, 18 mJles away Is very Interested,

For Instance, '

I have called on all the hanies In our neighborhood;_Jj_have also called on many^

hotels, business places, the Parish Council (governing body of Montego Bay), the Chamber of Commerce, Hlgfi Schools, Business Colleges, the Hospital, and the Old Folks'

On November 20^ I spoke at the Montego Bay Technical High School, and will

speak at another on December 6 I am now conducting weekly services at the Old Folks' Home and at the Hospital. This Is a very challenging ministry. 1 am learning from these services and at the same time I'n making valuable contacts with the nurses and

We havei spent over $200 In advert IsIng I placed ads In the local paper. In the Dally Gleaner (read Island-wide), had signs put up along the streets, had 1500
hand bills printed, and*.had 2000 calling cards printed. I go calling every day; I walk about 10 miles per day calling. The first few days my feet ached and felt ^o heavy but I am now getting used to It. Many of the outlying areas.are too far to
walk so I am concentrating on the tov^^n and my neighborhood.

Although Pat, Mary Beth, and I are the only ones (so far) meeting for worship
In a building that seats 60 or more, we are not discouraged. while, . tl;irough our calling,' many will come to know the Lord,

Bl.b^e j^ljudy 11^,homes but so far have received only one Invitation. :

I feel withinia short I ajn trying to set up

^ T+ie'-fdilowing Is a- brief fiTranc-statemerFtV-=-Ther-cost of fIvltrg has risen over 100% In the six years ! have beeh away. The prices of most things are 2-3 times

as mijch as In the U.S., while salaries and wages are imuch lower. In other news letters we,,hdj[^e we won't have to ask.,for funds bj^ause we feel that those . ChristIans^who :^Fe

co'ric^^ed about the Lord^s work In Jamaica, .-wl 11 see that our needs are: met. We. have enough n^ey to pay our hpuse and building rental for the month of December. .
Amount collected $2,302.09

' Borrowed from the Bank


3.02,O9 .(f463:.00


' '

Monthly Rental for House Monthly Rental for Lodge Monthly Payment on Loan

$ ^
500.00 35.00
I3O.OO 3O0OO 71c8l

Needed Monthly Support $ Current Monthly Support

Anyone wishing a more detailed report, write to me and I will send you a copy,
I can use all the tracts you can send me right now.
Right now,:,we are,using paper cups and plates.

I would also appreciate

someone .sending me ,2 communion sets; one large set and a small set for visiting the sick.
' if have'al ready found some projects for any Youth Groups or Missionary Circles
who are Interested! The Montego Bay Hospital and Old Folks' Home are badly In need of 200 bath towels, diapers, soap, diaper pins, and baby powder, I'have told the Matron I would see what could be done. I was given a tour of the Children's and Maternity Waf'dsi'rhy'heart went out to these little children. The HospltaV and Old Folks' Home are run by the Government,' But, the Government Is not able to supply all the needs, so churches, civic groups^ and Individuals are called upon. I cannot describe all the things I saw, but you whd> visit us can see for yourselves.

To whoever can help, may I recommend that you send used bath towels: those In your cabinets, or stored away In attics or bunkhouses. This way we do not'have to pay
Import duty. -On any boxes sent, mark "USED ARTICLES - OF NO COMMERCIAL VALUE". Remember, these things are desperately needed, so do please hurry, : i For the summer of 1968 we woyld like to Invite college students, youth groups,

mlnlsjiers, and Christians from various churches to come and work with us,. WE NEED. ' HELPERS] There is much cal1Ing to be done, typing to be done, mimeographing to be done, air services to be held, dubs to .be. held, etc. We do have certain criteria for students to meet. If you are Interested - write to me. While here you will stay with us. All
you will need Is your plane fare and spending money.

I do not think 1 could close this letter, without thanking everyone for their

help while living In the United States,.

I would like to thank all the Churches for

their support while In college, and In helping me to preach the gospel of Christ In
Jamaica; the professors, administration, and student body of Minnesota.Bible College for helping me with $1,000; Mr. Bruce Burdick, for his letters of encouragement, Mr, McNamara and Mr. Carlson of Brl(|dfcnan's for their help over the years, Tq all of

my friends a bip "THANK YOU", and please do come and see us.
"To seek and save those that are lost",

Since yoy will not hear from us again before Christmas, may we wish you all a iVery H^ppy Christmas and may we renietpber that Christ came to earth for a special reason - . Please, remember us In your prayers as we labor for the Master In Montego Bay.
Yours In Him,

Lloyd, Pat, & Mary Beth Morris.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +.

Dear Friends,=

have a bed, Mary!, Beth Is making do with a suitcase until her crib arrives.

After nearly one month In Jamaica, we are attempting to once again get settled Into some sort of family life. This Is a bit difficult as none of our personal belong ings, have ^rlved yet, only what we brought In our suitcases. While Lloyd and I do

- X; I "am- learning what many, of' you probably knew before I was born; - how to wash clothed by tvarid '(everything) and how to get along without a refrigerator. But, we do substitute quite well"^with a large chunk of Ice ave^y few days to keep milk fresh for
Mary Beth, j,

' '

Jamaica Is one of the most beautiful spots on earth, I'm. sore.

Here In Montego

Bay We 11ve^^boui 2 mlles up In the hil ls from the coast. One cannot go'outslde with out marvel 11n'g, at the natural beauty around; There are flowers blooming everywhere, the sun Is shining nearly all the time, and the air has never experienced pollution;of any J<lnd, The hUls and mountains, with their gorgeous views excite jne especially, as I have never been accustomed to anything like them, ,; . . Some of you flower-fanciers jnay be Interested to know that the polnsettla grows >/l Id here.! iJTi fact, there are several growing; In our front yard. To one so accustomed to snow, and cold weather, these lovely MChrIstmas Flowers" are about the ortly vlsltile evidence.of^thB'approaching holidays that I see as I look out my window, Alth6ygh we realize our Lord's birth, and the first Christmas took place In a setting more like
Jamaica than not, I'm afrlad It Is going to take one north MInnesotan some time to get

over the Idea that this Isnlt^^uly and eventually the snow and cold will arrive. On this note may I wX^h you all a Happy Christmas from the Morrises, and let us
not forget, In our bustle, what the upcoming season really means to us,
' ' j . j. "

I' "

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