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Central Ctoistian Church 511 West Jefferson St. Rockford, Illinois 61103
Dear Friends,

Mr. and Mrs, David DeFor

Montego Bay Jamaica, WI February, I969

Box 466

I take this pleasure in wishing you all a Happy New Year. It is truly said that time waits for no man. We a>*e thankful that we are able to be involved in the King's business; it is a won
derful privilege.

1969 is here with us and on behalf of Pat, Mary Beth, and Linda Kay, along with myself,

function completely \intil they are back in Jamaica with me; we are praying that this ijill be

home.^ With Pat and the children away, I was lonely even though I was quite busy. I will not
On December 19th we had our Christmas program for the children. All the members played a great part in making preparations for 100 children and parents. We had 75 children and 50 adults. We had ham and ttirkey so we were able to make everyone feel at home. The children

December was a busy month for me. There were special sermons to be prepared, practice for the Christmas program, visiting with the sick and friends, and trying to keep things going at

performed well and mainy parents were surprized at wha-f- their children knew. Through our prograir several new students are not attending Bible School.

For 1968 the church gave 271.0.0 in tithes and offerings and from October throu^ Dec ember they gave 12.10.0 for missions. This money was used in supplying a family weekly with

this year is 6OO in tithes and offerings. Our chu-ch voted 50 to be given to help our
an evangelistic campaign at the same time.

actual membership is only 9. We are teaching our people to give and they are responding to the challenge. Some of our members are supplying other faiiillies with used clothing. Our goal for

groceries and buymg school clothing and books for needy children.

This is commendable as our

camp. We are praying,for a great harvesting of souls and all our members have made a pledge to win at least one soul for I969. We are planning our DVBS for July 21-31. We will also have
On a larger scale, we are working for more unity among the churches of Christ in Jamaica.

^though many of us have moi'e gray hair because of the disappointments, still progress has stead of sajring "uliat the missionaries have not been doing, to ning for the future. Toward this end a summer camp has been vention for August 10, and a seminar for men and women August as I realized that we wore doing something for ourselves. As

mind that this shoT^d have happened 10 years ago. Even now, all is not smooth; there is much
opposition, but it is time for us to cut the "mbilical cord. Please ronember our efforts. Those of you who are interested in receiving a copy of the letters that have been sent out to

launch out on our own by plan planned for August 3-10, a con 11-13. tJy heart was overflowing we planned the though came to my

THKir ministers regarding camp, the convention, DVBS, and the seminar, please drop me a line and
I will send you a copy.


We are hoping that Pat and the children will be returning to Jamaica soon. Any of you who are interested in helping with travel funds, please write to her at her Minnesota address, or
to o\ar forwardii^ agents.

thing, or if we can learn anything in the future. When I approach someone on the streets I make it known that the minister for the church of Christ here. Invariably these questions
are asked of me: ^ ^ .

As this is 1969, I think it proper for us to look back and see if we have learned any

1) How many churdies of Christ are in Jamaica? 2) Where are they located?

4) Are all our ministers college trained?

3) Do we have any schools, hospitals, children's homes, etc?

5) "l^hat are we doing in the educational field?

As yet, we are considered a small group; however, there are groups smaller than we are who have

I find it difficult angering these questions, Jamaica has developed in so much that people are not reached only^ throu^ the spoken word, but throu^ institutions of learning. Because the parents take their children to school th0y are able to be reached through the children.

educated ministers, high schools, Bible colleges, children's homes, etc. and they are flourishingc

be concerned with the educational progress of His people. Dr. Aubrey Phillips, senior lecturer in the deparfenent of education at the University of the West Indes, said, "In our society be tween sixty thousand and one hiindned thousand children are not enrolled in any sort of school at in Jamaica, it is necessary to reach the middle and higher income bracket people for Christ. TMa will primarily be done through an institution of higher learning. The schools here are OTmrcrowded; school buildings are not being built fast enough to accomodate school age pupils. The government is doing its best but at the same time the government is asking religious bodies

The churcshs main concern is the winning of souls for Christ, but the church, should also

all and those who are enrolled are not necessarily attending." For the church of Christ to grow

to open more schools.

The Bible is taught in our schools and we as Christians are missing out

the great opportunity, given to us by Jesus Chidst to the nation.

here is a three year old girl whose mother left for the USA. She wanted a place to board her child and came to me. As probation officer having contact with the different agencies in the government, I was afele to find accomodation for her. Another exan^le - a father with five boys who attend our Sunday School. The parents became separated after living together for 13 years
and the father, having custody of these children, wanted to board them. The children are in

needed. Foster parents are needed. All other religious bodies have started homes, not only to help ehildi^ within their congregations, butrchildren at large who are in needT^ For example,

In the social services, what is the church of Christ doing? Nothing I Children's homes are

need of care and protection; they need a home where love is abounding and I am finding it diffi cult to find a place for them. Another example - a young girl sixteen who was accepted at the Montego Bay evening" Institute. Her parents have eleven children and because of their poor eco nomic circumstances, are \mable to board her in Montego Ea;y . This girl has lost the opportunity
to attend high school as her parents are unable to pay. Yet another example - a mother with 10

children. Seven of these children are suffering from malnutrition, although I have arranged to
Her hus

band is an alcoholic and refuses to work so the mother is the sole support of the 10 children.
her contribution t^ou^ the social services. Montego Bay is desperately in need of a foster home. We need a home idiere young boys and girls who are moving into town and have no place to

receive foodstuffs for the children, she still cannot provide the other necessities.

I could go on and on; the church has no recognition because we are not contributing to any
For the church to make a worthwhile contribution that is needed she will have to make

stay while they seek employment or attend school can find a home atmosphere and guiding hand. Ma^ of them are friistrated and disallusioned with society. A Christian i^ueiice could rehab ilitate these broken lives. The church in Montego Bay is projecting for" the future, but until we are able to start these projects on our own, could we encourage interested parties to give a helping- hand? l^feny of you are retired and looking'for a place of service. And you young mar ried couples, why not come and five at least two or three years of your service in Montego Bay.

Montego Bay is calling you; mil you accept the ftacedonian call?" I have avision that someday the church of Christ in Montego Bay will have a foster hone, a youth hostel, and a high school. The Lord is not slack concerning His promises and I believe that He will bless and provide all
that is needed; that His name will be spread abroad in the hearts of men everywhere.
Some of you visit Jamaica from time to time and you are unable to locate our churches on the Lord's Day. Here is a list of those in strategic locations:

1)Free HiU (St. Ann); morning worship 10AM; minister, Thomas Lowe
2)Montego Bay; 1^6 Market St; morning worship 10 AM

^)B6echer Town (Ocho Rios); morning worship 11 AM; speaker Carlton Millings 5)Memorial Chapel Church of Christ; 7 Oxford Road; Kingston; morning worsMp 9:30 AM;
minister, Gerald Ifarphy

3)Constant Spring; 2 Mannings Ave.; Kingston; morning worship 10 AM; minister, A. Thompson

6)Mandeville; North Crescent; morning worship 11 Aj-!5 minister, Denzil Holness . As I cana.project for the future, the church will not only grow thri>ugh social se^ces but through our Bible School. As you know we have a Volkswagen car. No further explanations are needed about the seating capacity. On a typical Lord's Day mol?iiing I make as many as-seven
trips picking up children.

say politely that I am unable to do so because of a lack of time and car space. Many of these

Parents have asked me to call for their children and .I have had to

ness to his competitors because he has no waiters to take care of his customers. We are asking
you to help us in bu^^ng a bus to faciljitate the work of Christ. Frcan time to time we receive

parents do not have the bus fares) that we have lost golden opportunities. I am like the owner of a restaurant who has clean facilities, the best food, and many friends. Yet, he loses busi it
2) Bus for the work

children do not att^! ^

church and our bus service is so bad (plus the fact that many of the

^mediate ones.

3i Gestetner dupiLicator 150

^) DVBS material^ Sunday School literature; and Bibles
5) Clothing - for. all ages

When sending boxes please chekc with your post office as to the cheapest postal not send boxes by airmail. Boxes must be labeled with hf- following? Church of Christ, Montego Bay, c/o Lloyd Morris, Box ^6, Montego Bay, Jamaica, WI.

. Do

visit with us anytime and never think that I i-rill be too busy to reply to your letters at any tme<, Please remember to send all funds to our forwarding agent. May I close with Luke 6:38, Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure pressed doim, and shaken together, and runlang over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it
shall be measured to you again.
Yours in Christ,

To our many friends many thanks for all the ChrisUnas cards tine, gifts received. Thanks for the_ faith you have in our ability to do the job that ha.^ to bo done. Please feel free to

Dear Friends,

t, that again, greetings from Minnesota, Although tliis from is my originalNever home, has I am hoping very much the next newsletter will be written completely Jamaica, any spot on earth seemed so beautiful or so like a paradise, (even the mosquitos)o And, it never seems more beckoning; than when I am standing in the wind, scra-ing ice frcm my ^Jindshield, on a cold, dark morning before work,^ Enough said about the miseries of winter living, EXCEPT - I was doing fairly will., and even beginning to like it, until I heard the weatherman say we are having the
worst winter in northern Minnesota since 188?!

w^ter colds, etc. Both Mary Beth and Kay were sick over Christmastime - Mary Beth with bron
sympathy and get the Hong Kong flu, (Smile)
i ,

I*m sure our story here is a repeat of many of yours, in that we have all had the usual

chitis, and Kay with pneumonia^ As it seems to always work out, Kay was much the sicker of the two, ^d was until the end of January getting well. Of course, I had to put in for my share of

January we nearly tripled our usual nimiber of admissions, and are just now getting back to a normal work load. It doesn't seem right to be ablp to waHc dowm the halls without detourine
around several beds, ' ^

Between the flu and pneumonia, we were kept hopping at the hospital. During December and

Since last witing to you, we have celebrated a birthday - Kay was one year old on Febru-

letter with her first picture in it. She is very busy; the day doesn't contain enough hours for her Jo get into all the drawers and cupboards. She stands alone, but doesn't walk alone ^ I ttunk she has had too much encouragement, and too much help from the rest of the fam-

hardly seems possible that it has already been a year since we sent out the news

doTO (sSl^^ someone puts her doT^ she knows they will let go of her, so she promptly sits

teachers, so

Each time I hear from LLoyd it seems my Sunday School class has grovm, I am growing more eager every day to get to them, and back to iiim too. As I said bef ore, I am still recruiting
Also, as Lloyd mentioned, we can Bible;School material, new or used.

It IS greatly needed!

next newsletter. We feel it's a pretty important goal.

Please pray that we will be together again, the L ^i-ailing, by the time you read the
Yours in Him,

Pat, Mary Beth, and Kay (This newsletter is being printed without the fmancial report. If it comes before mailing time, we will include it. Otherwise, next month. )

Dear Friends in Christ,

As the summer approaches we become busier in last minute preparations# At our last min
isters Fellowship meeting we finalized our summer programme# We ask you to remember the following in your prayers; (1) August 3-10 Summer Camp
and all our church members

(2) August 11-13 Seminar for our ministers, elders, deacons, Sunday School teachers,
August 10 Island Convention


(^) D.V.B.S. programme

(5) Our tiJo weeks evangelistic campaign in Montego Bay July 21-31.
We will have the folloiTing persons working with us this summers


Mr. Joe Shryock and group from Illinois,

(2) Mr, and Mrs. Wendel Skeldon from Green Bay, VJisconsin, (3) Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Reid from Boise Bible College, Idaho, . (^) Mrs, Fred Fairchild, Ozark Bible College,
(5) Barbara ElweH, Ozark Bible College,
During the month of April we had Mr, and Mrs. John S. PenneH from Illinois, also Mr,
George Hayden from Virginia worshipping vTith us. To our many friends, thanks for letters received by Pat and myself.
our bills are all paid up.

She leaves for

Jamaica May 1st, arriving on or around May 18th, With m^r family here, there will be peace of mind, and I i-rill be able to concentrate on my work. Our suppoi^t has not improved, but

Dear Christian Friends,

It is with a glad heart "Uiat I write this letter.

to Jamaica,

As you read it, I will be on


Linda Kay, Mary Beth, and I vjill be leaving Bemidji on May 1st and hope to be in Jamai ca on May 18th, As I*m sure you have been able to guess from my other letters, that T^ill be
a most happy dayl! It has been a long eight months for both the girls and ni^self, but we hope it is the Lord's will that this will not happen again.

In this time that I have been in Minnesota, we have, acconplished our goals, ' The loan from Minneapolis was paid back, and we were able to purchas'e"i:he-W bus- that was mentioned in the last ne^Tsletter, I was able to get a 1963 bus-very good condition- made possible by the students at Minnesota Bible College, We are more thankful for this than they can know. Unfortunately, I was not able to save as much as we had hoped would be possible in this length of time, mostly due to the fact that winter in Minnesota was colder, harder, longer, and more expensive than usual this year. However, we are trusting the Lord to supply our needs and such a situation won't come up again.
Both Lloyd and I are looking forward to a sumer of hard work, first task will be

facing about 70+ children in Sunday School and I'm sure that will set me about looking for some help mighty soon, (SMILE) Any of you who are interested in helping out the Lord (and me) this summer would be more than welcome. Another item on this summers schedule is camp. We are looking fon-rard to this very much and we are planning on a very successful wedc in August, There x-dll be students -[ us helping with camp and D"\,TS, so will not be idle during these
next few months.

I will ask you please to pray that Mary Beth, Kay, and I have a safe trip to Jamaica, We will be driving to Miami, then shipping the car and various other items that we have accumulated from there. As yet, I don't know if we will be flying on to Jamaica, or going

by boat.

It xfill depend on which shipping company takes the car, ( One of them is much
I prefer flying, but really have no

cheaper than the other if we go by boat ^-rith the car) desire for a side trip to Havana, (SMILE)

Until I next write to all of you, do think of us and let us hear from you. WE do enjoy so much hearing from and about an of you.
In Him,
Pat Morris


Mr, and Mrs, Dave DeFor

511 W. Jefferson Street

Rockford, Illinois 61103

Dear Christian Friend,

and a list of ways you can share in this missionary story.

Don't delay v/rite soon . God bless.

have prepared ^ packet of materials v/hich are suitable for display. We only have one on hand right now so you would have to get your reservations in early but you can use it at our expense. We will pay the postage both ways if you desire. Included are such things as nev/s letters, maps, pictures, a history of the mission, the problems described, information about Lloyd's family,

v/ith rny missionary committee! Now the opportunity will be yours. We

We know how often you may gay, I sure v/ish I could share this information

Yours in the spirit of Matt. 28:19-20,

David DeFor

Forwarding agent

"Lloyd Morris Nevrslettor**

Central Christian Chttpch 511 W, Jefferson Street

Non-profit Organization
U.S. postage paid

Rockford, Illinois 61103

Rockford, Illinois Permit No. 158?

LV' TTlc

% rr).

Mr. & ]^!rse Davo DoFor

P,0 Box k66

Forwarding Agents 7071 Broacilway

Jamaica5 W<I,

McrrillvillOj Ind. ^1-6^10

Dear Friends in Christj

It has been a long time since we have heard from each other5 but I am sure that
we have remembered each other in our prayers.

As the suimner approachedg I imagine

that you were busy planning for your vacations? some were seeking summer employment5
In Jamaica we were busi'.r planning for DVBS, evangelistic campaigns, camp, con

vention, seminar, and finding accommodations for the young people' who would be work
ing with us.

Pat being away, I did not have her to discuss things with and, believe me, it surely made msr getting thj.ngs done much harder. vJhen I drafted letters or circula".'s I could always leave them for her to tj^e. She would tie up the loose ends, but T\rith her gone I had to see to it myself. Often I was up late doing so, but Tvith irc
"youthfiLl vi^or"? T r.ianagcd to get everything done

We had several Bible Colleges and states represented this summer in the youn^
people who came to be with us,

Ozar:-: ^Sible College

Boise Bible College College of the Scriptures

Barbara SLwell, Eedivood City, CalifornD.a

Fred Fairchild, Tampa, Florida Doug and Carol Reid, Eugene, Oregon Betty KcCain, Joliet, Illinois G-wen Hughes, Louisville, Kentucky

Besides the above mentioned, wo had Bro. Joe Shryock and his tJife Susie, Edna Stal, and fifteen j^'oung people from the churches of Christ in Georgetown and Dan
ville, Illinois5 also Wendell and Betty SIcelton from Green Bay, Tfisconsino

in various places throughout the island, Carol and Barbara held five weeks of DVBS^
Better and Gwen held two weeks, and the Illinois jj'oung people held one week. Part 01 the time Carol and Barbara were assisted by Doug and Fred. Doug and Fred also held five ".reeks of evangelistic campaigns, and Brq. ^Shrj'-ock held one "tyeek. All of the

"ie had a total of eight weeks of DVBS and'Six weeks of evangelistic campaigns

T'Till be larger and bettor in every respect. The young peop3.e were a credit to the work, and their colleges, and their churches. They worked hard and shot-red that they had made preparation beforehand. Special mention must be made of Carol and Barbara cspeciall3r, in their ability to improvise lessons and handwor'.c from the Bible School material sent to us. -'Jhat we received was very good, but we c3id not have enough of any one kind for a complete BD.ble School. They spent many hours (along vdth the fellows) sorting and assemjDling material into lessons. Our children profitted -^ch
from their vTork,

services were well attended and there is ever3r indication tliat DVBS for nc.xt year

t special thanlcs must be fiven to the Green Bajg Wisconsin, Chvirch of and the Church of Ch;rist in Brandon, Iowa, for DVBS material that was recewcd. 'Tithout the help of the churches we would never have been able to hold as many DVBS' as we did. Thanks must also be sent to the many other church who mailed us litera^ ture, or sent it i-rith Pat, It has hel-Ded so much in Sunday School and in ut"" call ing, T and" KORIZOI'TS whon I ^o calling and people are so
iagerjtaJia5?e--%hcm:r " ^

Thanlcs so very much to the Ambassadors for Christ of j:^.nnesota Bible College, for their financial help in thaJE^jbus. It has been used even more tlian we

had anticipated this summer. It is u^ed every Lord's Da^r to transport children to

bus, so any of you coming to visit us may be provided i-jlth transportation. (si-.Lile)
The ilontego Bay church is groT-Ting, Wo now have over 60 children who attend

and from church;: it was used to transport the young people around llontego Baj?- and to other parts of the island in irhich they workeds at the moment it has been lent to Bro, Carlton i-ullings of the Beecher Toi-m. Church of Christ to transport the j^oung peopl.e from Dunedin, Florida, who are worlcing x-rith him in DVBS. At camp it was used to transport luggage, foodstuffs, and patients. It is also used as a sightseeing

regularly, plus those who come sporad.icallj'-. We also have a membership of 12, S5;:c of these arc; young people who made their decisions for Christ during camp. In the past year we have lost three meribers trho moved wlsewhci-c, in the island. The Ilontego Bay area was well represented at camp lirf thirtj^-five young people,
.six of whom becs-me Cliristians during that tirjie.


During the tiro weeks of DVBS held here t'o had a total enrollmont of 86. Our evangelistic services had a fair attendenccj but r.ian.7 nci-r contact i.'oro made tlirough those services.

For a nunbor of years our churchcs have boon tallying about irhat has not been

done rather tlian irhat has been accomplished. Tliis year '/re dccidod to chango our attitudes. The ministers of the I'inisters' Fellowshi]p riado plans for the smr-ir.ier. August 3-10 \Tas set for canpr -August 10 for a- convc;ition.,;;_?md -August 11-13 for a

leaders' seiiiinar.

There w>rc many "'doubtful Thomasos-' ai-fi^st.

Such questions -^^erc

aslceds irhere Trould ttc find a place to hold those-cnronts? vlould our oim churches bo able to finance these, programs? Tnoro TTould \ro receive teachcrs? Some even said the irhole idea tras impossible, "et there i/ere those irho strongly felt th^t it coulc be done. The Churches of Christ i'anistors' FoUoirship *"ho T-rore the sponsorsj felt that all funds should bo raised locall-r. Our Jamaican churches and individuals gave .j

T'ish to convcrtj $2,i-i-0 = i,) This doos not include car.ip fees. Ue had I78 car.ipers
' 27 counselors and teachers making a total of 205 people vrhori ho cooked for d;?,ily, '"To feel our caitip uas a great success oven though this uas the first tiiiiGp Uid

13.0 and there Tras a .'^ift fron the states for /lO.G.O. (For those of you ivho


made r.ic.ny riistakes.

If tre can profit by o:cporicnco and irith the Lord's help tto plspi;?^^

to have a bettor caiup next yoarj and also divide it into two ireoks.

plannorSj etc, of the cai^ip wore Jariaicans; statements made l^y othersj both 'Dast
present, that Jamaicans arc incapable of runniniy their otrn affairs uoro proven fal'se.
Dor carip personnel wore as follows 2

!' Ibert Thompson

SoloiTion Levy jorald l'^rhy Carlton Ilullings Llo^tl !'orris ".oy Taylor Paul IpQ.ooy
Densil i'-Iolness Sisters:

Camp Ilanager .Assistant J>.nagcr Camp Doan

Public Relations
Secretary-Troasuror Sports Director Camp Policeman
Doan of Studios

-Ivy-Thompson . li'rna Hullings ilar^aret Locesno

7iead Cook
Assistant Cook Doan of Girls and Cook

Camp r^irsG and Cook Pat ".'.orris This ? doGS not includo the names of the tnachoBs.

ta Christian Collof^Gj with us ^o^. ij^-zomore s]^'cc at tho convention and lecturer
ICt was a ;.ant stojo fortrard for Jamaicans xrho arc usually on the rc>co?JTVii^, end of
mission funds. It is tiv,ie Tre began_thinlcin^; of helping others.

".'jg ircro fortunate in hav^.ng Bro, and Ilrs, DonvciL.^jjtifiiaQg^^

sit Atlan

during the seminar. Ijrs. Siaemore gave 'aissionar3r lessons each night to the campcrs. Ks a result iin offeringwas collcctcd to be sent to_,an,_^fid--Can r.^ssiona

and car.i'oers is worthy of note.

OujT toachers Trerc rrolJ. prepared and tho enthusiasm displayed by bo'ch teachcrs

I am sxiro there was much ^-earned on botn sides.

The convontionj which was held on -A.ujpist lOg was a noT: experience for aJJ. of us.
Our tliGEic T'as "Tho Citizens and Their 7.olatioiiship to the "rorld, Thcro were ovor

200 in attendance.

The messages wore challenging and I am suro that all Tiho were

present ijorc richly blessed.

Tho Leader's Seminar had 30 in attendance. Tho various lectures were on 1) tho book of RoDians; 2) the Holy Spirit? 3) worshipr. k) tho indigenous church. ^ As I listened to the discussion generated from tho locturosp T^could envision J_gj;;]g,^ca..~--

is^ now DGginnii^5 a c^cam bocomng roality, TBTth ybui' prayors and t^Jith thG hblp
of tho Lordj our churches must groxr and be strGngthoncd.

sondir^ missionasi^GS. to other .parts.of tho world in the not-too"dis.tan^^ future^ Tnr.E"
\'Jo are most apprcciativo and grateful to all of thoscj both hore and from a-

broad iTho helped make our camp tho success it was.

Tours in His Sorvico


** A packet of materials on tho Jamaica mission is available if you lot us Icnoir

ahead of time when you would liko to uso
Donna and Dave DcFor

Also plcaso noto our address change.

Doar Christian Friondsj

ed by the time ifo put the car on the boat in Miami. Our problGEis consisted of one flat tiro and having a dead battery one morning when we wore ready to go. Wo are truly thanlcful for your prayers and thoughts concerning ns as wo traveled.
Needless to say, Lloj^ was most happy to see us, and noticcd such a change in

from Bomidji^f^^^Snosota, 1:0 Mamr^WS^ad a good trip although wo wero all exhaust

The girls and J^3:rlvQdJa&Bisr^^^iLl2S^^tov spending nearly throe "weeks cairoute

Can you iitiagino how vjondoi^gijis^jfeg^bj^s to bo x-jriting you again from Jamaica! Ii

the girls. Wc had both been afraid that Mary Beth and Kay would be shy of their Daddyj> especially as ICay had completely forgotten him. Mary Both remembered him quite well and was a most excited little girl when wo boarded the piano in Miami (I guess Korisny was a little oxcited too), l^on wo reached Montego Bay, after what
seemed lil:c an endless trip, it seemed as though I had ceased to exist. Daddy was

the only person who mattered to the girls, and they wore not the least bit shy.
It was good to see Jaisialca turning green once more. There had boon some rain while I was away, and for about throe weeks after my return wo had continual rain. There wore many floods and landslides, and power failures throughout the island.. The rain did a lot of damage, but mostly it was welcome? it had been dry so longi
I guess I still had not gotten used to the rate of groxsrth of plants in Jamaica, for I was truly amazed to see how the bushes and trees had grOTJn in our yard. It felt groat to be bade in my oT'm house again, although it obviously lacked a woman's touch, (smile)

pleasant surprize when I got here, I have a helper! Brot^^GoorgOL-^dg^^from Lex- ^

been a tremendous help, not only as toachgr^ but also as advisor., encoui'agor, etc.
Wo are verj- much loolcing foiTVJard to the aridval' of Mrs. Haden next month as we plan
to "draft" her into our service.

Before ccsning back to Jamaica, I was concerned and a little worried about how I would be able to manage so many childron in Sunday School. Howovor, I had a vory

ington, Kontuclcy is down here helping to build the new JarsSTicaTIdliday Inn. He teaches the children above nine years of age, and I toach "Uioso jroanger. He has

famil;r l->fifnT>r} t-rp be^an hav-ing ar-Hvalp 1s-h nf Since that time wo have had very far days when we have not had extras at our table and in our guest
room. We have certainly made many now friends and I have gotten much experience in
It would haafo-^etm impossible to keep up x^th evorytliing if everyone

The summer has been an extremely busy one for all of us.

Tlniyfi iiff n ^

l^d not been so^jillia^Se-pit'tuh Hr^d help as thci^^ did.

general helper-whero-needed-most-at-the-time.

cooking, etc.

sincere thanks to them.

Besides the busy sursaer hero in Montego Bay, we took a woek out for Christia,n Sorvice Caiip. I attended in the capacity of camp nurse, cook, baby-sitter, and
Wo had a quite interesting week,

medically. We h^-d the usual cuts and bruises, headaches, etc. But, we had one scare which, luckily, had a happy csnding. Cdie of our campers, a little elevenyoar-old boy, developed TTiFiviTTigi-h-i s, TTn spent several of his camp days in the hos
pital bat is bettor noTr.

:^oyable and I hope, fruitful summer. Along t'Tith all the work and f I have
managed to sl-p doim to the beach for an occasional si'Tim and rejuvenation. red" 'sumriier, and it 3s good to bo horae.
In Christian Love,

I guess it goes without saying that this has been an oxtromely hoctico but

It lias

A letter by one of the campers5


Doar IS?, and Mrs. Morris,

you and sajr how I spent the time.

^ Pat. J ^^

Greetings to you and your family in the precious name of Jesus, As a camper at the Christian Summer Caiup for the past week I ta!ce great pleasure in xjriting to This year is riiy first ezqjcrionco of camping, and If Ihad knowh 7. would be at camp many years before. Most of all ^Jhy I enjoyed camp was because I was baptized

j?n Sunday the tenth of Aiigiist. ferb sumiiior if my life is spared I am sure to bo^,/
at camp,

x-wjy God continue to bless pur Christian Summer Caiip abundantly.

Yours respectfully,
I'l^sce Williams

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