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thanks to the LoKd ^on. fvu meAcXes and tendeA ca/ie to its. He 6paAed ouA JUves 40 m could be oi iuAtheA 6eAvlce to Him, We have 6een the chuAch hen.e gfiovo ifiom just Pat and I to vohat I
giving thelA heoAts to the Lond,

GfidztLng^ In tka pfidc^oiis name, oi Ch^Ut, Looking back at ]9Tl, I am compMed to give

consider, a gAoiAilng chuAch mXh many adutts and young people, and 6ome oi whom aAe consldeAlng
On Ch^Xstmas Sunday we had neoAty 100 adults and young people In attendance, Eo^ ouA

Sunday night 6e^vi.ce we oAe avenging 15 adutts; ioA. Monday night Bible Scoclety, we have 10-15 aduU6 and young people; iofi ouA Enlday night youth houA we have 25, ^ometime^ 30 young

Spviltualty OUA congAegatlon have g^wn to the point that they oAe seeing the need
io^ 6uch things 04 iastlng, and ioA total commitment to ChAist and His ChuAch,
anticipating much moAe ioA 1972,

We oAe

On fAiday night January 15 KaAla bh.ought up heh. suppeA, I didn't think much about It, but when 6he had seven.e dlanAhea the next moAnlng, I knew Immediately that It wajs the gastAoentoAltls which ts 60 common to Jamaica, and othe^ tAoplcal countAle6, I took heA 6t/ialght to the Doctor, along with the othe^, they we^e sick too. He gave hen. an Injection and a pn.escAlptlon, ioA ail oi them. She seemed a little betteA on SatuAday night and Sunday mon.nlng, Howeven.
things down ioA a little while, but tJien In the evening 6he was vomiting again, 60 I got hen. ^ght back. The VoctoA admitted hen. then and tAled to get an I \} Into hen, veins, but they col lapsed each time he tAled, She did have moAe medication though and slept thAough most oi Sunday night. When she did wake up I wa^ able to get some iluld Into heA which stayed down. She was so weak iAom loss oi iluld, and so dehydrated that she just couldn't come'^Bk&z,' and^
she died a little aitex noon on Monday, dufUng Sunday 6he got wo^e again, 60 I took hen. In so she could have another shot. It flowed

We had only a graveside service on Wednesday 1 19], Although theAe is a great big empty space leit in our home, I know it wa>s ior the best, and she Is so much purely peaceiul, and better oH with the Lord tJian she ever would have been here, I don't know li you knew but, there was a real possibility oi heart surgery in the next couple oi yeans. It wasn't hen heart that caused hen death, but it probably hastened it by a iew hours, ^ worked so hard to iight oH otheA things that when this came along, she had nothing to ilght

came along, A simple cold ior the other two meant two weeks oi being sick ior Karla, She

She was big and robutt looking, but she never did have any resistance to anything that

I so much want to thank every one ior their prayers,



Mrs, Edith ValZey

2308 Michelle Lane

Greensboro, North Carolina


foALOoAcUng Agent: Ma6, EcUth VcUtey

2308 UlckoIZe Lam

M/M Lloyd HonJvU

Box 466

Montogo Bay, JmalcR

Wtst Indes


GA.een6boAo, MoAtk CaAoZlna

back to my day6 at MBC. A4 mJik and 6tudy bega mutd be the activity oi geJUUng Aeady Ion. \) school, things aAen*t aJU that much dl^eAen^ Zn iiiZt 6cotng ijoA Vl/BS, camp and evangelistic

VecUL ChA^tian ?hA,emU, k dcLy6 ago 06 I 6at doion to Aead the HtnnoA

Coti&ge newit&tteA, my mind :mnt I j the end o^ the school yeoA, theAe camp^. Although I am no longeA in
Once Ea6teA oveA plans aAe then

rSi, .p
ex^ng morMi ion lU. We had <u h&lpeMi M/M 8/iuce BMcUck and

L j iome. ^ea ' expe^uencw BdM-Valtzy and tkWlKm, G/i&zmboAo, Nolth We had upexUaUy laUh oua u.npi<ijildbxblt btu. Fo>iCoJiolina iomUime. the h i bat c^o joh the. eaw. det^o^uiUng thz gtaxi w<w anto ondeM ioK th& bui, The ^lut and day ihl^Ung I ujai oUtnting BiU to not the only loute.


Sue 3uc/toz and Ucki F/tencfe iiom Roche^teA, ULnnutoa; M/M

wUntng and gA^Uting. He id. a KeaZ good Job but he got looks iiom people In the ifieeti

d^toZy,''^'^Tit A%o oi / the. hsjad, noi butW to weA& wonxytimei aboutwhen an miamiUoA /wad and UoAning to on the. ude theAe he had to ihlit; amid aU the

t^i^ndl, t^c. h,M^

<^0 one cLbouX teaching "niwed to a itandaxd, and eipeclatiy on the iloon EdUh which

tktng iamUAjxA was moit appreciated.

^i\ho McceAiJU. HoweveA, ihe tack did beaaUiuUy ca/i ihe had tented - even wutk a AA^ht-hand dhZve, io it woin't oi aJoititu. when driving a TheAt w^e alioiome Aath^ hwnoKoai expeAlenc&i wUh Jamaican iood. Thete wai veAu tittle about e/^ng uniamctoM. iood, but one evening when Pat made about 10 dozenckocolate clup cookc&i, and they i&emed to vanish Into thin alA. It was fiatheA appoAent then that iome-

lu^Ji tAo^eUng wUh me; down as the van would iallheat Into Btuce a Autsaying, In the Aoad, the cKOdAeM m<^e a noue and the heat boAe on us, one could "Buddy, this u ceAtoA-nly neui to me. Then, as we oAAlved at the chuAch with alt the chlCdAen gettlna out oi the van, S^ce would say, "Old Budddy, let'i go iot a cup oi coHee'."

nttii The tT teacheu ^ '^dA^"-> but on the day we 101 and eveAg. day HteA. had to ptepoAe extta ctaits, and ilut "make-do" athad time.s. Themote ckUdten
^ ^^ mheAe. iute that all no ouactaiSAooms, American teachets theitIn iaclti:Ues back home mote aiteA beuig We have so haveappreciated neatly everyone the nT'fhTT-'i.f^u^^t ift(^e ihorz bedlam, but- everyone really time. One M'tttgWi oi tku y^'s VVBS was oi the oHeAlng $31. It had was aused to great help send needy
sugoA and, and the Uontego Bay Klmnis Club supplied the Kool-Ald

chAXdAen to cmp.

J'^o had a shack each day wlMi the help oi the parents. They supplied

mo had 105 juyitoA camp2A6 iage6 M^n^teA' 4 the VMomhtp ^ponsoAed ioee{i6 a^amp. /he iVut m 9-74); second week theAetwo weAe 61 Jk^oA^^ The voeek cam\oontwo I had to teU my^elllkr^iuXaAe oiInto the ^ C^ch 0^ Ch/^t am bA^gfU.^looked In the weeks 17 young^u^ple voeAe baptized
Ci^t, one AeaUvm^ heA ia^Jih and one asked ioA pAayeAS. ThAee tfoung aduUs lAom Honteqo
bay weAe among tfie 17, ^

weAe sp^Zy'^ttlid"'""''^^''

evangeU^y^e attending

though it iSn t woAth $200. Because oi no bus, 70 ckUdAen oAe leit at home each Sunday

/ ^ moving h^e. TheAe havtng^thAee cmp tkU coming ^ummeA 6o you hee thatIs the LoM muchweeks to be done. One oi oua new Montego Baycan ChAAStlans mstzn^ Itv^ng 20 nwl^^ ^Aom Montego Bay, I cm holding a Wednesday night Bible Studof cias6 in heA home; ioA theJ^t 6tady we had 12 In aJXendance, fAom these baptisms and iAom the vmnbeA oj young people attendZy^ chuAch, we oAe ngw hewing a TAlday night you/th meeting. Wc^, ou^ bus luLS called IX "quiJ:6'\ A^toA Its been ilxed up numeAous times, 1 have de(U,ded we can t put any moAe Into It. Enough Is enough and 1 am tAylng to ^ett IX, even

mon,nlng, I mtcktd tke, cjoul tkz day bzion.z aamp bagan^so m weAe mtkoat tnanspoAtatlon but a rented can. ion. a (^hU,Q The tyisuAanca company cattizd the can. a comploXc mAXa oH and patd

me $S40 so I bought the, coji back and had it ilxe.d.


You can maginz the. headaches m have, had,

Many oi you have, a&k&d us to be. spe.ciitc about ouA itnancUaZ situation and needs, so hejie
^ :'z.zzmiirzr-

House n.ent
Launentlde Finance Co,


[lean to ilx bus last yean KZ3] Can upkeep [mostly tOtes] School iees ion. the chlldnen Chunch building n.ental Chunch ad In newspapen Malting 200 chuAch bulletins

84 - 1092 24 28 24 12 24

WrVolkSMagon bus


These ane by no means all oi oun. expenses, but they do n,epn,esent some oi the majon. ones. We ivould be gn,eatly assisted li Individuals on, gn.oups muld take up some oi these needs speclilcaZly, To all those (Mho mnJied itilth us last summeA, thanks ion. coming. The iellomhlp tooA mndeniul and the help (A}as Invaluable, We hope you received as much blessing as you gave. We made valuable inlendsklps u)hlle In the USA, and by letteAS, We tnea&uAe those intends, veAy much, so It Is a pleasure to thank many oi oun intends ion. a&t^tance given to us.

Special thanks to the Blanchand ChuAch oi Chnlst In Blakchand, Pennsylvania ion. again supply ing _ouA VUBS matenJjalM, Ij onlif then could see how muchMas appn.eclated, buy the students and'the teache/u. Thanks so much too,' ion. the ioZtoMcng chuAches help In sending books, Sunday school mateJujoJU and bookie ion. the chunch tlbn,aAy:
Llscomb oi Chn^Ut Tn.uman ChuAch oi ChAl^t Vanlbaalt Chunch oi Chnlst Meadou) Pank ChuAch oi Ch/it&t Gn.een Bay Chunch oi ChAUt Gn.een^bon.0 ChuAch oi ChAUt NonXhenn Heights Chunch oi ChAlst
LUcomb, I dm Tn.uman, Minnesota Panlbault, Minnesota Rochesten, Minnesota Gn.een Bay, iJJlJiConsln

Gn,eensboko, Nonth CoAollna

Lexington, Kentucky,

We ane planning to send a gn.oup oi young people Jamaica to the USA dunlng the summen
months oi July and August [1972], These young people ane dedicated to ChAlJ>t; they sing and pn.each and I am suAe that evenyone Is Intenested In heanlng them. They ane witling to sing and

pn.each at camps, chunches, youth meetings, etc. They cannot be In the states beion.e the end oi June because oi school, li you oAe Intenested In having these young people, plea&e let us know so we can anAcunge oun, schedule. Time and iunds will not allow them to tnavel all oveA the US

so we plan to concentnate^^n .anerT^^A.Jiiia^stateyS,

with them, ""

^J.e(^t toe, young people wltt be coming^


and tkey covet youn. pn.ayeAi>, ^ a ZaZeA''day we may have to coizi on intends ion. assistance,

The young people ane won.klng thelA way, howeven

li 1 am able to n.alse my plane iain 1 will come

. Edith VaUey
2308 MlcheJUe Lane

Gn.eensbon.0, NonXh Carolina


0^!Tfe FIELD M/M Lloyd Morris Montego Bay
Jamaicap West Indies
Box ^66

FORvVARDINC- AGENT Edith Dailey Greensboro, N.C.

Michelle Lane


Since you last heard from us many new and wonderful things have happened. On February 29i 1972- Jamaicans went to the polls and voted for a change in government. The Jamaican Labour Party had been

Independence. Nearly everyone felt it was time for a change, as^the People's National Party won by a landslide. For three days Jamaica

the head of the government for the past ten years, ever since

Since the new :'fovernment has taken over, many worthwhile changes are visible. This new government is a government of participation,

mobiliqing our resources (people, money, skills) so that our people

can feel they are playing a definite part in the development of our


Plans are being made to establish a National Youth Service

so that unemployed young men and women can be taken off the streets and be taught a skill. While campaigning and since being elected,
our new Prime Minister, Michael Manley, has asked the churches to advise him in nearly every move. Consequently, the chiArches are not

only becoming more involved in the lives of the people, but the people
are becoming more involved in the churches. My prayer is that, as we study the Bible together, the truth will be accepted. I have had one such opporturiity to present my beliefs as a Christian to a , . group of people with which I was meeting. When I was through, they thought I was madj however, we,are still friends, and some research
is to be done in the scriptures for reporting back to our next

V/hen there arose a contention with the Christians regarding those

who were baptized by Apollos, the apostle Paul correc.ted them by saying that Apollos watered, but it was God who gave the increase.
realize more and more that this is so. My concern at one time was to fill the pews, to see that the Lord's Day services had large,

numbers; but, the more I work in Montego'Bay and the more I s"fcudy ,the
Bible, the more convinced I am that my job is to preach the work

and knock on doors and the rest is up to God. Now that I have learned to get out of the Lord's way, He has been speaking to the hearts
of so many of our people.

We have about thirty teenagers attending church who are not Christians. This all came about when I taught a course on the "Nature of the Church and Personal Evangelism". The young Christians in

the church took up the challenge and are now bringing their f^-iends
to services with them. One young man has brought over twenty; young

people w.ith him. He is only 19 years old. In April, he,baptize^ ; one of his friends into Christ. Our young Christians are now, in
charge of the Lord's table, welcoming of guests to our - services,

handing out bulletins and songbooks, teaching Bible School classes, leading Sunday night song services, and sometimes being in ..charge

of our Monday night Bible study discussions. Although I supervise the youth group, the yoimg people total control. They arrange,

their own programs and believe me, they are "doing a very good job.
So many of our-young people are convinced that they are in need of

a Saviour but parents are holding them back by not giving permission.
Tonight I am going to the home of one such young man "to speak to his parents. The fellowship at our services is so great that many

of us gather half an hour before starting time.

The Lord is^moving

So, our congre

mightily among us.

I found out accidentally that the Christians

and non-Christians have been giving assistance to those in need.

No one knows about i t but the giver and receiver.

gation is not only growing in numbers, but also spiritually.



In the last newsletter I did not have the room to tell you of

my latest activities outside the house.

approached the Sisters at Mt. Alvernia High School to make them

In November, 1971 I

aware of their need for a school nurse for "both the high school and

the elementary schools, all of which are on the same grounds# They
talked faster than I did, and I ended up teaching Health Science instead of nursing. However, that lasted only until Christinas, after

which I was hired fulltime to "be school nurse (for all three schools), and guTai?icf^coimseI6f"Tor'nTfe'hig^^ High school actually takes up most of my time. As well as being there in case of an emergency, I have jQ -wap^"k- in which I teach every girl in the school (neS-Ty -onb'e' per "week. My classes consist of ^
sex education, personal hygiene, the problems of dating and growing up, etc. : all stuffed into the title of PERSONALITY DEVELOP^'iE^!T. Along with teaching these various and related subjects, I am trying
to do it with a Christian influence. Although I am definitely not

qualified to call myself a teacher, I am fast learning and enjoying every minute of it. Mot only do I very much enjoy the girls, but I also enjoy seeing them learn. We have some very humourous times, as you can well imagine. Outside the classroom, I don't have too much nursing to do as they are a fairly healthy lot. I really feel that part of this is due to what they have already learned about keeping healthy, I am hoping soon to begin a program of eye and ear testing, and by next year to be able to carry out immunizations
in the elementary schools. ^ ^ When I'm not in class or patching up cuts and bruises, I spend the time in my office (cubbyhole) either talking with girls who are having problems of every conceivable kind, talking with them about their futures (careerwise) or trying to find put answers in both fields , to give them when I AB'l talking with them. This also includes visits to their homes and/or parents in some cases, and letters and visits to various colleges and firms about jobs and careers., I manage to keep extremely busy with school, church, home and rarely,
social engagements, but I really like it.

In case I sound like I'm too busy, I have taken most of this
month off as a result of appendecitis. I got sick Easter Monday,' was operated on April 11, and have spent the rest of the time trying to rest up enough to make the doctor let me go back to school before his ^-6 weeks time limit. -1-^hink -I-*m going-to be- able- to _
make i t in three weeks.

As you will read in the next letter, we have two teenage girls,

i^arcia ajid Jane living v/ith us besides our own family.

They have

both been a real help both before and after I got sick. They did the cooking and took care of the girls while I was in the hospital so I didn't worry about how things were going here at home. Jane has been especially interesting to have aroimd as her purpose in being in Jamaica is to learn English. We frequently have to consult her French-English dictionary to understand each other, but have a lot of fun together. She has been trying to teach us all French, but I'm afraid she isn!t finding me a very apt pupil. Mary Beth and Kay pick up anything she says quite readily, I think I have rambled on about long enough. Until next time, remember us in yourprayers.


W fc' >


3232 Yanceyville Street Greensboro, i:,C. 27^05

Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage -PAID - :

Greensboro, N.C. Permit Mo. 297

jjOuso-J f]/\
m JUW 2 2 1972




M/ta Lloyd Morris

P.O. Box 466
Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies

Rlrs. Edith Dailey

2308 Michelle Lane
Greensboro, N.C. 27^0?

I am sure that our many friends are saying; "What has happened to Pat and Lloyd?" It has been a long time since you heard from us, but we have not forgotten you. You are in our prayers. We have some

great plans for 1972.

First off, we hope to get a newsletter'out to

you every month, and our format will chauige a little, as follows:
a) The Church's Corner

b) The Christian Worker That Is Needed in Jamaica Today

-c) General Information About Jamaica d) Pat's Corner

We are hoping that our newsletter will be informative, interest

ing and encouraging.

rm, e41hri^t^anu.Mqrker).

For ttj^e ^

a series on what we, as

(I prefer to use the

amaicans, feel" you Mould possess to work in J^aica.and, in fact,

the entire West Indian area. We need a new breed of Christian workers

with vision, dedication, willingness to listen and. learnj willingness to work alongside the nationals, willingness to accept as well as
to give criticism.

The past year was a great one for our work in Montego. Bay. GiWhen
we started the work here, Pat and I were the only members pf; the church.

Today there is a number of adult Christians, teenage Clpristians and very young Christians (age-wise). On Christmas Sunday we had nearly 100 people, almost half of whom were adults. We are hscving visitors
for many of our services, both locals and tourists. 0\;ir Sunday, night services average IO-I5 adults, while our youth services on Fri. even ings are now averaging 25 young people. This new development (youth-

hour) started in August.

Our young people are now inviting their

friends to church, and the Lord has blessed us with a number of high school students. Some of these younjg poople are seriously considering
accepiiing Christ as their Saviour. started the work, and by those who aare now germinating. At times our ageing, but our efforts seem to b^
your prayers very much.

. .The seed's that were stwn vvhisii have visited with us each summer, attendance has been verj' discourbearing fruit. We do still need

Our prayer is that 1972 will be a great year for the church in

Montego Bay, and for all oi^* churches in Janiaica- -f- in harvesting of;.souls. There are thousands of lonely, frightened souls to be
won to the Lord. To reach those who refuse to be in the Lord's house

on the Lord's Pay, we are setting up cottage prayer meetings. Our chiirch library has grown, partly because our many friends have been sending us books from time to time. C?he books are always on

loan to our people.

provide this service,

They are eager to r^ad^_^g we are happy to

is a dedicated Christian and sHfevJ.s ver^acLtivg^iff"^'^^ home congrega

tion in Greensboro, North Carolina. Please direct all support and fimds to her. You may write letters to us directly? we love to hear from you^JB,ut,-for better bookkeeping, please send fimds to her.

As you will note, we have ^new^fopvarding ageii;t.^ Edith Dailey


they naS'^Tnorei^^'raTr'^ey cbuld handle with a yoimg family. Donna's teaching, Dave's pastoring and attending graduate school. To keep up with our work meant neglecting their own and just the opposite, so we felt it best that we change.
If anyone has questions which you would like answered in the newsletter - whether they are about the work or about the island, just let us know.


, we would very much like to publicly _

who worked so hard for us. However,

In July of this year, a group of young people from Jamaica will be visiting in the USA, at cait^s, DVBS, ect. I know that you are

interested iii hearing these talented young people, and if you would like to have them with you for a serves, write to our coordinator:
Mr. Dale Friddle

c/o University Church of Christ

960 15th Ave., S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55^1^

and possibly the Dakotas. If you cannot get the group to your specific area, find out when they will be closest to you and go meet

The group will "be working mainly in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa

Thanks so much for all your support and encouragement, but

most of all, for your prayers, in 1971.

us in 1972.

Please continue to pray for

Yours in Christ,

Lloyd Morris

If you would like bulk copies of the newsletter for your church or group, .please let us or our forwarding agent know, and how many.
They will be sent to you.

Hi Everyone,

since September, but time goes by so quickly.


It doesn't seem possible that we haven't sent out a newsletter

And, so much has


. ,

Rather than be chronological, I'll start with the event which

that we lost our baby, Karla Sue, on January 17 She was Ik months old. Her death was a shock to everyone, as she^had only been ill two days. She, along with Mary Beth and Kay, picked up a virus
which caused the diarrhea and vomiting (gastroenteritis) so common
K^-rla'R wa.q moTR intense,

stands out most in our minds.

Probably most of you know by now

to tropical countries.

All three had the same treatment, although

she did not respond while -^ie other

and accomplishments, Karla probably would not have been a healthy child. She had had pneumonia in October, and when this came along,

two were better in a day or two. Although it was and is a difficult thing to accept, I'm sure the Lord knows best. For all her chubbiness
there just wasn't any reserve left to fight with. two years as she was born with a heart defect. On top of that,

there was a definite possibility of heart surgery within the next

Although that

wasn't the cause of death, I'm sure it contributed to her lowered resistance. V/e do miss her ever so much but it is a comfort

knowing that she is so much happier that she could ever have been
with us. Thanks to all of you who have sent cards and letters; it
means so much to know that others care ond offer their prayers.

I'm sure that is what has helped so much to make it a little

easier than i t otherwise would have been.

Guess I'm out of room, so anything else will have to wait

\intil next time.

Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage


Greensboro, N.C. Permit Ko, 297

/7 7

J'JL 2 8 Wl

M/M Lloyd Morris

Box ^66

IVirs. ,Edith Dailey

2308 IViichelle Lane

Montego Bay

Greensboro, N.C.

Jamaica, West Indies



populated areas - the more adults and children I see in need of

clothing and food.

The more I travel aroimd Montego Bay - especially the densely

clothing we can get, including towels, washcloths and diapers. However, PLEASE make sure the clothing is in usable condition, i.e. not torn, buttons on and zippers in. For ypur own sakes as well as

So. many of our friends write to us'asking if we can use .used clothing. At the moment we could easily dis:bribute eve^ item bf

ours, don't waste the time, money and effort of sending things that aren't fit to give anyone. Another suggestion,; if piossible, send the clothing in BAGS (such as the canvas bags used by the US Postal
Service) rather than boxes. are to avoid paying duty: The following address MUST BE USED if we






There is also another need here that can be, easily taken care of.

I visit the lockup (jail) at least three times per week as well as the schools in the area. There is a d,ire need for reading materials. Let me suggest -that you clean out your attics and msigazine stands and bookcases and send me what you don't want. Age is not really important but both books and magazines should be in good condition. We can use all sorts of magazines - not just Christian literature. As we pay

no duty on reading material and it has its own cheap postal rate, this
should be an inexpensive task for some groups or individuals. If people are idle, they will always be in trouble. We need to place
something of value in their hands.

Many retired couples and young families are seeking areas of service. Here is a suggestion that could be mutually beneficial to any of you who are interested, and to the work here in Jamaica. There is a definite problem here with young people (age 10-15) running away
from home. In a way, it resembles the hippie problem, only those involved are usually much younger. Although there are some of these children who are actually bad no matter what is done to try to help them, the majority leave home because the situation there is impossible

to tolerate.

So many of them are very intelligent, and given the^

proper environment, would be useful citizens in our country. As it is, they end up with no education and no means of making a living?
consequently, they become liabilities rather than assets to the country. We need a home for these yoimg people, either on a temporary

. basis while things* are worked-out art home, or^-a permsH^en^ basIs f or those whose homes would not permit their return. The ideal setup

would be something similar to the foster home program run by many^

state welfare agencies, but there are so few foster homes in Jamaica
that it is out of the question. These children, at the moment, have only the alternative of being sent to a correctional institution which is not what they need. If there are those of you who are

interested, please let us know.

That would be a ministry in itself.

Also, please note - in such an effort the government will give financial assistance. It is just a matter of finding people who are

willing to be parents to these children who so desperately need them. Bill Loft, former missionary to Brazil and now working in Puerto
Rico, has started what is called an annual Caribbean Missionary

Convention. This is a good move as it is necessary for the Caribbean area to work together. Especially, there is a new move .towsird self

determination by all the islands.

this convention.

I am hoping to represent J^^ica at

\ '

The dates are July 19-26.

For the'past three years we have had youth groups, families and
individuals in Jamaica during the summers, to help us with DVBS and

camp, evangelistic meetings, calling, etc. Vife very much need these people as we just do not have enoiigh Jamaican personnel yet. V/e have

again had applications from young people for this summer, "but have,
after much thought and prayer, decided we can't cope right now. Those of you who have spent time with us here know how very much we need you.

Already our children, "both those who attend church and those who
do not, are looking forward to DVBS which they are not going to have.

IVe hope by next year to "be in a financial position to have help again.
Although I promised to "begin a series of articles, and also to

tell you a bit of Jamaican history, I have already made this newsletter too long with just the v7ork here, I will try to have these next time.
Our thanks to those who have been so faithful in helping us in . various waj''s - prayers, financially, literature, etc. .
Yours in Christ,

Lloyd Morris



-i' r





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M/Vi Lloyd Morris

Box ^66 Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies

IVirs. Edith Dailey 2308 Michelle Lane

Greensboro, N.C.


"I have been trying to write to you for weeks now but things have been happening here at such a pace that I hardly have time
to catch up. First of all," for the last three Sundays we--had four young

people who were baptised into Christ, Our youth group has grown to over 30 regular attenderst our Sunday morning services are very well attended with about an average of 75 people. The Sunday night services are v/ell attended too. The respnnse has been

great! The Lord is trvily blessing our efforts. Patience is finally paying off. Today I v^ent to look about some land for the church. We are anxious to bu;, property. Our savings account is moving
along slowly but nicely. The Church is on the move. At every service there are many visitors. And the beauty is that they return. Please remember
us in your prayers.

Margaret and George Haden from Lexington, Ky., whom I mentioned in my last letter, are a tremendous help to the work here. He
teaches the adult Bible School class, takes care of the comraunionj

Margaret teaches the 5-9 yeal? olds.

Danny Thomas, one of our fine

Christian young men, teaches the 9-12 year olds, preaches some times, and takes care of the communion service alternately with George. Everyone is doing his part.

Gang wars are over in Montego Bay and the entire community is happier for this move. I hope that people are seeing the mighty
hand of God a t work.

We are now raising money to build a Community Trading Shop.

The purpose of this shop is to encourage the members of our

community to make things at home, then sell them to us and we will sell them to the public. In other words whatever is made, we will buy. V^hen I speak of "we", I am speaking of the different citizens'

The Lord is definitely leading us here in Montego Bay. I am now working with a family that is taking up a lot of my time. The
man is from North Carolina and one of the finest architects in

Montego Bay,

However, he has ruined his family, lost his friends,

and his business, because of his heavy drinking. Through him I have been meeting other alcoholics. Can you imagine asking a man to pray that has not prayed for 25 years? To get such a man to be on his knees is not an easy task. Then to get his wife to pray!- Then to get his children to pray!! The biggest hurdle to cross over is to be humble enough to- admit that with Christ, you' can overcome you problems, I am ordering some books about the
alcoholics , This is a new field to me, ^If I can break through

with this family, then I think many other doors will be opened. We are fasting and praying for this family. Working with alcoholics is a sensitive matter, so please continue to pray for us, Pat is also getting an insight into how they think. Please say hello to our many friends for us." The prece'eding is an excerpt from Lloyd's last letter to me. As you can see, the Lord is answering prayers and allowing a harvest

of some of the nearly "too ripe fruit". Won't you join with us in your prayers and your finances to wi^ these precious souls to our
wonderful Saviour?


OK THE FIELDS M/M Lloyd Morris^

Montego Bay

, '

Box ^66

Ivirs. Edith Dailey 2308 Michelle Lane


Jaiaaica, West Indies

"So many things are jj|P]P"^his''wiirawlLrthrcoM I cannot feel proud, but ^gi^inty to its citizens.
The tourist industry is in

to realize that they

in about 90 million Set richer and they show no as the saying goes, the ri g half empty. We are ^ for the other man. hoyi '^^-'^-^gnient is trying to get the bad publicity abroad, so However,-the people are citizens to change ,their Iv, "e-thsir-attitudes too.
wrote fell on deaf ^ t* kinds of meetings and money

noimtrv last year, but

This industry brought

saying that the hotel is that at one time the ^ One of the funny aspecte of all this^

I S. . re.po=lllty to

frAvpn to carry out some of about for over four years,

Community College. ^Our Q^-^unity to receive a high in Montego that will be taught are Math, civic ,

On the 19th of September we


every citiaen

English?'^art, and

' "WTATolu.,
Street Christians' ) and the language is Our Church here is

I am t^'avelling around

for volunteer teachers

Kiwanis Club has

<,0 need your prayers. ,."^nthfrnove. Today at ^P.Wi., ^ay Freeport. Our young

I am trying to secure some Bibles. U


we are having a I'aptism at Monggo By people have a good calling progr^ii be,
we have afamily George ana i Kentucky worshipping with us. &

^ord has been

blessing their f a n d Margaret Haden) from Lexington,

ConWnSltal Hotel

will be with us for

wL in Jamica two years ago

X^n. He is employed with

building the Interthings work out he

Sols Wilson, we are sicond week we had 75

during the building of the Holid y

Our church camp was we had 99 campers. Sixteen


y^ith them.

Into Christ, our

This money will be used International


'fferinrwas $22.i^0 (Jamaican money).

Puerto Rico. I attended held in Puerto Rico from "the

"haTitised into Christ, For the these were baptised

^^e first week

o^^amica to send to the




Vr .1
',nr r-



Box iJ.66 Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies

M/M Fi' yM Lloyd Morris

2308 Michelle Lane Greensboro, h.C. 27^^07


general public, I got only a few hours sleep each night as I had to be walking the streets talking, pleading, and finally
and prayed with me and the Lord gave us victory!
convincing the boys that peace was necessary.

"Since March, I have been very busy with the gangs in Montego Bay. And as the weeks went by, I got more and more involved. And as things got hotter with the police and. the
The church fasted

Since peace_ha_s been made, nomore bottles have been thrown, no more ^ife wounds, no more shootings, and all the boys have been visiting one another and they are all over town. Vi/e are trying to get the community involved in solving the problems
has been very poor. The general feeling is that now that the tribal wars are over, all is well. So I am attending more

that create ghettos and misunderstandings.

However, the response

meetings and more meetings trying to show the business community that we must not only put the "plaster on the sore," but find the reasons for the sore. Somehow I feel that I am breaking the
ice but this is a slow process.

However, a few a^ finding jobs.

Finding jobs for these young men is almost impossible.

on ^d a hat on their head.

been coming! Weeks before, I prepared my congregation to expect them and that they should be treated as individuals. They showed up for church in nice clothing. Their shirt-tails were out, ties
They sat through the service with

As a congregation we have been praying that the boys would come to church. Well, for the past three Sundays, they have

their hats on but they did participate in the singing and reading Scriptures. If we are able to win one boy to the Lord, then I feel that he will be a great light to the others.
is caught up in the work too. She has attended some of

the meetings with me and the boys treat her as a real queen. Please continue to remember this-effort in your prayers."
The above is an excerpt from one of Lloyd's personal

the girls are presently visiting her folks in Bemidji, Mnnesota. She IS applying for a permanent visa and our government has taken
be separated/for such a long time, plus the fact that the schools are trying to hold Pat's job open for her until she can get home.
Her present address is:
. r/Irs. Pat Morris

letters to me._ Since it was written, Lloyd has been busy in Christian Service Camp at Dint Hill near Linstead, Jamaica. He ^ has also been working in a two week camp set up primarily for yr recreation and teaching of these young "gang members", Pat and 1^ its time in going through all the necessary red-tape. Please pray

for her and the girls for it is very difficult for them to all

c/o Mr. Herbert Hofer

Rt. #4

Bemidji, Minn. 566OI

NOTE ICopies of one of the main Jamaican newspaper articles concerning Lloyd's participation in bringing about peace among: the gangs are being sent to those who are financially supportingthe Morrises. If you would like a copy of this,please let me



M/M Lloyd Morris

Box 466
Montego Bay ^

Mrs. Edith Dailey

2308 Michelle Lane
Greensboro, N.C,

Jamaica, West Indies'



One of the most difficult things to do is to.allow the Lord to rule our lives completely, to place our lives in His . hand and say O.K., Lord, "Do with me whatever you desire." We gave ourselves to Christ and although at times we experienced great difficulties, still we have had no real reason to complain. The Lord has directed the work in Montego Bay in a marvel
ous way.He used us to-lay a solid-foundation-and-today-the

trees are "bearing fruits. We must thank all of you, our friends, for standing by us; for believing in the type of programme that we were carrying through, ;"ome of our supporters fell by the

wayside because they could not see immediate results, (baptism),

but the Lord was having His way here.

pleased with their growth.

Our young Christians are .growing in ,the Lord.

IVI^r^ia Coatei-, from our congregation, ^

Our young Christians

We are . '

is now attending Minnesota Bible College.

are responsible for most of our services and we now have one

young man that is preparing himself to attend a Bible College.

The Lord has used us to work with the youth gangs in

Montego Bay. Not only have we been able to make peace, but a most rewarding dialogue is being carried on, on the validity of
the Christian message. The Church of Christ has become a vital force in our community.

We must convey our thankfulness to all our supporters. You have kept us before the Throne of Grace and the Lord has supplied our many needs. Some of you have been able to visit with us, and this has brought us great pleasure. We are hoping that July 15 - 26, 1973* when the Carribean Missions Clinic will be held here in Jamaica, that many of you will be able to visit with us. If you could not spend all eleven days, perhaps you can come for the dates you are free. The theme for our

clinic is:


visit to Jamaica will be beneficial to our people, helping them to realize that wherever we are, we are brothers in Christ-

sharing the same witnessr preaching the imsearchable riches

of Christ. Private homes are being offered to those who
rent free. The Jamaican Christians plaji to wish to use them -

show you the Island - as their guest!

There is no registration

fee. Just let us know if you plan to attend, so we will know how many to plan on! Check on the -economy air fares from your home to Kingston, Jamaica! You will then count on the cost of food and personal necessities. Count the weeks until next' July and you will know how much to set aside each week! You will be surprised at how little you will need for so great a






"For a long time we have been thinking of how we could

take the young boys and girls off the streets.

We realized

that a house would be necessary, and that this would be the

key. We approached'a lot of people but 'no house. The more I watched the situation, the more I saw the young girls getting pregnant and more boys on the street. I spoke to }l\r, Allen, (Chief Probation Officer), He approached the government but
they had no funds,.

A few days ago I approached Mr, Allen again and I pointeii out to him the greater needs that were developing. Well, a few days ago, I was passing Dome St. and I saw the carpenters repairing a house (five bedrooms) so I walked in, looked the place over, and then I explained how this would suit our needs* Anyway, I was told that the house was rented. On the 13th I
received a telephone call from Kingston, asking me to see Mr. Allen on the 15th. To mysurprise I was told by Mr, Allen that
the house on Dome St. was his, ajid he was v/illing to let us

have the house.

The Government was approached and they reported that at

this time they had no money, "but as soon as money was avail able they would pay rental for the building. The house is be ing painted and it is being fitted out with a few things for us to move in by the end of December or early January,1973

I have contacted a number of young people who are capable of teaching. We will not be able, to pay them a salary but we are hoping that when the items are sold they will be paid. We will be teaching typing,, cooking, hairdressing, knitting, crochet and dressmaking,

-W^need $1,000,00 to get the project off the ground,

am appealing-"tf)---th^-cit:izens of Montego "Bay for $5,00VOO. (I

am writing to a few organizations also), and would like to make a special appeal to the Christian brothers and sisters in

the States for the other $500.00 to help me make this venture
a success. This is a pioneering venture and as we reach our young people, helping them to see that life can be beautiful with Christ, and helping them to use their hands, I am sure

th^t the name of Christ will be glorified. "^We could also use books and magaziner; on knitting, crochet, and craft work. We need the help of every concerned Christian, The Lord has answered our prayers in providing a house and I
am sure that He will provide the funds,"
The Christmas season is here and this is a season of

giving and rejoicing.


As we give thanks to Almighty God,

let us not only thank Him for saving our souls, but let us also thank him for the gift of giving= Let us dedicate ourselves to the task of winning at least one soul to Christ in '
^ 1973.

Pat, Mary Beth, Linda Kay and 1 wish you all the best

that life has to give.

Our prayer is that Christ will always


be the center of your life,


r;' C.

/ -<> _

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