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'People who sat in darkness have seen a gieat light." Bui here maltitudes have not yet seen that light

Mr. & Mrs. W. Ray Mings

1152-3 Nakaburi, Hirakata-shi,
Osaka-fu, Japan

Me. Sugano




Oui cat equipped for anoouncing

Seminac Building(MaddenMemonaO seats compledoo

Ray, Matiie, Dale,


Dear Qiiistian Fri^ds,

We cannot begin to adequately express our thanks to you for your help

throughout the past year.

We continually thank God for you and pray that

you will receive a blessing from yourservice with us in theLofd's work.

Some new opportunities have opened up to us and the call has com^
Come over into...., and help us!" God is blessing these opportunities and

we see His is beginning to woric in the hearts of those who are hearing His Word. The da^i^ter of a Buddhist priest shpws.promise of becoming
of the first converts in one of these new places. The past year has also brought new problems in the churches and we see Satan is busily woricing to hinder would-be believers and destroy the faith of
confessed believers. However, we know God's Word will stand and we are

encouraged by the answer of prayer in many things.

We pray that during the new year your hearts will be filled with peace
and joy, and that His love will fill your lives and cause you to walk ever more closely with Him. May you have rich e^eriences in His servicd
Yours in Chris^

The Ray Min^.Family

jUTF-VJ-.^ I

S/Iadden Memorial Building

i ^

43 IB
wj ^

(I j 1 i

1 1 t

3)-6 ehoma, Nakam^-cJio

Acohf-fcu, 0afca, Japan

T ^
W. RAY MINGS Faxaily

i ^

1152-3 iTal-iaburis

Kiralcata-shi^ Osalcaj Japan

vQM4 CO.

l^yG 151960

Jvlj i960 .


Dear Ghristian Friends,


This letter is so long overdue that perhaps v.-e had better go back and tell you some of the things that took place this spring.
The end of March v/as convention and this year both the church convention and the znissionary convention were held in Tanabe at the Kinan Church of Christ. The highlight of the church convention v&s the three confessions that were :7iade on the last


day. One was the .mother of the pastor of the Kinan Church. The missionary convention was a time of spiritual refreshing
with wonderful messages in English and hearts vrere lifted in prayer and praise to God, The closing session was in honor of
u-race Parnham v/ho v/ill leave Japan this si^nmer.



The end of i.Iarch vras also graduation thiie at the Seminary.

Si:: graduated and four nev.- students came in at the opening of the new terra. It is a Joy to see these youjig people go out to take up


v;ork in the placcs to which they have been called. They need your prayers. The problems in the churches are many and difficult.



^.i'ish Bible class preparecH To "required maaiy hours of practise

In April vie gave our

"He Is Hisen" which the Eng-


/and preparation, but v;e feel that it was v/orth a lot to those v/ho
took part and also to those who v/itnessed it. This is a play that our son, Lonnie^ \7r0te. If you v/ould like to use it, (or the one for Christmas. ''Behold' the Ilessiah"), vn?ite to our forwarding





agenV," Mrs- J^lmer l^ry,""Oal:for'd, Indiana and request the nuinber



of copies that you need. You may send to her the amoiuit of post-T.-ageif you wish. There is no charge.




o nt

your prayers


In_/\iay^Matui:le ben:an a nev/ women^s in Hew Tovm, a town that has boon ontiroly buiilt' ui3 in the last tv;o orie "lialf
years. It is a vronderful opportunity and lies only about a mile
from here. Please remember to pray for this class ajid that xre \7ill soon have some young man who can go there to preach.

!, of -preachers is still one of tlie hindrances to the

v/oric. We to send to

see' many op^Pfirt-miities to open nev/ v/ork hat have no one


i-u on. Hay is preaching regularly ajid'teaching"'"


regularly so that \7ith the week nisht classes that he has, he cannot
talie on much more. Pray that_tlie Lord v/ill send v.'-orkers into the
harvest, " ,

That is, we have abcajLL^^l^^OOO"v

"'Continue to praT for olu'' Seminar,YJDi;iilding, "^^adden Memorial Building) ' We'~ncm';'Ka3re.., oi^^ atJpuiitllird of the est inmted,_cost

pledges v;ere sufficient' to"^"cover '

the balance v;e could sigh"th^^)uilding contract immediately. However,

we had th,e. grpimd brealjiing ceremony on^Julv Ist, and we have, hopes

pf j^ing. ab_le._to start. buildijag^,^or;^v and finish by the end of the year. Remember, oui^ is now the o^^L3lEl.a-.^emixi^^^ of our people in
physical as well as spiritual resources.

Japi^...And the need for trained leadership is critical. This requires

^^Visitprs ,are a real blessing to us here so far from hom and we haVf^'Been Happy to have "l-s several times during this last school year. She is" a teacher in the Aii?force school and comes
from the state of Iowa. She is a wonderful person and displays a true Christian s-oirit wherever she goes. She \illingly helps in any thing that she can do. She has been teaching a Bible class in Tokyo and helping the missionaries in many ways.
otherg \n .qitfid since our last letter were: The Maxey family from the southern island of Kyushu, the '"frrai a smaller island much fartlier south, Tangashiiiia,

faraily enroute to the States from the Philippines, The Raj

enroute to India, Bettx..Jar-fer.ough enroute to the Stafes^rom the

Philippines, and Brother Morgan from Boise Idaho, v/ho with his family

is on a world tour. We thank G-od for those v/ho drop in to .encourage m.

Prayer is. always vitallyJ^ipprtjnt, but in these days, we feel that Christians everyivhere should imite in earnest prayer not only
for the futnse of mission r/ork, but also_,_faJl,tii^3.-aoaiiitry and for our,,,qvm,,d,^^^ We Imov/ that there is power in prayer, and by prayer Satan cah'^be defeated. Y/e fear that Satan is using the youth in this country and m.any other places as v;-ell. lie is not only using them but also taking over many of them# Fathers and Mothers have talcen the path of least resistace aa d the devil has teJren charge. is a host for the service of the Lord if they

\w^e only guided into that service.

Of course you have heard of the recent (and continuing ) riQ^..

and demonstrations in J-pan. Some have expressed anxiety for the

safety of i\mericons in Japan. So fai? there _i_s_no cause to fear for our safety. The papers continue to saiy^ tliat"there is no real anti"Ameican feeling of aay strength, ilnd v/e feel that is true. lir. Haggerty and the President being involved recently was only accidental and very unfortunate. Our involvement has been only by receiving the news with some mental suffering and an occasional discussion. But any^/ay^ _Jap^ despersLik^Qly needs the prayers of Cl^:istians.
The sumiuer progr.?j;i of tent meetings, DVBS^s, cair^p, etc. begins

in a few days and continue through the sin-.Tmer. Please pray for the
success of these projects.

We sincerely thank you for continued help in pra.yer and material help. Both are badly needed. And God bless you.

The I.iings fai'nily

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