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IGNOU HRM Courses Syllabus

MS21 Social Processes and Behavioural Issues

I SOCIAL AND ORGANISATIONAL CULTURES 1 Indian Environment: Perspective Introduction on Cultural Processes and Social to the Course Structures 2 Society in Transition 3 Organisational and Managerial Managerial Values and Work Ethics Values and Work Ethics II INTRA-PERSONAL PROCESSES 4 Understanding Human Behaviour 5 Learning 6 Perception 7 Stress and Coping III INTER-PERSONAL PROCESSES 8 Helping Processes 9 Communication and Feedback Communication 10 Inter-personal Styles and Feedback IV GROUP AND INTER GROUP PROCESSES 11 Group Formation and Group Processes 12 Organisational Communication 13 Team Development and Team Functioning Team Building 14 Conflict, Competition and Collaboration V ORGANISATIONAL PROCESSES 15 Organisational Processes: An Overview of Major Concepts, and Emerging Trends 16 Power, Politics and Authority 17 Integration, and Control 18 Organisational Climate 19 Organisational Effectiveness

MS22 Human Resource Development

I HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES, DESIGN AND EXPERIENCE 1 Human Resource Development: HRD-An Overview 2 Human Resource Development: Strategies 3 Human Resource Development: Experiences (cases)

II HRD AND THE SUPERVISOR 4 Line Managers and HRD 5 Task Analysis 6 Motivational Aspects of HRD 7 Developmental Supervision 8 Counselling and Mentoring III COMPARATIVE HRD EXPERIENCES 9 HRD Overview in Government and Public Systems 10 HRD for Health and Family Welfare in Select 11 HRD in Other Sectors (Defence, Police, Voluntary Organisations, and Panchayati Raj Institutions) 12 HRD in Service Industry 13 Comparative HRD- International Experiences IV MAIN ISSUES IN HRD 14 HRD Culture and Climate 15 HRD for Workers 16 HRD/OD Approach to IR Corporate Business 17 Organising for HRD Resurgence Effectiveness 18 Emerging Trends and Perspectives

MS23 Human Resource Planning

I BASICS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING 1 Macro Level Scenario of Human Resource Planning 2 Concepts and Process of Human Resource Planning 3 Methods and Techniques-Demand Forecasting 4 Methods and Techniques-Supply Forecasting II JOB EVALUATION 5 Job Evaluation: Concepts, Scope and Limitations 6 Job Analysis and Job Description 7 Job Evaluation Methods III ACTION AREAS - ISSUES AND EXPERIENCES 8 Selection and Recruitment 9 Induction and Placement 10 Performance and Potential Appraisal 11 Transfer, Promotion and Reward Policies

12 Training and Retraining IV MEASUREMENTS IN HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING 13 Human Resource Information System 14. Human Resource Audit 15 Human Resource Accounting

MS24 Union - Management Relations

I CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 1 Union Management Relations Perspective 2 Public Policies and Union Management Relations 3 Major Events and International Issues II UNIONS AND UNIONISM 4 Trade Union Development and Function 5 Trade Union Structures and Trade Union Recognition 6 Leadership and Management in the Trade Unions 7 White Collar and Managerial Trade Unions 8 Management and Employers Association III CONFLICT RESOLUTION 9 Dynamics of Conflict and Collaboration 10 Nature and Content of Collective Bargaining 11 Negotiation Skills 12 Issues and Trends in Collective Bargaining 13 Role of Labour Administration: Conciliation, Arbitration and Adjudication IV WORKERS PARTICIPATION IN MANAGEMENT 14 Evolution, Structure and Processes 15 Design and Dynamics of Participative Forums 16 Strategies and Planning for Implementing Participation V TRENDS IN UNION MANAGEMENT RELATIONS 17 Emerging Trends in Union Management Relations 18 Cross, Cultural Aspects of Union Management Relations

MS25 Managing Change in Organisations

CONCEPT OF MANAGING CHANGE 1 The Process of Organisational Change 2 Key Roles in Organisational Change 3 Culture and Change 4 Managing Resistance to Change 5 Effective Implementation of Change II DIAGNOSIS AND INTERVENTION 6 Orgaisational Diagnosis: Issues and Concepts-An Overview 7 Diagnostic Methodology: Salient Features 8 Diagnostic Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative 9 Intervention in Organisational Change 10 Evaluation of Organisational Change Programme III MODELS OF ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE 11 Some Models of Organisational Change 12 Why Changes May Fail: Two Case Examples 13 OD in an NGO 14 Organisational Change and Process Consultation 15 Work Redesign Model IV CONSULTING : APPROACHES & SKILLS 16 Manager as Agent of Change 17 Internal Change Agent 18 External Change Agent (Consultant)

MS26 Organisational Dynamics

I GROUP DYNAMICS 1 Understanding Groups 2 Phases of Group Development 3 Group Cohesion and Alienation 4 Conformity and Obedience II ROLE DYNAMICS 5 The Concept and Systems of Roles 6 Role Analysis

7 Organisational Stress and Burnout 8 Coping with Stress and Burnout III POWER DYNAMICS 9 Bases of Power 10 The Process of Empowerment 11 Decentralisation & Delegation 12 Transformational Leadership IV ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 13 Organisational Culture 14 Social Responsibilities of Organisations 15 Organisational Ethics and Values 16 Process of Learning Organisations V INTER-ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 17 Cross Cultural Dynamics 18 Management of Diversity 19 Strategic Alliances and Coalition Formation

MS27 Wage and Salary Administration

I COMPENSATION - CONCEPT AND CONTEXT 1 Role of Compensation and Rewards in Organisation 2 Economic and Behavioural Issues in Compensation 3 Framework of Compensation Policy II LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION 4 Wage Concepts and Definition of Wages Under Various Labour Legislation 5 Constitutional Perspective, International Labour Standards, and Norms for Wage Determination 6 Law relating to Payment of Wages and Bonus 7 Regulation of Minimum Wages and Equal Remuneration 8 Law Relating to Retiral Benefits III COMPENSATION STRUCTURE AND DIFFERENTIALS 9 Pay Packet Composition 10 Institutional Mechanism for Wage Determination 11 Job Evaluation and Internal Equity 12 External Equity and Pay Surveys IV REWARD SYSTEM, INCENTIVES AND PAY RESTRUCTURING

13 Design of Performance-linked Reward System 14 Incentives for Blue and White Collars 15 Bonus, Profit Sharing and Stock Options 16 Allowances and Benefits 17 Downsizing and Voluntary Retirement Scheme V EMERGING ISSUES AND TRENDS 18 Tax Planning 19 Overview of Future Trends in Compensation Management

MS28 Labour Laws

I INTRODUCTION TO LABOUR LEGISLATION 1 Philosophy of Labour Laws 2 Labour Laws, Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management 3 Labour Laws: Concept, Origin, Objectives and Classification 4 International Labour Organisation International Labour Organisation and Indian Labour Legislations 5 Indian Constitution and Labour Legislations 6 Labour Policy, Emerging Issues and Future Trends II LAWS ON WORKING CONDITIONS 7 The Factories Act, 1948 8 The Mines Act, 1952 9 Shops and Estabishment Law 10 Plantation Labour Act, 1951 11 Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act, 1986) 12 Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation Act, 1986) III INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS LAWS 13 Trade Union Act, 1926 14 Industrial Disputes Act, 1947-I 15 Industrial Disputes Act, 1947-II 16 Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 17 Industrial Discipline and Misconduct 18 Domestic Enquiry IV WAGES AND LABOUR LAWS 19 Minimum Wages Act, 1948 20 Payment of Wages Act, 1936

21 Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 22 Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 V LAWS FOR LABOUR WELFARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY 23 Social Security Legislation: An Overview 24 The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 25 The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 26 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 27 The Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 28 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

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